// ==UserScript== // @name 一键去除在线翻译网站的换行符 // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/390059-%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6-%E5%8E%BB%E9%99%A4%E6%8D%A2%E8%A1%8C // @version 2.4.3 // @description 在各大在线翻译网站的页面上增加了一个“格式化”按钮,用来移除从PDF等复制过来的文本中包含的回车符、换行符、"\n"等,支持DeepL翻译、谷歌翻译、百度翻译、网易有道翻译 // @author Kevin Chen // @match https://fanyi.baidu.com/* // @match https://fanyi.youdao.com/* // @match https://translate.google.com/* // @match https://translate.google.com.hk/* // @match https://www.deepl.com/translator // @match https://fanyi.qq.com/* // @match https://dict.cnki.net/* // @icon https://translate.google.cn/favicon.ico // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const FORMAT_CN = '格式化' const LOADING_WAIT_TIME = 1000 // DeepL翻译CONFIG配置文件 const DEEPL_TRANSLATE_CONFIG = { host: 'www.deepl.com', inputAreaSelector: '#textareasContainer section div d-textarea > div:nth-child(1)', containerSelector: '#gatsby-focus-wrapper div.contents', translateButtonSelector: null, buttonClass: 'myCustomDeepLButtonClass', createButtonHtml: `<button type="button" tabindex="100" class="myCustomDeepLButtonClass"><span style="outline: none;">${FORMAT_CN}</span></button>`, } // 谷歌翻译(##)CONFIG配置文件 const GOOGLE_FANYI_CONFIG = { host: 'translate.google.com.hk', inputAreaSelector: 'textarea', containerSelector: '#yDmH0d > c-wiz nav', translateButtonSelector: null, buttonClass: 'myCustomGoogleButtonClass', createButtonHtml: `<input class="myCustomGoogleButtonClass" type="button" value="${FORMAT_CN}">`, } // 谷歌翻译(国际)CONFIG配置文件 const GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_CONFIG = { host: 'translate.google.com', inputAreaSelector: 'textarea', containerSelector: '#yDmH0d > c-wiz nav', translateButtonSelector: null, buttonClass: 'myCustomGoogleButtonClass', createButtonHtml: `<input class="myCustomGoogleButtonClass" type="button" value="${FORMAT_CN}">`, } // 百度翻译CONFIG配置文件 const BAIDU_FANYI_CONFIG = { host: 'fanyi.baidu.com', inputAreaSelector: '#baidu_translate_input', containerSelector: '#main-outer div.trans-operation.clearfix', translateButtonSelector: '#translate-button', buttonClass: 'myCustomBaiduButtonClass', createButtonHtml: `<a href="javascript:" class="myCustomBaiduButtonClass">${FORMAT_CN}</a>`, } // 有道翻译CONFIG配置文件 const YOUDAO_FANYI_CONFIG = { host: 'fanyi.youdao.com', inputAreaSelector: '#js_fanyi_input', containerSelector: '#app > div.index.os_Mac > div.translate-tab-container > div.tab-header > div.tab-left', translateButtonSelector: '#TextTranslate > div.fixedBottomActionBar-border-box > div > div.sourceActionContainer > div > div > div.opt-right.yd-form-container > a', buttonClass: null, createButtonHtml: `<button class="tab-item color_text_3"><span class="color_text_1">${FORMAT_CN}</span></button>`, } // 腾讯翻译CONFIG配置文件 const TENCENT_FANYI_CONFIG = { host: 'fanyi.qq.com', inputAreaSelector: 'body > div.layout-container > div.textpanel > div.textpanel-container.clearfix > div.textpanel-source.active > div.textpanel-source-textarea > textarea', containerSelector: '#language-button-group-translate', translateButtonSelector: '#language-button-group-translate > div', buttonClass: null, createButtonHtml: `<div class="language-translate-button">${FORMAT_CN}</div>` } // CNKI翻译CONFIG配置文件 const CNKI_FANYI_CONFIG = { host: 'dict.cnki.net', inputTextSelector: '#app > div > section > div > div:nth-child(2) > div.translate > div.trans-left > div.trans-left-con > p > span > pre', inputAreaSelector: '#translateLeft', containerSelector: '#app > div > section > div > div.hanlder > div.hanlder-left > div.hanlder-left-right', translateButtonSelector: '#app > div > section > div > div.hanlder > div.hanlder-left > div.hanlder-left-right > button', buttonClass: null, createButtonHtml: `<button type="button" class="el-button el-button--primary el-button--mini">${FORMAT_CN}</button>` } // button class styles GM_addStyle(` .myCustomGoogleButtonClass { color: #1967d2; background: transparent; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 4px; border-style: solid; padding: 0 15px 0 15px; height: 36px; font-size: .875rem; border-color: #dadce0; cursor:pointer } .myCustomGoogleButtonClass:hover { background-color: #f1f5f9; color: #174ea6 } `) GM_addStyle(` .myCustomBaiduButtonClass { text-align: center; margin-left: 14px; width: 