hack - drawing, texting, player ids, & more
// ==UserScript== // @name hack FINAL // @namespace q1k // @version 1.2.0 // @description hack - drawing, texting, player ids, & more // @author q1k // @match *:// // @grant none // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== /* ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ ___ / __| | | | `__/ __|/ _ \| `__/ __| | |/ _ \ | (__| |_| | | \__ \ (_) | | \__ \_| | (_) | \___|\__,_|_| |___/\___/|_| |___(_)_|\___/ for a more updated version, go here: */ /* How to use: 1. Go to, open console (ctrl + shift + j or F12) and paste this entire script into the console, then hit enter -if you experience problems running the script, make sure to block "" 2. To type: type message and hit enter (shift+enter for new row) -all ascii characters are available 3. To move your cursor only when clicking: press numpad . OR delete OR F2 -Pathfinder will be active in this mode. (CTRL+click to ignore pathfinder) -try not to use a too low value of the delay, or you may get disconnected on some levels --make sure 'no cursor lock' is marked so pathfinder works correctly To move your cursor normally: press numpad . again 4. To draw a circle: press numpad 0 OR insert OR CTRL+0 To stop drawing a circle: press numpad 0 again 5. To draw arrows, use the arrow keys 6. To draw different images press numpad 1-9 keys OR CTRL+(1-9) 7. To make drawings bigger/smaller use numpad + and - OR CTRL+(plus and minus) 8. Reset drawing size with numpad * OR CTRL+backslash 9. Non numeric keyboard friendly with CTRL combos 10. To show/hide cursors ids: press F8 11. Change ids position with: F9 12. To show this help: press F1 */ var _tempOnClose; var _tempChangeCanvasID = undefined; var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), _tempEvt = function() { _tempOnClose(); }; if (_tempChangeCanvasID != undefined) canvas.setAttribute("id", _tempChangeCanvasID); if ( == "none") { var _tempWSSend = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = function(send) { return function(data) { if (this.readyState == 1) { this.onclose = _tempEvt; this.close(); } if (this.readyState > 0) { clearInterval(_tempInterval); WebSocket.prototype.send = _tempWSSend; } return {} } }(WebSocket.prototype.send); var _tempCanvasEvent = function(_mevt) { var _tempMouseEvent; if (document.createEvent) { _tempMouseEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); _tempMouseEvent.initEvent(_mevt, true, true); } else { _tempMouseEvent = document.createEventObject(); _tempMouseEvent.eventType = _mevt; } _tempMouseEvent.eventName = _mevt; if (document.createEvent) { canvas.dispatchEvent(_tempMouseEvent); } else { canvas.fireEvent("on" + _tempMouseEvent.eventType, _tempMouseEvent); 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if (d >0) {dd.value = fontSize = d;} else dd.value = fontSize = 2; } window.changefontwidth = function(d) { if (d.checked) { textwidth=2/3; fontthin=true; d.blur(); } else { textwidth=1; fontthin=false; d.blur(); } } window.cmessage = "by q1k"; window.changecmessage = function(d) { var dd = document.getElementById('cmessage'); cmessage = d; } window.changeImgSize = function(d) { d = Math.floor(parseInt(d)); var tmp = d/100; var dd = document.getElementById('imgsize'); if (d > 0) { dd.value = d; imageScale = tmp; imgSizeDisplay(); } else { dd.value = 10; imageScale = 0.1; imgSizeDisplay(); } } window.disablemovement = function(d) { if (d.checked) { movementEnabled = false; d.blur() } else { movementEnabled = true; d.blur() } } window.changeextrainfo = function(d) { if (d.checked) { hideExtraInfo = true; d.blur(); } else { hideExtraInfo = false; d.blur(); } } window.toggler = function() { var dd = document.getElementById('toggle'); dd.classList.toggle('open'); if (dd.classList.contains('open')) dd.innerHTML = "hide advanced options <span></span>"; else dd.innerHTML = "show advanced options <span></span>"; } var elm=[]; function Ma() { var el1 = document.querySelectorAll("a[href='']"); var par = el1[0].parentElement; var add = "<label id='help' title='Press F1 for help' onclick='showHelp=!showHelp'><span></span></label>" +"<div id='options-cont'><label id='toggle' onclick='toggler()'>show advanced options <span></span></label><div id='options'>" +"<div><label title='Pathfinder delay for each move (in miliseconds)'>delay: <input id='delay' type='number' step='5' min='0' value='"+delay+"' onchange='changedelay(this.value)'></label>" +"<input id='pathfinder' type='checkbox' title='Pathfinder/Movement (numpad . OR delete OR F2)' onclick='disablemovement(this)'><span class='info pf'></span></div>" +"<div><label title='Size of font (default = 2)'>font size: <input id='fontsize' type='number' step='any' value='"+fontSize+"' onchange='changefontsize(this.value)'></label>" +"<input id='fontwidth' type='checkbox' title='Thin text (F10)' onclick='changefontwidth(this)'><span class='info font'></span></div>" +"<div><label title='Custom message on pressing Page Up'>message: <input id='cmessage' type='text' value='"+cmessage+"' onchange='changecmessage(this.value)'></label><span class='info msg'></span></div>" +"<div><label title='Image size in %'>image size: <input id='imgsize' type='number' step='10' min='0' value='"+imgSizePrcnt+"' onchange='changeImgSize(this.value)'></label><span class='info img'></span></div>" +"<div><label title='On-screen extra information (F11)'>always hide extra labels: <input id='extrainfo' type='checkbox' onclick='changeextrainfo(this)'></label><span class='info einfo'></span></div>" +"</div></div>"; par.