Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
Contact me on twitch if you want some help with the script:
Configure your options, menu inside the Chat Settings or press ALT + S:
- Shows the images and videos directly in chat
Supported Image Formats : .jpg , .jpeg , .png , .webp , .gif, imgur, gyazo
Supported Video Formats : .mp4 , .webm, youtube, twitch clips;
Example in chat:
- Auto click on Claim bonus.
- Auto claim Moments
- You can set the quality to always be source
- you can hide the hype train and the bit/gift leaderboard
- You can hide the unfollow button so you don't unfollow accidentally
- You can hide offline followed channels
- Hide Friends
- Hide recommended channels