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WME E50 Fetch POI Data

Fetch information about the POI from external sources


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ WME E95

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WME E50 Fetch POI Data
// @name:uk      WME 🇺🇦 E50 Fetch POI Data
// @version      0.10.14
// @description  Fetch information about the POI from external sources
// @description:uk Скрипт дозволяє отримувати інформацію про POI зі сторонніх ресурсів
// @license      MIT License
// @author       Anton Shevchuk
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/227648-anton-shevchuk
// @supportURL   https://github.com/AntonShevchuk/wme-e50/issues
// @match        https://*.waze.com/editor*
// @match        https://*.waze.com/*/editor*
// @exclude      https://*.waze.com/user/editor*
// @icon         ###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###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AgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIAogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAKPD94cGFja2V0IGVuZD0idyI/PgpaVBgAAAAGYktHRAD/AP8A/6C9p5MAAAAJcEhZcwAACxMAAAsTAQCanBgAAAAHdElNRQfnAQsKKwBWE1eUAAAGfklEQVR42u2ae0zTVxTHv7R1yuRVymgrdMYhGh9oYDQBCzPMByYm4hAfU1E0IjjjIBKVxEqJIz7+ULFRJEq0hGCFzdDEaEBNAGkZERcnL3EMUXC0gIUCE9BSuj+wP/qzrZSHSy2/T0L4nXvPuXDP795z7rn5ARQUFBQUFBQUFBQUUxEH4ikFNDjgJwCbAIRAb9RnHzPVA5ADyIcDMpCKoZFOEbgQQSG5K9Er1Uq9vaJUK/WSuxI9RFBABK6xA+SV9ZX6qUJlfaUeIsiHF4YIcdcE1zJjVsUAAMprypFTkYPMfzLtagfEe8UjOigayxYvAwBI7kmwS7ErzgEilCp/Vn7HcedAUa1AyM0Quw568g1yCPwEUHWqwBVzH9DooIdy3DkAgCx5lt1HfcMcOe4c0EEPpXHpXCLaS9okdu8A4zly6VwH2lQ/BzCsUYpkRmKhx8Jx/YGetz0QN4sJeb3beiz+arHV9vdb7qNioMJsn9BXiOC5wfB088SgbhC1zbXI+jPLov64HbAtYBsiQyPH5YDW160QXxhxwL7QfVj97WrrB8gFKhrIEwp2DEbO9hz4ePmQ2oMWBmFr2FaIb4mRXJNs1fD/+xZwd3KfkD0NNOTtyjOZvAHH6Y5I+iEJQl+hbTpgotxcdRM8T97HlzWdgYS1CZO3BT5E3a1Gk6rJKt2O7o6P9h/LPTZqDDBm+ZLlJLmosghlz8rAnMlE7OpYuMx0AQB4uHngtN9pHKk+MvkOaFI1gS/lj+sNGv5BA2kNaVbbJs5OBNOZSci1TbVYc3sNIQ/ph3Ao8hAhhy4IBaptbAu4OI44YODdwJhsw+aHkeTy+nKSfLjqMPrf9hPyPK95th0DNP9qxqTvxfIiyXWqOtPt2aMmnlmuLLjR3GzMAca3DPrhX18zvobQVwihrxC7ObstmnJZXJKc/jLdREfVqSLJ+7/ZP/kxYCI4OTqR5BthN7AuaB0cpzsSbSe6TuDy3ctIeZpCflu0sb8vOp0++Q5gu7GRF5Y3+hJ/o0HcwziLDuCwONi8fLPp+Ew2hJuF4BZxEft7LNHu6uRKCnjmGBoity/gLgCeTbIDeGweeGzeqHoqtcrEAdbvFAfsXLETd+rvoKCrYPiQ88XIKul602XWrq2njbwCHOi2EwMczFwzage1qGqswqNnj6DuVpP6pjGmIen7JLNj6bQ6s+1arXbyi6HJYovnFpI88G4AybnJOP/yPNH2JPoJlvgsIWTjZ9Kbo5t/d3QG/dM7oKW9BRVPR6+4Plym0nYppCKp+YzwHtEtEQoSCwjZ+UtnRHtGI6c9BwPaAcyYNgMA4OZkPr2xXdjkmGAhVkzIAW1dbdhUvGniadAMMo0MKrUKHBaHaJvtOhtoBzS9Ghhurxg0hsU6gHRWUNZ9fsVQR4/5+kE3pBvzWDqd7vNzANOJaTGrGHOAd8BsCjXmXOM523FAtiAblT9W4nnccygPKCGaLzKrZ5zvAeBVzysAQHNHM6l9EXeRia2Hqwepau3T99mOA2axZiFwfiDmcOeAw+IgIjDCROci/yKcHZ0Jube/l7jILPmrhKQb6BNIkk8uOkk6UdY1132aLMBmspEflm+1/vXH1yHTyFD6tBQrA1YS7f6+/ihcW4i04jTI++TICs7CjhU7SLbVjSP1rLhZjJTuFLBcWQCApb5Lke6fjsTHiYhiRSFmRQzJtri2+NM4gOfJG/VWxpiqV1WQaWRIa0jD3va9JNtwfjjC+eHmDzWDWlwovUBqK6kuwYaQDUQmSIhIQEJEgtlULaoX2V45fPb2WWgHrTut5T/Ih7RDSj5M3d+C1tetH7XTDmqRUZRhm3eC6S/TceK3E+js7bSo0/+uH1eLrmL7g+0mfYMYxNFfj5qUvcaTPyM7g1ONpybvJCj/Wz6uHGygpqOGJKfWp0LaKMVB/4MI8AkAx50DBo0BZacSDa0NuPTwEkrelFgcT9ImgUQswZWgK+DP5YPNZKO7rxsvVC+QqciETCOz/lzmfdxb33KsZVhIta9vIiyhTx2+ieH9wgNNqVPqDR0x7Bi7n7zxHJU6pZ6mg67MsJ/2hOyxewcY5qjqVEEHXRkNQG7hH4UAAIGfAIooBeK944eLFjv6ifeOhyJKAYGfAADwfs6572vQqfuJjCENbuRL+eXZ97Itphd7QNWpQva9bPCl/HIAG8nV+VT6TE6PDBzHECgoKCgoKCgoKCgopiz/AYtz5BmJvxgCAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
// @connect      api.here.com
// @connect      api.visicom.ua
// @connect      nominatim.openstreetmap.org
// @connect      catalog.api.2gis.com
// @connect      dev.virtualearth.net
// @connect      maps.googleapis.com
// @connect      stat.waze.com.ua
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM.setClipboard
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/389765/1090053/CommonUtils.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450160/1218867/WME-Bootstrap.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/452563/1218878/WME.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450221/1137043/WME-Base.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/450320/1555446/WME-UI.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/480123/1281900/WME-EntryPoint.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 8 */
/* global require */
/* global $, jQuery, jQuery.Event */