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).setAttribute('id','h-options'); document.getElementById('h-options').innerHTML = add; elm = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input")); } var css = "<style>#options,#options>div{margin-top:.5em;position:relative}#help,#toggle{cursor:pointer}#options,#options>div,#toggle span{position:relative}#help span,#toggle span::after{background-size:100% 100%;width:100%}#options>div,#toggle span::after{content:'';background-repeat:no-repeat}a[href*=m28],a[href*=m28]~br,div[style*='height: 90px']{display:none}*{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{opacity:1}#h-options{float:right;margin-bottom:1em}#help{float:right;width:1.75em;height:1.75em}#help span{display:block;background-color:#bfeaf8;background-image:url();border-radius:100%;height:100%}#options,#options::after{border:1px solid #AAA;background-color:#FCFCFC}#options-cont{float:right;text-align:right;margin-right:1.5em}#options{visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transition:all 250ms;text-align:right;display:flex;flex-direction:column;width:auto}#options>div,#toggle,#toggle span{display:inline-block}#options::after{content:'';border-width:1px 0 0 1px;border-radius:0 0 100%;width:8px;height:8px;position:absolute;right:.75em;top:-5px;transform:rotate(45deg)}#options>div{padding-right:1.75em}#options>:first-child{margin-top:0}#options label input:not([type=checkbox]){width:10em}#options #delay,#options #fontsize{width:8.5em}#options #fontwidth,#options #pathfinder{padding:0;margin:0 .1em 0 .4em;width:1em}{opacity:1}{visibility:visible;padding:.5em;opacity:1}#toggle{/*-webkit-appearance:button;-moz-appearance:button;-ms-appearance:button;appearance:button;*/border:1px solid #aaa;background:linear-gradient(0deg, #ddd, transparent);height:1.25em;line-height:1.25em;padding:.25em .5em}{background:linear-gradient(0deg, transparent, #ddd);}#toggle span{margin-left:.25em;height:0;width:1.125em}#toggle span::after{background-image:url();position:absolute;height:1em;bottom:0;right:0;margin-bottom:-.25em} span::after{transform:rotate(180deg)}#options>div{display:inline-block;position:absolute;width:1.25em;right:0;top:0}#options>div{background-image:url();background-size:contain;background-position:center right;width:100%;padding-top:80%;position:absolute;top:0;right:0;cursor:help}{pointer-events:none;text-align:center;white-space:pre;font-size:85%;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;background-color:#FCFCFC;border:1px solid #AAA;box-shadow:0 0 10px 1px #AAA;padding:.35em;position:absolute;bottom:0;left:50%;transform:translateX(calc(-50% + .125em));z-index:2;display:none}{display:block}{content:'Enter your prefered delay for the pathfinder.\\A But beware of using too small values,\\A the server may kick you on some levels\\A if you pass a large distance too quickly.\\A\\A Use CTRL+click to ignore pathfinder.\\A Toggle with numpad dot OR delete OR F2'}{content:'Enter font size for writing.\\A\\A Mark the checkbox for thin text\\A Hotkey: F10'}{content:'Enter your own message to spam.\\A\\A Hotkey: Page Up'}{content:'Enter image size (%).\\A\\A Draw images with numpad 1-9 or CTRL+(1-9)\\A\\A Increase img size: numpad + or CTRL+plus\\A Descrease img size: numpad - or CTRL+minus\\A Reset img size: numpad * or CTRL+backslash'}{content:'Hide the top corners indicators\\A of movement/pathfinder and aura\\A\\A Hotkey: F11'}</style>"; function va(f) { if (D) return L = !1, V(f), !1; U() ? X || (X = !0, W(k, q)) : (X = !1, D || M.checked || y.requestPointerLock && y.requestPointerLock()); if (L) L = !1, Q(); else if (V(f), (f.ctrlKey || f.shiftKey) && !H.checked) Y = !0, R = k, S = q; else if (100 < t - ca && v == k && w == q) { ca = t; I.push([v << 1, w << 1, t]); wa(v, w, clicksCount); var b = [v, w]; N.push(b); setTimeout(function() { N.remove(b); }, 1E3); } return !1; } function xa(f) { Y = !1; } function ya() { A.localStorage && M && (A.localStorage.setItem("noCursorLock", M.checked ? "1" : "0"), A.localStorage.setItem("noDrawings", H.checked ? "1" : "0")); } function V(f) { if (U()) { var b = f.webkitMovementX || f.mozMovementX || f.movementX || 0; f = f.webkitMovementY || f.mozMovementY || f.movementY || 0; 300 > Math.abs(b) + Math.abs(f) && (B += b, C += f, v = B >> 1, w = C >> 1); } else f.offsetX ? (B = f.offsetX, C = f.offsetY) : f.layerX && (B = f.layerX, C = f.layerY), v = B >> 1, w = C >> 1; lastX = posX; lastY = posY; posX = k; posY = q; if (Z(), !U() || v == k && w == q || (f = b = 0, v > k && (b = 1), w > q && (f = 1), v = k, w = q, B = (v << 1) + b, C = (w << 1) + f), Y && (R != k || S != q) && 50 < t - da) { b = R; f = S; var a = k, d = q; if (!D && null != u && u.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { var g = new ArrayBuffer(9), e = new DataView(g); e.setUint8(0, 3); e.setUint16(1, b, !0); e.setUint16(3, f, !0); e.setUint16(5, a, !0); e.setUint16(7, d, !0); u.Send(g); } R = k; S = q; da = t; } } function Z() { ea(k, q) && Q(); if (z(k, q)) { var a; a: { a = k; var b = q, c = [], d = new Uint8Array(12E4); c.push([a, b]); d[a + 400 * b] = 1; do { var g = c.shift(), e = g[0], g = g[1]; if (!(0 > e || 0 > g || 400 <= e || 300 <= g)) { if (!z(e, g)) { a = { x: e, y: g }; break a; } d[e - 1 + 400 * g] || (c.push([e - 1, g]), d[e - 1 + 400 * g] = 1); d[e + 1 + 400 * g] || (c.push([e + 1, g]), d[e + 1 + 400 * g] = 1); d[e + 400 * (g - 1)] || (c.push([e, g - 1]), d[e + 400 * (g - 1)] = 1); d[e + 400 * (g + 1)] || (c.push([e, g + 1]), d[e + 400 * (g + 1)] = 1); } } while (0 < c.length); a = { x: a, y: b }; } k = a.x; q = a.y; } if (k != v || q != w) a = fa(k, q, v, w), k = a.x, q = a.y; ea(k, q) && Q(); } var countlevels=-2; function next() { console.log("Next map"); initialLoad = true; T.set(za); r = []; I = []; O = []; countlevels+=1; } function ga(f) { a.imageSmoothingEnabled = f; a.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = f; a.oImageSmoothingEnabled = f; a.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = f; } function Aa() { next(); console.log("Connected!"); } function Ba(a) { next(); console.log("Socket closed: " + a.reason); } function Ca(a) { console.log("Socket error"); } function Da(a, b) { for (var c = "", d = 0, g = 0; 0 != (g = a.getUint8(b)); ++b) d <<= 8, d |= g, g & 128 || (c += String.fromCharCode(d), d = 0); 0 != d && (c += String.fromCharCode(d)); return [c, b + 1]; } function Ea(a, b) { setTimeout(function() { var c = a.getUint16(b, !0), d = 0; a: for (; d < c; d++) { for (var g = a.getUint16(b + 2 + 4 * d, !0), e = a.getUint16(b + 4 + 4 * d, !0), n = 0; n < N.length; n++) { var l = N[n]; if (l[0] == g && l[1] == e) { N.splice(n, 1); continue a; } } I.push([g << 1, e << 1, t]); } }, 100); return b + 2 + 4 * a.getUint16(b, !0); } function Fa(a, b) { !H.checked && setTimeout(function() { for (var c = a.getUint16(b, !0), d = 0; d < c; d++) { var g = a.getUint16(b + 2 + 8 * d, !0), e = a.getUint16(b + 4 + 8 * d, !0), n = a.getUint16(b + 6 + 8 * d, !0), l = a.getUint16(b + 8 + 8 * d, !0); O.push([g << 1, e << 1, n << 1, l << 1, t]); } }, 50); return b + 2 + 8 * a.getUint16(b, !0); } function Ga(a) { buttonIndex = 0; initialLoad = false; a =; var b = new DataView(a); switch (b.getUint8(0)) { case 0: ha = b.getUint32(1, !0); break; case 1: var c; ia = c = b.getUint16(1, !0); ja = 100 <= c; var d = [], g; for (g in F) F.hasOwnProperty(g) && d.push(g); for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) { g = b.getUint32(3 + 8 * e, !0); var n = b.getUint16(7 + 8 * e, !0), l = b.getUint16(9 + 8 * e, !0); if (g != ha) { if (null != F[g]) { for (var p = 0; p < d.length; p++) if (d[p] == g) { d.splice(p, 1); break; } g = F[g]; g.oldX = g.getX(); g.oldY = g.getY(); g.newX = n; g.newY = l; g.time = t; } else F[g] = new ka(n, l); } else { serverPosX = n; serverPosY = l; } } for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) delete F[d[e]]; c = Ea(b, 3 + 8 * c); g = b.getUint16(c, !0); c += 2; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { a: for (n = b.getUint32(c, !0), e = 0; e < r.length; e++) if (r[e].id == n) { var k = r[e]; if (1 == k.type) for (var n = k.x | 0, l = k.y | 0, p = k.width | 0, k = k.height | 0, m = l; m < l + k; ++m) for (var h = n; h < n + p; ++h) --T[h + 400 * m]; r.splice(e, 1); break a; }c += 4; } g = b.getUint16(c, !0); c += 2; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) { a: { e = b.getUint32(c, !0); for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++) if (r[n].id == e) { e = r[n]; break a; } e = { id: e }; r.push(e); } c += 4;c = la(b, c, e); } c = Fa(b, c); if (a.byteLength < c + 4) break; aa = b.getUint32(c, !0); break; case 4: next(); W(b.getUint16(1, !0), b.getUint16(3, !0)); g = b.getUint16(5, !0); c = 7; for (d = 0; d < g; d++) e = {}, = b.getUint32(c, !0), c += 4, c = la(b, c, e), r.push(e); a.byteLength >= c + 4 ? G = Math.max(G, b.getUint32(c, !0)) : a.byteLength >= c + 2 && (G = Math.max(G, b.getUint16(c, !0))); Z(); break; case 5: W(b.getUint16(1, !0), b.getUint16(3, !0)), 9 <= b.byteLength ? G = Math.max(G, b.getUint32(5, !0)) : 7 <= b.byteLength && (G = Math.max(G, b.getUint16(5, !0))), Z(); } } function Q() { if (!(D || L || null == u || u.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN || k == J && q == K) && movementEnabled) { var a = new ArrayBuffer(9); b = new DataView(a); b.setUint8(0, 1); b.setUint16(1, k, !0); b.setUint16(3, q, !0); b.setUint32(5, G, !0); u.send(a); J = k; K = q; } } function Au() { Throttler.sendOut(); if (auraEnabled) drawAura(J, K); } function wa(a, b, numClicks) { if (!D && null != u && u.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { var c = new ArrayBuffer(9), d = new DataView(c); d.setUint8(0, 2); d.setUint16(1, a, !0); d.setUint16(3, b, !0); d.setUint32(5, G, !0); for (var i = 0; i < numClicks; i++) { u.Send(c); } } } function la(f, b, c) { function d() { c.x = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.y = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.width = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.height = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; } function g() { for (var a = f.getUint32(b, !0).toString(16); 6 > a.length;) a = "0" + a; b += 4; c.color = "#" + a; } var e = f.getUint8(b); b += 1; c.type = e; switch (e) { case 255: break; case 0: c.x = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.y = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.size = f.getUint8(b); b += 1; c.isCentered = !!f.getUint8(b); b += 1; e = Da(f, b); c.text = e[0]; b = e[1]; break; case 1: d(); var n = !c.color; g(); var e = c.x | 0, l = c.y | 0, p = c.width | 0, k = c.height | 0; if (n) for (n = l; n < l + k; ++n) for (var m = e; m < e + p; ++m) ++T[m + 400 * n]; break; case 2: d(); c.isBad = !!f.getUint8(b); b += 1; break; case 3: d(); c.count = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; g(); break; case 4: d(); c.count ? c.count > f.getUint16(b, !0) && (c.lastClickAt = t) : c.lastClickAt = 0; c.count = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; g(); break; case 5: c.x = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.y = f.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; c.queue = [ [0, c.x, c.y]]; c.potentialQueue = []; c.explored = new Uint8Array(12E4); c.img = a.createImageData(400, 300); e = E.createElement("canvas"); e.width = 400; e.height = 300; c.canvas = e; c.ctx = c.canvas.getContext("2d"); break; default: throw Error("Unknown object type " + e); } return b; } function ea(a, b) { if (-1 != J && -1 != K) { var c = fa(J, K, a, b); if (c.x != a || c.y != b) return !0; } for (c = 0; c < r.length; c++) { var d = r[c]; if (2 == d.type && !(k < d.x || q < d.y || k >= d.x + d.width || q >= d.y + d.height)) return !0; } return !1; } //var cursorsonline=0; window.showHelp = false; function ma() { a.clearRect(0, 0, a.canvas.width, a.canvas.height);; if (null != u && u.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN || L) { var f; if (null == u) f = "Click to begin"; else switch (u.readyState) { case WebSocket.CONNECTING: f = "Connecting"; break; case WebSocket.CLOSING: case WebSocket.CLOSED: f = "Lost connection to server"; break; default: f = "Click to begin"; } a.font = 60 + "px NovaSquare"; a.fillText(f, 400 - a.measureText(f).width / 2, 300); a.font = 20 + "px NovaSquare"; f = "-> script remastered by q1k <-"; a.fillText(f, 400 - a.measureText(f).width / 2, 345); na(); oa(!1); } else { a.fillStyle = "#000000";; a.globalAlpha = 1; var typeZeroCount = 0; var typeOneCount = 0; var typeTwoCount = 0; var typeThreeCount = 0; var typeFourCount = 0; for (f = 0; f < r.length; f++) { var b = r[f]; if (0 == b.type) { a.font = b.size + "px NovaSquare"; var c = b.x << 1, d = b.y << 1; b.isCentered && (c -= a.measureText(b.text).width / 2); a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.fillText(b.text, c, d); typeZeroCount++; } else if (1 == b.type) { a.fillStyle = b.color, a.fillRect(b.x << 1, b.y << 1, b.width << 1, b.height << 1); a.strokeStyle = "#000000", a.globalAlpha = .2, a.lineWidth = 2; a.strokeRect((b.x << 1) + 1, (b.y << 1) + 1, (b.width << 1) - 2, (b.height << 1) - 2); a.globalAlpha = 1; typeOneCount++; } else if (2 == b.type) { a.fillStyle = b.isBad ? "#FF0000" : "#00FF00", a.globalAlpha = .2; a.fillRect(b.x << 1, b.y << 1, b.width << 1, b.height << 1); a.globalAlpha = 1; typeTwoCount++; } else if (3 == b.type) { var c = b.x << 1, d = b.y << 1, g = b.width << 1, e = b.height << 1; a.fillStyle = b.color; a.globalAlpha = .2; a.fillRect(c, d, g, e); a.globalAlpha = .5; a.fillStyle = "#000000"; if (40 > b.width || 40 > b.height) { a.font = 30 + "px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + g / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 10); } else { a.font = 60 + "px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + g / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 20); }; a.globalAlpha = 1; typeThreeCount++; } else if (4 == b.type) { c = b.x << 1; d = b.y << 1; g = b.width << 1; e = b.height << 1; a.fillStyle = b.color; a.strokeStyle = b.color; a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillRect(c, d, g, e); a.globalAlpha = .2; a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.fillRect(c, d, g, e); a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillStyle = b.color; var n = 150 > t - b.lastClickAt, l = n ? 8 : 12; a.fillRect(c + l, d + l, g - 2 * l, e - 2 * l); a.strokeStyle = "#000000"; a.globalAlpha = .1; a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(c, d); a.lineTo(c + l, d + l); a.moveTo(c + g, d); a.lineTo(c + g - l, d + l); a.moveTo(c, d + e); a.lineTo(c + l, d + e - l); a.moveTo(c + g, d + e); a.lineTo(c + g - l, d + e - l); a.moveTo(c, d); a.rect(c, d, g, e); a.rect(c + l, d + l, g - 2 * l, e - 2 * l); a.stroke(); a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.globalAlpha = .5; if (50 > b.width || 50 > b.height) { a.font = 35 + "px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + g / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 13); } else { a.font = 45 + "px NovaSquare", a.fillText(b.count, c + g / 2 - a.measureText(b.count).width / 2, d + e / 2 + 16); } n && (a.fillStyle = "#000000", a.globalAlpha = .15, a.fillRect(c + l, d + l, g - 2 * l, e - 2 * l)); a.globalAlpha = 1; typeFourCount++; } else 5 == b.type && (ga(!1), a.drawImage(b.canvas, 0, 0, 400, 300, 0, 0, 800, 600, ga(!0))); } if (r.length == 8 && typeZeroCount == 4 && typeOneCount == 3 && typeTwoCount == 1 && typeThreeCount == 0 && typeFourCount == 0) { a.globalAlpha = 1; f = "(Or just play", a.font = 15 + "px NovaSquare", a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.fillText(f, 400 - a.measureText(f).width / 2, 408); } a.restore(); if (!D) { a.font = 12 + "px NovaSquare", a.strokeStyle = "#000000", a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF", a.lineWidth = 2.5; f = ja ? "Area too full, not all cursors are shown" : 30 < ia ? "Area too full, drawing is disabled" : "Use shift+click to draw"; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 590), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 10, 590); if (aa != 0) { //f = (cursorsonline+1) + "/" + f = aa + " players online", b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 590), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 590); }; if (!movementEnabled && !hideExtraInfo) { f = "movement disabled / pathfinder enabled"; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 15), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 10, 15); f = "press numpad . OR delete OR F2 to toggle"; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 30), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 10, 30); } if (auraEnabled && !hideExtraInfo) { f = "aura enabled", b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 15), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 15); f = "press numpad 0 OR insert OR ctrl+0 to disable", b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 30), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 30); } if (imgSizeShow) { f = "image size: " + imgSizePrcnt + "%"; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 560), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 10, 560); //f = "image size: " + imgSizePrcnt + "%", b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 560), a.globalAlpha = 1; //a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 560); } if (countlevels>0) { f = "level: "+countlevels, b = a.measureText(f).width, a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 790 - b, 560), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(f, 790 - b, 560); } } na(); if (!H.checked) {; a.strokeStyle = "#000000"; a.lineWidth = 1; t = +new Date; a.beginPath(); for (f = 0; f < O.length; f++) { b = O[f]; c = 10 - (t - b[4]) / 1E3; if (c <= 0) { O.splice(f, 1), --f; } else { 1 < c && (c = 1), a.globalAlpha = .3 * c; a.moveTo(b[0] - .5, b[1] - .5); a.lineTo(b[2] - .5, b[3] - .5); } } a.stroke(); a.restore(); }; //for (var p in F) F.hasOwnProperty(p) && a.drawImage(P, scale(sa(F[p].getX()) - 6), scale(ta(F[p].getY()) - 