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Wanikani: Real (Time) Numbers

Updates the review count automatically as soon as new reviews are due

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani: Real (Time) Numbers
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.2.2
// @description  Updates the review count automatically as soon as new reviews are due
// @author       Kumirei
// @include      /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/(lesson/*|review/*|dashboard)?$/
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint esversion: 8 */
// @include for /review/* and /lesson/* is required because otherwise, the script will not run on the /review summary
// page if it was navigated to automatically upon completion of reviews/lesson (still works without them if navigating there directly)
(function() {
let script_name = "Real (Time) Numbers";
// Make sure WKOF is installed
if (!wkof) {
let response = confirm(script_name+' requires WaniKani Open Framework.\n Click "OK" to be forwarded to installation instructions.');
if (response) {
window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';
function init() {
// Wait until the top of the hour then update the review/lessons count
let tpu = new PendingUpdater(true,45*1000); // no caching, look 45 seconds into the future to account for out of sync clocks
wait_until(get_next_hour(), fetch_and_update_recurring);
// Fetches the review/lessons counts, updates the dashboard, then does the same thing on top of every hour
function fetch_and_update_recurring() {
wait_until(get_next_hour(), fetch_and_update_recurring);
// Also update lessons/reviews whenever page is switched to
let lastVisibilityState = 'visible';
let vpu = new PendingUpdater(false, 0); // allow caching, no looking into the future
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
if (document.visibilityState == 'visible' && lastVisibilityState == 'hidden') {
lastVisibilityState = document.visibilityState;
// Also update lessons/reviews whenever network status changes to online
window.addEventListener('online',  function () {
// Add CSS
let css = `.lessons-and-reviews__reviews-button, .lessons-and-reviews__lessons-button,
navigation-shortcut--reviews, navigation-shortcut--lessons {
transition: background 300ms;
add_css(css, 'real-time-numbers-css');
// Also update lessons/reviews immediately if page was navigated to using back/forward button
// must be run after css or else fade won't happen if this r###lts in an update
let nav = window.performance.getEntriesByType('navigation');
if (nav.length > 0 && nav[0].type == 'back_forward') {
// Waits until a given time and executes the given function
function wait_until(time, func) {
setTimeout(func, time - Date.now());
// Gets the time for the next hour in ms
function get_next_hour() {
let current_date = new Date();
return new Date(current_date.toDateString() + ' ' + (current_date.getHours()+1) + ':').getTime();
// Adds CSS to document
// Does not escape its input
function add_css(css, id="") {
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style id="${id}">${css}</style>`);
// Handles fetching and displaying updates to pending lesson and review counts
class PendingUpdater {
// force_update (bool): when true, don't use cached data even if
// age of cached data is < 60 seconds (default: false)
// dt (number): # of ms to look ahead into the future when computing
// what reviews/lessons are/will be available (default: 0)
constructor(force_update, dt) {
if (typeof(force_update) == 'undefined')
force_update = false;
if (typeof(dt) == 'undefined')
dt = 0;
this.force_update = force_update;
this.dt = dt;
this.thresholds = {reviews: [0,1,50,100,250,500,1000], // thresholds where reviews button image changes
lessons: [0,1,25,50,100,250,500]}; // thresholds where lessons button image changes
this.threshold_cls_prefix = {reviews: "lessons-and-reviews__reviews-button--",
lessons: "lessons-and-reviews__lessons-button--"};
// Fetches the review/lessons counts, updates the counts on the page
fetch_and_update() {
// Retreives the number of reviews/lessons due
async fetch_pending_counts() {
let data = await wkof.Apiv2.get_endpoint('summary', {force_update: this.force_update});
return {reviews: this.get_pending(data.reviews).length,
lessons: this.get_pending(data.lessons).length};
// Given a list of reviews/lessons returned from the api,
// Returns available pending reviews/lessons as of current time + this.dt
get_pending(lst) {
let pending = [];
let reference_time = Date.now() + this.dt;
for (let i=0; i<lst.length; i++) {
if (Date.parse(lst[i].available_at) <= reference_time)
return pending;
// Update both the review and lessons counts in both title bar and big button if on the dashboard
// Update the count in the top right if on the lessons / reviews summary page
update_pending_counts(counts) {
let url = new URL(document.URL);
if (['','/','/dashboard','/dashboard/'].includes(url.pathname)) {
this.dashboard_update_pending_count(counts.lessons, 'lessons');
this.dashboard_update_pending_count(counts.reviews, 'reviews');
} else if (['/review','/review/'].includes(url.pathname)) {
this.summary_update_pending_count(counts.reviews, 'review');
} else if (['/lesson','/lesson/'].includes(url.pathname)) {
this.summary_update_pending_count(counts.lessons, 'lesson');
// Update the review or lessons count in both title bar and big button for the dashboard
dashboard_update_pending_count(count, reviews_or_lessons) {
// update count that shows up in title bar when scrolling
let reviews_elem = document.getElementsByClassName('navigation-shortcut--' + reviews_or_lessons)[0];
reviews_elem.setAttribute('data-count', count);
reviews_elem.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = count;
// update count in big button at top of page
let big_reviews_elem = document.getElementsByClassName('lessons-and-reviews__' + reviews_or_lessons + '-button')[0];
for (let i=0; i<big_reviews_elem.classList.length; i++) {
if (big_reviews_elem.classList[i].startsWith(this.threshold_cls_prefix[reviews_or_lessons])) {
let review_threshold = Math.max(
...this.thresholds[reviews_or_lessons].filter(threshold => threshold <= count)
big_reviews_elem.classList.add(this.threshold_cls_prefix[reviews_or_lessons] + review_threshold);
big_reviews_elem.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerText = count;
// Update the review or lessons count in the top right of the review or lessons summary page
// The second argument is singular here and plural in dashboard_update_pending_count(...).
summary_update_pending_count(count, review_or_lesson) {
let link = document.querySelector('#start-session a');
let cl = link.classList;
if (count == 0) {
link.setAttribute('title', 'No ' + review_or_lesson + 's in queue');
cl.add('disabled'); // ignores duplicates automatically
$('#start-session a').on('click', (e) => e.preventDefault()); // add jQuery event handler that prevents click
} else if (count > 0) {
link.setAttribute('title', 'Start ' + review_or_lesson + ' session');
$('#start-session a').off('click'); // remove jQuery event handler that prevents click
document.getElementById(review_or_lesson + '-queue-count').innerText = count;