Greasy Fork is available in English.
Install and Manage user styles,Just like Stylish.Of course, Edit included.
Install and Manage user styles,Just like Stylish.
Author: 黄盐(Foovon)
Compatibility Tampermonkey
Some styles may paticulary fit chrome/firefox/..., but this script just install the default style, withoutchecking the paticular one.These may be add to SL in later versions.
multi-line rule
style not workinglike
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(ftp://), url-prefix(file://), url(about:blank),/* Best effort to exclude about pages that conflict with Australis-native styling */regexp("about:(?!addons|app-manager|config|customizing|stylish-edit|downloads|permissions|preferences|sync-tabs|webrtc).*")/*url-prefix("about:neterror")*//* url-prefix("about:"), */
now, it can work correctly.