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// ==UserScript==
// @name       XuanFengEx
// @namespace  https://github.com/rhyzx/xuanfeng-userscript
// @version    0.8.0
// @description  QQ旋风网页版离线下载增强
// @match      http://lixian.qq.com/main.html*
// @copyright  2016+, rhyzx
// ==/UserScript==
* export downloads
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery // v1.6.1
, msg     = window.XF.widget.msgbox
// export / rewrite
$('#task_dl_local em').text('导出下载')
EventHandler.task_batch2local = function (e) {
if ($(e).hasClass('disabled_btn')) return
msg.show('获取下载地址中...', 0, 5000)
requestDownloadLinks(function (dls) {
// get selected tasks' download link/cookie/filename
// callback(dowloads)
function requestDownloadLinks(callback) {
var count = 0
, downloads = []
// TODO? pre-check task status by
// $.getJSON('/handler/lixian/get_lixian_items.php')
.done(function (res) {
$.each(res, function (i, task) {
// check
if (
!$('#task_sel_' +task.mid).is(':checked')|| // user selected
task.file_size !== task.comp_size        || // download finished
task.dl_status !== TASK_STATUS['ST_UL_OK']
) return
$.post('/handler/lixian/get_http_url.php', {
hash    : task.hash
, filename: task.file_name
//, g_tk    : getACSRFToken(cookie.get('skey', 'qq.com'))
//, browser : 'other'
}, null, 'json')
.done(function (res) {
if (res && res.ret === 0) {
// break speed limit
// thanks @4023 https://userscripts.org/users/381599
var url = res.data.com_url
.replace('xflx.store.cd.qq.com:443', 'xfcd.ctfs.ftn.qq.com')
.replace('xflx.sz.ftn.qq.com:80', 'sz.disk.ftn.qq.com')
.replace('xflx.cd.ftn.qq.com:80', 'cd.ctfs.ftn.qq.com')
.replace('xflxsrc.store.qq.com:443', 'xfxa.ctfs.ftn.qq.com')
url         : url
, cookie      : res.data.com_cookie
, filename    : task.file_name
.fail(function () {
msg.show('获取失败', 2, 2000)
.always(function () {
if (count === 0) {
// sort according to filename
downloads.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.filename.localeCompare(b.filename)
.fail(function () {
msg.show('获取列表的接口坏了嘛?! 请联系脚本作者', 2, 2000)
window.requestDownloadLinks = requestDownloadLinks // export to global
/// =====
* aria rpc
injectScript(function recall() {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery
, msg     = window.XF.widget.msgbox
// button
var $export = $('#task_dl_local')
var $rpc = $export.clone()
.attr('id', 'task_dl_rpc')
// diable/enable botton
$(document).click(function () {
? $rpc.addClass('disabled_btn')
: $rpc.removeClass('disabled_btn')
$rpc.click(function (evt) {
if ($rpc.hasClass('disabled_btn')) return
var config = {
url : localStorage.getItem('rpc-url')
, token : localStorage.getItem('rpc-token')
if (config.url) {
msg.show('获取下载地址中...', 0, 5000)
requestDownloadLinks(function (dls) {
msg.show('rpc请求中...', 0, 5000)
rpc(dls, config)
.done(function (res) {
msg.show('成功', 1, 2000)
.fail(function ($xhr, status, error) {
msg.show('rpc请求失败,请检查设置,Message: ' +error, 2, 2000)
} else {
msg.show('rpc未设置', 3, 2000)
g_pop_rpc.showConfig() // default url
function rpc(dls, config) {
var data = []
$.each(dls, function (k, dl) {
var ret = {
jsonrpc : '2.0'
, id      : 'down_' +k
