Multi column layout for reddit redesign
// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit Multi Column // @namespace // @version 0.2.4 // @description Multi column layout for reddit redesign // @author Can Altıparmak // @homepageURL // @match* // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ (function() { 'use strict'; const MIN_WIDTH = 400; const COLUMNS = 4; let columns = COLUMNS; let cleanup = null; let parent = null; const cardIcon = () => document?.querySelector('shreddit-sort-dropdown[header-text="View"]')?.shadowRoot?.querySelector('svg'); const shouldClean =(icon) => icon === undefined ? false : icon.getAttribute('icon-name') !== "view-card-outline"; cleanup = shouldClean() let postMap = new Map() const indexOfSmallest = function (a) { let lowest = 0; for (let i = 1; i<a.length; i++) { if (a[i] < (a[lowest]-1)) lowest = i; } return lowest; }; const makeLayout = function(changes=[]) { if (cleanup) return; if (!parent) return; if ( !== "relative") { document.querySelector("main").style.maxWidth = "100%"; document.querySelector("div.subgrid-container").classList.remove("m:w-[1120px]") // make wide document.getElementById("right-sidebar-container").style.display = "none" // hide sidebar = "relative" } const cols = Math.floor(parent.offsetWidth / MIN_WIDTH); columns = cols; const WIDTH = Math.floor((100-columns)/columns); const nodes = [...parent.querySelectorAll("article, faceplate-partial").values()] for (const article of nodes) { const key = article.ariaLabel if (key === null) /* faceplate-partial */ { } else if (key in postMap) { const post = postMap[key] if (post.height !== article.offsetHeight) { post.height = article.offsetHeight } } else { postMap.set(key, {height:article.offsetHeight, col:0, top:0}) } } let tops = Array(columns).fill(0); for (const post of postMap.values()) { post.col = indexOfSmallest(tops) = tops[post.col] tops[post.col] += post.height } const height = Math.max(...tops) if (height) { = height + 500 + "px" } for (const article of nodes) { const key = article.ariaLabel const {col, top} = postMap.get(key) ?? {col:0, top:tops[0]} article.setAttribute("style", cleanup ? "" : `position:absolute; width:${WIDTH}%; top:${top}px; left:${col*(WIDTH+1)}%`) } for (const batch of parent.querySelectorAll("faceplate-batch").values()) { if (! { = [...batch.childNodes].reduce((height,c) => height + c.clientHeight, 0) + "px" } } }; const setLayout = function(changes, observer) { const c = shouldClean(cardIcon()); if (c !== cleanup) { cleanup = c; window.requestAnimationFrame(makeLayout) } }; const requestLayout = () => window.requestAnimationFrame(makeLayout) const pageChange = new MutationObserver(requestLayout); window.addEventListener('resize', requestLayout); window.addEventListener('scrollend', requestLayout); const layoutSwitch = new MutationObserver(setLayout); const watch = function(changes, observer) { postMap = new Map() parent = document.querySelector("article + hr + faceplate-partial").parentNode if (parent === null) return; pageChange.observe(parent, {childList: true}); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { const icon = cardIcon(); if (icon !== undefined) { clearTimeout(timeout); layoutSwitch.observe(icon, {attributes: true}); } }) window.requestAnimationFrame(makeLayout); }; const apply = new MutationObserver(watch); const app = document.querySelector("shreddit-app") apply.observe(app, {attributes: true}); watch(); })();