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GreasyFork Beautify Mod! *Deprecated*

Custom Themes, premade themes and more

// ==UserScript==
// @name         GreasyFork Beautify Mod! *Deprecated*
// @namespace    GreasyFork Beautify Mod! *Deprecated*
// @version      2
// @description  Custom Themes, premade themes and more
// @author       TigerYT
// @match        *://greasyfork.org/*
// @require      https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* Theme Menu */
$('body').prepend('<div class="container"> <div class="theme-menu"> <div class="name"><a href="#">Theme</a></div> <div class="close-menu"><a href="#">X</a></div> <div id="theme-list"> <div class="item defaultthemebutton"><a href="#">Default</a></div> <div class="item orangethemebutton"><a href="#">Oranganic Fruits</a></div> <div class="item bluethemebutton"><a href="#">Blue My Mind</a></div> <div class="item tealthemebutton"><a href="#">Teal I Die</a></div> <div class="item greythemebutton"><a href="#">Greyvy</a></div> <div class="item cyanthemebutton"> <a href="#">Cyantific Facts</a></div><div class="item brownthemebutton"> <a href="#">Brownie Goods</a></div> </div> </div></div>');
$(".name").click(function () {
$(".close-menu").click(function () {
/* End of Theme Menu */
/* Main Design */
(function() {var maincss = [
"* {",
"  transition: background 1s;",
".theme-menu {",
"  font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Segoe, sans-serif;",
"  display: block;",
"  border: none;",
"  outline: none;",
"  margin: auto;",
"  margin-top: 100px;",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  color: var(--title-or-link-text-secondary-colour);",
"  width: 80px;",
"  height: 50px;",
"  border-radius: 50px;",
"  font-size: 14px;",
"  letter-spacing: 1px;",
"  text-align: center;",
"  padding-top: 2px;",
"  transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;",
"  box-sizing: border-box;",
"  position: absolute;",
"  top: 75px;",
"  right: 80px;",
".theme-menu:hover {",
"  box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 29.8);",
".theme-menu.expanded {",
"  width: 200px;",
"  height: auto;",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  color: var(--quaternary-background);",
"  font-size: 15px;",
"  letter-spacing: 3px;",
"  border-radius: 25px;",
"  right: 25px;",
".theme-menu #theme-list {",
"  display: none;",
"  opacity: 0;",
"  transition: all 0.6s ease-in;",
"#theme-list.visible {",
"  position: relative;",
"  bottom: 20px;",
"  display: block;",
"  opacity: 1;",
"#theme-list .item {",
"  width: 170px;",
"  height: 30px;",
"  margin: auto;",
"  padding-top: 8px;",
"  margin-bottom: 10px;",
".item:after {",
"  display:block;",
"  content: '';",
"  padding-bottom: 3px;",
"  border-bottom: solid 3px var(--secondary-background);",
"  transform: scaleX(0);",
"  transition: 0.3s;",
".item:hover:after {",
"  transform: scaleX(1);",
".theme-menu .name {",
"  position: relative;",
"  display: block;",
"  width: 100%;",
"  height: 20px;",
"  margin: 15px auto;",
"  box-sizing: border-box;",
".name.move-up {",
"  top: 0;",
"  animation: moveup 0.6s ease-in-out;",
"  animation-fill-mode: forwards;",
"@keyframes moveup {",
"  from {",
"    top: 0;",
"  }",
"  to {",
"    top: -40px;",
"  }",
".name.move-down {",
"  top: -40px;",
"  animation: movedown 0.6s ease-in-out;",
"  animation-fill-mode: forwards;",
"@keyframes movedown {",
"  from {",
"    top: -40px;",
"  }",
"  to {",
"    top: 0px;",
"  }",
".theme-menu .close-menu {",
"  position: relative;",
"  margin: 5px;",
"  display: none;",
"  opacity: 0;",
"  animation: move 0.6s ease-out;",
"  animation-fill-mode: forwards;",
".close-menu.visible {",
"  position: relative;",
"  bottom: 30px;",
"  display: block;",
"  opacity: 1;",
"@keyframes move {",
"  from {",
"    top: 0;",
"  }",
"  to {",
"    top: -40px;",
"  }",
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"a:visited {",
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"  text-decoration: none !important;",
"a:hover {",
"  color: inherit;",
"  text-decoration: none !important;",
"a:active {",
"  color: inherit;",
"  text-decoration: none !important;",
"body:not(.Settings) #Head, ",
"body:not(.Settings) {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
"#Body {",
"  margin: 50px 150px;",
"  margin-left: 75px;",
"  width: 75%;",
"   ",
"#Content {",
"  margin: 0!important;",
"   ",
".width-constraint {",
"  margin: auto;",
"  max-width: none;",
"   ",
".sidebarred {",
"  display: flex;",
"  width: 75%;",
"  margin-left: 50px;",
"   ",
".sidebarred-main-content > p {",
"  text-align: center;",
"   ",
"#script-info, ",
"#Content {",
"  list-style-type: none;",
"  box-shadow: 0 0 5px var(--secondary-background);",
"  background-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border: 0px solid var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-radius: 50px;",
"  box-sizing: border-box;",
"  margin: 25px 250px 14px 75px;",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour);",
"  padding: 5px 50px;",
"   ",
"input  {",
"  font-family: \'Open Sans\' sans-serif;",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour);",
"   ",
"#main-header, ",
"body:not(.Settings) #Head {",
"  background-image: linear-gradient(var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover), var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour));",
"  padding: 0.25em 0;",
"   ",
"#site-name {",
"    margin: 10px 50px;",
"   ",
"p.subtitle  {",
"  margin: -8px 0 0 10px;",
"  font-size: 0.7em;",
"  text-shadow: -1px -1px 0px var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour), 1px -1px 0px var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour), -1px 1px 0px var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour), 1px 1px 0px var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour) !important;",
