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Add a button to leave invisble banned groups on steam
// ==UserScript== // @name Steam Community - Leave Banned Groups // @icon // @namespace // @version 1.21 // @description Add a button to leave invisble banned groups on steam // @author Quang Trinh // @license MIT; // @homepage // @include /^https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/(?:id|profiles)\/[\w-_]+\/groups\/?$/ // @run-at document-idle // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 8 */ /* global GM_getValue:true, GM_setValue:true, GM_deleteValue:true, unsafeWindow */ (function (window) { "use strict"; const $ = window.jQuery.noConflict(true); const steamId = window.g_steamID; const sessionId = window.g_sessionID; // On not logged in, exit if (!steamId || !sessionId) { return; } // On someone else's profile, exit if (window.g_rgProfileData.steamid !== steamId) { return; } const GMChecks = [ typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined", typeof GM_getValue !== "undefined", typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined", ]; const useLocalStorage = !GMChecks.every(function (check) { return Boolean(check); }); if (useLocalStorage) { GM_getValue = function (key, def) { return window.localStorage[key] || def; }; GM_setValue = function (key, value) { window.localStorage[key] = value; }; GM_deleteValue = function (key) { return window.localStorage.removeItem(key); }; } const SteamApiKey = (function () { let currentKey = GM_getValue("LBG_STEAM_API_KEY", ""); while (currentKey !== null && !/[0-9A-Z]{32}/.test(currentKey)) { currentKey = prompt( "Steam Leave Banned Group Userscript\n" + "Please enter your Steam API Key\n" + "Get from here:\n" + "\n" ); } return currentKey; })(); // On cancel, exit if (SteamApiKey === null) { return; } GM_setValue("LBG_STEAM_API_KEY", SteamApiKey); console.log("LBG - API Key", SteamApiKey); async function doAjax(opts) { try { const data = await $.ajax(opts); return data; } catch (response) { if (response instanceof Error) { return Promise.reject(response); } // is jqXHR const error = new Error(); error.message = response.statusText; return Promise.reject(error); } } // Get all groups which the user is in async function getAllGroups() { try { // This return the id [g:1:${id}] const { response } = await doAjax({ type: "GET", url: "", data: { key: SteamApiKey, steamid: steamId, }, dataType: "json", }); return (groups) { return groups.gid; }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } function getVisibleGroups() { const pattern = /group_(\d+)/; try { const visibleGroups = $("#search_r###lts") .find("div[id^='group_']") .toArray() .map(function (item) { return pattern.exec($(item).attr("id"))[1]; }); return visibleGroups; } catch (error) { return error; } } // Filter out other types of groups (offcial game groups, .etc) async function filterOutNotBanned(groupIds) { try { const r###lts = await Promise.all( function (groupId) { const html = await doAjax({ url: `[g:1:${groupId}]?l=english`, type: "get", dataType: "html", }); return /This group has been removed for violating/.test(html) ? groupId : null; }) ); return r###lts.filter(function (r###lt) { return r###lt !== null; }); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } async function getBannedGroupInfo(groupIds) { const pattern = /<!\[CDATA\[(.*)]]>/; try { const groupInfo = await Promise.all( function (groupId) { const xml = await doAjax({ url: `[g:1:${groupId}]/memberslistxml/`, data: { xml: 1, }, type: "GET", dataType: "xml", }); return { groupID64: $(xml).find("groupID64").html(), groupName: pattern.exec($(xml).find("groupName").html())[1], }; }) ); return groupInfo; } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } async function sendLeaveRequest(groupInfo) { const data = { action: "leave_group", sessionid: sessionId, ajax: 1, steamid: steamId, steamids: [groupInfo.groupID64], }; try { const response = await doAjax({ url: `${steamId}/friends/action`, type: "POST", dataType: "json", data, }); console.log(`Left ${groupInfo.groupName}`, response); return response; } catch (error) { console.log(`Error leaving ${groupInfo.groupName}`, error); return Promise.reject(error); } } $(function () { $("<button />", { id: "lbg_btn", title: "Click to leave banned groups", text: "Leave banned groups", type: "button", }).appendTo(".friends_nav"); $("<a />", { id: "lbg_clear_btn", title: "Click to remove current Steam API Key", text: "Remove current Steam API Key", href: "javascript:void(0)", }).appendTo(".friends_nav"); $("<style>") .prop("type", "text/css") .html( ` #lbg_btn { width: 100%; background-color: #015e80; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #015e80; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; color: #ffffff; padding: 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px #2f6627; } #lbg_btn:hover:enabled { background-color: #004a50; } #lbg_btn:active { position: relative; top: 1px; } #lbg_btn:disabled { cursor: not-allowed; } #lbg_clear_btn { background-color: none; text-align: center; padding: 5px; } ` ) .appendTo("head"); const btn = $("#lbg_btn"); const btnClear = $("#lbg_clear_btn"); const originalText = btn.text(); let timer; function setText(el, text) { const $this = el; clearTimeout(timer); $this.text(text); timer = setTimeout(function () { $this.text(originalText); }, 5000); } function setPermText(el, text) { const $this = el; $this.text(text); } async function initialize() { btn.attr("disabled", true); setPermText(btn, "Checking..."); const allGroups = await getAllGroups(); const visibleGroups = getVisibleGroups(); // This may be offical game groups or banned groups, .etc const unknownGroups = $(allGroups).not(visibleGroups).get(); // Contains verified banned groups const bannedGroups = await filterOutNotBanned(unknownGroups); if (!bannedGroups.length) { setText(btn, "No banned groups to leave"); console.log("No banned groups to leave"); alert("No banned groups to leave"); return; } // Get groupID64 and groupName const bannedGroupWithInfo = await getBannedGroupInfo(bannedGroups); setPermText(btn, `Leaving ${bannedGroupWithInfo.length} groups...`); // Send requests to leave those groups await Promise.all( (groupInfo) { return sendLeaveRequest(groupInfo); }) ); // Success console.log(`Left ${bannedGroupWithInfo.length} Steam Groups successfully`); console.log("Groups", bannedGroupWithInfo); setText(btn, `Left ${bannedGroupWithInfo.length} groups`); alert(`Left ${bannedGroupWithInfo.length} groups\nCheck the browser console for more information`); } function (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { await initialize(); } catch (error) { console.log("An error occured", error); alert("An error occured"); setText(btn, "An error occured"); } finally { btn.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); (e) { e.preventDefault(); try { GM_deleteValue("LBG_STEAM_API_KEY"); setPermText(btnClear, "Remove API Key Success"); setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 3000); } catch (error) { console.log("An error occured", error); alert("An error occured"); setText(btnClear, "An error occured"); } }); }); })(unsafeWindow);