Send message to user's cellphone, using WeChat, SMS(##### mainland only), Voice Call(##### mainland only).
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
Guide users to subscribe WeChat Official Account "喵提醒" (Qrcode: and create a remind, return "喵码"(miaocode) to you, then you can send message to them.
== Parameter ==
miaocode: When users create a remind, they will get a "喵码", put "喵码" in this parameter.
text: You can put some additional information here.
callback: If you want to get the request r###lts.
== Example ==
You are providing ticket-snatching services. A user created a remind named "I got a ticket!" and tell you his remind's "喵码" is tr12345. When you find a ticket for this user, you can use function:
miaotixing("tr12345", "Found a ticket at Setp.13 8:00am", function(data){console.log(data);});
If successed, the user's cellphone will receive a message:
【喵提醒】I got a ticket!
Found a ticket at Setp.13 8:00am