Add a checkbox to Goodreads' book series pages that allows you to hide books that aren't part of the core series/primary works (#0.1, #3.5, etc).
// ==UserScript== // @name Goodreads, show only the "primary works" in a series on series pages // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Add a checkbox to Goodreads' book series pages that allows you to hide books that aren't part of the core series/primary works (#0.1, #3.5, etc). // @author driver8 // @match *://** // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; console.log('Hi core series'); var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); newDiv.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="showCore" name="showcb"> <label for="showCore">Show only primary works</label>'; = 'inline'; = '10px'; document.querySelector('.responsiveSeriesHeader > .responsiveSeriesHeader__subtitle').appendChild(newDiv); var cb = newDiv.firstChild; cb.checked = GM_getValue('gr_showCore', false); showCore(cb.checked); cb.addEventListener('change', (evt) => { //console.log('checkbox changed', evt); showCore(cb.checked); GM_setValue('gr_showCore', cb.checked); }); function showCore(show) { var allRows = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.responsiveSeriesList > div, .listWithDividers .listWithDividers__item')); console.log('all rows', allRows); if (!show) { allRows.forEach((el) => { el.hidden = false; }); } else { var notmatching = allRows.filter((el) => { //var rid = el.dataset.reactid + '.'; var rid = el.dataset.reactid + '.0'; var book = document.querySelector('[data-reactid="' + rid + '"]'); console.log('book', book); book = book && book.innerText return ! /^\s*(?:#|Book\s*)?\d+\s*$/i.test(book); }); //console.log('not matching', notmatching); if (notmatching.length !== allRows.length) { notmatching.forEach((el) => { el.hidden = true; }); } } } })();