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Setup road properties with templates


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// ==UserScript==
// @name         WME E95
// @name:uk      WME 🇺🇦 E95
// @version      0.8.3
// @description  Setup road properties with templates
// @description:uk Швидке налаштування атрибутів вулиці за шаблонами
// @license      MIT License
// @author       Anton Shevchuk
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/227648-anton-shevchuk
// @supportURL   https://github.com/AntonShevchuk/wme-e95/issues
// @match        https://*.waze.com/editor*
// @match        https://*.waze.com/*/editor*
// @exclude      https://*.waze.com/user/editor*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389765/1090053/CommonUtils.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450160/1218867/WME-Bootstrap.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/452563/1218878/WME.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450221/1137043/WME-Base.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450320/1555446/WME-UI.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 8 */
/* global require */
/* global $, jQuery */
/* global W */
/* global I18n */
/* global WME, WMEBase, WMEUI, WMEUIHelper, WMEUIShortcut, WMEUIHelperControlButton */
/* global Container, Settings, SimpleCache, Tools  */
(function () {
'use strict'
// Script name, uses as unique index
const NAME = 'E95'
// Translations
'en': {
title: 'Quick Properties',
description: 'Apply the road\'s settings by one click',
help: 'You can use the <a href="#keyboard-dialog" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-toggle="modal">Keyboard shortcuts</a> to apply the settings. It\'s more convenient than clicking on the buttons.',
'uk': {
title: 'Швидкі налаштування',
description: 'Застосовуйте швидкі налаштування для доріг за один клік',
help: 'Використовуйте <a href="#keyboard-dialog" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-toggle="modal">гарячі клавіши</a>, це значно швидше ніж використовувати кнопку',
'ru': {
title: 'Быстрые настройки',
description: 'Применяйте быстрые настройки для дорог в один клик',
help: 'Используйте <a href="#keyboard-dialog" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-toggle="modal">комбинации клавиш</a>, и не надо будет клацать кнопку',
const STYLE = 'button.waze-btn.E95 { margin: 0 4px 4px 0; padding: 2px; width: 42px; } ' +
'button.waze-btn.E95:hover { box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 0 100px 100px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } ' +
'button.waze-btn.E95-E { margin-right: 42px; }' +
'button.waze-btn.E95-J { margin-right: 42px; }' +
'p.e95-info { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; color: #777; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 15px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; }'
// Road Types
//   I18n.translations.uk.segment.road_types
//   I18n.translations.en.segment.road_types
const TYPES = {
street: 1,
primary: 2,
freeway: 3,
ramp: 4,
trail: 5,
major: 6,
minor: 7,
offroad: 8,
walkway: 9,
boardwalk: 10,
ferry: 15,
stairway: 16,
private: 17,
railroad: 18,
runway: 19,
parking: 20,
narrow: 22
// Road colors by type
const COLORS = {
'1': '#ffffeb',
'2': '#f0ea58',
// ...
'8': '#867342',
// ...
'17': '#beba6c',
// ...
'20': '#ababab'
// Road Flags
//   for setup flags use binary operators
//   e.g. flags.tunnel | flags.headlights
const FLAGS = {
tunnel: 0b00000001,
// ???