/* global W, W.model */
/* global I18n */
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global NavigationPoint */
/* global WME, WMEBase, WMEUI, WMEUIHelper */
/* global Container, Settings, SimpleCache, Tools  */
(function () {
'use strict'
let vectorPoint, vectorLine
const NAME = 'E50'
// translation structure
'en': {
title: 'Information 📍',
notFound: 'Not found',
options: {
title: 'Options',
modal: 'Use modal window',
transparent: 'Transparent modal window',
entryPoint: 'Create Entry Point if not exists',
copyData: 'Copy POI data to clipboard on click',
lock: 'Lock POI to 2 level',
keys: 'API keys',
providers: {
title: 'Providers',
magic: 'Closest Segment',
osm: 'Open Street Map',
gis: '2GIS',
bing: 'Bing',
here: 'HERE',
google: 'Google',
visicom: 'Visicom',
ua: 'UA Adresses',
questions: {
changeName: 'Are you sure to change the name?',
changeCity: 'Are you sure to change the city?',
changeStreet: 'Are you sure to change the street name?',
changeNumber: 'Are you sure to change the house number?',
notFoundCity: 'City not found in the current location, are you sure to apply this city name?',
notFoundStreet: 'Street not found in the current location, are you sure to apply this street name?'
'uk': {
title: 'Інформація 📍',
notFound: 'Нічого не знайдено',
options: {
title: 'Налаштування',
modal: 'Використовувати окрему панель',
transparent: 'Напівпрозора панель',
entryPoint: 'Створювати точку в\'їзду, якщо відсутня',
copyData: 'При виборі, копіювати до буферу обміну назву та адресу POI',
lock: 'Блокувати POI 2-м рівнем',
keys: 'Ключі до API',
providers: {
title: 'Джерела',
magic: 'Найближчий сегмент',
osm: 'Open Street Map',
gis: '2GIS',
bing: 'Bing',
here: 'HERE',
google: 'Google',
visicom: 'Візіком',
ua: 'UA Адреси',
questions: {
changeName: 'Ви впевненні що хочете змінити им\'я?',
changeCity: 'Ви впевненні що хочете змінити місто?',
changeStreet: 'Ви впевненні що хочете змінити вулицю?',
changeNumber: 'Ви впевненні що хочете змінити номер дома?',
notFoundCity: 'Ми не знайшли такого міста у поточному місці, ви впевнені, що його треба застосувати?',
notFoundStreet: 'Ми не знайшли таку вулицю у поточному місці, ви впевнені, що треба її додати?',
'ru': {
title: 'Информация 📍',
notFound: 'Ничего не найдено',
options: {
title: 'Настройки',
modal: 'Использовать отдельную панель',
transparent: 'Полупрозрачная панель',
entryPoint: 'Создавать точку въезда если отсутствует',
copyData: 'При виборе, копировать в буфер обмена название и адрес POI',
lock: 'Блокировать POI 2-м уровнем',
keys: 'Ключи к API',
providers: {
title: 'Источники',
magic: 'Ближайший сегмент',
osm: 'Open Street Map',
gis: '2GIS',
bing: 'Bing',
here: 'HERE',
google: 'Google',
visicom: 'Визиком',
ua: 'UA Адреса',
questions: {
changeName: 'Ви уверены, что хотите изменить имя?',
changeCity: 'Ви уверены, что хотите изменить город?',
changeStreet: 'Ви уверены, что хотите изменить улицу?',
changeNumber: 'Ви уверены, что хотите изменить номер дома?',
notFoundCity: 'Мы не нашли такого города в данной локации, вы уверены что нужно его добавить?',
notFoundStreet: 'Мы не нашли такую улицу в данной локации, вы уверены что нужно её добавить?',
'fr': {
title: 'Informations 📍',
notFound: 'Lieu inconnu',
options: {
title: 'Réglages',
modal: 'Activer la fenêtre',
transparent: 'Fenêtre transparente',
entryPoint: 'Créer le point d\'entrée s\'il n\'existe pas',
copyData: 'Copier les informations du POI en cliquant',
lock: 'Verrouiller le POI au niveau 2',
keys: 'API keys',
providers: {
title: 'Sources',
magic: 'Au plus proche du segment',
osm: 'Open Street Map',
gis: '2GIS',
bing: 'Bing',
here: 'HERE',
google: 'Google',
visicom: 'Visicom',
ua: 'UA Adresses',
questions: {
changeName: 'Êtes-vous sûr de changer le nom ?',
changeCity: 'Êtes-vous sûr de changer la ville ?',
changeStreet: 'Êtes-vous sûr de changer la rue ?',
changeNumber: 'Êtes-vous sûr de changer le numéro de rue ?',
notFoundCity: 'City not found in the current location, are you sure to apply this city name?',
notFoundStreet: 'Street not found in the current location, are you sure to apply this street name?'
const SETTINGS = {
options: {
modal: true,
transparent: false,
entryPoint: true,
copyData: true,
lock: true,
providers: {
magic: true,
osm: false,
gis: false,
bing: false,
here: false,
google: true,
visicom: false,
ua: false,
keys: {
// Russian warship go f*ck yourself!