, method  : 'aria2.addUri'
, params  : [
, {
out     : dl.filename
, header  : 'Cookie: FTN5K=' +dl.cookie
, continue: 'true'
, split   : '10'
, 'max-connection-per-server' : '10'
if (config.token) {
ret.params.unshift('token:' +config.token)
// return Deferred Obj
return $.post(config.url, JSON.stringify(data))
// filter error
.pipe(function (res, status, $xhr) {
if (res[0].error) {
return $.Deferred().reject($xhr, 'error', res[0].error.message)
/// =====
* auto login
injectScript(function recall() {
// ======
// function from http://imgcache.qq.com/ptlogin/ver/10021/js/comm.js
var hexchar2bin=function(str){var arr=[];for(var i=0;i<str.length;i=i+2){arr.push("\\x"+str.substr(i,2))}arr=arr.join("");eval("var temp = '"+arr+"'");return temp}
var md5=function(){var r=1;var n="";var t=8;var a=32;function u(r){return e(r)}function e(r){return g(v(A(r),r.length*t))}function v(r,n){r[n>>5]|=128<<n%32;r[(n+64>>>9<<4)+14]=n;var t=1732584193;var u=-271733879;var e=-1732584194;var v=271733878;for(var i=0;i<r.length;i+=16){var s=t;var A=u;var g=e;var b=v;t=f(t,u,e,v,r[i+0],7,-680876936);v=f(v,t,u,e,r[i+1],12,-389564586);e=f(e,v,t,u,r[i+2],17,606105819);u=f(u,e,v,t,r[i+3],22,-1044525330);t=f(t,u,e,v,r[i+4],7,-176418897);v=f(v,t,u,e,r[i+5],12,1200080426);e=f(e,v,t,u,r[i+6],17,-1473231341);u=f(u,e,v,t,r[i+7],22,-45705983);t=f(t,u,e,v,r[i+8],7,1770035416);v=f(v,t,u,e,r[i+9],12,-1958414417);e=f(e,v,t,u,r[i+10],17,-42063);u=f(u,e,v,t,r[i+11],22,-1990404162);t=f(t,u,e,v,r[i+12],7,1804603682);v=f(v,t,u,e,r[i+13],12,-40341101);e=f(e,v,t,u,r[i+14],17,-1502002290);u=f(u,e,v,t,r[i+15],22,1236535329);t=o(t,u,e,v,r[i+1],5,-165796510);v=o(v,t,u,e,r[i+6],9,-1069501632);e=o(e,v,t,u,r[i+11],14,643717713);u=o(u,e,v,t,r[i+0],20,-373897302);t=o(t,u,e,v,r[i+5],5,-701558691);v=o(v,t,u,e,r[i+10],9,38016083);e=o(e,v,t,u,r[i+15],14,-660478335);u=o(u,e,v,t,r[i+4],20,-405537848);t=o(t,u,e,v,r[i+9],5,568446438);v=o(v,t,u,e,r[i+14],9,-1019803690);e=o(e,v,t,u,r[i+3],14,-187363961);u=o(u,e,v,t,r[i+8],20,1163531501);t=o(t,u,e,v,r[i+13],5,-1444681467);v=o(v,t,u,e,r[i+2],9,-51403784);e=o(e,v,t,u,r[i+7],14,1735328473);u=o(u,e,v,t,r[i+12],20,-1926607734);t=c(t,u,e,v,r[i+5],4,-378558);v=c(v,t,u,e,r[i+8],11,-2022574463);e=c(e,v,t,u,r[i+11],16,1839030562);u=c(u,e,v,t,r[i+14],23,-35309556);t=c(t,u,e,v,r[i+1],4,-1530992060);v=c(v,t,u,e,r[i+4],11,1272893353);e=c(e,v,t,u,r[i+7],16,-155497632);u=c(u,e,v,t,r[i+10],23,-1094730640);t=c(t,u,e,v,r[i+13],4,681279174);v=c(v,t,u,e,r[i+0],11,-358537222);e=c(e,v,t,u,r[i+3],16,-722521979);u=c(u,e,v,t,r[i+6],23,76029189);t=c(t,u,e,v,r[i+9],4,-640364487);v=c(v,t,u,e,r[i+12],11,-421815835);e=c(e,v,t,u,r[i+15],16,530742520);u=c(u,e,v,t,r[i+2],23,-995338651);t=h(t,u,e,v,r[i+0],6,-198630844);v=h(v,t,u,e,r[i+7],10,1126891415);e=h(e,v,t,u,r[i+14],15,-1416354905);u=h(u,e,v,t,r[i+5],21,-57434055);t=h(t,u,e,v,r[i+12],6,1700485571);v=h(v,t,u,e,r[i+3],10,-1894986606);e=h(e,v,t,u,r[i+10],15,-1051523);u=h(u,e,v,t,r[i+1],21,-2054922799);t=h(t,u,e,v,r[i+8],6,1873313359);v=h(v,t,u,e,r[i+15],10,-30611744);e=h(e,v,t,u,r[i+6],15,-1560198380);u=h(u,e,v,t,r[i+13],21,1309151649);t=h(t,u,e,v,r[i+4],6,-145523070);v=h(v,t,u,e,r[i+11],10,-1120210379);e=h(e,v,t,u,r[i+2],15,718787259);u=h(u,e,v,t,r[i+9],21,-343485551);t=l(t,s);u=l(u,A);e=l(e,g);v=l(v,b)}if(a==16){return