106px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; font-size: 14px; color: #4395ff; letter-spacing: 2px; background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #4395ff; border-radius: 3px } `) GM_addStyle(` .myCustomDeepLButtonClass { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; border-radius: 8px; cursor: pointer; height: 66px; min-width: 160px; box-shadow: 0px 4px 16px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%); font-weight: 400; font-size: 20px; } `) // convert string to web element function parseDom(html) { console.log('【信息】parseDom before, html:', html) const e = document.createElement('div') if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy) { // 创建一个策略 const policy = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', { createHTML: (string) => { // 在这里执行必要的清理和验证 // 假设string已经被安全地处理了 return string; } }); // 使用策略创建TrustedHTML const trustedHTML = policy.createHTML(html); // 使用TrustedHTML e.innerHTML = trustedHTML; } else { e.innerHTML = html } console.log('【信息】parseDom after') return e.firstChild } // get text context of node function getTextContent(node) { console.log("【信息】开始获取处理前内容:", node) if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return node.textContent; } let text = ' '; for (let i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { text += getTextContent(node.childNodes[i]); } return text; } // simulate textArea input function simulateInput(inputBox, value) { const properties = { value: value, writable: true, configurable: true }; // 为input输入元素添加一个值属性 Object.defineProperty(inputBox, 'value', properties); // 创建并分配一个新的input事件 let inputEvent = new Event("input", { bubbles: true }); inputBox.dispatchEvent(inputEvent); } // format code function formatByConfig(config) { const inputArea = document.querySelector(config.inputAreaSelector) if (config.host == DEEPL_TRANSLATE_CONFIG.host) { let content = format(getTextContent(inputArea)).trim(); inputArea.innerHTML = content; return } let txt = inputArea.value != null ? inputArea.value : inputArea.innerHTML if (inputArea.value != null) { inputArea.value = format(txt) } else { inputArea.innerHTML = format(txt) } // click translate button if (config.translateButtonSelector != null) { const translateButton = document.querySelector(config.translateButtonSelector) translateButton.click() } } function format (txt) { for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) { if (txt.indexOf('\n')) txt = txt.replace('\n', ' ') } // merge space in txt return txt.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); } // create new button by config function createButtonByConfig(config) { const newButton = parseDom(config.createButtonHtml) if (newButton == null) { console.info('【错误】创建的新按钮为空') return } newButton.onclick = () => { if (config.host == CNKI_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { let inputText = document.querySelector(config.inputTextSelector); let txt = inputText.innerHTML; txt = format(txt); simulateInput(document.querySelector(config.inputAreaSelector), txt); } formatByConfig(config) } const container = document.querySelector(config.containerSelector) if (container != null) { container.appendChild(newButton) } else { console.info('【错误】无法找到container,请检查站点 ' + config.host + ' 的CSS规则containerSelector是否有效:' + config.containerSelector) } } function findConfigByHost(host) { console.info('【信息】当前网页host:', host) if (host == GOOGLE_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { } else if (host == GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_CONFIG.host) { return GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_CONFIG } else if (host == BAIDU_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { return BAIDU_FANYI_CONFIG } else if (host == YOUDAO_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { return YOUDAO_FANYI_CONFIG } else if (host == DEEPL_TRANSLATE_CONFIG.host) { return DEEPL_TRANSLATE_CONFIG } else if (host == TENCENT_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { return TENCENT_FANYI_CONFIG } else if (host == CNKI_FANYI_CONFIG.host) { return CNKI_FANYI_CONFIG } } ;(function () { //'use strict'; console.log('【信息】%s毫秒后加载格式化按钮', LOADING_WAIT_TIME) window.setTimeout(function () { const config = findConfigByHost(window.location.host) createButtonByConfig(config) console.log('【信息】加载格式化按钮完成') }, LOADING_WAIT_TIME) })()