visicom: 'da' + '0110' + 'e25fac44b1b9c849296387dba8',
gis: 'rubnkm' + '7490',
here: 'GCFmOOrSp8882vFwTxEm' + ':' + 'O-LgGkoRfypnRuik0WjX9A',
bing: 'AuBfUY8Y1Nzf' + '3sRgceOYxaIg7obOSaqvs' + '0k5dhXWfZyFpT9ArotYNRK7DQ_qZqZw',
google: 'AIzaSyBWB3' + 'jiUm1dkFwvJWy4w4ZmO7K' + 'PyF4oUa0', // extract it from WME
ua: 'E50'
const LOCALE = {
// Ukraine
232: {
country: 'uk',
language: 'ua',
locale: 'uk_UA'
// Road Types
//   I18n.translations.uk.segment.road_types
//   I18n.translations.en.segment.road_types
const TYPES = {
street: 1,
primary: 2,
freeway: 3,
ramp: 4,
trail: 5,
major: 6,
minor: 7,
offroad: 8,
walkway: 9,
boardwalk: 10,
ferry: 15,
stairway: 16,
private: 17,
railroad: 18,
runway: 19,
parking: 20,
narrow: 22
// OpenLayer styles
const STYLE =
'.e50 .header h5 { padding: 16px 16px 0; font-size: 16px }' +
'.e50 .body { overflow-x: auto; max-height: 420px; padding: 4px 0; }' +
'.e50 .button-toolbar legend { border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; width: 94%; margin: 0 auto; } ' +
'.e50 .button-toolbar fieldset { margin-bottom: 8px } ' +
'.e50 fieldset { border: 1px solid #ddd; }' +
'.e50 fieldset legend { cursor:pointer; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0 8px; background-color: #f6f7f7; border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }' +
'.e50 fieldset legend::after { display: inline-block; text-rendering: auto; content: ""; float: right; font-size: 10px; line-height: inherit; position: relative; right: 3px; } ' +
'.e50 fieldset.collapsed legend::after { content: "" }' +
'.e50 fieldset.collapsed ul { display: none } ' +
'.e50 fieldset legend span { font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; color: #ed503b; display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px; max-width: 30px; padding: 1px 5px; text-align: center; } ' +
'.e50 ul { padding: 8px; margin: 0 }' +
'.e50 li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; margin-bottom: 2px }' +
'.e50 li a { display: block; padding: 2px 4px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #e4e4e4; }' +
'.e50 li a:hover { background: rgba(255, 255, 200, 1) }' +
'.e50 li a.noaddress { background: rgba(255, 200, 200, 0.5) }' +
'.e50 li a.noaddress:hover { background: rgba(255, 200, 200, 1) }' +
'.e50 div.controls { padding: 8px; }' +
'.e50 div.controls:empty, #panel-container .archive-panel .body:empty { min-height: 20px; }' +
'.e50 div.controls:empty::after, #panel-container .archive-panel .body:empty::after { color: #ccc; padding: 0 8px; content: "' + I18n.t(NAME).notFound + '" }' +
'.e50 div.controls label { white-space: normal; font-weight: 400; margin-top: 5px; }' +
'.e50 div.controls input[type="text"] { float:right; }' +
'p.e50-info { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; color: #777; font-size: x-small; margin-top: 15px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; }'
let WazeActionUpdateObject
let WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress
let E50Instance, E50Cache, vectorLayer
class E50 extends WMEBase {
constructor (name, settings) {
super(name, settings)
this.helper = new WMEUIHelper(name)
this.modal = this.helper.createModal(I18n.t(name).title)
this.panel = this.helper.createPanel(I18n.t(name).title)
this.tab = this.helper.createTab(
image: GM_info.script.icon
// Setup options
let fsOptions = this.helper.createFieldset(I18n.t(name).options.title)
for (let item in settings.options) {
if (settings.options.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
(event) => this.settings.set(['options', item], event.target.checked),
this.settings.get('options', item)
// Setup providers settings
let fsProviders = this.helper.createFieldset(I18n.t(name).providers.title)
for (let item in settings.providers) {
if (settings.providers.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
(event) => this.settings.set(['providers', item], event.target.checked),
this.settings.get('providers', item)
// Setup providers key's
let fsKeys = this.helper.createFieldset(I18n.t(name).options.keys)
let keys = this.settings.get('keys')
for (let item in keys) {
if (keys.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
'key-' + item,
(event) => this.settings.set(['keys', item], event.target.value),
this.settings.get('keys', item)
'<a href="' + GM_info.scriptUpdateURL + '">' + GM_info.script.name + '</a> ' + GM_info.script.version
* Handler for `none.wme` event
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* @return {Null}
onNone (event) {
// document.getElementById('panel-container').innerText = ''
* Handler for `venue.wme` event
*  - create and fill the modal panel
* @param {jQuery.Event} event
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {W.model} model
* @return {null|void}
onVenue (event, element, model) {
let container, parent
if (this.settings.get('options', 'modal')) {
parent = this.modal.html()
container = parent.querySelector('.wme-ui-body')
} else {
parent = this.panel.html()
container = parent.querySelector('.controls')
// Clear container
try {
if (container)
while (container.hasChildNodes()) {
} catch (e) {
let poi = getSelectedPOI()
if (!poi) {
let selected = poi.getOLGeometry().getCentroid().clone()
selected.transform('EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:4326')
let providers = []
let country = W.model.getTopCountry().getID() // or 232 is Ukraine
let settings = LOCALE[country]
'📍' + selected.x + ' ' + selected.y
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'magic')) {
let Magic = new MagicProvider(container, settings)
let providerPromise = Magic
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Magic.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'ua')) {
let UaAddresses = new UaAddressesProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'ua'))
let providerPromise = UaAddresses
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => UaAddresses.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'osm')) {
let Osm = new OsmProvider(container, settings)
let providerPromise = Osm
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Osm.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'gis')) {
let Gis = new GisProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'gis'))
let providerPromise = Gis
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Gis.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'visicom')) {
let Visicom = new VisicomProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'visicom'))
let providerPromise = Visicom
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Visicom.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'here')) {
let Here = new HereProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'here'))
let providerPromise = Here
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Here.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'bing')) {
let Bing = new BingProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'bing'))
let providerPromise = Bing
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Bing.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
if (this.settings.get('providers', 'google')) {
let Google = new GoogleProvider(container, settings, this.settings.get('keys', 'google'))
let providerPromise = Google
.search(selected.x, selected.y)
.then(() => Google.render())
.catch(() => this.log(':('))
.then(() => this.groupEnd())
if (this.settings.get('options', 'modal')) {
if (this.settings.get('options', 'transparent')) {
parent.style.opacity = '0.6'
parent.onmouseover = () => (parent.style.opacity = '1')
parent.onmouseout = () => (parent.style.opacity = '0.6')
} else {
* Basic Provider class
class Provider {
constructor (uid, container, settings) {
this.uid = uid
this.response = []
this.settings = settings
// prepare DOM
this.panel = this._panel()
this.container = container
* @param {String} url
* @param {Object} data
* @returns {Promise<unknown>}
async makeRequest (url, data) {
let query = new URLSearchParams(data).toString()
if (query.length) {
url = url + '?' + query
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'json',
url: url,
onload: response => response && response.response && resolve(response.response) || reject(response),
onabort: response => reject(response),
onerror: response => reject(response),
ontimeout: response => reject(response),
* @param  {Number} lon
* @param  {Number} lat
* @return {Promise<array>}
async request (lon, lat) {
throw new Error('Abstract method')
* @param  {Number} lon
* @param  {Number} lat
* @return {Promise<void>}
async search (lon, lat) {
let key = this.uid + ':' + lon + ',' + lat
if (E50Cache.has(key)) {
this.response = E50Cache.get(key)
} else {
this.response = await this.request(lon, lat).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'search return error', e))
E50Cache.set(key, this.response)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.response) {
} else {
* @param  {Array} res
* @return {Array}
collection (res) {
let r###lt = []
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
r###lt = r###lt.filter(x => x)
return r###lt
* Should return {Object}
* @param  {Object} res
* @return {Object}
item (res) {
throw new Error('Abstract method')
* @param  {Number} lon
* @param  {Number} lat
* @param  {String} city
* @param  {String} street
* @param  {String} number
* @param  {String} name
* @return {{number: *, city: *, street: *, name: *, raw: *, lon: *, title: *, lat: *}}
element (lon, lat, city, street, number, name = '') {
// Raw data from provider
let raw = [street, number, name].filter(x => !!x).join(', ')
console.groupCollapsed(city, street, number, name)
city = normalizeCity(city)
street = normalizeStreet(street)
number = normalizeNumber(number)
name = normalizeName(name)
let title = [street, number, name].filter(x => !!x).join(', ')
return {
lat: lat,
lon: lon,
city: city,
street: street,
number: number,
name: name,
title: title,
raw: raw,
* Render r###lt to target element
render () {
if (this.response.length === 0) {
// remove empty panel
* Create div for all items
* @return {HTMLDivElement}
* @private
_panel () {
let div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = NAME + '-' + this.uid
div.className = 'e50'
return div
* Build fieldset with the list of the response items
* @return {HTMLFieldSetElement}
* @protected
_fieldset () {
let fieldset = document.createElement('fieldset')
let list = document.createElement('ul')
if (this.response.length > 3) {
fieldset.className = 'collapsed'
} else {
fieldset.className = ''
for (let i = 0; i < this.response.length; i++) {
let item = document.createElement('li')
let legend = document.createElement('legend')
legend.innerHTML = this.uid + ' <span>' + this.response.length + '</span>'
legend.onclick = function () {
return false
fieldset.append(legend, list)
return fieldset
* Build link by {Object}
* @param  {Object} item
* @return {HTMLAnchorElement}
* @protected
_link (item) {
let a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = '#'
a.dataset.lat = item.lat
a.dataset.lon = item.lon
a.dataset.city = item.city
a.dataset.street = item.street
a.dataset.number = item.number
a.dataset.name = item.name
a.innerText = item.title
a.title = item.raw
a.className = NAME + '-link'
if (!item.city || !item.street || !item.number) {
a.className += ' noaddress'
return a
* Based on closest segment and city
class MagicProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings) {
super(I18n.t(NAME).providers.magic, container, settings)
async request (lon, lat) {
let city = null
let street = ''
let segment = findClosestSegment(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat).transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913'), true, true)
if (segment) {
city = segment.getAddress(W.model).getCity()
street = segment.getAddress(W.model).getStreetName()
// to lon, lat
let point = segment.closestPoint.transform('EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:4326')
lon = point.x
lat = point.y
if (!city) {
let cities = W.model.cities.getObjectArray()
.filter(c => c.getName()) // not empty city name
.filter(c => c.getName() !== 'поза НП') // not "no" city (hardcoded mistake)
.filter(c => c.getID() !== 55344) // not EMPTY city for Ukraine
city = cities.length ? cities.shift() : null
if (!street) {
return []
// lon, lat, city, street, number, name
let r###lt = [
city ? city.getName() : '',
return r###lt
* US Addresses
class UaAddressesProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super(I18n.t(NAME).providers.ua, container, settings)
this.key = key
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://stat.waze.com.ua/address_map/address_map.php'
let data = {
lon: lon,
lat: lat,
script: this.key
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.r###lt || response.r###lt !== 'success') {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response.data.polygons.Default)
return r###lt
item (res) {
let data = res.name.split(", ")
data = data.filter(part => {
return !part.trim().match(/^\D+\sобл\.$/)
&& !part.trim().match(/^\D+\sр-н?$/)
&& !part.trim().match(/^р-н\s+\D+$/)
if (data.length < 3) {
return false
let number = data.pop()
let street = data.pop()
let city = data.pop()
let parser = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT()
parser.internalProjection = W.map.getProjectionObject()
//parser.externalProjection = new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326')
let feature = parser.read(res.polygon)
let centerPoint = feature.geometry.getCentroid()
return this.element(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, city, street, number)
* visicom.ua
class VisicomProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super('Visicom', container, settings)
this.key = key
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://api.visicom.ua/data-api/5.0/uk/geocode.json'
let data = {
near: lon + ',' + lat,
categories: 'adr_address',
order: 'distance',
radius: 100,
limit: 10,
key: this.key,
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.features || !response.features.length) {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response.features)
return r###lt
item (res) {
let city = ''
let street = ''
let number = ''
if (res.properties.settlement) {
city = res.properties.settlement
if (res.properties.street) {
street = res.properties.street_type + ' ' + res.properties.street
if (res.properties.name) {
number = res.properties.name
return this.element(res.geo_centroid.coordinates[0], res.geo_centroid.coordinates[1], city, street, number)
* Open Street Map
class OsmProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings) {
super('OSM', container, settings)
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse'
let data = {
lon: lon,
lat: lat,
zoom: 18,
addressdetails: 1,
countrycodes: this.settings.language,
'accept-language': this.settings.locale,
format: 'json',
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.address || !response.address.house_number) {
return []
let r###lt = [this.item(response)]
return r###lt
item (res) {
let city = ''
let street = ''
let number = ''
if (res.address.city) {
city = res.address.city
} else if (res.address.town) {
city = res.address.town
if (res.address.road) {
street = res.address.road
if (res.address.house_number) {
number = res.address.house_number
return this.element(res.lon, res.lat, city, street, number)
* 2GIS
* @link https://docs.2gis.com/ru/api/search/geocoder/reference/2.0/geo/search#/default/get_2_0_geo_search
class GisProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super('2Gis', container, settings)
this.key = key
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://catalog.api.2gis.com/2.0/geo/search'
let data = {
point: lon + ',' + lat,
radius: 20,
type: 'building',
fields: 'items.address,items.adm_div,items.geometry.centroid',
locale: this.settings.locale,
format: 'json',
key: this.key,
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.r###lt || !response.r###lt.items.length) {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response.r###lt.items)
return r###lt
item (res) {
let output = []
let city = ''
let street = ''
let number = ''
if (res.adm_div.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < res.adm_div.length; i++) {
if (res.adm_div[i].type === 'city') {
city = res.adm_div[i].name
if (res.address.components) { // optional
street = res.address.components[0].street
number = res.address.components[0].number
} else if (res.address_name) { // optional
} else if (res.name) {
// e.g. POINT(36.401143 49.916814)
let center = res.geometry.centroid.substring(6, res.geometry.centroid.length - 1).split(' ')
let lon = center[0]
let lat = center[1]
let element = this.element(lon, lat, city, street, number, output.join(', '))
if (res.purpose_name) {
element.raw += ', ' + res.purpose_name
return element
* Here Maps
* @link https://developer.here.com/documentation/geocoder/topics/quick-start-geocode.html
* @link https://www.here.com/docs/bundle/geocoder-api-developer-guide/page/topics/resource-reverse-geocode.html
class HereProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super('Here', container, settings)
this.key = key.split(':')
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://reverse.geocoder.api.here.com/6.2/reversegeocode.json'
let data = {
app_id: this.key[0],
app_code: this.key[1],
prox: lat + ',' + lon + ',10',
mode: 'retrieveAddresses',
locationattributes: 'none,ar',
addressattributes: 'str,hnr'
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response
|| !response.Response
|| !response.Response.View
|| !response.Response.View
|| !response.Response.View[0]
|| !response.Response.View[0].R###lt) {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response.Response.View[0].R###lt.filter(x => x.MatchLevel === 'houseNumber'))
return r###lt
item (res) {
return this.element(
* Bing Maps
* @link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/rest-services/locations/find-a-location-by-point
* http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/50.03539,36.34732?o=xml&key=AuBfUY8Y1Nzf3sRgceOYxaIg7obOSaqvs0k5dhXWfZyFpT9ArotYNRK7DQ_qZqZw&c=uk
* http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/50.03539,36.34732?o=xml&key=AuBfUY8Y1Nzf3sRgceOYxaIg7obOSaqvs0k5dhXWfZyFpT9ArotYNRK7DQ_qZqZw&c=uk&includeEntityTypes=Address
class BingProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super('Bing', container, settings)
this.key = key
async request (lon, lat) {
let url = 'https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations/' + lat + ',' + lon
let data = {
includeEntityTypes: 'Address',
c: this.settings.country,
key: this.key,
let response = await this.makeRequest(url, data).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.resourceSets || !response.resourceSets[0]) {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response.resourceSets[0].resources.filter(el => el.address.addressLine && el.address.addressLine.indexOf(',') > 0))
return r###lt
item (res) {
let address = res.address.addressLine.split(',')
return this.element(
* Google Place
* @link https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search
class GoogleProvider extends Provider {
constructor (container, settings, key) {
super('Google', container, settings)
this.key = key
async request (lon, lat) {
let response = await this.makeAPIRequest(lat, lon).catch(e => console.error(this.uid, 'return error', e))
if (!response || !response.length) {
return []
let r###lt = this.collection(response)
return r###lt
async makeAPIRequest (lat, lon) {
let center = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon)
let map = new google.maps.Map(document.createElement('div'), { center: center })
let request = {
location: center,
radius: '100',
type: 'point_of_interest',
// doesn't work
// fields: ['name', 'address_component', 'geometry'],
// language: this.settings.country,
let service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
service.nearbySearch(request, (r###lts, status) => {
if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
} else {
item (res) {
let address = res.vicinity.split(',')
address = address.map(str => str.trim())
// looks like hell
let street = address[0] && address[0].length > 4 ? address[0] : ''
let number = address[1] && address[1].length < 13 ? address[1] : ''
let city = address[2] ? address[2] : ''
return this.element(
.on('bootstrap.wme', ready)
.on('click', '.' + NAME + '-link', applyData)
.on('mouseenter', '.' + NAME + '-link', showVector)
.on('mouseleave', '.' + NAME + '-link', hideVector)
.on('none.wme', hideVector)
function ready () {
WazeActionUpdateObject = require('Waze/Action/UpdateObject')
WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress = require('Waze/Action/UpdateFeatureAddress')
E50Instance = new E50(NAME, SETTINGS)
E50Cache = new SimpleCache()
* @return {null|Object}
function getSelectedPOI () {
let venue = WME.getSelectedVenue()
// For TEST ENV only!
