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Redacted.CH :: Am I Seeding/Leeching?

Display an extra detail to your infobar (Up, Down, Ratio and Required) that tells you how many torrents you are seeding(+%)/leeching

// ==UserScript==
// @name		Redacted.CH :: Am I Seeding/Leeching?
// @description	Display an extra detail to your infobar (Up, Down, Ratio and Required) that tells you how many torrents you are seeding(+%)/leeching
// @include		http*://*redacted.ch*
// @version		1.4
// @icon                https://redacted.ch/favicon.ico
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/2290
// ==/UserScript==
var align = "right";
var domaine = window.location.hostname;
var userid, userhref, infobar, json_object, cut_data, data_seed, nb_torrents_seeded, data_seed_l, nb_torrents_leeched;
// Default percent seeding value
var percent_seeding = 0;
userid = document.getElementById("nav_userinfo").innerHTML;
userid = userid.substring(userid.indexOf("?id=")+4, userid.indexOf("\" cl"));
userhref = document.URL;
userhref = userhref.substring(0, userhref.indexOf(".cd")+3);
userhref = userhref + "/ajax.php?action=community_stats&userid=" + userid;
infobar = document.getElementById("userinfo_stats");
function get_seed_number(){
method: "GET",
url: "https://"+domaine+"/ajax.php?action=community_stats&userid="+userid+"",
onload: function(retour) {
// Turn response into variable depending on browser
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1){
// If google chrome
var ResponseText = retour.response;
// If firefox
var ResponseText = retour.responseText;
// JSON Content to String
json_object = JSON.stringify(ResponseText);
// Cuting the string
cut_data = json_object.split('\"');
//  alert(json_object);
// Getting the Seeding value from the String
data_seed = cut_data[12];
// Geeting the Leeching value from the String
data_seed_l = cut_data[10];
// If we got a percent value from the api, search it
// Getting the percent of seeding torrents from the String
percent_seeding = cut_data[25];
// Get only the numeric value
percent_seeding = percent_seeding.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,'');
// If the value returns false, we search the correct one
if(percent_seeding == "false"){
// Getting the percent of seeding torrents from the String
percent_seeding = cut_data[27];
// Get only the numeric value
percent_seeding = percent_seeding.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,'');
// Fix with seeding value (0 seeding value)
if(data_seed == "seeding\\") data_seed = cut_data[14];
// Fix with leeching value (0 leeching value)
if(data_seed_l == "seeding\\") {
data_seed_l = cut_data[9];
nb_torrents_leeched = data_seed_l.slice(1, -2);
else {
nb_torrents_leeched = data_seed_l.slice(0, -1);
// Removing the last character of the seeded torrents
nb_torrents_seeded = data_seed.slice(0, -1);
if(nb_torrents_leeched == "seeding") nb_torrents_leeched = 0;
// If the Seeding Number is already created, we update is number
document.getElementById("nb_seeded_torrents").innerHTML = nb_torrents_seeded+" ("+percent_seeding+"%)";
document.getElementById("nb_leeched_torrents").innerHTML = nb_torrents_leeched;
else {
if(nb_torrents_leeched >= 1) var leeching_display = " <li><a href='torrents.php?type=leeching&userid="+userid+"&order=Seeders&way=ASC'>Leeching</a>: <span class='stat' title='" + nb_torrents_leeched + "' id='nb_leeched_torrents'>" + nb_torrents_leeched + "</span></li>";
else var leeching_display = "";
// Display of the Seeding Number
if(align == "left") infobar.innerHTML = "<li><a href='torrents.php?type=seeding&userid="+userid+"'>Seeding</a>: <span class='stat' title='" + nb_torrents_seeded + "' id='nb_seeded_torrents'>" + nb_torrents_seeded + " ("+percent_seeding+"%)</span></li>"+leeching_display+"" + infobar.innerHTML;
else			    infobar.innerHTML = infobar.innerHTML + "<li><a href='torrents.php?type=seeding&userid="+userid+"'>Seeding</a>: <span class='stat' title='" + nb_torrents_seeded + "' id='nb_seeded_torrents'>" + nb_torrents_seeded + " ("+percent_seeding+"%)</span></li>"+leeching_display+"";
// We get the Seeding Number directly after the page is loaded
// Update of the Sedding Number each 1 minute
setInterval(function() {get_seed_number()}, 60000);