Emphasize or hide titles on Netflix according to IMDb and local lists
// Enhance titles - Netflix // // Loads lists of movies from a local list and an IMDb account and uses // them to highlight or hide titles on Netflix. // // https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390631-enhance-titles-netflix // Copyright (C) 2019, Guido Villa // IMDb list management is taken from IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer: // Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira // Released under the GPL license - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // // For information/instructions on user scripts, see: // https://greasyfork.org/help/installing-user-scripts // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ==UserScript== // @name Enhance titles - Netflix // @description Emphasize or hide titles on Netflix according to IMDb and local lists // @version 1.7 // @author guidovilla // @date 01.11.2019 // @copyright 2019, Guido Villa (https://greasyfork.org/users/373199-guido-villa) // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @homepageURL https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390631-enhance-titles-netflix // @supportURL https://gitlab.com/gv-browser/userscripts/issues // @contributionURL https://tinyurl.com/gv-donate-7e // @attribution Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira (https://openuserjs.org/users/AltoRetrato) // // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/373199-guido-villa // // @match https://www.netflix.com/* // @match https://www.imdb.com/user/*/lists* // @exclude https://www.netflix.com/watch* // // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/391648/code/userscript-utils.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/390248/code/entry-list.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/391236/code/progress-bar.js // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect www.imdb.com // ==/UserScript== // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // To-do (priority: [H]igh, [M]edium, [L]ow): // - [H] List/color configuration is hard-coded -> make configurable // Also, configuration should allow to skip downloading of unused lists // - [H] Not all IMDb movies are recognized because matching is done by title // (maybe use https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/390115-imdb-utility-library-api) // - [M] Move IMDb list functions to an IMDb utility library // - [M] Download lists from GM_Config or similar, not from IMDb/Netflix list page // - [M] Show name in tooltip? Maybe not needed if above is solved // - [M] Make triangles more visible // - [M] Show in tooltip all lists where title is present? // - [M] Lots of clean-up // - [M] Add comments // - [M] Delay autopreview for hidden movies? // - [L] No link between IMDb user and Netflix user, implement getSourceUserFromTargetUser // - [L] hide selective titles? // // Changelog: // ---------- // 2019.11.01 [1.7] Adopt Userscript Utils and move some functions there // Modifications due to changes in Entry List library // Some additional refactoring, cleanup and optimizations // 2019.10.21 [1.6] Add download of rating and check-in list // Filter out non-title IMDb lists // Normalize apostrophes to increase NF<->IMDb name matching // 2019.10.20 [1.5] Refactor using EntryList library (first version) // 2019.09.30 [1.4] First public version, correct @namespace and other headers // 2019.08.28 [1.3] Make the list more visible (top right triangle instead of border, with tooltip) // Fix unhide method (bug added in 1.2) // Add priority in todo list // 2019.07.06 [1.2] Fix working in pages without rows (i.e. search page) // Fix opacity not applied in some cases/pages // 2019.06.20 [1.1] Load My List from My List page // 2019.06.01 [1.0] Hide "My List" titles outside "My List" (row and page) and "Continue watching" // Fix user name detection // Gets data both from locally hidden movies and from IMDb lists // 2019.03.30 [0.1] First test version, private use only // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* jshint -W008 */ /* global UU: readonly, EL: readonly, ProgressBar: readonly */ (function() { 'use strict'; /* BEGIN CONTEXT DEFINITION */ var netflix = EL.newContext('Netflix'); var imdb = EL.newContext('IMDb'); // other variables // TODO ci deve essere un modo migliore di questo var LIST_HIDE = 'localHide'; var LIST_NF_MY = 'nfMyList'; var LIST_NO = 'no'; var LIST_SEEN = 'Visti'; var LIST_TBD = 'tbd'; var LIST_WATCH = 'Your Watchlist'; var LIST_RATING = 'Your ratings'; var LIST_CHECKIN = 'Your check-ins'; var