// venue = W.selectionManager.getSelectedDataModelObjects()[0]
if (!venue) {
return null
let except = ['NATURAL_FEATURES']
if (except.indexOf(venue.getMainCategory()) === -1) {
return venue
return null
* Returns an array of all segments in the current extent
* @function WazeWrap.Model.getOnscreenSegments
function getOnscreenSegments () {
let segments = W.model.segments.objects
let mapExtent = W.map.getExtent()
let onScreenSegments = []
let seg
for (let s in segments) {
if (!segments.hasOwnProperty(s))
seg = W.model.segments.getObjectById(s)
if (mapExtent.intersectsBounds(seg.getOLGeometry().getBounds()))
return onScreenSegments
* Finds the closest on-screen drivable segment to the given point, ignoring PLR and PR segments if the options are set
* @function WazeWrap.Geometry.findClosestSegment
* @param {OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} geometry The given point to find the closest segment to
* @param {boolean} ignorePLR If true, Parking Lot Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
* @param {boolean} ignoreUnnamedPR If true, Private Road segments will be ignored when finding the closest segment
function findClosestSegment (geometry, ignorePLR, ignoreUnnamedPR) {
let onscreenSegments = getOnscreenSegments()
let minDistance = Infinity
let closestSegment
for (let s in onscreenSegments) {
if (!onscreenSegments.hasOwnProperty(s))
let segmentType = onscreenSegments[s].attributes.roadType
if (segmentType === TYPES.boardwalk
|| segmentType === TYPES.stairway
|| segmentType === TYPES.railroad
|| segmentType === TYPES.runway)
// parking lots
if (ignorePLR && segmentType === TYPES.parking) //PLR
// private roads
if (ignoreUnnamedPR && segmentType === TYPES.private)
// unnamed roads, f**ing magic number
if (
!onscreenSegments[s].getAddress(W.model).getStreet().getID() ||
onscreenSegments[s].getAddress(W.model).getStreet().getID() === 8325397)
let distanceToSegment = geometry.distanceTo(onscreenSegments[s].getOLGeometry(), { details: true })
if (distanceToSegment.distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distanceToSegment.distance
closestSegment = onscreenSegments[s]
closestSegment.closestPoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(distanceToSegment.x1, distanceToSegment.y1)
return closestSegment
* Apply data to current selected POI
* @param event
function applyData (event) {
let poi = getSelectedPOI()
if (!poi.isGeometryEditable()) {
E50Instance.group('Apply data')
let lat = this.dataset.lat
let lon = this.dataset.lon
let name = this.dataset.name
let city = this.dataset.city
let street = this.dataset.street
let number = this.dataset.number
if (E50Instance.settings.get('options', 'copyData')) {
toClipboard([name, number, street, city].filter(x => !!x).join(' '))
// POI Name
let newName
// If exists name ask user to replace it or not
// If not exists - use name or house number as name
if (poi.attributes.name) {
if (name && name !== poi.attributes.name) {
if (window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.changeName + '\n«' + poi.attributes.name + '» ⟶ «' + name + '»?')) {
newName = name
} else if (number && number !== poi.attributes.name) {
if (window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.changeName + '\n«' + poi.attributes.name + '» ⟶ «' + number + '»?')) {
newName = number
} else if (name) {
newName = name
} else if (number) {
newName = number
// Update alias for korpus
if ((new RegExp('[0-9]+[а-яі]?к[0-9]+', 'i')).test(number)) {
let alias = number.replace('к', ' корпус ')
let aliases = poi.attributes.aliases.slice()
if (aliases.indexOf(alias) === -1) {
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateObject(poi, { aliases: aliases }))
if (newName) {
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateObject(poi, { name: newName }))
// POI Address Street Name
let newStreet
let addressStreet = poi.getAddress(W.model).getStreet()?.getName() || ''
if (street) {
let existStreet = detectStreet(street)
if (existStreet) {
// We found street, all OK
console.log('✅ Street detected, is «' + existStreet + '»')
street = existStreet
} else if (!window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.notFoundStreet + '\n«' + street + '»?')) {
street = null
// Check the current POI street name, and ask to rewrite it
if (street) {
if (addressStreet) {
if (addressStreet !== street &&
window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.changeStreet + '\n«' + addressStreet + '» ⟶ «' + street + '»?')) {
newStreet = street
} else {
newStreet = street
// POI Address City
let newCity
let addressCity = poi.getAddress(W.model).getCity()?.getName() || ''
// hardcoded value of common issue
if (addressCity === 'поза НП') {
addressCity = ''
if (city) {
// Try to find the city in the current location
let existCity = detectCity(city)
if (existCity) {
// We found city, all OK
console.log('✅ City detected, is «' + existCity + '»')
city = existCity
} else if(!window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.notFoundCity + '\n«' + city + '»?')) {
// We can't find city, and will ask to create new one, but not needed
city = null
if (city) {
if (addressCity) {
if (addressCity !== city &&
window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.changeCity + '\n«' + addressCity + '» ⟶ «' + city + '»?')) {
newCity = city
} else {
newCity = city
// Update Address
if (newCity || newStreet) {
let address = {
countryID: W.model.getTopCountry().getID(),
stateID: W.model.getTopState().getID(),
cityName: newCity ? newCity : addressCity,
streetName: newStreet ? newStreet : poi.getAddress(W.model).getStreetName()
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateFeatureAddress(poi, address))
// POI Address HouseNumber
let newHN
let addressHN = poi.getAddress(W.model).attributes.houseNumber
if (number) {
// Normalize «korpus»
number = number.replace(/^(\d+)к(\d+)$/i, '$1-$2')
// Check number for invalid format for Waze
if ((new RegExp('^[0-9]+[а-яі][к|/][0-9]+$', 'i')).test(number)) {
