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// ==UserScript==// @name        anime1-downloader// @name:zh-tw  Anime1.me 下載器// @namespace   https://blog.maple3142.net/// @description 下載Anime1.me網站上的動漫// @version     0.8.11// @author      maple3142// @match       https://anime1.me/*// @match       https://p.anime1.me/pic.php*// @match       https://p.anime1.me/ts.php*// @match       https://p.anime1.me/mp4.php*// @match       https://p.anime1.me/mf?id=*// @match       https://torrent.anime1.me/*.html// @match       https://video.anime1.me/video?*// @match       https://player.anime1.me/watch?*// @match       https://player.anime1.me/watchhls?*// @match       https://v.anime1.me/watch?*// @match       https://web.1ani.me/*.html// @match       https://i.animeone.me/*// @noframes// @license     MIT// @require     https://unpkg.com/[email protected]// @require     https://unpkg.com/[email protected]// @require     https://unpkg.com/[email protected]// @grant       GM_info// @grant       GM_download// ==/UserScript==(function (swal,$,Vue) {'use strict';swal = swal && swal.hasOwnProperty('default') ? swal['default'] : swal;$ = $ && $.hasOwnProperty('default') ? $['default'] : $;Vue = Vue && Vue.hasOwnProperty('default') ? 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