Greasy Fork is available in English.
try to take over the world!
// ==UserScript== // @name Bilibili 视频默认选择最高清晰度 // @name:zh-CN 哔哩哔哩视频默认选择最高清晰度 // @name:zh-SG 哔哩哔哩视频默认选择最高清晰度 // @name:zh-TW 嗶哩嗶哩影片自動選擇最高解析度 // @name:zh-HK 嗶哩嗶哩影片自動選擇最高解析度 // @name:zh-MO 嗶哩嗶哩影片自動選擇最高解析度 // @namespace // @version 1.2019.8.21 // @description try to take over the world! // @description:zh-CN 之前哔哩哔哩切换视频,清晰度会默认调成自动。 // @description:zh-SG 之前哔哩哔哩切换视频,清晰度会默认调成自动。 // @description:zh-TW 從前嗶哩嗶哩切換影片,解析度會莫名其妙調成自動。為了不用每次都手動調回去,就寫了這個。 // @description:zh-HK 從前嗶哩嗶哩切換影片,解析度會莫名其妙調成自動。為了不用每次都手動調回去,就寫了這個。 // @description:zh-MO 從前嗶哩嗶哩切換影片,解析度會莫名其妙調成自動。為了不用每次都手動調回去,就寫了這個。 // @require // @contributionURL // @contributionAmount 0.618 // @icon // @supportURL [email protected] // @author Zimongmu // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @run-at document-idle // @grant none // @license Anti 996 License Version 1.0 // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; eval(Babel.transform(function () { const state = model => (typeof model == 'object' && model.handler(model)) ? { then: nap => nap(location.href) } : { then: nap => nap(typeof model == 'string' ? model : false) } const model = { present: model => ( typeof model == 'object' && Object.entries(model.elements) .every(([key, { get, has }]) => has(get(key))) ) ? model : (typeof model == 'string' ? model : false) } const action = () => location.href != model.href ? model.handler : model.href model.bilibili = { elements: { player: { get: () => document.getElementById('bilibiliPlayer'), has: element => element }, face: { get: () => document.querySelector('.profile-info .face'), has: element => element ? element.complete : element }, vip: { get: () => document.querySelector('.profile-info .vip'), has: () => true }, selectList: { get: () => document.querySelectorAll('.bui-select-list-wrap li'), has: element => element ? element.length : element } }, login: element => (element && element.hasAttribute('data-login')) ? ( element.getAttribute('data-login') == 'true' ? '大会员' : '(大会员|登录)' ) : '.*', click: element => element.classList.contains('bui-select-item-active') ? element : setTimeout(() =>, 1000), handler: model => [...model.elements.selectList.get()].find( element => new RegExp( ? '$.^' : model.login(model.elements.player.get()) ).test(element.innerHTML) ? false : ) ? true : false } model.douyu = { elements: { selectList: { get: () => document.querySelector('#rateId~ul>li'), has: element => !/^\/(topic\/)?[^\/]+$/.test(location.pathname) || element } }, click: element => 'selected' == element.className.slice(0, 8) ? element : !, handler: model => /^\/(topic\/)?[^\/]+$/.test(location.pathname) ? setTimeout(() =>, 1000) : true } model.huya = { elements: { selectList: { get: () => document.querySelector('.player-videotype-list>li'), has: element => !/^\/[^\/]+$/.test(location.pathname) || element } }, click: element => element.className == 'on' ? element :, handler: model => /^\/[^\/]+$/.test(location.pathname) ? setTimeout(() =>, 1000) : true } model.handler = Object.entries(model).find( ([key]) => location.hostname.split('.').slice(-2)[0] == key )[1] const listener = event => state(model.present(action())).then( nap => nap ? (model.href == nap || Object.defineProperty(model, 'href', { value: location.href, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true })) : setTimeout(() => listener(event), 500) ) state(model.present(action())).then(nap => nap) || window.addEventListener('canplay', listener, true) }.toString().split("\n").slice(1, -1).join("\n"), { presets: ["es2015", "es2016"] }).code);