"   ",
"a:visited  {",
"  color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"   ",
"a:hover  {",
"  color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"   ",
"figure  {",
"  padding: 5px;",
"  border: none;",
"  border-radius: 5px;",
"   ",
"nav {",
"  position: absolute!important;",
"  right: 0!important;",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour)!important;",
"  min-width: 100%!important;",
"  display: none;",
"  padding: 5px 0!important;",
"  z-index: 10!important;",
"   ",
":focus  {",
"  outline: -webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px;",
"  outline-color: transparent;",
"  outline-style: auto;",
"  outline-width: 5px;",
"   ",
".script-list li {",
"  background: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border: 5px solid var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-radius: 75px;",
"  padding: 2em;",
"  margin-bottom: 10px;",
"   ",
".user-list {",
"  list-style-type: none;",
"  box-shadow: 0 0 5px var(--primary-background);",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  border: 0px solid var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 5px;",
"  box-sizing: border-box;",
"  margin: 14px 0;",
"   ",
".list-option-group ul  {",
"  margin: .5em 0 0;",
"  list-style-type: none;",
"  padding: 1em 0;",
"  box-shadow: 0 0 5px var(--primary-background);",
"  border: 0px solid var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 5px;",
"  background-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"   ",
".list-option-group .list-current  {",
"  border-right: 20px solid var(--secondary-background);",
"  margin: 0em -21px 0em 0px;",
"  padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em calc(1em - 3px);",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  border-left: none;",
"  box-shadow: none;",
"   ",
".list-option-group a:hover,",
".list-option-group a:focus  {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"  box-shadow: none;",
"   ",
".tabs .current  {",
"  background: rgba(0,0,0,0.03);",
"  position: relative;",
"  top: -4px;",
"  font-weight: bold;",
"  border-top: 7px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  box-shadow: inset 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1),",
"  inset -1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1),",
"inset 0 -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);",
"   ",
".install-help-link:active {",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover)!important;",
"  color: ",
"        var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"   ",
".install-link:active  {",
"  display: inline-block;",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour)!important;",
"  padding: 0.5em 1em;",
"  color: var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"   ",
"div#install-link+#install-help-link:hover > .install-link {",
"  background:  var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"   ",
"div#install-link+#install-help-link:hover > .install-help-link {",
"  background:  var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"   ",
"select  {",
"  -webkit-appearance: menulist;",
"  box-sizing: border-box;",
"  align-items: center;",
"  white-space: pre;",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  color: var(--secondary-text-colour);",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  cursor: pointer;",
"  border-width: 1px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-image: initial;",
"   ",
"#additional-info > div  {",
"  margin: 1em 0;",
"  padding: 1em;",
"  border: none;",
"  border-radius: 10px;",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
"textarea, #ace-editor {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour);",
"  border: none;",
"  padding: 25px;",
"   ",
".ace-tm .ace_gutter, ",
".preview-r###lts {",
"  background: var(--tertiary-background);",
"   #script-version-additional-info-0  {",
"  border: none;",
"  border-radius: 10px;",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour);",
"  padding: 25px;",
"   ",
"   select#language-selector-locale {",
"  background: var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"   }",
"   ",
"#code-container {",
"  border-radius: 2px;",
"  border: none;",
"  color: var(--primary-background);",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour)!important;",
"   }",
"   ",
"    .Message pre ol {",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour)!important;",
"    }",
"   ",
"   .CodeRay .line-numbers {",
"  background-color: var(--tertiary-background) !important;",
"   }",
"   ",
"   #code-container > table > tbody > tr > td.code {",
"  border-radius: 2px;",
"  border: 1px solid var(--primary-background) !important;",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background) !important;",
"   }",
"   ",
"   #code-container {",
"  border: none;",
"   }",
"   ",
"   .expander {",
"  cursor: pointer;",
"  padding: 2px 5px;",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour);",
"  font-weight: bolder;",
"  border-radius: 3px;",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"   }",
"   ",
"   a:-webkit-any-link {",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"   }",
"   ",
"input[type=search] {",
"  -webkit-appearance: textfield;",
"  background-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  cursor: text;",
"  padding: 1px;",
"  border-width: 10px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-image: initial;",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"   ",
