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SGW Fixer

Implements numerous improvements to the functionality of the Shopgoodwill seller site.

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  1. Hides text and fields that are extraneous
  2. Integrates a full-featured shipping calculator into the posting page
  3. Adds buttons for common boxes and shipping methods
  4. Seamlessly handles UPS vs. USPS (and insurance on the latter) based on shipping method
  5. Adds private description tag to clearly show how shipping was calculated
  6. Replaces "USPS" with "Post Office", for clarity
  7. Adds functionality for "presets", allowing fields to be automatically filled out for repetitive sets of items
  8. Adds item title and shelf number to post-posting item number page
  9. If store number and/or inventory location aren't filled out, prompts for them
  10. Adds an input for notes to shipping - these say "Note from [poster name]: [blah blah blah]" and are offset from the text
  11. Locks the shipping charge and shipping method menus (but allows them to be unlocked), to prevent accidental errors
  12. Automatically checks "Shipping cannot be combined", but prompts to uncheck it for certain item types (jewelry, media, comic books, phones) For items below 20 pounds, excluding certain categories (figurines, pottery, jewelry grab bags, etc.), prompts the user for whether to allow shipping to be combined automatically checks the "shipping cannot be combined" box (for other items, it remains unchecked)
  13. Locks the item insurance box, so that it cannot be accidentally unchecked
  14. Allows the use of 50 characters in the title, rather than 49 (because that's what the database allows)
  15. Adds text to the Gallery option, suggesting ways to make thumbnail images square so they don't get distorted (obsolete in the new Shopgoodwill.com layout)
  16. Adds a "listing upgrades" section, which includes the new "Premium item" category - this will cause items to end on Wednesday or Thursday (at random), and is entailed by Gallery and Featured status
  17. Automatically checks the "yes of course we authenticated this" checkbox for purses - most of which don't even have brands to authenticate, and which checkbox is typically not noticed by people posting items, leading to confusion and problems
  18. Supports per-poster custom auction durations
  19. Supports per-poster custom auction start delays (for reviewing posts prior to them going live); this delay accounts for weekends
  20. For "pickup only" items, suggests a duration of 4 days - in order to handle limited space for these items
  21. Adds "Step 3 - Shipping" and "Step 4 - Store and location" headers, to help with training
  22. Hides the form if not returning from the photo upload page (vanilla behavior: submitting the form without images causes the entered information to be lost)
  23. Causes the "Add a new item" link after submitting an item to direct the user to the image upload page, saving a click and a some load time
  24. Allows the image upload page to automatically proceed to the item information form, checking every 20 seconds for at least one completed upload and zero incomplete uploads
  25. Ensures that items with the "Pickup Only" disclaimer have dimensions in the description, and sets the shipping method accordingly
  26. Ensures that items whose shipping method is set to "Pickup Only" have the appropriate disclaimer, and have dimensions in the description
  27. Adds additional dropdown menus for quick category selection (because 75% of the 2500+ categories available are in the form of "Clothing > Men's Clothing > Jeans > Size [blah]"...)
  28. For further update history, see https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7850-sgw-fixer-current and https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7892/versions/new