// a     : 0b00000010,
// b     : 0b00000100,
// c     : 0b00001000,
unpaved: 0b00010000,
headlights: 0b00100000,
// Buttons:
//   title - for buttons
//   shortcut - keys for shortcuts, by default is Alt + (1..9)
//   options:
//    - detectCity - try to detect the city name by closures segments
//    - clearCity - clear the city name
//    - clearStreet - clear the street name
//   attributes - native settings for model object
// TODO:
//   – check permissions for user level lower than 2
const BUTTONS = {
A: {
title: 'PR 5',
shortcut: 'A+1',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 5,
revMaxSpeed: 5,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.private,
lockRank: 0,
B: {
title: 'PR20',
shortcut: 'A+2',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 20,
revMaxSpeed: 20,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.private,
lockRank: 0,
C: {
title: 'PR50',
shortcut: 'A+3',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 50,
revMaxSpeed: 50,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.private,
lockRank: 0,
D: {
title: 'St50',
shortcut: 'A+4',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 50,
revMaxSpeed: 50,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.street,
lockRank: 0,
E: {
title: 'PS50',
shortcut: 'A+5',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 50,
revMaxSpeed: 50,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.primary,
lockRank: 1,
F: {
title: 'PLR',
shortcut: 'A+6',
options: {
detectCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 5,
revMaxSpeed: 5,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.parking,
lockRank: 0,
G: {
title: 'OR',
shortcut: 'A+7',
options: {
clearCity: true,
clearStreet: false,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 90,
revMaxSpeed: 90,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.offroad,
lockRank: 0,
H: {
title: 'PR90',
shortcut: 'A+8',
options: {
clearCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 90,
revMaxSpeed: 90,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.private,
lockRank: 0,
I: {
title: 'St90',
shortcut: 'A+9',
options: {
clearCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 90,
revMaxSpeed: 90,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.street,
lockRank: 0,
J: {
title: 'PS90',
shortcut: 'A+0',
options: {
clearCity: true,
attributes: {
flags: 0,
fwdMaxSpeed: 90,
revMaxSpeed: 90,
fwdMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
revMaxSpeedUnverified: false,
roadType: TYPES.primary,
lockRank: 1,
// codes of countries
const COUNTRIES = {
ukraine: 232
// country specified buttons config
const CONFIGS = {
// Ukraine
232: {
G: {
attributes: {
flags: FLAGS.headlights
H: {
attributes: {
flags: FLAGS.headlights
I: {
attributes: {
flags: FLAGS.headlights
J: {
attributes: {
flags: FLAGS.headlights
// Require Waze API
let WazeActionUpdateObject
let WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress
class E95 extends WMEBase {
constructor (name, buttons, config  ) {
this.helper = new WMEUIHelper(name)
this.panel = null
this.buttons = buttons
this.config = config
let tab = this.helper.createTab(
image: GM_info.script.icon
tab.addText('description', I18n.t(name).description)
tab.addDiv('text', I18n.t(name).help)
'<a href="' + GM_info.scriptUpdateURL + '">' + GM_info.script.name + '</a> ' + GM_info.script.version
getPanel () {
if (this.panel) {
return this.panel
// Build panel
// Container for buttons
let controls = document.createElement('div')
controls.className = 'controls'
// Create buttons
for (let btn in this.buttons) {
let config = this.getButtonConfig(btn)
let title = config.title
let color = COLORS[config.attributes.roadType]
let description = config.title + ' - ' +
I18n.t('segment.road_types')[config.attributes.roadType] + '; ' +
I18n.t('edit.segment.fields.speed_limit') + ' ' +
I18n.t('measurements.speed.km', { speed: config.attributes.fwdMaxSpeed })
let UIButton = new WMEUIHelperControlButton(
() => this.buttonCallback(config),
let button = UIButton.html()
button.dataset[NAME] = btn
button.style.backgroundColor = color
let label = document.createElement('label')
label.className = 'control-label'
label.innerText = I18n.t(NAME).title
this.panel = document.createElement('div')
this.panel.className = 'form-group ' + NAME
return this.panel
// Get Button settings
getButtonConfig (index) {
// Load settings for current country by call method W.model.getTopCountry().getID()
// Then mixed it with default settings by Tools.mergeDeep() method
return Tools.mergeDeep(this.buttons[index], this.config[index])
// Handler for Road buttons
buttonCallback (button) {
// Get all selected segments
let segments = WME.getSelectedSegments()
// Try to detect city, if needed