"input[type=text] {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  cursor: text;",
"  border-width:10px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"  margin-top: 15px;",
"   ",
"input[type=url] {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  cursor: text;",
"  border-width:10px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"  margin-top: 15px;",
"   ",
"button#add-additional-info {",
"  color: var(--quaternary-text-colour);",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  border: 5px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  margin-top: 5px;",
"  margin-left: 15px;",
"  height: 50px;",
"  width: 300px;",
"  cursor: pointer;",
"  font-family: Agency FB;",
"  font-size: x-large;",
"   ",
"button.g-recaptcha {",
"  color: var(--quinary-text-colour);",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  border: 5px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  margin-top: 5px;",
"  margin-left: 15px;",
"  height: 50px;",
"  width: 300px;",
"  cursor: pointer;",
"  font-family: Agency FB;",
"  font-size: x-large;",
"   ",
"input.add-screenshot-captions {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  cursor: text;",
"  border-width: 10px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"  margin-top: 15px;",
"   ",
"form.script-in-sets {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  padding: 15px;",
"  border-radius: 10px;",
"  width: 408px;",
"   ",
".install-help-link:hover {",
"  box-shadow: 15px 0px 18px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.75) !important;",
"  z-index: 999;",
"   ",
".install-link:hover {",
"  box-shadow: -15px 0px 18px 3px rgba(0,",
"    0,",
"    0,",
"    0.75) !important;",
"  z-index: 999;",
"   ",
"#install-area .install-link:hover,",
"#install-area .install-link:focus,",
"#install-area .install-help-link:hover,",
"#install-area .install-help-link:focus {",
"  box-shadow: none;",
"   ",
"   ",
"#replaced_by_script_id {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  -webkit-rtl-ordering: logical;",
"  cursor: text;",
"  border-width:10px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"  margin-top: 15px;",
"    ",
"input[type=\'submit\'], .Button {",
"  background: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  border: 2px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  color: var(--senary-text-colour)!important;",
"  font-weight: 100;",
"  cursor: pointer;",
"   ",
"input[type=\'submit\']:hover, .Button:hover {",
"  background: var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  border: 2px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  color: var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"   ",
".user-list+.pagination>* {",
"  display: inline-block;",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"  padding: 0.5em;",
"  border-radius: 5px;",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"   ",
"tr {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
".notice {",
"  background-color: var(--title-or-link-text-secondary-colour);",
"  border: none;",
"  border-left: 6px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover);",
"  padding: 0.5em;",
"  color: var(--tertiary-text-colour) !important;",
"   ",
"form.inline-form.external-login-form {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  border: none;",
"   ",
"   ",
"   ",
"form#new_user {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  border: none;",
"   ",
"form.new_user input[type=\'submit\'] {",
"  background-image: linear-gradient(var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover), var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour));",
"  border: none;",
"   ",
"#home-script-nav {",
"  max-width: 700px;",
"  margin: 0 auto;",
"  padding-bottom: 20px;",
"  border-bottom: none;",
"  margin-bottom: 15px;",
"   ",
".search-submit {",
"  display: none;",
"   ",
".home-search > input[name=\'q\'] {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  border: 10px solid var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
"#Panel .FilterMenu, ",
"#Panel .PanelCategories, ",
"#Panel .MeBox {",
"  box-shadow: 0",
"   0 5px var(--primary-background);",
"  border: 0px solid var(--primary-background);",
"  background-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"   ",
"body:not(.Settings) a:not(.Button):not(.ChangePicture) {",
"  color: var(--primary-text-colour)",
"   ",
"#Panel .FilterMenu a:hover, ",
"#Panel .PanelCategories a:hover, ",
"#Panel .FilterMenu a:focus, ",
"#Panel .PanelCategories a:focus {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"  text-decoration: none;",
"  box-shadow: none;",
".SiteSearch .InputBox{",
"  background: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-width:5px;",
"  border-style: solid;",
"  border-color: var(--secondary-background);",
"  border-radius: 7px;",
"   ",
".SiteSearch .Button {",
"  display: none;",
"   ",
"#Panel .FilterMenu .Active a, #Panel .PanelCategories .Active a {",
"  border-left: 20px solid var(--secondary-background);",
"  margin: .25em 0 .25em -20px;",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
"a[href*=\'#latest\'] {",
"  color:  var(--secondary-text-colour) !important;",
"   ",
"h1.H.HomepageTitle {",
"  border-top: 7px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"   ",
".rating-image {",
"  height: 16px !important;",
"  width: 16px !important;",
"  filter: brightness(65%);",
"   ",
".SpDashboard, .SpOptions, .SpCog {",
"  background-position: 0 -276px;",
"   ",
".SpBookmarks, .SpStar {",
"  background-position: -80px -308px;",
"   ",
".SpInbox, .SpEnvelope {",
"  background-position: 0 -292px;",
"   ",
".SpNotifications, .SpGlobe {",
