hack - drawing, texting, player ids, & more hack FINAL has been closed. This script is obsolete.
I will keep the script here as is, since it's still possible to make it work on other clones of the game.
Don't bother trying to send feedback or report any issues, I will not be addressing them
How to run
Install this script using tampermonkey;
or run in browser console (ctrl+shift+j or ctrl+shift+k or F12 to open console).
If you are having problems running the script (functions or hotkeys don't work) try blocking client_out.js script and only run this script.
In adblock custom filters add a line "" without the quotation marks
1. Typing: type a message and hit enter (shift+enter for new row)
-all ascii characters are available.
2. To move only when clicking: press numpad . OR delete OR F2
-Pathfinder will be active in this mode. CTRL+click to ignore pathfinder
-try not to use a too low value of the delay, or you may get disconnected on some levels
--make sure 'no cursor lock' is marked so pathfinder works correctly
3. To start/stop drawing a circle: press numpad 0 OR insert OR CTRL+0
4. To draw arrows, use the arrow keys
5. To draw different images press numpad 1-9 keys OR CTRL+(1-9)
6. To make drawings bigger/smaller use numpad + and - OR CTRL+(plus and minus)
7. Reset drawing size with numpad * OR CTRL+backslash
8. Non numeric keyboard friendly with CTRL combos
9. To show/hide cursors ids: press F8
10. Change ids position with: F9
11. To show this help: press F1
If you just want the ids, try my other script at