if (button.options.detectCity) {
let cityName = null
for (let i = 0, total = segments.length; i < total; i++) {
cityName = this.detectCity(segments[i])
if (cityName) {
button.options.cityName = cityName
for (let i = 0, total = segments.length; i < total; i++) {
this.updateSegment(segments[i], button.options, button.attributes)
* Update segment attributes
* @param {Object} segment
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} attributes
updateSegment (segment, options, attributes = {}) {
// current segment address
let addr = segment.getAddress()
// fill address information
let address = {
countryID: addr.getCountry()?.getID() || W.model.getTopCountry().getID(),
stateID: addr.getState()?.getID() || W.model.getTopState().getID(),
cityName: addr.getCity()?.getName() || '',
streetName: addr.getStreet()?.getName() || '',
// options: detect city
if (!address.cityName && options.detectCity && options.cityName) {
this.log('detected city name "' + options.cityName + '"')
address.cityName = options.cityName
// options: clear city
if (options.clearCity) {
this.log('clear city name')
address.cityName = null
// options: clear street
if (options.clearStreet) {
this.log('clear street name')
address.streetName = null
// set city flag
address.emptyCity = (address.cityName === null)
// set street flag
address.emptyStreet = (address.streetName === null) || (address.streetName === '')
let updateFeatureAddress = new WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress(
streetIDField: 'primaryStreetID'
// update segment's address
// keep the current lock level if it is higher than in the config's attributes
if (segment.attributes.lockRank > attributes.lockRank) {
attributes.lockRank = segment.attributes.lockRank
// need more logs
this.log('set road type to ' + I18n.t('segment.road_types')[attributes.roadType])
// update segment's properties
let updateObject = new WazeActionUpdateObject(segment, attributes)
* Detect city name by connected segments
* @param {Object} segment
* @return {String|null}
detectCity (segment) {
// check cityName of the segment
if (segment.getAddress().getCity() && !segment.getAddress().getCity().isEmpty()) {
return segment.getAddress().getCity().getName()
// TODO: replace follow magic with methods getConnectedSegments() and getConnectedSegmentsByDirection()
//  W.selectionManager.getSelectedDataModelObjects()[0].getConnectedSegments().map(x => x.attributes.id)
//  W.selectionManager.getSelectedDataModelObjects()[0].getConnectedSegmentsByDirection().map(x => x.attributes.id)
//  when it will work
//  last check - 2023.11.20
// connected segments
let connected = []
connected = connected.concat(segment.getFromNode().getSegmentIds()) // segments from point A
connected = connected.concat(segment.getToNode().getSegmentIds()) // segments from point B
connected = connected.filter(id => id !== segment.getID()) // filter himself
// cities of the connected segments
let cities = connected.map(id => W.model.segments.getObjectById(id).getAddress().getCity())
cities = cities.filter(city => city) // filter segments w/out city
cities = cities.map(city => city.getName()) // extract cities name
cities = cities.filter(city => city) // filter empty city name
if (cities.length) {
return cities.shift()
return null
* Handler for `segment.wme` event
* Create UI controls every time when updated DOM of sidebar
* Uses native JS function for better performance
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {W.model} model
* @return {void}
onSegment (event, element, model) {
// Skip for walking trails and blocked roads
if (model.isWalkingRoadType()
|| model.isLockedByHigherRank()
|| !model.isGeometryEditable()
) {
// Panel can be already exists
element.querySelector('div.form-group.E95') ||
* Handler for `segments.wme` event
* Create UI controls every time when updated DOM of sidebar
* Uses native JS function for better performance
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {Array} models
* @return {void}
onSegments (event, element, models) {
// Skip for walking trails or locked roads
if (models.filter((model) => model.isWalkingRoadType() || model.isLockedByHigherRank() || !model.isGeometryEditable()).length > 0) {
// Panel can be already exists
element.querySelector('div.form-group.E95') ||
$(document).on('bootstrap.wme', () => {
// Require scripts
WazeActionUpdateObject = require('Waze/Action/UpdateObject')
WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress = require('Waze/Action/UpdateFeatureAddress')
// check country configuration
let country = W.model.getTopCountry()?.getID() || COUNTRIES.ukraine
let config = CONFIGS[country] ? CONFIGS[country] : CONFIGS[COUNTRIES.ukraine]
new E95(NAME, BUTTONS, config)
WMEUIShortcut.setGroupTitle(NAME, I18n.t(NAME).title)