This library provides the core functionality to add a stats badge onto profile and cache pages on
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
// ==UserScript== // @exclude * // @supportURL // @version 1.0.2 // @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/(account/dashboard|my|default|geocache|profile|seek/cache_details|p)/ // @exclude /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/(login|about|articles|myfriends)/ // @require // ==UserLibrary== // @name GC Stats Banner Library // @description This library provides the core functionality for adding a stats banner onto profile and cache pages on // @copyright 2019-2020, Cryo99 ( // @license GPL version 3 or any later version; // ==/UserScript== // ==/UserLibrary== /*jshint esversion: 6 */ var GCStatsBanner = function(cfg){ // ========================= Private members ========================= var _cfg = {}, _cfgDefault = { cacheTitles: false, callerVersion: 'Unknown', elPrefix: '', imgScript: 'find-badge.php', logLevel: 'normal', seriesLevels: ['None'], seriesLevelDefault: 'None', seriesName: false, seri###RL: false }; // Internal vars. _cacheName = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_CacheName"), // Images can be wider when level names are long. overflow: hidden; on <series>-container prevents images from overlaying the div border. _css = '', _profileNameOld = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_ProfilePanel1_lblMemberName"), _profileName = document.getElementById("ctl00_ProfileHead_ProfileHeader_lblMemberName"), _userField = document.getElementsByClassName("user-name"); // ========================= Private methods ========================= // Constructor. function _const(){ for(cfgItem in _cfgDefault){ if(typeof cfg[cfgItem] === 'undefined' || cfg[cfgItem] === null){ // Required variable is undefined or null if(_cfgDefault[cfgItem] === false){ throw new Error('GCStatsBannerLib: ' + cfgItem + ' is a required configuration element.'); } // Use the default value. _cfg[cfgItem] = _cfgDefault[cfgItem]; // console.warn('GCStatsBannerLib: ' + cfgItem + ' undefined. Using value: ' + _cfgDefault[cfgItem] + '.') }else{ // Use the configured value. _cfg[cfgItem] = cfg[cfgItem]; } } // If elPrefix is still empty, generate it. if(!_cfg.elPrefix){ _cfg.elPrefix = _getPrefix(cfg.seriesName); } _log(cfg, 'Passed config'); _log(_cfg, 'Generated config'); _generateCSS(); } // Run the constructor on creation. _const(); function _getPrefix(name){ var matches = name.match(/\b(\w)/g); return matches.join('').toLowerCase().padStart(3, '_'); } function _generateCSS(){ _css = 'div.' + _cfg.elPrefix + '-container { border: 1px solid #b0b0b0; margin-top: 1.5em; padding: 0; text-align: center; overflow: hidden;} ' + '.WidgetBody div.' + _cfg.elPrefix + '-container { border: none; } ' + '#ctl00_ContentBody_ProfilePanel1_pnlProfile div.' + _cfg.elPrefix + '-container { border: none; text-align: inherit;} ' + 'a.' + _cfg.elPrefix + '-badge { background-color: white;} ' + '#ctl00_ContentBody_ProfilePanel1_pnlProfile div.' + _cfg.elPrefix + '-container {float: left}' + '#StatsComponents {background: white;}'; } function _log(msg, desc){ if(_cfg.logLevel === 'debug'){ var msgStart = '%c' + _cfg.seriesName + ' Stats Debug (%s):'; console.log(msgStart, "color: yellow; font-style: italic; background-color: red;padding: 2px", desc, msg); } } function _getHiderName(){ var i, links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"), pos; if(links){ for(i = 0; i < links.length; i++){ pos = links[i].href.indexOf("/seek/nearest.aspx?u="); if(pos !== -1){ return decodeURIComponent(links[i].href.substr(pos + 21).replace(/\+/g, '%20')); } } } }; function _parseNames(names){ // Filter out null or undefined entries, convert commas to semicolons, then convert to a comma-separated string. return encodeURIComponent(names .filter(function (n){ return n !== undefined; }) .map(function (n){ return (n + "").replace(/,/g, ";"); }) .join()); }; function _getHtml(uname, brand){ return "<a class='" + _cfg.elPrefix + "-badge' href='https://www." + _cfg.seri###RL + "' title='" + _cfg.seriesName + " stats.'><img src='https://img." + _cfg.seri###RL + "/awards/" + _cfg.imgScript + "?name=" + uname + "&brand=" + brand + "' /></a>"; }; function _displayStats(stats, page, brand){ var widget = document.createElement("div"), html = "", i, target; for(i = 0; i < stats.length; i++){ var name = (stats[i].name + "") .replace(/;/g, ",") .replace(/'/g, "'") .replace(/"/g, """); if(i === 0 || stats[i].name !== stats[0].name){ html += _getHtml(name, brand); } } _log(html, 'Banner HTML'); switch(page){ case "my": target = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_lnkProfile"); break; case "account": // New account dashboard. // The WidgetPanel is too slow to load and causes scripts to block so follow GClhII and just append the widget to the sidebar. target = document.querySelector(".sidebar-right"); break; case "cache": target = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar')[0]; break; case "profile": if(_profileName){ target = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentBody_ProfilePanel1_lblProfile"); if (target) { target = target.parentNode; } }else if(_profileNameOld){ target = document.getElementById("HiddenProfileContent"); } break; } if(!target){ console.warn(_cfg.seriesName + " Stats: Aborted - couldn't find where to insert widget. You might not be logged in."); return; } if(html){ widget.className = _cfg.elPrefix + "-container"; widget.innerHTML = html; switch(page){ case "my": case "profile": target.parentNode.insertBefore(widget, target.nextSibling); break; case "account": // If the StatsWidget isn't present, create it. var el = document.getElementById("StatsWidget"); if(!el){ _log('Creating widget.', 'StatsWidget'); var divStats = document.createElement('div'); = "StatsWidget"; divStats.classList.add("panel", "collapsible"); divStats.innerHTML = '<div class="panel-header isActive" aria-expanded="true">\ <h1 id="stats-widget-label" class="h5 no-margin">Statistics</h1>\ <button aria-controls="StatsWidget" aria-labelledby="stats-widget-label">\ <svg height="22" width="22" class="opener" role="img">\ <use xlink:href="/account/app/ui-icons/sprites/global.svg#icon-expand-svg-fill"></use>\ </svg>\ </button>\ </div>\ <div id="StatsComponents" class="panel-body">\ <div id="StatsPanel" class="widget-panel"></div>\ </div>'; target.append(divStats); // Hide the panel if it was previously hidden. if (!GM_getValue('statsWidget_visible', false)) { document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-body').style.display = "none"; document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-header').classList.remove('isActive'); _fadeOut(document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-body')); } // Add the click handler. document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-header').addEventListener('click', function() { if (GM_getValue('statsWidget_visible', true)) { document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-header').classList.remove('isActive'); _fadeOut(document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-body')); GM_setValue('statsWidget_visible', false); }else{ document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-header').classList.add('isActive'); _fadeIn(document.querySelector('#StatsWidget .panel-body')); GM_setValue('statsWidget_visible', true); } }); } // Finally, append the banner. document.querySelector('#StatsPanel').appendChild(widget); break; default: target.insertBefore(widget, target.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling); break; } }else{ console.warn(_cfg.seriesName + " Stats: didn't generate an award badge."); } }; function _fadeOut(element) { var op = 1; // initial opacity var timer = setInterval(function () { if (op <= 0.1){ clearInterval(timer); = "none"; } = op; op -= 0.1; }, 30); }; function _fadeIn(element) { var op = 0.1; // initial opacity = "block"; var timer = setInterval(function () { if (op >= 1){ clearInterval(timer); } = op; op += 0.1; }, 30); }; function _createConfigDlg(){ // Register the menu item. GM_registerMenuCommand("Options", function(){; }); GM_config.init({ 'id': _cfg.elPrefix + '_config', // The id used for this instance of GM_config 'title': _cfg.seriesName + ' Stats', // Panel Title 'fields': { // Fields object 'branding': { // This is the id of the field 'label': 'Branding', // Appears next to field 'type': 'select', // Makes this setting a dropdown 'options': _cfg.seriesLevels, // Possible choices 'default': _cfg.seriesLevelDefault // Default value if user doesn't change it } }, // Dialogue internal styles. 'css': '#' + _cfg.elPrefix + '_config {position: static !important; width: 75% !important; margin: 1.5em auto !important; border: 10 !important;}' + '#' + _cfg.elPrefix + '_config_' + _cfg.elPrefix + '_branding_var {padding-top: 30px;} #' + _cfg.elPrefix + '_config button {color: black;}', 'events': { 'open': function(document, window, frame){ // iframe styles. = '300px'; = '250px'; = parent.document.body.clientWidth / 2 - 150 + 'px'; = '5px'; = 'ridge'; = '#999999'; }, 'save': function(){ GM_setValue(_cfg.elPrefix + '_branding', GM_config.get('branding')); location.reload(); // reload the page when configuration was changed } } }); }; function _init(){ var currentPage, elCSS = document.createElement("style"), userName = "", userNames = [], stats = []; // Don't run on frames or iframes if( !== window.self){ return false; } if(/\/my\//.test(location.pathname)){ // On a My Profile page currentPage = "my"; }else if(/\/account\//.test(location.pathname)){ // On a Profile page currentPage = "account"; }else{ if(_cacheName){ // On a Geocache page... // var matcher = new RegExp(_cfg.seriesName, "i"); // if(!matcher.test(_cacheName.innerHTML)){ // ...but not the right cache series. // return; // } var titleFound = false; for(title in _cfg.cacheTitles){ var matcher = new RegExp(_cfg.cacheTitles[title], "i"); if(matcher.test(_cacheName.innerHTML)){ titleFound = true; } } if(!titleFound){ // ...but not the right cache series. return; } currentPage = "cache"; }else{ currentPage = "profile"; } } _log(currentPage, 'Detected page'); // We're going to display so we can announce ourselves and prepare the configuration dialogue. + " Stats V" + _cfg.callerVersion); //CONFIG _createConfigDlg(); var brand = GM_getValue(_cfg.elPrefix + '_branding', _cfg.seriesLevelDefault); _log(brand, 'Stats branding'); brand = brand.toLowerCase() // Get hider details. var hider; switch(currentPage){ case "profile": if(_profileName){ userNames = [_profileName.textContent.trim()]; }else if(_profileNameOld){ userNames = [_profileNameOld.textContent.trim()]; } break; default: if(_userField.length > 0){ userNames.push(_userField[0].innerHTML.trim()); } hider = _getHiderName(); if(typeof hider !== 'undefined'){ userNames.push(hider); } break; } _log(userNames[0], "Finder's name"); _log(userNames[1], "Hider's name"); for(var i = 0; i < userNames.length; i++){ stats[i] = {name: userNames[i]}; } _log(stats, 'Statistics'); userName = _parseNames(userNames); if(!userName){ console.error(_cfg.seriesName + " Stats: Aborted - couldn't work out user name"); return; } // Inject widget styling elCSS.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); if(elCSS.styleSheet){ elCSS.styleSheet.cssText = _css; }else{ elCSS.appendChild(document.createTextNode(_css)); } document.head.appendChild(elCSS); _displayStats(stats, currentPage, brand); } return { // ========================= Public members ========================= // ========================= Public methods ========================= init: _init }; };