Array(u,e)}else{return Array(t,u,e,v)}}function i(r,n,t,a,u,e){return l(s(l(l(n,r),l(a,e)),u),t)}function f(r,n,t,a,u,e,v){return i(n&t|~n&a,r,n,u,e,v)}function o(r,n,t,a,u,e,v){return i(n&a|t&~a,r,n,u,e,v)}function c(r,n,t,a,u,e,v){return i(n^t^a,r,n,u,e,v)}function h(r,n,t,a,u,e,v){return i(t^(n|~a),r,n,u,e,v)}function l(r,n){var t=(r&65535)+(n&65535);var a=(r>>16)+(n>>16)+(t>>16);return a<<16|t&65535}function s(r,n){return r<<n|r>>>32-n}function A(r){var n=Array();var a=(1<<t)-1;for(var u=0;u<r.length*t;u+=t){n[u>>5]|=(r.charCodeAt(u/t)&a)<<u%32}return n}function g(n){var t=r?"0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef";var a="";for(var u=0;u<n.length*4;u++){a+=t.charAt(n[u>>2]>>u%4*8+4&15)+t.charAt(n[u>>2]>>u%4*8&15)}return a}return u}();
var $       = window.jQuery
, msg     = window.XF.widget.msgbox
, cookie  = window.QZFL.cookie
// rewrite
QQXF.COMMON.backToLogin = function (time) {
if (time === 13) return logout() // user click logout
var uin = localStorage.getItem('uin')
, passhex = localStorage.getItem('passhex')
// autologin
if (uin && passhex) {
msg.show('自动登录中...', 0, 5000, true)
checkVC(uin, function (code, vcode, vc) {
if (code == '0') { // no captcha
login(uin, passhex, vcode, vc)
} else { // captcha
g_pop_login.showVC(function (vcode) {
login(uin, passhex, vcode, vc)
}, uin)
} else {
// self login
g_pop_login.showLogin(function (uin, pass, vcode, vc, save) {
var passhex = hexchar2bin( md5(pass) )
localStorage.setItem('uin', uin)
if (save) { // save pass
localStorage.setItem('passhex', passhex)
login(uin, passhex, vcode, vc)
}, uin)
// vc
var vcallback
function checkVC(uin, callback) {
vcallback = callback
$.getScript('http://check.ptlogin2.qq.com/check?uin=' +uin)
window.checkVC = checkVC // export
// check vc callback
window.ptui_checkVC = function (code, vcode, vc) {
vcallback.apply(null, arguments)
// login main
function login (uin, passhex, vcode, vc) {
, '?u=' +uin
, '&p=' +md5( md5(passhex+vc) +vcode.toUpperCase() )
, '&verifycode=' +vcode
// useles but necessary for request
, '&u1=http%3A%2F%2Fqq.com&aid=1&h=1&from_ui=1&g=1'
// login callback
// code? ? url ? info usr
//ptuiCB('4','3','','0','登录失败,请重试。*', '100000');
window.ptuiCB = function (code, x, url, x2, tip, usr) {
if (code == '0') {
msg.show(tip, 1, 5000)
} else {
msg.show(tip, 2, 5000)
setTimeout(function () {
}, 800)
// logout main
function logout() {
cookie.del('uin', 'qq.com')
cookie.del('skey', 'qq.com')
msg.show('已退出', 3, 2000)
/// =====
* magnet
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $   = window.jQuery
, msg = window.XF.widget.msgbox
// orignal code by binux
// https://gist.github.com/binux/4585941
$('#input_tips').text('请输入HTTP/eD2k/magnet链接').each(function () {
var $tips = $(this)
// rewrite
var _info = EventHandler.set_hide_info
, input = $('#dl_url_id').get(0)
var isMagnet = /^magnet:\?/i
EventHandler.set_hide_info = function () {
var url = input.value//.replace(/,/g, '_')
if ( isMagnet.test(url) ) {
// clean up