6), scale(P.width), scale(P.height)); //cursorsonline=0; for (var p in F) { F.hasOwnProperty(p) && a.drawImage(P, sa(F[p].getX()) - 6, ta(F[p].getY()) - 6); //cursorsonline+=1; // show ids? if (showcursorsid) { if(cursorIDPos==2) { cp=a.measureText(p).width; a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( p, sa(F[p].getX()) - cp + cursorIDX, ta(F[p].getY()) + cursorIDY ); a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( p, sa(F[p].getX()) - cp + cursorIDX, ta(F[p].getY()) + cursorIDY ); } else{ a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( p, sa(F[p].getX()) + cursorIDX, ta(F[p].getY()) + cursorIDY ); a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( p, sa(F[p].getX()) + cursorIDX, ta(F[p].getY()) + cursorIDY ); } } } if (showcursorsid) { if(cursorIDPos==2) { cp=a.measureText(ha).width; a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( ha, sa(k) - cp + cursorIDX, ta(q) + cursorIDY ) ; a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( ha, sa(k) - cp + cursorIDX, ta(q) + cursorIDY ) ; } else{ a.globalAlpha = .5; a.strokeText( ha, sa(k) + cursorIDX, ta(q) + cursorIDY ) ; a.globalAlpha= 1; a.fillText( ha, sa(k) + cursorIDX, ta(q) + cursorIDY ) ; } } a.restore(); oa(!0); if (!D) { a.font = 15 + "px NovaSquare", a.strokeStyle = "#000000", a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF", a.lineWidth = 2.5; if (message.length>0) { b = a.measureText(message).width/2; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(message, 400 - b, 580), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(message, 400 - b, 580); } for (var i=0; i < messages.length; i++) { b = a.measureText(messages[i]).width/2; a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(messages[i], 400 - b, 580 - messages.length*15 + i*15 ), a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillText(messages[i], 400 - b, 580 - messages.length*15 + i*15); } if (showHelp) { var oo = a.measureText("->").width; a.font = 12 + "px NovaSquare"; f = "How to use (press F1 to hide):", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 45), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 45); f = "-> To type: type message and hit enter (shift+enter for new row)", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 60), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 60); f = "-> To enable/disable movement: press numpad . OR delete OR F2", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 75), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 75); f = "pathfiner will be active in this mode", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10+oo, 90), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10+oo, 90); f = "-> To start/stop drawing circle: press numpad 0 OR insert OR CTRL+0", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 105), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 105); f = "-> To draw arrows, use the arrow keys", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 120), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 120); f = "-> To draw images: press numpad 1-9 OR CTRL+(1-9)", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 135), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 135); f = "-> To resize images use numpad plus/minus OR CTRL plus/minus", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 150), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 150); f = "-> To reset image size press numpad * OR CTRL+backslash", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 165), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 165); f = "-> To show/hide cursors ids: press F8", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 180), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 180); f = "-> Change ids position: press F9", a.globalAlpha = .5, a.strokeText(f, 10, 195), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.fillText(f, 10, 195); } } } a.restore(); A.requestAnimationFrame(ma) } function scale(z) { return Math.round(z/600*a.canvas.height); } function na() {; a.strokeStyle = "#000000"; t = +new Date; for (var f = 0; f < I.length; f++) { var b = I[f], c = (t - b[2]) / 1E3, d = 1 - 2 * c; 0 >= d ? (I.splice(f, 1), --f) : (c *= 50, a.beginPath(), a.globalAlpha = .3 * d, a.arc(b[0], b[1], c, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), a.stroke()); } a.restore() } function oa(f) { if (D), a.globalAlpha = 1, a.drawImage(P, B - 5, C - 5, P.width, P.height); else { var b = 0, c = 0; if (v != k || w != q) {; if (f) { a.globalAlpha = .2, a.fillStyle = "#FF0000", a.beginPath(); a.arc(B + 2, C + 8, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1); a.fill(); } a.globalAlpha = .5; a.drawImage(P, B - 5, C - 5, P.width, P.height); a.restore(); } else { b = B & 1, c = C & 1; }; if (f) { a.globalAlpha = .2, a.fillStyle = "#FFFF00", a.beginPath(); a.arc((k << 1) + b + 2, (q << 1) + c + 8, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1); a.fill(); } a.globalAlpha = 1; a.drawImage(Ia, (k << 1) + b - 5, (q << 1) + c - 5, Ia.width, Ia.height); if (!movementEnabled) { a.strokeStyle = "#DD4444", a.lineWidth = 1; a.beginPath(); a.arc(serverPosX << 1, serverPosY << 1, 4, 0, 2*Math.PI); a.stroke(); } } a.restore(); } function ka(a, b) { this.oldX = this.newX = a; this.oldY = this.newY = b; this.time = t } function pa(a) { return a * a * (3 - 2 * a) } function fa(a, b, c, d) { a |= 0; b |= 0; c |= 0; d |= 0; if (z(a, b)) return { x: a, y: b }; if (a == c && b == d) return { x: c, y: d }; var g = a, e = b; c = c - a | 0; d = d - b | 0; var n = 0, l = 0, p = 0, k = 0; 0 > c ? n = -1 : 0 < c && (n = 1); 0 > d ? l = -1 : 0 < d && (l = 1); 0 > c ? p = -1 : 0 < c && (p = 1); var m = Math.abs(c) | 0, h = Math.abs(d) | 0; m <= h && (m = Math.abs(d) | 0, h = Math.abs(c) | 0, 0 > d ? k = -1 : 0 < d && (k = 1), p = 0); c = m >> 1; for (d = 0; d <= m && !z(a, b); d++) g = a, e = b, c += h, c >= m ? (c -= m, a += n, b += l) : (a += p, b += k); return { x: g, y: e } } function z(a, b) { return 0 > a || 400 <= a || 0 > b || 300 <= b ? !0 : T[a + 400 * b] } function Ja() { for (var a = 0; a < r.length; a++) { var b = r[a]; 5 == b.type && Ka(b) } } function Ka(a) { function b(a, b, c) { e.push([c, a, b]); l[a + 400 * b] = !0; g(a, b) } function c(a, b, c) { p.push([c, a, b ]); l[a + 400 * b] = !0 } function d(a, b) { return 255 != k[4 * (a + 400 * b) + 3] && !l[a + 400 * b] } function g(a, b) { var c = 4 * (a + 400 * b); k[c + 0] = 255; k[c + 1] = 153; k[c + 2] = 153; k[c + 3] = 255 } for (var e = a.queue, k =, l = a.explored, p = a.potentialQueue, r = e.length, m = 0; m < p.length; m++) z(p[m][1], p[m][2]) || (g(p[m][1], p[m][2]), e.push(p[m]), p.splice(m, 1), --m); for (m = 0; m < r; ++m) z(e[m][1], e[m][2]) && (p.push(e[m]), e.splice(m, 1), --m, --r); for (r = 0; 50 > r && 0 != e.length; ++r) { for (var h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, q = [e[0]], m = 1; m < e.length; ++m) { var x = e[m][0]; .01 > Math.abs(x - h) ? q.push(e[m]) : x < h && (h = x, q = [e[m]]) } for (m = 0; m < q.length; ++m) { var x = q[m][0], h = q[m][1], s = q[m][2], qa = e.indexOf(q[m]); - 1 != qa && e.splice(qa, 1); 0 < h && d(h - 1, s) && (z(h - 1, s) ? c(h - 1, s, x + 1) : b(h - 1, s, x + 1)); 0 < s && d(h, s - 1) && (z(h, s - 1) ? c(h, s - 1, x + 1) : b(h, s - 1, x + 1)); 400 > h + 1 && d(h + 1, s) && (z(h + 1, s) ? c(h + 1, s, x + 1) : b(h + 1, s, x + 1)); 300 > s + 1 && d(h, s + 1) && (z(h, s + 1) ? c(h, s + 1, x + 1) : b(h, s + 1, x + 1)); 0 < h && 0 < s && d(h - 1, s - 1) && (z(h - 1, s - 1) ? c(h - 1, s - 1, x + Math.SQRT2) : b(h - 1, s - 1, x + Math.SQRT2)); 0 < h && 300 > s + 1 && d(h - 1, s + 1) && (z(h - 1, s + 1) ? c(h - 1, s + 1, x + Math.SQRT2) : b(h - 1, s + 1, x + Math.SQRT2)); 400 > h + 1 && 0 < s && d(h + 1, s - 1) && (z(h + 1, s - 1) ? c(h + 1, s - 1, x + Math.SQRT2) : b(h + 1, s - 1, x + Math.SQRT2)); 400 > h + 1 && 300 > s + 1 && d(h + 1, s + 1) && (z(h + 1, s + 1) ? c(h + 1, s + 1, x + Math.SQRT2) : b(h + 1, s + 1, x + Math.SQRT2)) } } a.ctx.putImageData(a.img, 0, 0) } var y, a, ia = 0, Rat = A.devicePixelRatio; cp = 0, v = 0, w = 0, B = 0, C = 0, k = 0, q = 0, J = -1, K = -1, M = null, H = null, P = new Image; P.src = "img/cursor.png"; var Ia = P, D = -1 !="editor"), I = [], O = [], t = 0, ca = 0, u = null, ha = -1, F = {}, aa = 0, ja = !1, Y = !1, R = 0, S = 0, da = 0, X = !1, L = !D && !0, T = new Uint8Array(12E4), r = [], N = []; Array.prototype.remove = function(a) { a = this.indexOf(a); return -1 != a ? (this.splice(a, 1), !0) : !1 }; var G = 0; ka.prototype = { oldX: 0, oldY: 0, newX: 0, newY: 0, time: 0, getX: function() { var a = this.newX - this.oldX, b = (t - this.time) / 100, b = pa(0 >= b ? 0 : 1 <= b ? 1 : b); return this.oldX + b * a }, getY: function() { var a = this.newY - this.oldY, b = (t - this.time) / 100, b = pa(0 >= b ? 0 : 1 <= b ? 1 : b); return this.oldY + b * a } }; var za = new Uint8Array(12E4); Array.prototype.remove = function(a) { a = this.indexOf(a); return -1 != a ? (this.splice(a, 1), !0) : !1 }; var imgSizeShowDur; var imgSizePrcnt=100; function imgSizeDisplay() { clearTimeout(imgSizeShowDur); imgSizePrcnt = Math.round(imageScale*100); imgSizeInput(imgSizePrcnt); imgSizeShow = true; imgSizeShowDur = setTimeout(function() { imgSizeShow = false; }, 3000); } function imgSizeInput(d) { var dd = document.getElementById('imgsize'); dd.value=d; } function imgSizeUp() { imageScale += 0.1; imgSizeDisplay(); } function imgSizeDown() { if(imageScale > 0.19) imageScale -= 0.1; imgSizeDisplay(); } function imgSizeReset() { imageScale = 1.0; imgSizeDisplay(); } function pathfinderbox() { dd = document.getElementById('pathfinder'); movementEnabled = !movementEnabled; if (movementEnabled) { dd.checked = false; } else { dd.checked = true; de = document.getElementById('noCursorLock'); localStorage.noCursorLock=1; de.checked = true; } } function fontwidth() { dd = document.getElementById('fontwidth'); fontthin = !fontthin; if (fontthin) { textwidth=2/3; dd.checked = true; } else { textwidth=1; dd.checked = false; } } function hideExtraInfoLbls() { dd = document.getElementById('extrainfo'); hideExtraInfo=!hideExtraInfo; if (hideExtraInfo) dd.checked = true; else dd.checked = false; } var taploop, tapchk=false; function tap() {// send a click every 3 seconds if (tapchk) { clearInterval(taploop); tapchk=false; } else { taploop = setInterval(function() { wa(k,q,1); }, 3000); tapchk=true; } } var message = new String(); var messages = new Array(); function drawM(m,d,x,y) { setTimeout(function() { drawWord(m, x, y ); }, d); } function handleKeypress(e) { if ( == 'INPUT') return; if ((e.which >= 32 && e.which <= 64) || (e.which >= 65 && e.which <= 90) || (e.which >= 91 && e.which <= 126) ) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.ctrlKey) return; message = message.concat(String.fromCharCode(e.which)); return; } switch(e.which) { case 13: e.preventDefault(); if (e.shiftKey) { //add new row messages.push(message); message = ""; } else { //print all rows messages.push(message); for(var i=0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (i>0) var del = messages[i-1].length*i*50; else var del=0; drawM(messages[i],del,k,q+i*kerning*fontSize);//not ideal printing, but better than printing as columns } message = ""; messages = []; } break; default: return; } } function handleKeydown(e) { if ( == 'INPUT') return; if (e.keyCode == 8 || e.keyCode == 9 || (e.keyCode >=33 && e.keyCode <= 40) || (e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 122) //|| e.keyCode == 12 || e.keyCode == 45 || (e.keyCode >= 33 && e.keyCode <= 36) ) { e.preventDefault(); } if (e.keyCode == 8) { if (message.length > 0) { message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1); } else if (messages.length > 0) { message = messages.pop(); } } if ( e.ctrlKey && (e.keyCode == 187 || e.keyCode == 189 || e.keyCode == 192 || e.keyCode == 220 || (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57)) ){ e.preventDefault(); switch(e.keyCode){ // key combos with CTRL case 220: // backslash imgSizeReset(); // reset drawings size break; case 187: // equals (plus sign) = + imgSizeUp(); // make drawings bigger break; case 189: // minus imgSizeDown(); // make drawings smaller break; case 192: // tilde (backquote) imageScale/=2.5; drawImage(13, posX, posY); // dickboob imageScale*=2.5; break; case 48: // 0 auraEnabled = !auraEnabled; // start/stop drawing circle break; case 49: // 1 drawImage(4, posX, posY); // star break; case 50: // 2 drawImage(5, posX, posY); // reversed star break; case 51: // 3 drawImage(6, posX, posY); // tictactoe break; case 52: // 4 drawImage(7, posX, posY); // triforce break; case 53: // 5 drawImage(8, posX, posY); // cannon - pentashot break; case 54: // 6 drawImage(9, posX,posY); // heart break; case 55: // 7 imageScale/=1.25; drawImage(10, posX, posY); // penrose imageScale*=1.25; break; case 56: // 8 drawImage(11, posX, posY); // boxception break; case 57: // 9 drawImage(12, posX, posY); // cursor break; default: return; } return; } switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: // left arrow drawImage(0, posX, posY); // draw arrow pointing left break; case 38: // up arrow drawImage(1, posX, posY); // draw arrow pointing up break; case 39: // right arrow drawImage(2, posX, posY); // draw arrow right break; case 40: // down arrow drawImage(3, posX, posY); // draw arrow down break; case 106: //numpad * imgSizeReset(); // reset drawings size break; case 107: //numpad + imgSizeUp(); // make drawings bigger break; case 109: //numpad - imgSizeDown(); // make drawings smaller break; case 33: // Page Up drawWord(cmessage, posX, posY); //print message break; case 34: // Page Down break; case 46: case 110: case 113: // numpad dot, delete, F2 pathfinderbox(); // disable/enable movement by click break; case 45: case 96: // insert, numpad 0 auraEnabled = !auraEnabled; // start/stop drawing circle break; case 97: //case 35: // numpad 1 drawImage(4, posX, posY); // star break; case 98: //case 40: // numpad 2 drawImage(5, posX, posY); // reversed star break; case 99: //case 34: // numpad 3 drawImage(6, posX, posY); // tictactoe break; case 100: //case 37: // numpad 4 drawImage(7, posX, posY); // triforce break; case 101: //case 12: // numpad 5 drawImage(8, posX, posY); // cannon - pentashot break; case 102: //case 39: // numpad 6 drawImage(9, posX,posY); // heart break; case 103: //case 36: // numpad 7 imageScale/=1.25; drawImage(10, posX, posY); // penrose imageScale*=1.25; break; case 104: //case 38: // numpad 8 //imageScale/=2.5; drawImage(11, posX, posY); // boxception //imageScale*=2.5; break; case 105: // numpad 9 drawImage(12, posX, posY); // cursor break; case 111: // numpad / imageScale/=2.5; drawImage(13, posX, posY); // dickboob imageScale*=2.5; break; case 112: // F1 showHelp = !showHelp; // show/hide help break; case 115: // F4 //tap(); break; case 119: // F8 showcursorsid = !showcursorsid; // show/hide cursors ids break; case 120: // F9 cursorIDPos+=1; changeCursorIDpos(cursorIDPos); break; case 121: // F10 fontwidth(); break; case 122: // F11 hideExtraInfoLbls(); break; default: return; } } var cursorIDPos=1; var cursorIDX=-2; var cursorIDY=24; function changeCursorIDpos(c) { switch(c) { case 1: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=24; break; case 2: cursorIDX=-3; cursorIDY=14; break; case 3: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=-3; break; case 4: cursorIDX=10; cursorIDY=14; break; default: cursorIDX=-2; cursorIDY=24; cursorIDPos=1; } } function drawAura(x, y) { var dt = 360/(1000/40)/2; if (u != null && u.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { var g = new ArrayBuffer(9), e = new DataView(g); e.setUint8(0, 3); e.setUint16(1, x+Math.sin(degToRad(auraTime+dt))*auraRadius, !0); e.setUint16(3, y+Math.cos(degToRad(auraTime+dt))*auraRadius, !0); e.setUint16(5, x+Math.sin(degToRad(auraTime))*auraRadius, !0); e.setUint16(7, y+Math.cos(degToRad(auraTime))*auraRadius, !0); u.Send(g) } auraTime += dt; } function drawImage(ind, x, y) { if (!imgData[ind]) return; for (var i = 0; i < imgData[ind].length; i++) { var g = new ArrayBuffer(9), e = new DataView(g); e.setUint8(0, 3); e.setUint16(1, x+imgData[ind][i][1]*imageScale, !0); e.setUint16(3, y+imgData[ind][i][0]*imageScale, !0); e.setUint16(5, x+imgData[ind][i][3]*imageScale, !0); e.setUint16(7, y+imgData[ind][i][2]*imageScale, !0); u.Send(g); } } function degToRad(deg) { return deg * (Math.PI / 180); } function radToDeg(rad) { return rad * (180 / Math.PI); } var textwidth = 1; // 1 = full width, 2/3 = thin text function drawLetter(a, x, y) { var letter; var capital = 1; var shift = 0; if (alphabet.hasOwnProperty(a)) { letter = alphabet[a]; } else if (a + 32 >= 97 && a + 32 <= 122) { capital = 1.5; shift = -2; letter = alphabet[a + 32]; } else return; for (var i = 0; i < letter.length; i++) { var g = new ArrayBuffer(9), e = new DataView(g); e.setUint8(0, 3); e.setUint16(1, x+letter[i][1]*fontSize*textwidth, !0); e.setUint16(3, y+letter[i][0]*fontSize*capital + shift, !0); e.setUint16(5, x+letter[i][3]*fontSize*textwidth, !0); e.setUint16(7, y+letter[i][2]*fontSize*capital + shift, !0); u.Send(g); } } function drawWord(s, x, y) { if (s == null) return; setTimeout(function () { if (!z(Math.round(x+fontSize*kerning*textwidth), Math.round(y))) { drawLetter(s.charCodeAt(0), x, y); if (s.length > 0) drawWord(s.substring(1, s.length), x+fontSize*kerning*textwidth, y); } }, 1); } WebSocket.prototype.Send = function(frm) { if (u != null && u.