Replaces any default HTML5 player with custom controls
Script that modifies the default html5 player with simple controls (like the old html5 player).
Additionally allows to play/stop by clicking video.
Also preserves volume levels using sessionstorage (basically volume level per hostname).
Default volume is set to 50% for first time (per hostname).
Scroll up/down for volume control.
Doubleclick for fullscreen/back.
UPDATE 15.6.2022:
Attempt to fix scaling issues by keeping original classes for video object.
UPDATE 15.2.2022:
Fixed some CSS issues with fullscreen/fullpage wrapper
UPDATE 11.4.2021:
Updated to handle behavior better when opening video files directly on chromium browsers.
Improved fonts and slightly adjusted controls.
UPDATE 3.6.2019:
Changed UI scaling and font, updated looks: