Scroll through posts with standard J/K keyboard shortcuts. L to like, O to save, U/I to rewind/fast forward video, M to Mute/Unmute, Space to play/pause video. On the Reels page use left/right arrow keys to rewind/fast forward video.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
- J/K to scroll through posts
- L to love
- O to save
- U/I to rewind/fast forward video
- M to mute/unmute
- SPACE to play/pause video
- A to toggle "See All" option
On the Reels page:
- Left/Right arrows to rewind/fastforward video
The "See All" option will make sure to scroll through the post's pictures/videos before scrolling to the next post.
Why J/K navigation? Because it's also used in Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Gmail, etc.
Please let me know if you have any comment/suggestions ;)