input.value = ''
} else {
_info.apply(EventHandler, arguments)
// mock bt upload function
// extract show bt files select function
var showFileList = (function () {
var AjaxUpload = window.AjaxUpload
var showFileList
window.AjaxUpload = function ($e, options) {
showFileList = options.onComplete
window.initTorrent() // call
window.AjaxUpload = AjaxUpload // revert
return showFileList
function addMagnetTask(url) {
msg.show('解析magnet链接中...', 0, 20000, true)
// callback name is hard coded
url     : 'http://pew.rhyzx.im/magnet?callback=?'
, data    : { u : url }
, cache   : true
, dataType: 'jsonp'
}).done(function (res) {
showFileList(null, JSON.stringify({
ret : 0
, name: res.name
, hash: res.infoHash.toLowerCase()
, files : res.files.map(function (item, i) {
return {
file_index  : item.index
, file_name   : item.name
, file_size   : item.length_f
, file_size_ori : item.length
}).fail(function ($xhr) {
msg.show('解析magnet链接失败:' + $xhr.responseText, 2, 2000)
/// =====
* fold bt
* TODO update bt info when task update
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery
, format  = new CTaskParaFormat
// fix bt fold
var _showList = CTaskOp.prototype.showListFromCache
CTaskOp.prototype.showListFromCache = function (firstGet) {
_showList.call(this, true) // always firstGet
// rewrite
// add url to new task
var _getInfo = CTaskOp.prototype.getTaskTemplateInfo
CTaskOp.prototype.getTaskTemplateInfo = function (task) {
var info = _getInfo.apply(this, arguments)
if (!task.task_type && !task.file_url) {
info.task_org_url = task.bt_id
return info
// rewrite
var _show = QQVIP.template.show
QQVIP.template.show = function (options) {
var taskList = options.JSON, newList = []
var bt // last bt task
, key = 0
for (var i=0, task; task=taskList[i++];) {
// show full name
task.task_short_file_name = task.task_file_name
// bt task url pattern: hash_index
// eg. task_org_url: "DB7B0F2264494DAFCD20CACB410399CC65230819_0"
var hash = (task.task_org_url || '').split('_')
if (hash.length > 1) { // is bt
if (!bt || bt.hash !== hash[0]) { // new bt
bt = {
hash            : hash[0]
, count           : 0
, cloudplayer_status : 'player_hide'
//, cloudplayer_url: '###'
, eyun_status     : 'eyun_hide'
//, hash: '181674167CD5C63034A212F2BD120BE8A7D8E5E9'
//, not_empty: ''
, org_file_size   : 0
//, player_status: 'player_ok'
//, player_url: 'id=181674167CD5C63034A212F2BD120BE8A7D8E5E9&uin=542521520'
//, task_dl_local_class: ''
, task_dl_speed   : 'BT任务'
, task_done_percent : '0%'
//, task_done_percent_class: 'green'
, task_file_name  : '[BT]' +task.task_file_name
, task_file_size  : '0'
, task_file_type  : 'icon_bt'
, task_id         : 'bt_' +key++ // key for select
, task_left_days  : task.task_left_days
//, task_org_url: '8DAB9FC87D97F44B3C613C4F75D09094E3291DB6_6'
//, task_org_url_class: 'elem_hide'
, task_row_status : 'bt_row'
//, task_share_class: ''
, task_short_file_name : '[BT]' +task.task_file_name
, task_status     : 'icon_bt_unfold'
// add class for toggle display
task.task_row_status = (task.task_row_status || '') +' bt_task_row ' + bt.task_id
// update bt summary info
bt.org_file_size += task.org_file_size
