Create and manage simple progress bars, minimal JavaScript
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
// Progress Bar library // // Create and manage simple progress bars. CSS, minimal JavaScript. // // // Copyright (C) 2019, Guido Villa // Original version of the code is taken from IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer: // Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira // Released under the GPL license - // // For information/instructions on user scripts, see: // // // To use this library in a userscript you must add to script header: // @require // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ==UserScript== // @namespace // @exclude * // // ==UserLibrary== // @name Progress Bar Lib // @description Create and manage simple progress bars, minimal JavaScript // @version 1.2 // @author guidovilla // @date 01.11.2019 // @copyright 2019, Guido Villa ( // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @attribution Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira ( // ==/UserScript== // // ==/UserLibrary== // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // To-do (priority: [H]igh, [M]edium, [L]ow): // - [H] width must be an integer multiple of background-size, otherwise // indeterminate animation will skip => address // - [M] speed of the animation depends on width => fix? // - [m] speed of transition is not constant (time is constant, regardless of // the "space" to be travelled) => can it be fixed? // - [M] nicer ui (maybe small vertical bars), improvements // - [M] different styles // // Changelog: // ---------- // 2019.11.01 [1.2] Adopt Userscript Utils, hide global variables, additional // refactor&cleanup. Minor name change, backward compatible // 2019.10.19 [1.1] Add possibility to update finish value // Change default value for "current" argument in update() // 2019.10.16 [1.0] First version // 2019.10.14 [0.1] First test version, private use only // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* jshint esversion: 6, supernew: true, laxbreak: true */ /* exported ProgressBar, Library_Version_PROGRESS_BAR */ /* global UU: readonly */ const Library_Version_PROGRESS_BAR = '1.2'; /* How to use this library - Create a new progress bar: var pb = new ProgressBar(...) - Change the progress: pb.update(...) pb.advance(...) - Remove the progress bar: pb.close() Details Progress bars are defined by three main parameters: - finish: value that defines what is 100% this is set at creation time and can be changed with update() if set to 0 it is changed to -1 (see below) - progress: value that defines current completion status (if > finish, it is set to the finish value) initial progress is set a creation time, then it can be updated with update() and advance() When progress = -1, the bar shows an indeterminate progress - message: the message printed inside the bar (e.g. "Loading...") initial message is set a creation time, then it can be changed with update() and advance(). The message can contain a few placeholders that are replaced with actual progress data: - {#}: replace with current progress number - {$}: replace with finish value - {%}: replace with completion percentage (= 100*progress/finish) E.g.: "Loading {#} of {$}..." => "Loading 7 of 23..." All numbers are integers. Information for changing styles: The HTML id of the container DIV can be accessed through the 'id' property of the progress bar object. All elements that constitute the bar have a generic "pb-progress-bar" class and a specific "pb-progress-bar-<elem>" class different for each element. Indeterminate progress style is enabled by applying a "pb-indeterminate" class to the container DIV. Methods (all arguments are optional): - ProgressBar(finish, msg, options) Create a new progress bar. Arguments: - finish: maximum value that can be reached (default is 100) - msg: message written in the bar, see above for substitutions default is "Loading {#}/{$}..." - options: an object that may contain: - id: HTML id of container DIV (default: autogenerated) - start: initial progress status (default is 0, i.e. the beginning) - container: positioned element where the bar will be centered null (the default): center bar on the screen - width: width in pixels of the progress bar (default is 226.3) - height: height in pixels of the progress bar (default is 30) - update(progress, msg, finish) Optionally update parameters of the progress bar. Only non-undefined, non-null parameters are updated. - advance(value, msg) Increment the progress bar status. Arguments: - value: the increment value, can be negative (default is 1) - msg: an optional new message (default is: don't change message) - close() Close the progress bar and remove it from the DOM. */ window.ProgressBar = (function() { 'use strict'; var progress_bar_style_has_been_loaded = false; var progress_bar_index = 0; // Create progress bar // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements return function(finishVal, msg, options) { // NOTE: we do all initialization only when a ProgressBar is