IMDB_LIST_PAGE = 1; // any context-wide unique, non-falsy value is good var NF_LIST_PAGE = 2; // any context-wide unique, non-falsy value is good var HIDE_BUTTON_STYLE_NAME = 'entrylist-nf-hide-button'; var HIDE_BUTTON_STYLE = '.' + HIDE_BUTTON_STYLE_NAME + '{bottom:0;position:absolute; z-index: 10}'; var TRIANGLE_STYLE_NAME = 'entrylist-netflix-triangle'; var TRIANGLE_STYLE = '.' + TRIANGLE_STYLE_NAME + '{' + 'border-right: 20px solid;' + 'border-bottom: 20px solid transparent;' + 'height: 0;' + 'width: 0;' + 'position: absolute;' + 'top: 0;' + 'right: 0;' + 'z-index: 2;' + '}'; // Netflix netflix.getUser = function() { var user = document.querySelector('div.account-menu-item div.account-dropdown-button > a'); if (user) user = user.getAttribute("aria-label"); if (user) user = user.match(/^(.+) - Account & Settings$/); if (user && user.length >= 2) user = user[1]; return user; }; netflix.isEntryPage = function() { return !document.location.href.match(/www\.imdb\.com\//); }; netflix.getPageEntries = function() { return document.getElementsByClassName("title-card"); }; netflix.modifyEntry = function(entry) { var b = document.createElement('a'); b.className = "nf-svg-button simpleround"; b.textContent = 'H'; b.title = 'Hide/show this title'; var d = document.createElement('div'); d.className = "nf-svg-button-wrapper " + HIDE_BUTTON_STYLE_NAME; d.appendChild(b); EL.addToggleEventOnClick(b, 2, LIST_HIDE, 'H'); entry.appendChild(d); }; netflix.getEntryData = function(entry) { var a = entry.getElementsByTagName('a'); var idx, i; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] && a[i].href && (idx = a[i].href.indexOf('/watch/')) != -1) break; } var id = ''; var tmp = a[i].href; for (var j = idx + '/watch/'.length; j < tmp.length; j++) { if ('/?&'.indexOf(tmp[j]) != -1) break; else id += tmp[j]; } if (!id) return null; var title = entry.getElementsByClassName("fallback-text")[0]; if (title) title = title.innerText; if (!title) UU.le('Cannot find title for entry with id ' + id + ' on URL ' + document.URL, entry); else title = title.replace(/’/g, "'"); return { 'id': id, 'name': (title || id) }; }; netflix.determineType = function(lists, _I_entryData, entry) { var type = null; if (entry.classList.contains('is-disliked')) type = 'D'; else if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_WATCH, imdb)]) type = 'W'; else if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_TBD, imdb)]) type = 'T'; else if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_SEEN, imdb)]) type = 'S'; else if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_NO, imdb)]) type = 'N'; else if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_HIDE)]) type = 'H'; if (lists[EL.ln(LIST_NF_MY)] && (!type || type === 'W' || type === 'T') && this.pageType != NF_LIST_PAGE) { var row = entry.closest('div.lolomoRow'); if (!row || ['queue', 'continueWatching'].indexOf(row.dataset.listContext) == -1) type = 'M'; } return type; }; var hideTypes = { "H": { "name": 'Hidden', "colour": 'white' }, "D": { "name": 'Disliked', "colour": 'black' }, "W": { "name": 'Watchlist', "colour": 'darkgoldenrod', "visible": true }, "T": { "name": 'TBD', "colour": 'Maroon', "visible": true }, "S": { "name": 'Watched', "colour": 'seagreen' }, "N": { "name": 'NO', "colour": 'darkgrey' }, "M": { "name": 'My list', "colour": 'yellow' }, "MISSING": { "name": 'Hide type not known', "colour": 'red' }, }; netflix.processItem = function(entry, _I_entryData, processingType) { if (!processingType || !hideTypes[processingType]) processingType = 'MISSING'; var triangle = document.createElement('div'); triangle.className = 'NHT-triangle ' + TRIANGLE_STYLE_NAME; triangle.style.borderRightColor = hideTypes[processingType].colour; triangle.title = hideTypes[processingType].name; entry.parentNode.appendChild(triangle); if (!hideTypes[processingType].visible) entry.parentNode.style.opacity = .1; /* var parent = entry.parentNode; parent.parentNode.style.width = '5%'; var field = parent.querySelector('fieldset#hideTitle' + entryData.id); if (!field) { field = document.createElement('fieldset'); field.id = 'hideTitle' + entryData.id; field.style.border = 0; field.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entryData.name)); parent.appendChild(field); } else { field.style.display = 'block'; } */ }; netflix.unProcessItem = function(entry, _I_entryData, _I_processingType) { entry.parentNode.style.opacity = 1; var triangle = entry.