⚠️ No longer maintained
Adds a button to open the original source of an IG story, post or profile picture. No jQuery.
- View the original source of a Posts, Story, and Profile picture(1)
- Even on private and not followed pages (requires login)
- (1) Profile picture viewing is now achieved using the script's developer options, see more below on the settings section
- Anonymous stories - Ability to view user stories without them knowing
- Saving a post directly from the context menu (right-click)
- Note: This is just convenience and it doesn't save the full size version
- Posts show the full timestamp instead of a relative and more generic time
- Ability to customise your experience (key bindings, default actions, etc. See more settings below)
Key bindings
- Alt/⌥ + O - Opening single posts (pop-up) and stories
- Alt/⌥ + P - Opening the profile picture on a profile page
These key bindings can be changed on the script's settings, see more below
- Changing the key bindings - These always use the Alt/⌥ key in combination with a letter, this option allows you to change the default letter.
- Open source button behavior - Redirect or open in a new tab with or without focus.
- Developer options
- Options available on the script's settings menu (see images below). These are more developer-oriented, but by following the provided instructions, anyone can use them.
- Session ID:
- The session id determines your current login and it's used to get full size profile pictures using the instagram API. Without this, you will get low-res profile pictures. See how to get your session id on the images below and the News/Difficulties section for more a detailed explanation.
- Chrome: Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey & MeddleMonkey
- Firefox: Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey & Violentmonkey
- Opera: Tampermonkey & Violentmonkey (Chrome extension support)
- Edge (Chromium-based version): Tampermonkey & Violentmonkey
- Vivaldi: Uses the chrome web store, so same as chrome
Note: I cannot guarantee compatibility with third-party Instagram viewers/extensions (common on Opera), only with the actual website.
- Pop-ups might be blocked on the first time opening any picture, you need to allow it (on the address bar)
- Multiple pop-ups to allow Cross-Origin Requests might appear on the first time, accept those as well.
If you like the script and would like to share your appreciation:

Open source button locations:

Tampermonkey settings menu:

On-page settings menu:

Getting the sessionid on chrome & opera:

Getting the sessionid on firefox: