Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name 抽奖动态删除&取关 // @namespace mscststs // @version 0.22 // @description 删除所有抽奖动态并自动取关 // @author mscststs // @match* // @match* // @require // @require[email protected]/dist/axios.min.js // @icon // @license MIT // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const uid = window.location.pathname.split("/")[1]; function getUserCSRF() { return document.cookie.split("; ").find(row => row.startsWith("bili_jct="))?.split("=")[1]; } const csrfToken = getUserCSRF(); class Api { constructor() { } async getFollowers() { // 获取粉丝列表 return this.fetchJsonp(`${window.BilibiliLive.UID}`); } async spaceHistory(offset = 0) { // 获取个人动态 return this.retryOn429(() => this._api( `${uid}&host_uid=${uid}&offset_dynamic_id=${offset}`, {}, "get" )); } async removeDynamic(id) { // 删除动态 return this._api( "", { dynamic_id: id, csrf_token: csrfToken } ); } async unfollowUser(id) { // 取关 return this._api( "", { uid: uid, type: 0, follow: id, re_src: 18, csrf_token: csrfToken, csrf: csrfToken, visit_id: "", } ); } async _api(url, data, method = "post") { // 通用请求 return axios({ url, method, data: this.transformRequest(data), withCredentials: true, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }).then(res =>; } transformRequest(data) { // 转换请求参数 return Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`).join('&'); } async fetchJsonp(url) { // jsonp请求 return fetchJsonp(url).then(res => res.json()); } async retryOn429(func, retries = 5, delay = 100) { // 出现429错误时冷却100ms重试,出现412错误时提示并退出 while (retries > 0) { try { return await func(); } catch (err) { if (err.response && err.response.status === 429) { await this.sleep(delay); retries--; } else if (err.response && err.response.status === 412) { alert('由于请求过于频繁,IP暂时被ban,请更换IP或稍后再试。'); throw new Error('IP blocked, please retry later.'); } else { throw err; } } } throw new Error('Too many retries, request failed.'); } sleep(ms) { // 睡眠 return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } } const api = new Api(); const buttons = [".onlyDeleteAll", ".deleteAll", ".onlyDeleteRepost", ".deleteRepost", ".unfollowAll"]; let logNode; async function init() { const shijiao = await mscststs.wait(".h-version-state", true, 100); if (!shijiao || shijiao.innerText != "我自己") { console.log('当前不是自己的个人动态'); return; } await Promise.all([ mscststs.wait("#page-dynamic"), mscststs.wait("#page-dynamic .col-2") ]); const node = createControlPanel(); document.querySelector("#page-dynamic .col-2").append(node); logNode = document.querySelector(".msc_panel .log"); setEventListeners(); } function createControlPanel() { const node = document.createElement("div"); node.className = "msc_panel"; node.innerHTML = ` <div class="inner"> <button class="onlyDeleteAll">删除所有抽奖动态但是不取关</button><br> <button class="onlyDeleteRepost">删除所有转发动态但是不取关</button><br> <button class="deleteAll">删除所有抽奖动态并取关</button><br> <button class="deleteRepost">删除所有转发动态并取关</button><br> <button class="unfollowAll">取关所有</button> <div class="log"></div> </div>`; return node; } function setEventListeners() { document.querySelector(".onlyDeleteAll").addEventListener("click", handleDelete.bind(null, true, false)); document.querySelector(".onlyDeleteRepost").addEventListener("click", handleDelete.bind(null, false, false)); document.querySelector(".deleteAll").addEventListener("click", handleDelete.bind(null, true, true)); document.querySelector(".deleteRepost").addEventListener("click", handleDelete.bind(null, false, true)); document.querySelector(".unfollowAll").addEventListener("click", unfollowAll); } async function handleDelete(deleteLottery, unfollow) { // 参数含义:是否仅删除抽奖,是否取关 disableAll(); let deleteCount = 0; // 删除计数 let unfollowCount = 0; // 取关计数 let hasMore = true; // 是否还有更多动态 let offset = 0; // 动态偏移量 let unfollowList = {}; // 已取关列表 while (hasMore) { const { data } = await api.spaceHistory(offset); hasMore = data.has_more; for (const card of { offset = card.desc.dynamic_id_str; if (card.desc.orig_dy_id != 0) { // 如果是转发动态 try { const content = JSON.parse(card.card); const content2 = JSON.parse(content.origin_extend_json); if (!deleteLottery || content2.lott) { // 如果“仅删除抽奖”为假,或判断为抽奖动态 const rm = await api.removeDynamic(card.desc.dynamic_id_str); if (rm.code === 0) deleteCount++; else throw new Error("删除出错"); if (unfollow && !unfollowList[]) { // 如果“取关”为真,且未取关过 const uf = await api.unfollowUser(; if (uf.code === 0) { unfollowList[] = 1; unfollowCount++; } else throw new Error("取关出错"); } } await api.sleep(50); log(`已删除 ${deleteCount} 条,取关 ${unfollowCount} 个`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); break; } } } } enableAll(); } async function unfollowAll() { disableAll(); const { data } = await api.getFollowers(); let unfollowCount = 0; for (const follower of data.list) { try { const uf = await api.unfollowUser(follower.mid); if (uf.code === 0) { unfollowCount++; } else { throw new Error("取关出错"); } await api.sleep(50); log(`已取关 ${unfollowCount} 个`); } catch (e) { console.error(e); break; } } enableAll(); } function disableAll() { console.log('start'); buttons.forEach(btn => document.querySelector(btn).disabled = true); } function enableAll() { console.log('done'); buttons.forEach(btn => document.querySelector(btn).disabled = false); } function log(message) { logNode.innerText = message; } init(); })();