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('NHT-triangle')[0]; if (triangle) triangle.parentNode.removeChild(triangle); /* entry.parentNode.parentNode.style.width = null; entry.parentNode.querySelector('fieldset#hideTitle' + entryData.id).style.display = 'none'; */ }; netflix.getPageType = function() { return ( document.location.href == 'https://www.netflix.com/browse/my-list' && NF_LIST_PAGE ); }; // add buttons on the Netflix "My List" page netflix.processPage = function(_I_pageType, _I_isEntryPage) { // no need to check pageType: as of now there is only one var main = document.getElementsByClassName('mainView')[0]; if (!main) { UU.le('Could not find "main <div>" to insert buttons'); return; } var div = document.createElement('div'); var btnStyle = 'margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 13px; padding: .5em; background: 0 0; color: grey; border: soli 1px grey;'; addBtn(div, btnNFMyListRefresh, "Load My List data", "Reload information from 'My List'", btnStyle); addBtn(div, btnNFMyListClear, "Clear My List data", "Empty the data from 'My List'", btnStyle); main.appendChild(div); }; // IMDb imdb.getUser = function() { var account = document.getElementById('nbusername'); if (!account) return; var user = account.textContent.trim(); var ur = account.href; if (ur) ur = ur.match(/\.imdb\..{2,3}\/.*\/(ur[0-9]+)/); if (ur && ur[1]) ur = ur[1]; else UU.le('Cannot retrieve the ur id for user:', user); return { 'name': user, 'payload': ur }; }; imdb.getPageType = function() { return ( document.location.href.match(/\.imdb\..{2,3}\/user\/[^/]+\/lists/) && IMDB_LIST_PAGE ); }; // add buttons on the IMDb lists page imdb.processPage = function(_I_pageType, _I_isEntryPage) { // no need to check pageType: as of now there is only one var main = document.getElementById("main"); var h1 = ( main && main.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0] ); if (!h1) { UU.le('Could not find element to insert buttons.'); return; } var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = "aux-content-widget-2"; div.style.cssText = "margin-top: 10px;"; addBtn(div, btnIMDbListRefresh, "NF - Refresh highlight data", "Reload information from lists - might take a few seconds"); addBtn(div, btnIMDbListClear, "NF - Clear highlight data", "Remove list data"); h1.appendChild(div); }; // lookup IMDb movies by name imdb.inList = function(entryData, list) { return !!(list[entryData.name]); }; /* END CONTEXT DEFINITION */ /* BEGIN COMMON FUNCTIONS */ function addBtn(div, func, txt, help, style) { var b = document.createElement('button'); b.className = "btn"; if (!style) style = "margin-right: 10px; font-size: 11px;"; b.style.cssText = style; b.textContent = txt; b.title = help; b.addEventListener('click', func, false); div.appendChild(b); return b; } /* END COMMON FUNCTIONS */ /* BEGIN NETFLIX FUNCTIONS */ function btnNFMyListClear() { NFMyListClear(); GM_notification({'text': "Information from 'My List' cleared.", 'title': UU.me + ' - Clear Netflix My List', 'timeout': 0}); } function btnNFMyListRefresh() { var txt; if (NFMyListRefresh()) txt = "'My List' loaded."; else txt = "An error occurred. It was not possible to load 'My List' data."; GM_notification({'text': txt, 'title': UU.me + ' - Load Netflix My List', 'timeout': 0}); } function NFMyListClear() { EL.deleteList(LIST_NF_MY); delete netflix.allLists[LIST_NF_MY]; } function NFMyListRefresh() { NFMyListClear(); var gallery = document.querySelector('div.mainView div.gallery'); var cards = ( gallery && gallery.getElementsByClassName('title-card') ); if (!cards) return false; var list = {}; var entry, entryData; for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { entry = cards[i]; entryData = netflix.getEntryData(entry); list[entryData.id] = entryData.name; } EL.saveList(list, LIST_NF_MY); return true; } /* END NETFLIX FUNCTIONS */ /* BEGIN IMDB FUNCTIONS */ function btnIMDbListClear() { IMDbListClear(); GM_notification({'text': "Information from IMDb cleared.", 'title': UU.me + ' - Clear IMDb lists', 'timeout': 0}); } function btnIMDbListRefresh() { GM_notification({ 'text': 'Click to start loading the IMDb lists. This may take several seconds', 'title': UU.me + ' - Load IMDb lists', 'timeout': 0, 'onclick': IMDbListRefresh, }); } function IMDbListClear() { EL.deleteAllLists(imdb); delete imdb.allLists; } function IMDbListRefresh() { var pb = new ProgressBar(-1, 'Loading {#}/{$}...'); var closeMsg = 'An error occurred. It was not possible to download the IMDb lists.'; getIMDbLists() .then(function(lists) { pb.update(0, null, lists.length); return lists; }) .then(function(lists) { return IMDbListDownload(lists, pb); } ) .then(function(outcomes) { var msg = outcomes.reduce(function(msg, outcome) { if (outcome.status === 'rejected') { msg.txt += "\n * " + outcome.reason; msg.numKO++; } return msg; }, { 'txt': '', 'numKO': 0 }); if (msg.numKO === 0) { closeMsg = 'Loading complete!'; } else if (msg.numKO < outcomes.length) { closeMsg = 'Done, but with errors:' + msg.txt; UU.le('Errors in list download:', msg.txt); } else { throw msg.txt; } }) .catch(function(err) { UU.le(err); closeMsg = 'Error - It was not possible to download the IMDb lists: ' + err; }) .finally(function() { GM_notification({ 'text': closeMsg, 'title': UU.me + ' - Load IMDb lists', 'highlight': true, 'timeout': 5, 'ondone': pb.close, }); }); } // Return a Promise to download and save all lists function IMDbListDownload(lists, pb) { IMDbListClear(); var allDnd = lists.map(function(list) { return downloadList(list.id, list.type) .then(function(listData) { EL.saveList(listData, list.name, imdb); }) .then(pb.advance) .catch(function(error) { pb.advance(); throw "list '" + list.name + "' - " + error; }); }); return Promise.allSettled(allDnd); } var WATCHLIST = "watchlist"; var RATINGLIST = "ratings"; var CHECKINS = "checkins"; var TITLES = "Titles"; var PEOPLE = "People"; var IMAGES = "Images"; // Return a Promise to get all lists (name, id, type) for current user // filter out all non-title lists function getIMDbLists() { return findIMDbLists().then(getIMDbListFromPage) .then(function(lists) { return lists.filter(function(list) { return (list.type === TITLES); }); }); } function findIMDbLists() { if (document.location.href.match(/\.imdb\..{2,3}\/user\/[^/]+\/lists/)) { return Promise.resolve(document); } else { UU.li('Not in the IMdb list page, downloading it.'); var url = 'https://www.imdb.com/user/' + imdb.userPayload + '/lists'; return UU.GM_xhR('GET', url, 'Get IMDb list page', { 'responseType': 'document' }) .then(function(response) { return response.responseXML2; }); } } function getIMDbListFromPage(document) { var listElements = document.getElementsByClassName('user-list'); var lists = Array.prototype.map.call(listElements, function(listElem) { var name = listElem.getElementsByClassName("list-name")[0]; if (name) { name = name.text; } else { UU.le("Error reading name of list", listElem); name = listElem.id; } return {"name": name, "id": listElem.id, 'type': listElem.dataset.listType }; }); lists.push({"name": LIST_WATCH, "id": WATCHLIST, 'type': TITLES }); lists.push({"name": LIST_RATING, "id": RATINGLIST, "type": TITLES }); lists.push({"name": LIST_CHECKIN, "id": CHECKINS, "type": TITLES }); return lists; } // Return a promise to download a list function downloadList(id, type) { var getUrl; if (id == WATCHLIST || id == CHECKINS) { // Watchlist & check-ins are not easily available (requires another fetch to find export link) // http://www.imdb.com/user/ur???????/watchlist | HTML page w/ "export link" at the bottom var url = 'https://www.imdb.com/user/' + imdb.userPayload + '/' + id; getUrl = UU.GM_xhR('GET', url, "Get list page", { 'responseType': 'document' }) .then(function(response) { var lsId = response.responseXML2.querySelector('meta[property="pageId"]'); if (lsId) lsId = lsId.content; if (!lsId) throw 'Cannot get list id'; return "https://www.imdb.com/list/" + lsId + "/export"; }); } else if (id == RATINGLIST) { getUrl = Promise.resolve("https://www.imdb.com/user/" + imdb.userPayload + "/" + id + "/export"); } else { getUrl = Promise.resolve("https://www.imdb.com/list/" + id + "/export"); } return getUrl .then(function(url) { return UU.GM_xhR('GET', url, "download"); }) .then(function(response) { return parseList(response, type); }); } // Process a downloaded list function parseList(response, type) { if (response.responseText.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE html")) { throw 'received HTML instead of CSV file'; } var data = UU.parseCSV(response.responseText); var f = UU.getCSVheader(data); var list = {}; var id_fld, name_fld; switch (type) { case TITLES: id_fld = "Title"; // "Const"; name_fld = "Title"; break; default: throw 'downloaded list of unmanaged type ' + type + ', discarded'; } var id_idx = f[id_fld]; var name_idx = f[name_fld]; var id, name; for (var i=1; i < data.length; i++) { id = data[i][id_idx]; name = data[i][name_idx]; if (id === "") { UU.le('parse ' + response.finalUrl + ": no id found at row " + i); continue; } if (list[id]) { UU.le('parse ' + response.finalUrl + ": duplicate id " + id + " found at row " + i); continue; } list[id] = name; } return list; } /* END IMDB FUNCTIONS */ //-------- "main" -------- GM_addStyle(TRIANGLE_STYLE + HIDE_BUTTON_STYLE); EL.init(netflix, true); EL.addSource(imdb); EL.startup(); }());