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// ==UserScript==
// @name              一个返回顶部和到达底部的按钮
// @name:en           a button which can back to the top and go to the bottom
// @namespace         http://mofiter.com/
// @version           0.3
// @description       在网页上添加一个按钮,可以快速返回顶部和到达底部,有滑动效果
// @description:en    Add a button for all websites which can back to the top and go to the bottom,and there is a sliding effecct.
// @author            mofiter
// @create            2018-07-22
// @lastmodified      2018-08-24
// @resource          up_button_icon https://coding.net/u/mofiter/p/public_files/git/raw/master/back_to_top_button.png
// @resource          down_button_icon https://coding.net/u/mofiter/p/public_files/git/raw/master/go_to_bottom_button.png
// @require           https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js
// @include           http*://*/*
// @grant             GM_info
// @grant             GM_getResourceURL
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var $ = $ || window.$;
var canScrollMouseOver = false; //当鼠标在按钮上,但未点击时,页面能否自动滚动,true 为可以自动滚动,false 为不能自动滚动,可修改
var opacityMouseLeave = 0.5; //当鼠标不在按钮上时,按钮的不透明度,从 0.0(完全透明)到 1.0(完全不透明),可修改
var opacityMouseEnter = 0.8; //当鼠标在按钮上时,按钮的不透明度,从 0.0(完全透明)到 1.0(完全不透明),可修改
var clickScrollTime = 500; //点击按钮时,网页滚动到顶部或底部需要的时间,单位是毫秒,可修改
var needScrollTime; //网页可以自动滚动时,滚动需要的时间,由网页高度计算得出,这样不同网页都会匀速滚动
var isClicked = false; //按钮是否被点击
var initialHeight = 0; //网页向底部滚动时,需要滚动的距离
var scrollAction = 'undefined';
var scrollDirection = "down"; //网页滚动方向,down 为向下,up 为向上
var loadTimes = 0; //网页中动态增加数据的次数
var maxLoadTimes = 10; //最大的动态增加数据的次数(可修改),如果动态增加数据的次数超过这个值,则说明当前网页不适合执行此脚本,建议将其加入排除的网站当中
var goTopBottomButton = document.createElement("div");
goTopBottomButton.className = "goTopBottomButton";
goTopBottomButton.innerHTML = "<img class='toggleButton' style='width:35px;height:35px;display:block;cursor:pointer;'></img>"; //图片的宽和高可修改,原始图片宽高均为 40px
goTopBottomButton.style.position = "fixed";
goTopBottomButton.style.zIndex = 10000;
goTopBottomButton.style.bottom = "50px"; //距离网页底部 50px,可修改
goTopBottomButton.style.right = "30px"; //距离网页右边 30px,可修改
var toggleButton = goTopBottomButton.lastChild;
toggleButton.style.opacity = opacityMouseLeave; //按钮初始不透明度
toggleButton.src = GM_getResourceURL("down_button_icon"); //按钮初始显示向下的图片
toggleButton.addEventListener("mouseenter",function() { //鼠标移入时不透明度改变,如果 canScrollMouseOver 为 true,则网页可以自动滚动
isClicked = false;
if (canScrollMouseOver) {
if (scrollDirection == "up") {
needScrollTime = getScrollTop() * 10;
} else {
initialHeight = $(document).height();
var restHeight = $(document).height() - getScrollTop();
needScrollTime = restHeight * 10;
toggleButton.style.opacity = opacityMouseEnter;
toggleButton.addEventListener("mouseleave",function() { //鼠标移出时不透明度改变,如果 canScrollMouseOver 为 true,并且按钮未被点击,停止网页自动滚动的动画
if (canScrollMouseOver && !isClicked) {
toggleButton.style.opacity = opacityMouseLeave;
toggleButton.addEventListener("click",function() { //点击按钮时,网页滚动到顶部或底部
isClicked = true;
if (canScrollMouseOver) {
if (scrollDirection == "up") {
} else {
initialHeight = $(document).height();
document.onscroll = function() {
if (scrollAction == 'undefined') {
scrollAction = window.pageYOffset;
var diffY = scrollAction - window.pageYOffset;
scrollAction = window.pageYOffset;
if (diffY < 0) {
} else if (diffY > 0) {
if (getScrollTop() == 0) {
if (getScrollTop() + $(window).height() >= $(document).height()) {
function changeDirection(direction) { //改变按钮方向
scrollDirection = direction;
toggleButton.src = GM_getResourceURL(direction + "_button_icon");
function getScrollTop() { //获取垂直方向滑动距离
var scrollTop = 0;
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {
scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
} else if (document.body) {
scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
return scrollTop;
function continueToBottom() { //判断页面是否继续下滑(主要是为了处理网页动态增加数据导致网页高度变化的情况)
var currentHeight = $(document).height();
if (initialHeight != currentHeight) {
if (loadTimes >= maxLoadTimes) {
alert(" 本网站有太多的异步请求,不适合执行脚本《" + GM_info.script.name + "》,建议加入排除网站当中,具体方法请查看脚本主页");
loadTimes = 0;
loadTimes ++;
initialHeight = currentHeight;