bt.task_file_size = format.formatFilesize(bt.org_file_size)
var percent = parseInt(bt.task_done_percent)/bt.count * (bt.count- 1)
+ parseInt(task.task_done_percent)/bt.count
bt.task_done_percent = percent.toFixed(2) +'%'
bt.task_done_percent_class = bt.task_done_percent === '100%' ? 'green' : ''
options.JSON = newList
_show.call(QQVIP.template, options)
// rewrite
// toggle bt tasks display
var isBt    = /^bt_/, $curr = $()
EventHandler.task_op_display = function (obj, taskid) {
var $e = $(obj)
// bt row, toggle it's task list
if (taskid.match(isBt)) {
var $items = $('#task_info_body > .' +taskid)
var show = !!$e.data('show')
$e.data('show', !show)
show ? $items.hide() : $items.show()
// normal task, show info
// default hanlder will clear DOM class
// so show info by self code
} else {
EventHandler.get_http_url(taskid) // show normal download link
$curr = $e.parent().parent()
// only show visible task's info
if ($curr.is(':visible')) $curr.addClass('bg_curr')
// select all in bt
$(document).delegate('.bt_row .seltbox input', 'click', function () {
var $items = $('#task_info_body > .' +this.id.slice(9)) // task_sel_bt_0
$items.find('.seltbox input').attr('checked', this.checked)
EventHandler.set_top_button() // enable/disable export btn
/// =====
* TODO add multi task
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $ = window.jQuery
/// =====
* others
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $ = window.jQuery
// break normal download restrict
EventHandler.httpDownload = function () {
// big size download will be blocked by default
// just clear this code
/// =====
* download dialogBox
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery
, xfDialog= window.xfDialog
var $export = $((function () {/*
<div id="ex_pop_export_dl" class="com_win">
<div class="com_win_head_wrap"> <h1><em>导出下载</em> <span class="close_win" title="关闭"><a href="javascript:;"></a></span></h1></div>
<div class="com_win_cont_wrap">
<div class="com_win_cont">
<div class="pop">
<p class="ex_file">
<a class="icon_file ex_file_aria" href="javascript:;" target="_blank"
title="$ aria2c -i aria2.down.txt"
<a class="icon_file ex_file_idm" href="javascript:;" target="_blank"
<a class="icon_file ex_file_orbit" href="javascript:;" target="_blank"
<div class="ex_code">
<textarea readonly wrap="off"></textarea>
<div class="com_win_foot_wrap"><div class="com_win_foot"></div></div>
*/}).toString().slice(16, -4)).appendTo('#popup_area')
var $file = $export.find('.ex_file_aria')
, $code = $export.find('.ex_code textarea:first')
, $idm  = $export.find('.ex_file_idm')
, $orbit= $export.find('.ex_file_orbit')
// setup dialog function
var pop = window.g_pop_export = new xfDialog('ex_pop_export_dl')
pop.setDownloads = function (dls) {
var file = '', code = '', idm = '', orbit = ''
for (var i=0, dl; dl=dls[i++];) {
file += [
, '  header=Cookie: FTN5K=' +dl.cookie
, '  out=' +dl.filename
, '  continue=true'
, '  max-connection-per-server=10'
, '  split=10'
, '\n'
code += [
'aria2c -c -s10 -x10 -o '
, dl.filename
, ' --header '
, 'Cookie: FTN5K=' +dl.cookie
, ' '
, dl.url
, '\n'
idm += [
, dl.url //+dl.filename?