// Skip this step
'%c' + NAME + ': %cskipped «' + number + '»',
'color: #0DAD8D; font-weight: bold',
'color: dimgray; font-weight: normal'
} else if (addressHN) {
if (addressHN !== number &&
window.confirm(I18n.t(NAME).questions.changeNumber + '\n«' + addressHN + '» ⟶ «' + number + '»?')) {
newHN = number
} else {
newHN = number
if (newHN) {
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateObject(poi, { houseNumber: newHN }))
// If no entry point we would create it
if (E50Instance.settings.get('options', 'entryPoint') && poi.attributes.entryExitPoints.length === 0) {
// Create point based on data from external source
let point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat).transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913')
// Check intersection with selected POI
if (!poi.isPoint() && !poi.getOLGeometry().intersects(point)) {
point = poi.getOLGeometry().getCentroid()
// Create entry point
let navPoint = new entryPoint({primary: true, point: W.userscripts.toGeoJSONGeometry(point)})
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateObject(poi, { entryExitPoints: [navPoint] }))
// Lock to level 2
if (E50Instance.settings.get('options', 'lock') && poi.attributes.lockRank < 1 && W.loginManager.user.getRank() > 0) {
W.model.actionManager.add(new WazeActionUpdateObject(poi, { lockRank: 1 }))
if (newName || newHN || newStreet || newCity) {
* Normalize the string:
*  - remove the double quotes
*  - remove double space
* @param   {String} str
* @returns {String}
function normalizeString (str) {
// Clear space symbols and double quotes
str = str.trim()
.replace(/["“”]/g, '')
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ')
// Clear accents/diacritics, but "\u0306" needed for "й"
// str = str.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u0305\u0309-\u036f]/g, '');
return str
* Normalize the name:
*  - remove № and #chars
*  - remove dots
* @param  {String} name
* @return {String}
function normalizeName (name) {
name = normalizeString(name)
name = name.replace(/[№#]/g, '')
name = name.replace(/\.$/, '')
return name
* Normalize the city name
* @param  {String} city
* @return {String}
function normalizeCity (city) {
return normalizeString(city)
* Search the city name from available in editor area
* @param  {String} city
* @return {String|null}
function detectCity(city) {
// Get list of all available cities
let cities = W.model.cities.getObjectArray()
.filter(city => city.getName())
.filter(city => city.getName() !== 'поза НП')
.map(city => city.getName())
// More than one city, use city with best matching score
// Remove text in the "( )", Waze puts region name to the pair brackets
let best = findBestMatch(city, cities.map(city => city.replace(/( ?\(.*\))/gi, '')))
if (best > -1) {
console.log('✅ City detected')
return cities[best]
} else if (cities.length === 1) {
console.log('❎ City doesn\'t found, uses default city')
return cities.shift()
} else {
console.log('❌ City doesn\'t found')
return null
* Normalize the street name by UA rules
* @param  {String} street
* @return {String}
function normalizeStreet (street) {
street = normalizeString(street)
if (street === '') {
return ''
// Prepare street name
street = street.replace(/[’']/, '\'')
// Remove text in the "( )", OSM puts alternative name to the pair brackets
street = street.replace(/( ?\(.*\))/gi, '')
// Normalize title
let regs = {
'(^| )бульвар( |$)': '$1б-р$2',         // normalize
'(^| )вїзд( |$)': '$1в\'їзд$2',         // fix mistakes
'(^| )в\'ізд( |$)': '$1в\'їзд$2',       // fix mistakes
'(^|.+?) ?вулиця ?(.+|$)': 'вул. $1$2', // normalize, but ignore Lviv rules
'(^|.+?) ?улица ?(.+|$)': 'вул. $1$2',  // translate, but ignore Lviv rules
'^(.+) в?ул\.?$': 'вул. $1',            // normalize and translate, but ignore Lviv rules
'^в?ул.? (.+)$': 'вул. $1',             // normalize and translate, but ignore Lviv rules
'(^| )дорога( |$)': '$1дор.$2',         // normalize
'(^| )мікрорайон( |$)': '$1мкрн.$2',    // normalize
'(^| )набережна( |$)': '$1наб.$2',      // normalize
'(^| )площадь( |$)': '$1площа$2',       // translate
'(^| )провулок провулок( |$)': '$1пров.$2', // O_o
'(^| )провулок( |$)': '$1пров.$2',      // normalize
//'(^| )проїзд( |$)': '$1пр.$2',          // normalize
'(^| )проспект( |$)': '$1просп.$2',     // normalize
'(^| )район( |$)': '$1р-н$2',           // normalize
'(^| )станція( |$)': '$1ст.$2',         // normalize
for (let key in regs) {
let re = new RegExp(key, 'gi')
if (re.test(street)) {
street = street.replace(re, regs[key])
return street
* Search the street name from available in editor area
* Normalize the street name by UA rules
* @param  {String} street
* @return {String|null}
function detectStreet (street) {
street = normalizeStreet(street)
// Get all streets
let streets = W.model.streets.getObjectArray().filter(m => m.getName()).map(m => m.getName())
// Get type and create RegExp for filter streets
let reTypes = new RegExp('(алея|б-р|в\'їзд|вул\\.|дор\\.|мкрн|наб\\.|площа|пров\\.|проїзд|просп\\.|р-н|ст\\.|тракт|траса|тупик|узвіз|шосе)', 'gi')
let matches = [...street.matchAll(reTypes)]
let types = []
// Detect type(s)
if (matches.length === 0) {
types.push('вул.') // setup basic type
street = 'вул. ' + street
} else {
types = matches.map(match => match[0].toLowerCase())
// Filter streets by detected type(s)
let filteredStreets = streets.filter(street => types.some(type => street.indexOf(type) > -1))
// Matching names without type(s)
let best = findBestMatch(
street.replace(reTypes, '').toLowerCase().trim(),
filteredStreets.map(street => street.replace(reTypes, '').toLowerCase().trim())
if (best > -1) {
street = filteredStreets[best]
} else {
// Matching with type
best = findBestMatch(
streets.map(street => street.toLowerCase().trim())
if (best > -1) {
street = streets[best]
} else {
return null
return street
* Normalize the number by UA rules
* @param  {String} number
* @return {String}
function normalizeNumber (number) {
// process "д."