created // so that when the library is not used, no useless operations are done // style definition var STYLE = '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-box{border:2px solid black;background-color:white;padding:2px;outline:white solid 6px;z-index:10000}' + '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-bar{background-color:green;height:100%;transition:width 300ms linear}' + '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-txtcont{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;display:table}' + '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-txt{display:table-cell;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;font:16px verdana,sans-serif;color:black}' + '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-box.pb-indeterminate{background:repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,#F0F0F0 0 20px,#ccc 20px 40px);background-size:56.56854px;animation:2s linear infinite loading}' + '.pb-progress-bar.pb-progress-bar-box.pb-indeterminate .pb-progress-bar-bar{background-color:transparent;transition:none}' + '@keyframes loading{from{background-position-x:0%;} to{background-position-x:100%}}'; if (!progress_bar_style_has_been_loaded) { GM_addStyle(STYLE); progress_bar_style_has_been_loaded = true; } var self = this; // basic configuration = 'pb-progress-bar-' + ++progress_bar_index; // 'id' is public var start = 0; var finish = 100; var container = null; var width = 226.27417; var height = 30; var message = 'Loading {#}/{$}...'; var current; // completion status of the progress bar var pbBox, pb, pbTxtCont, pbTxt; // elements of the progress bar // helper method to create the elements function createElement(father, elementType, className, id) { var elem = document.createElement(elementType); if (!UU.isUndef(id)) = id; elem.className = 'pb-progress-bar ' + className; father.appendChild(elem); return elem; } // initialization method function init() { // check for options in the call if (options && typeof options === 'object') { if (!UU.isUndef( =; if (!UU.isUndef(options.start)) start = options.start; if (!UU.isUndef(options.container)) container = options.container; if (!UU.isUndef(options.width)) width = options.width; if (!UU.isUndef(options.height)) height = options.height; } // calculate positioning var containerWidth, containerHeight, cntElem, positioningStyle; function setPositioningVars(cnt, pos, w, h) { containerWidth = w; containerHeight = h; cntElem = cnt; positioningStyle = pos; } if (container) { var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); setPositioningVars(container, 'absolute', rect.width, rect.height); } else { setPositioningVars(document.body, 'fixed', window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } var top = containerHeight / 2 - height / 2; var left = containerWidth / 2 - width / 2; // create the elements pbBox = createElement(cntElem, 'div', 'pb-progress-bar-box',; = 'position:' + positioningStyle + '; height:' + height + 'px;width:' + width + 'px;top:' + top + 'px;left:' + left + 'px;'; pb = createElement(pbBox, 'div', 'pb-progress-bar-bar'); pbTxtCont = createElement(pbBox, 'div', 'pb-progress-bar-txtcont'); pbTxt = createElement(pbTxtCont, 'div', 'pb-progress-bar-txt'); // set the initial progress self.update(start, msg, finishVal); } /* PUBLIC members */ // optionally update progress status, message, finish this.update = function(currentVal, newMsg, newFinish) { if (newMsg) message = newMsg; // if finish == 0, set it to -1 if (!UU.isUndef(newFinish) && newFinish !== null) finish = (newFinish || -1); var newVal; if (!UU.isUndef(currentVal) && currentVal !== null) newVal = currentVal; else newVal = current; if (newVal > finish) { newVal = finish; if (finish > 0) UU.lw('update: current value greater than finish value'); } if (newVal < 0) { // setting the width to zero is not really needed, but ensures a // more consistent behaviour in cases where the delay (see // below) is not enough. = '0'; // try to make the message nicer for indeterminate progress pbTxt.textContent = message .replace(/ *{#}.*{\$} */g, '') .replace(/ *{#} */g, '') .replace(/ *{\$} */g, '') .replace(/ *{%} *%? */g, ''); pbBox.classList.add('pb-indeterminate'); } else { = (100*newVal/finish) + '%'; if (current < 0) { // if exiting from indeterminate progress a small delay is // needed, otherwise the class may be removed when changing // the width, and the width transition takes place anyway UU.wait(33).then(function() { pbBox.classList.remove('pb-indeterminate'); }); } else { pbBox.classList.remove('pb-indeterminate'); } // replace placeholders with actual numbers pbTxt.textContent = message .replace(/{#}/g, newVal) .replace(/{\$}/g, finish) .replace(/{%}/g, Math.round(100*newVal/finish)); } current = newVal; }; // advance the progress by "value" and optionally change the message this.advance = function(value = 1, newMsg) { self.update(current + value, newMsg); }; // close/remove the progress bar this.close = function() { pbBox.parentNode.removeChild(pbBox); }; /* INITIALIZATION */ init(); }; }());