, 'cookie: FTN5K=' +dl.cookie
, '>'
, ''
orbit += dl.url
+'|' +dl.filename.replace(/\|/g, '_')
+'||FTN5K=' +dl.cookie
$file.attr('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' +encodeURIComponent(file))
$idm.attr('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' +encodeURIComponent(idm))
$orbit.attr('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' +encodeURIComponent(orbit))
/// =====
* rpc config dialogBox
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery
, xfDialog= window.xfDialog
, msg     = window.XF.widget.msgbox
var $rpc = $((function () {/*
<div id="ex_rpc_config" class="com_win">
<div class="com_win_head_wrap"> <h1><em>Aria RPC设置</em> <span class="close_win" title="关闭"><a href="###"></a></span></h1></div>
<div class="com_win_cont_wrap">
<div class="com_win_cont">
<div class="pop">
<div class="con">
<form action="#">
<div class="">
<p class="p1"><label>地址:</label><input name="url" type="text"></p>
<p class="p2"><label>Secret Token:</label><input name="token" type="text"></p>
<p class="discr">
<a href="javascript:;" class="com_opt_btn ok"><span><em>确定</em></span></a>
<p style="margin-top:20px"><code>&gt; aria2c --enable-rpc=true --rpc-allow-origin-all=true --rpc-secret=token</code></p>
<div class="com_win_foot_wrap"><div class="com_win_foot"></div></div>
*/}).toString().slice(16, -4)).appendTo('#popup_area')
var pop = window.g_pop_rpc = new xfDialog('ex_rpc_config')
var elements    = $rpc.find('form:first').get(0).elements
, url = elements.url
, token = elements.token
pop.showConfig = function (config) {
config = config || {}
url.value = config.url || 'http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc'
token.value = config.token || ''
$rpc.find('.ok:first').click(function () {
localStorage.setItem('rpc-url', url.value)
localStorage.setItem('rpc-token', token.value)
/// =====
* login dialogBox
injectScript(function () {
// ======
var $       = window.jQuery
, xfDialog= window.xfDialog
, msg     = window.XF.widget.msgbox
var $login = $((function () {/*
<div id="login_win" class="com_win">
<div class="com_win_head_wrap"> <h1><em>登录</em> <span class="close_win" title="关闭"><a href="###"></a></span></h1></div>
<div class="com_win_cont_wrap">
<div class="com_win_cont">
<div class="pop">
<div class="con">
<form action="#">
<div class="ex_login_area">
<p class="p1"><label>QQ帐号:</label><input name="uin" type="text"></p>
<p class="p2"><label>QQ密码:</label><input name="pass" type="password"></p>
<div class="ex_vc_area" style="display:none">
<p class="p2" style="">
<input class="ex_vcode" name="vcode" type="text" />
<img class="ex_vimg" width="130" height="53">
<p class="discr">
<a href="javascript:;" class="ex_login_btn com_opt_btn"><span><em>登录</em></span></a>
<span class="ex_login_area">
<input class="ex_check_box" name="save" type="checkbox">
<div class="com_win_foot_wrap"><div class="com_win_foot"></div></div>
*/}).toString().slice(16, -4)).appendTo('#popup_area')
var pop = window.g_pop_login = new xfDialog('login_win')
var elements    = $login.find('form:first').get(0).elements
var $vcArea     = $login.find('.ex_vc_area')
, $loginArea  = $login.find('.ex_login_area')
var $vimg       = $login.find('.ex_vimg').click(function () {
// refresh captcha pic
this.src = 'http://captcha.qq.com/getimage?uin='
+'&' +Date.now()
var action, vc
$login.find('.ex_login_btn').click(function () {
msg.show('登录中...', 0, 5000, true)
// only show vc dialog
pop.showVC = function (callback, uin) {
action = function () {
$vimg.attr('data-uin', uin).click()
// show login dialog
pop.showLogin = function (callback, uin) {
action = function () {
callback(elements.uin.value, elements.pass.value, elements.vcode.value, vc, elements.save.checked)
// set uin and checkVC
if (uin) $(elements.uin).val(uin).change()
// check vc when qq changed
$(elements.uin).change(function () {
var uin = this.value
if (uin.length > 4) {
msg.show('检测帐号中...', 0, 5000)
checkVC(uin, function (code, vcode, _vc) {
vc = _vc
if (code == '0') { // no captcha
elements.vcode.value = vcode
} else { // need captcha
$vimg.attr('data-uin', uin).click() // show pic
/// =====
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