"  background-position: -32px -276px;",
"   ",
".Item.Read {",
"  background: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
".Item.Read:first-child {",
"  border-top-left-radius: 10px;",
"  border-top-right-radius: 10px;",
"   ",
".Item.Read:last-child {",
"  border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;",
"  border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;",
"   ",
"#Content .HomepageTitle {",
"  border-top: 7px solid var(--title-or-link-text-primary-colour);",
"  color: var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"   ",
".Tag {",
"  background: var(--quaternary-background);",
"  color: var(--tertiary-text-colour);",
"   ",
"#site-nav > nav {",
"  display: block!important;",
"  background: none!important;",
".Count {",
"  background-color: var(--primary-background);",
"   ",
"form.new_user input[type='text'], form.new_user input[type='email'], form.new_user input[type='password'] {",
"  background-color: var(--quaternary-text-colour)!important;",
"  border: none!important;",
"   ",
"textarea#Form_Body {",
"  background-color: var(--quinary-text-colour);",
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} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
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var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
} else {
// no head yet, stick it whereever
/* End of Main Design */
/* Default Theme */
(function() {var defaultcss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #16151D;",
"  --secondary-background: #1D1B26;",
"  --tertiary-background: #0F0F14;",
"  --quaternary-background: #6B4CA7;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #694BA1;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #B793F9;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #493372;",
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} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
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node.type = "text/css";
$(node).attr("class", "theme");
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
} else {
$('.defaultthemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Default Theme */
/* Orange Theme */
(function() {var orangecss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #1e1b15;",
"  --secondary-background: #27231c;",
"  --tertiary-background: #14130f;",
"  --quaternary-background: #ffaa00;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
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"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #ffb318;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #ffcc66;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #c16315;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.orangethemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Orange Theme */
/* Brown Theme */
(function() {var browncss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #1e1b15;",
"  --secondary-background: #27231c;",
"  --tertiary-background: #14130f;",
"  --quaternary-background: #a8894d;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #a0834b;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #f9d895;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #483a20;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.brownthemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Brown Theme */
/* Blue Theme */
(function() {var bluecss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #16151D;",
"  --secondary-background: #1D1B26;",
"  --tertiary-background: #0F0F14;",
"  --quaternary-background: #4c53a7;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #4b4da1;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #9f93f9;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #333f72;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.bluethemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Blue Theme */
/* Teal Theme */
(function() {var tealcss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #16151D;",
"  --secondary-background: #1D1B26;",
"  --tertiary-background: #0F0F14;",
"  --quaternary-background: #4da891;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #4ba090;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #95f9e3;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #234d46;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.tealthemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Teal Theme */
/* Grey Theme */
(function() {var greycss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #16151D;",
"  --secondary-background: #1D1B26;",
"  --tertiary-background: #0F0F14;",
"  --quaternary-background: #a2a2a2;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #949494;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #f3f3f3;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #4c4c4c;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.greythemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Grey Theme */
/* Cyan Theme */
(function() {var cyancss = [
":root {",
"  --primary-background: #16151D;",
"  --secondary-background: #1D1B26;",
"  --tertiary-background: #0F0F14;",
"  --quaternary-background: #449396;",
"      ",
"  --primary-text-colour: #888888;",
"  --secondary-text-colour: #BBBBBB;",
"  --tertiary-text-colour: #EEEEEE;",
"  --quaternary-text-colour: #999999;",
"  --quinary-text-colour: #333333;",
"  --senary-text-colour: #ffffff;",
"      ",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour: #41b5bb;",
"  --title-or-link-text-secondary-colour: #93f0f9;",
"  --title-or-link-text-primary-colour-hover: #007b71;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
$('.cyanthemebutton').click(function() {
/* End of the Cyan Theme */