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { if (Throttler.check(frm)) this.send(frm); } }; var Throttler = { rate: 3, per: 150, storage: [], allowed: 3, lastFrameAt: 0, sendOut: function() { if ( != 0) { u.Send(; } }, check: function(frm) { var now =; var allowance = this.allowed; var timeDiff = now - this.lastFrameAt; this.lastFrameAt = now; allowance += timeDiff*(this.rate/this.per); if (allowance > this.rate) allowance = this.rate; this.allowed = allowance; if (this.allowed < 1) { if ( < 300) { var dv = new DataView(frm); if (dv.getUint8(0) == 3); } return false; } this.allowed -= 1; return true; } }; var ff = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") == -1; function dos(head) { var gridX = 400, gridY = 300; var grid = []; visit = []; for (var i = 0; i < gridY; i++) { grid[i] = []; visit[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < gridX; j++) grid[i][j] = 0, visit[i][j] = 0; } r.forEach(function(d) { if ((d.type == 1) || (d.type == 2 && d.isBad)) for (var j = 0; j < d.height; j++) for (var i = 0; i < d.width; i++) grid[d.y + j][d.x + i] = 3 }); var bfs = [head], bfs2 = []; while (bfs.length) { bfs.forEach(function(dat) { var x = dat[0], y = dat[1]; if (x == null || y == null) return; if (grid[y][x] == 3) return; grid[y][x] = 3; for (var X = x + 1; X < gridX && !(grid[y][X] & 1); X++) { grid[y][X] |= 1; if (!visit[y][X]) { visit[y][X] = [x, y], bfs2.push([X, y]); } } for (var X = x - 1; X >= 0 && !(grid[y][X] & 1); X--) { grid[y][X] |= 1; if (!visit[y][X]) { visit[y][X] = [x, y], bfs2.push([X, y]); } } for (var Y = y + 1; Y < gridY && !(grid[Y][x] & 2); Y++) { grid[Y][x] |= 2; if (!visit[Y][x]) { visit[Y][x] = [x, y], bfs2.push([x, Y]); } } for (var Y = y - 1; Y >= 0 && !(grid[Y][x] & 2); Y--) { grid[Y][x] |= 2; if (!visit[Y][x]) { visit[Y][x] = [x, y], bfs2.push([x, Y]); } } }); bfs = bfs2; bfs2 = []; } } window.head=[]; window.delay=20; function fm(mov, i=0) { if (!D && null != u && u.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) { if (i >= mov.length) { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(9), q = new DataView(buf); q.setUint8(0, 2, 1); q.setUint16(1, mov[i-1][0], 1); q.setUint16(3, mov[i-1][1], 1); q.setInt32(5, -1, 1);, buf);, buf); return; } var buf = new ArrayBuffer(9), q = new DataView(buf); q.setUint8(0, 1, 1); q.setUint16(1, mov[i][0], 1); q.setUint16(3, mov[i][1], 1); q.setInt32(5, -1, 1);, buf); W(mov[i][0], mov[i][1]); if(delay == 0) { fm(mov,i+1); } else { setTimeout(function() { fm(mov, i + 1) }, delay); } } } function pf(e) {[]; // clear drawings to allow player to move auraEnabled = false; unfocus(); if(ff) {e.offsetX = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; e.offsetY = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop} var xy = [e.offsetX / 2 | 0, e.offsetY / 2 | 0]; var mov = []; if (r && !(xy[0] == head[0] && xy[1] == head[1]) && !e.ctrlKey && !movementEnabled) { head = [serverPosX,serverPosY]; dos(head); var xy2 = xy.slice(0); while (visit[xy2[1]][xy2[0]]) { mov.push(xy2); xy2 = visit[xy2[1]][xy2[0]] } mov = mov.reverse(); if (mov.length == 0) { return; } else fm(mov); } else if (!movementEnabled) {mov.push(xy); fm(mov);} else {} } function connect() { if (m28n.findServerPreference) { if (!u) m28n.findServerPreference("cursors", function(e,a) { if (e||0 == a.length) { setTimeout(self.connect, 1E3); } else { var ipv4 = a[0].ipv4; var ipv6 = a[0].ipv6; var port = a[0].port; port = 2828; u = new WebSocket("ws://" + (ipv4 || "[" + ipv6 + "]") + ":" + port); setHandlers(); } }); } else { if (!u) u = new WebSocket("ws://"); setHandlers(); } function setHandlers() { u.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; u.onopen = Aa, u.onmessage = Ga, u.onclose = Ba, u.onerror = Ca; } } var messageDisplay; function doit() { //document.body.innerHTML += '<div id="messageDisplay"></div>'; //messageDisplay = document.getElementById("messageDisplay"); var el0 = document.getElementById('h-options'); if (el0 != null) { el0.remove(); } document.body.innerHTML += css; y = E.getElementById("canvas"); a = y.getContext("2d"); try { != A.location.origin && ba() } catch (f) { ba() } y.width = 800 * Rat; y.height = 600 * Rat; a.scale(Rat, Rat); y.onmousemove = ua; y.onmousedown = va; y.onmouseup = xa; y.onclick = pf; M = E.getElementById("noCursorLock"); H = E.getElementById("noDrawings"); null != localStorage && (Ma(), M.checked = "1" == A.localStorage.getItem("noCursorLock") ? !0 : !1, H.checked = "1" == A.localStorage.getItem("noDrawings") ? !0 : !1); A.onbeforeunload = ya; y.requestPointerLock = y.requestPointerLock || y.mozRequestPointerLock || y.webkitRequestPointerLock; = "none"; D || connect(); setInterval(Q, 40); //setInterval(Ja, 40); setInterval(Au, 50); A.requestAnimationFrame(ma); document.onkeypress = handleKeypress; document.onkeydown = handleKeydown; } doit(); } /* ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ ___ / __| | | | `__/ __|/ _ \| `__/ __| | |/ _ \ | (__| |_| | | \__ \ (_) | | \__ \_| | (_) | \___|\__,_|_| |___/\___/|_| |___(_)_|\___/ for a more updated version, go here: How to use: -> Go to, open console (ctrl + shift + j or F12) and paste this entire script into the console, then hit enter -if you experience problems running the script, make sure to block "" -> To type: type message and hit enter; shift+enter for new row; -all ascii characters are available -> To move your cursor only when clicking: press numpad . OR delete OR F2 -Pathfinder will be active in this mode (CTRL+click to ignore pathfinder) -try not to use a too low value of the delay, or you may get disconnected on some levels --make sure 'no cursor lock' is marked so pathfinder works correctly -> To move your cursor normally: press numpad . again -> To draw a circle: press numpad 0 OR insert -> To stop drawing a circle: press numpad 0 again -> To draw arrows, use the arrow keys -> To draw different images: press numpad 1 to numpad 9 keys -> To make drawings bigger/smaller use numpad + and - -> Reset drawing size with numpad * -> Non numeric keyboard friendly with CTRL combos -> To show/hide cursors ids: press F8 -> Change ids position with: F9 -> To show this help: press F1 */