Greasy Fork is available in English.
Displays 0 lessons available when you have too much on your plate already
// ==UserScript==// @name Wanikani: Lesson Lock// @namespace @version 1.2.2// @description Displays 0 lessons available when you have too much on your plate already// @author Kumirei// @include /^https://(www|preview) @grant none// ==/UserScript==;(function (wkof, $) {// Check that the Wanikani Framework is installedconst script_name = 'Lesson Lock'if (!window.wkof) {if (confirm(script_name +' requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?',)) {window.location.href =''}return}// If it's installed then do the stuffselse {wkof.include('Menu,Settings,ItemData')wkof.ready('Menu,Settings,ItemData').then(load_settings).then(install_menu).then(get_counts).then(lock)}// Fetches the subjectsfunction get_counts() {const [promise, resolve] = new_promise()wkof.ItemData.get_items('subjects,assignments').then(function (items) {const srs_counts = {}const by_srs = wkof.ItemData.get_index(items, 'srs_stage')Object.keys(by_srs).forEach(function (srs_name) {srs_counts[srs_name] = by_srs[srs_name].length})resolve(srs_counts)})return promise}// Lock Lessons if score is above the thresholdfunction lock(counts) {// Calculate scoreconst s = wkof.settings.lesson_lockconst scores = [0,s.apprentice1,s.apprentice2,s.apprentice3,s.apprentice4,s.guru1,s.guru2,s.master,s.enlightened,]let score = 0for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) if (counts[i]) score += counts[i] * scores[i]const headerButton = $('.lesson-and-review-count__item:first-child')const headerCount = $('.lesson-and-review-count__item:first-child .lesson-and-review-count__count')const dashboardPanel = $('.todays-lessons')const dashboardCount = $('.todays-lessons__count-text .count-bubble')const dashboardPanelButtons = $('.todays-lessons__buttons')const dashboardPanelText = $('.todays-lessons__text .wk-text')const lessons = Number(headerCount.text()) || 0// Lock lessonsif (score >= s.lock) {headerCount.addClass('lesson-and-review-count__count--zero')headerCount.text(lessons === 0 ? '0' : 'locked')headerButton.removeAttr('href')dashboardCount.text('Locked')dashboardPanel.addClass('todays-lessons--complete')dashboardPanelButtons.remove()dashboardPanelText.text('Do more reviews to reduce your score and unlock lessons')} else if (s.display_lessons_left) {const left = Math.ceil((s.lock - score) / s.apprentice1)if (lessons > left) headerCount.text(left)if (lessons > left) dashboardCount.text(left)}// Display scoreif (s.display_as != 'none') {let score_textswitch (s.display_as) {case 'score':score_text = Math.round(score)breakcase 'score_and_max':score_text = Math.round(score) + ' of ' + s.lockbreakcase 'percent':score_text = Math.round((score / s.lock) * 100) + '%'break}headerButton.append('<div id="lock_score" style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px; position: absolute; bottom: 1px;">Score: ' +score_text +'</div>',)dashboardPanel.append('<div id="big_lock_score" style="padding-top: 0.5em;color: white;font-weight: bold;">Score: ' +score_text +'</div>',)}}// Load stored settings or set defaultsfunction load_settings() {const defaults = {lock: 100,display_as: 'score',display_lessons_left: false,apprentice1: 1,apprentice2: 1,apprentice3: 1,apprentice4: 1,guru1: 0,guru2: 0,master: 0,enlightened: 0,}return wkof.Settings.load('lesson_lock', defaults)}// Installs the options button in the menufunction install_menu() {const config = {name: 'lesson_lock',submenu: 'Settings',title: 'Lesson Lock',on_click: open_settings,}wkof.Menu.insert_script_link(config)}// Create the optionsfunction open_settings(items) {const config = {script_id: 'lesson_lock',title: 'Lesson Lock',content: {general: {type: 'group',label: 'General',content: {lock: {type: 'number',label: 'Lock when score reaches',hover_tip: 'Locks lessons when your total score is above this number',default: 100,},display_as: {type: 'dropdown',label: 'Display',hover_tip: 'Choose how you want the score to be displayed',content: {none: 'None',score: 'Current score',score_and_max: 'Current score & lock score',percent: 'Percentage of lock score',},default: 'score',},display_lessons_left: {type: 'checkbox',label: 'Display lessons left',hover_tip: 'Display how many more lessons you can do before lessons are locked',default: false,},},},scores: {type: 'group',label: 'Score Per Item',content: {apprentice1: {type: 'number',label: 'Apprentice 1',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each apprentice 1 item',default: 1,},apprentice2: {type: 'number',label: 'Apprentice 2',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each apprentice 2 item',default: 1,},apprentice3: {type: 'number',label: 'Apprentice 3',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each apprentice 3 item',default: 1,},apprentice4: {type: 'number',label: 'Apprentice 4',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each apprentice 4 item',default: 1,},guru1: {type: 'number',label: 'Guru 1',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each guru 1 item',default: 0,},guru2: {type: 'number',label: 'Guru 2',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each guru 2 item',default: 0,},master: {type: 'number',label: 'Master',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each master item',default: 0,},enlightened: {type: 'number',label: 'Enlightened',hover_tip: 'The score attributed to each enlightened item',default: 0,},},},},}const dialog = new wkof.Settings(config)}// Returns a promise and a resolve functionfunction new_promise() {let resolve,promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {resolve = res})return [promise, resolve]}})(window.wkof, window.jQuery)