// ==UserScript== // @name:zh-CN 51job search filter with distance // @name 51job search filter with distance // @namespace https://github.com/zhuzemin // @description:zh-CN 51job搜索结果以距离过滤 // @description 51job搜索结果以距离过滤 // @author zhuzemin // @include https://search.51job.com/list/* // @version 1.3 // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @connect-src api.map.baidu.com // @connect-src jobs.51job.com // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== let config = { 'debug': false, 'origin': GM_getValue('origin').replace(/\s/, '') || null, 'origin_list': [], 'max_distence': GM_getValue('max_distence') || 12000, 'max_joblist': GM_getValue('max_joblist') || 10, 'joblist': [], 'button': null, 'running': false, 'api': { 'baidu': { 'url': `https://api.map.baidu.com/direction/v2/riding?origin={{origin}}&destination={{lat}},{{lng}}&ak={{ak}}`, 'ak': [ "RGBBNuGoAcxvzl02ibOAxGZM", 'xop0xOYgFxbts1hZhT8YAS2o4BoKfDZp' ], 'getpoint': 'https://api.map.baidu.com/lbsapi/getpoint/index.html' }, '51job': { 'url': 'https://search.51job.com/jobsearch/bmap/map.php?jobid={{jobid}}' } }, } let debug = config.debug ? console.log.bind(console) : function () { }; debug(config.max_distence); debug(config.max_joblist); // prepare UserPrefs setUserPref( 'origin', config.origin, '设置家的坐标', ` (经度, 纬度), Example: "117.215491, 39.122174"; 多个坐标, 以";"分隔; *坐标来自百度地图: `+ config.api.baidu.getpoint , ); setUserPref( 'max_distence', config.max_distence, '设置距离上限', '骑行距离, 单位(米)' ); setUserPref( 'max_joblist', config.max_joblist, '搜索结果上限', '搜索结果上限' ); class requestObject { constructor(url) { this.method = 'GET'; this.respType = 'text'; this.url = url; this.body = null; this.headers = { 'User-agent': window.navigator.userAgent, 'Referer': window.location.href, }; this.mimeType = 'text/html;charset=utf8'; } } async function init() { debug(config.origin); if (config.origin != null) { for (let origin of config.origin.split(';')) { let lat, lng; for (let item of origin.split(',')) { if (item.length == 9) { lat = item; } else { lng = item; } } config.origin_list.push({ 'lat': lat, 'lng': lng }); } debug(JSON.stringify(config.origin_list)); config.button = document.createElement('button');; config.button.textContent = '按距离筛选'; config.button.className = 'p_but'; config.button.style.width = '100px'; config.button.addEventListener('click', () => { config.joblist = []; config.running = true; filter(); }); document.querySelector('div.j_tlc').appendChild(config.button); } } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); async function filter() { debug('filter'); if (config.running) { config.button.textContent = "搜索中..."; setTimeout(async () => { let j_joblist = document.querySelector("div.j_joblist"); for (let item of j_joblist.childNodes) { let jobid = item.querySelector('input[name="delivery_jobid"').getAttribute('value'); let url = config.api['51job'].url.replace('{{jobid}}', jobid); debug(url); let obj = new requestObject(url); obj.mimeType = 'text/html;charset=gb2312'; await httpRequest(obj).then(async (resp) => { let dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(resp.response, 'text/html'); let script = dom.querySelector('script'); debug(script.textContent); eval(script.textContent); let suc = false; for (let origin of config.origin_list) { if (g_company.lat > 0 && Math.abs(origin.lat - g_company.lat) <= 1 && Math.abs(origin.lng - g_company.lng) <= 1) { let rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * config.api.baidu.ak.length); url = config.api.baidu.url.replace('{{ak}}', config.api.baidu.ak[rnd]); url = url.replace('{{origin}}', origin.lat + ',' + origin.lng); url = url.replace('{{lat}}', g_company.lat); url = url.replace('{{lng}}', g_company.lng); debug(url); obj = new requestObject(url); obj.respType = 'json'; await httpRequest(obj).then((resp) => { if (resp.status == 200) { //0=ok if (resp.response.status == 0) { let distance = resp.response.r###lt.routes[0].distance; debug(distance); if (distance > config.max_distence) { debug('jobid: ' + jobid + '; too far'); } else { debug('jobid: ' + jobid + '; distance: ' + distance); config.joblist.push(item); suc = true; } } else { debug('jobid: ' + jobid + '; status error: ' + JSON.stringify(resp.response) + '; finalUrl: ' + resp.finalUrl); } } }); if (suc) { debug('distance confort'); break; } } else { debug(g_company.name); } } if (!suc) { item.style.display = "none"; } }); } let page_num = document.querySelector('div.rt.rt_page'); let arr = page_num.textContent.match(/(\d+)\s\/\s(\d+)/); let current = parseInt(arr[1]); let total = parseInt(arr[2]); debug(current + '/' + total); debug('config.joblist: ' + config.joblist.length); debug('config.max_joblist: ' + config.max_joblist); if (config.joblist.length < config.max_joblist && current < total) { debug('config.joblist: ' + config.joblist.length); config.running = true; page_num.querySelector('a.e_icons.i_next').click(); await filter(); } else { for (let item of config.joblist) { let jobid = item.querySelector('input[name="delivery_jobid"').getAttribute('value'); for (let node of j_joblist.childNodes) { let node_jobid = node.querySelector('input[name="delivery_jobid"').getAttribute('value'); if (jobid == node_jobid) { break; } else if (node == j_joblist.lastChild) { j_joblist.appendChild(item); } } } debug('suc'); config.button.textContent = "按距离筛选"; config.running = false; } }, 1000); } } /** * Create a user setting prompt * @param {string} varName * @param {any} defaultVal * @param {string} menuText * @param {string} promtText * @param {function} func */ function setUserPref(varName, defaultVal, menuText, promtText, func = null) { GM_registerMenuCommand(menuText, function () { var val = prompt(promtText, GM_getValue(varName, defaultVal)); if (val === null) { return; }// end execution if clicked CANCEL GM_setValue(varName, val); if (func != null) { func(val); } }); } function httpRequest(object, timeout = 10000) { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: object.method, url: object.url, headers: object.headers, responseType: object.respType, overrideMimeType: object.mimeType, data: object.body, timeout: timeout, onload: function (responseDetails) { debug(responseDetails); //Dowork resolve(responseDetails); }, ontimeout: function (responseDetails) { debug(responseDetails); //Dowork resolve(responseDetails); }, ononerror: function (responseDetails) { debug(responseDetails); //Dowork resolve(responseDetails); } }); } ) }