Automatically turn off the live streaming danmaku
// ==UserScript== // @name Live Danmaku Controller // @name:en-US Live Danmaku Controller // @name:zh-CN 直播弹幕控制 // @name:zh-TW 直播彈幕控制 // @description Automatically turn off the live streaming danmaku // @description:en-US Automatically turn off the live streaming danmaku // @description:zh-CN 自动关闭直播弹幕 // @description:zh-TW 自動關閉直播彈幕 // @namespace live-danmaku-controller // @version 2021.10.06 // @author Akatsuki Rui // @license MIT License // @grant GM_info // @compatible chrome Since Chrome 49.x // @compatible firefox Since Firefox 44.x // @compatible opera Since 17.x // @run-at document-idle // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; const SELECTOR = { "": { on: "div[class^='showdanmu-']:not([class*='removed-'])", off: "div[class^='hidedanmu-']:not([class*='removed-'])", }, "": { on: "div[id='player-danmu-btn'][title='关闭弹幕']", off: "div[id='player-danmu-btn'][title='开启弹幕']", }, "": { on: "div[class~='yc__bullet-comments-btn'][title='关闭弹幕']", off: "div[class~='yc__bullet-comments-btn'][title='打开弹幕']", }, }; // Delay danmaku disabler for some sites (Default 10s) const DELAY_TIME = 10000; const DELAY_SITE = [""]; const LIVE_SITE = document.location.hostname; // Danmaku disabler function disableDanmaku() { let button = document.querySelector(SELECTOR[LIVE_SITE].on); if (button) {; } setTimeout(() => { if (document.querySelector(SELECTOR[LIVE_SITE].off) === null) { disableDanmaku(); } }, 500); } // To fix the button is showing as OFF, but danmaku still appear DELAY_SITE.includes(LIVE_SITE) ? setTimeout(disableDanmaku, DELAY_TIME) : disableDanmaku();