number = number.replace(/^д\. ?/i, '')
// process "дом"
number = number.replace(/^дом ?/i, '')
// process "буд."
number = number.replace(/^буд\. ?/i, '')
// remove spaces
number = number.trim().replace(/\s/g, '')
number = number.toUpperCase()
// process Latin to Cyrillic
number = number.replace('A', 'А')
number = number.replace('B', 'В')
number = number.replace('E', 'Е')
number = number.replace('I', 'І')
number = number.replace('K', 'К')
number = number.replace('M', 'М')
number = number.replace('H', 'Н')
number = number.replace('О', 'О')
number = number.replace('P', 'Р')
number = number.replace('C', 'С')
number = number.replace('T', 'Т')
number = number.replace('Y', 'У')
// process і,з,о
number = number.replace('І', 'і')
number = number.replace('З', 'з')
number = number.replace('О', 'о')
// process "корпус" to "к"
number = number.replace(/(.*)к(?:орп|орпус)?(\d+)/gi, '$1к$2')
// process "N-M" or "N/M" to "NM"
number = number.replace(/(.*)[-/]([а-яі])/gi, '$1$2')
// valid number format
//  123А  123А/321 123А/321Б 123к1 123Ак2
if (!number.match(/^\d+[а-яі]?([/к]\d+[а-яі]?)?$/gi)) {
return ''
return number
* Copy to clipboard
* @param text
function toClipboard (text) {
// normalize
text = normalizeString(text)
text = text.replace(/'/g, '')
'%c' + NAME + ': %ccopied «' + text + '»',
'color: #0DAD8D; font-weight: bold',
'color: dimgray; font-weight: normal'
* Calculates the distance between given points, returned in meters
* @function WazeWrap.Geometry.calculateDistance
* @param {Array<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} pointArray An array of OpenLayers.Geometry.Point with which to measure the total distance. A minimum of 2 points is needed.
function calculateDistance (pointArray) {
if (pointArray.length < 2) {
return 0
let line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(pointArray)
return line.getGeodesicLength(W.map.getProjectionObject()) // multiply by 3.28084 to convert to feet
* Get vector layer
* @return {OpenLayers.Layer.Vector}
function getVectorLayer () {
if (!vectorLayer) {
// Create layer for vectors
vectorLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('E50VectorLayer', {
displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
uniqueName: '__E50VectorLayer'
return vectorLayer
* Show vector from the center of the selected POI to point by lon and lat
function showVector () {
let poi = getSelectedPOI()
if (!poi) {
let from = poi.getOLGeometry().getCentroid()
let to = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(this.dataset.lon, this.dataset.lat).transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913')
let distance = Math.round(calculateDistance([to, from]))
vectorLine = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([from, to]), {}, {
strokeWidth: 4,
strokeColor: '#fff',
strokeLinecap: 'round',
strokeDashstyle: 'dash',
label: distance + 'm',
labelOutlineColor: '#000',
labelOutlineWidth: 3,
labelAlign: 'cm',
fontColor: '#fff',
fontSize: '24px',
fontFamily: 'Courier New, monospace',
fontWeight: 'bold',
labelYOffset: 24
vectorPoint = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(to, {}, {
pointRadius: 8,
fillOpacity: 0.5,
fillColor: '#fff',
strokeColor: '#fff',
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeLinecap: 'round'
getVectorLayer().addFeatures([vectorLine, vectorPoint])
// getVectorLayer().setZIndex(1001)
* Hide and clear all vectors
function hideVector () {
if (vectorLayer) {
* @link   https://github.com/aceakash/string-similarity
* @param  {String} first
* @param  {String} second
* @return {Number}
function compareTwoStrings (first, second) {
first = first.replace(/\s+/g, '')
second = second.replace(/\s+/g, '')
if (!first.length && !second.length) return 1           // if both are empty strings
if (!first.length || !second.length) return 0           // if only one is empty string
if (first === second) return 1                          // identical
if (first.length === 1 && second.length === 1) return 0 // both are 1-letter strings
if (first.length < 2 || second.length < 2) return 0     // if either is a 1-letter string
let firstBigrams = new Map()
for (let i = 0; i < first.length - 1; i++) {
const bigram = first.substring(i, i + 2)
const count = firstBigrams.has(bigram) ? firstBigrams.get(bigram) + 1 : 1
firstBigrams.set(bigram, count)
let intersectionSize = 0
for (let i = 0; i < second.length - 1; i++) {
const bigram = second.substring(i, i + 2)
const count = firstBigrams.has(bigram) ? firstBigrams.get(bigram) : 0
if (count > 0) {
firstBigrams.set(bigram, count - 1)
return (2.0 * intersectionSize) / (first.length + second.length - 2)
* @param  {String} mainString
* @param  {String[]} targetStrings
* @return {Number}
function findBestMatch (mainString, targetStrings) {
let bestMatch = ''
let bestMatchRating = 0
let bestMatchIndex = -1
for (let i = 0; i < targetStrings.length; i++) {
let rating = compareTwoStrings(mainString, targetStrings[i])
if (rating > bestMatchRating) {
bestMatch = targetStrings[i]
bestMatchRating = rating
bestMatchIndex = i
if (bestMatch === '' || bestMatchRating < 0.35) {
console.log('❌', mainString, '🆚', targetStrings)
return -1
} else {
console.log('✅', mainString, '🆚', bestMatch, ':', bestMatchRating)
return bestMatchIndex