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哔哩哔哩 - 屏蔽指定内容

实现可分别按用户名、关键字或正则表达式对视频(或直播间/相薄)和评论(或回复)进行屏蔽; 将鼠标移至网页右下角弹出悬浮按钮

// ==UserScript==
// @name         哔哩哔哩 - 屏蔽指定内容
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/193133-pana
// @homepage     https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/193133-pana
// @version      4.8.0
// @description  实现可分别按用户名、关键字或正则表达式对视频(或直播间/相薄)和评论(或回复)进行屏蔽; 将鼠标移至网页右下角弹出悬浮按钮
// @author       pana
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://search.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://live.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://space.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://t.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://h.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://manga.bilibili.com/*
// @include      *://message.bilibili.com/*
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/minified/arrive.min.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/407543-block-obj/code/Block_Obj.js?version=963893
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dayjs.min.js
// @license      GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM.setClipboard
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// @run-at       document-start
// @noframes
// @note         ----------------------------------------------------------------
// @note         与"Bilibili 旧播放页"脚本(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/394296)的兼容问题:
// @note         如果同时启用脚本后发现本脚本无法保存设置到存储中,请前往脚本管理器调整脚本执行顺序。
// @note         具体方法可参考: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/397669
// @note         ----------------------------------------------------------------
// @note         关于 "读取仅拥有标题的视频的用户名信息"
// @note         原理是通过 API: "https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view"
// @note         这个方法本质上是不可靠的,因为可能会由于快速大量进行请求从而导致被拦截 (如:频繁地在页面内刷新)
// @note         ----------------------------------------------------------------
// @note         更新记录:
// @note         ver.4.8.0  优化关于动态的屏蔽功能
// @note         ver.4.7.0  支持在动态、视频播放等页面按粉丝勋章屏蔽评论
// @note         ver.4.6.4  补充覆盖视频播放页下部分内容
// @note         ver.4.6.3  修复添加正则表达式中存在逗号时录入出错的问题
// @note         ver.4.6.2  修复存在错误正则表达式时造成脚本失效的问题
// @note         ver.4.6.1  修复白名单效果未作用至动态上的问题
// @note         ver.4.6.0  支持用户白名单的功能
// @note         ver.4.5.0  支持按粉丝勋章屏蔽弹幕评论
// @note         ver.4.4.2  补充覆盖转发动态中的用户名
// @note         ver.4.4.1  修复上次更新导致屏蔽评论失效的问题
// @note         ver.4.4.0  优化脚本
// @note         ver.4.3.5  修复在视频关键字/正则表达式中添加单个空格时会导致所有视频被屏蔽的情况
// @note         ver.4.3.4  修复部分页面屏蔽失效的问题
// @note         ver.4.3.3  补充覆盖当前在线页面
// @note         ver.4.3.2  修复部分页面下按用户屏蔽失效的问题
// @note         ver.4.3.1  修复了由于上一版本的改动导致的脚本失效的问题
// @note         ver.4.3.0  兼容 Greasemonkey 4
// @note         ver.4.2.0  添加支持允许作用于动态的功能
// @note         ver.4.1.1  补充覆盖频道页面下内容
// @note         ver.4.1.0  允许在评论区显示屏蔽用户和"爆炸"按钮
// @note         ver.4.0.6  修复播放器网页全屏模式下的冲突问题
// @note         ver.4.0.4  尝试修复播放器网页全屏模式下可能的冲突问题
// @note         ver.4.0.3  修复已知的问题
// @note         ver.4.0.2  更换依赖库的 CDN
// @note         ver.4.0.0  整理并优化代码; 修复对于新添加的正则表达式,其无法在其他同步数据的标签页上生效的问题
// @note         ver.3.18.0 尝试通过 API 获取其他仅拥有标题的视频的用户名信息
// @note         ver.3.17.1 尝试通过 API 的方式读取专区热门列表里视频的用户名
// @note         ver.3.17.0 处理与"Bilibili 旧播放页"脚本不兼容的问题
// @note         ver.3.16.4 补充之前忘记匹配消息中心页面的问题; 补充覆盖番剧区页内的评论区; 修复了其他已知的问题
// @note         ver.3.16.0 增加 "消息中心 >> 回复我的" 的相关屏蔽,同时允许自动删除通知
// @note         ver.3.14.4 补充覆盖漫画页内的评论区
// @note         ver.3.14.3 增加相薄区的相关屏蔽; 完善部分未被覆盖的页面内容; 调整了使用关键字匹配表情的逻辑
// @note         ver.3.13.2 补充覆盖动态首页内的评论区
// @note         ver.3.13.1 修复可能无法匹配到用户动态页的问题
// @note         ver.3.13.0 实现多标签页同步数据; 调整取消按钮的行为; 覆盖视频播放完毕后的推荐视频; 兼容"Bilibili 旧播放页"脚本; 依旧存在的兼容问题: 在主页和视频播放页等页面下同时开启脚本时,本脚本无法保存设置到存储中
// @note         ver.3.11.0 增加直播区的相关屏蔽; 覆盖个人动态内的评论; 添加展开列表按钮
// @note         ver.3.7.1 添加删除按钮; 完善部分未被覆盖的页面内容
// @note         ver.3.5.3 修复部分页面下输入框内容看不清以及其他小问题
// @note         ver.3.5.0 优化代码; 完善部分未被覆盖的页面内容; 悬浮图标自动隐藏等
// @note         ver.2.2.0 添加允许将评论中的 b 站内置表情包转换成对应文字的功能
// @note         ver.2.1.2 修复储存正则表达式出错的问题; 优化代码
// @note         ver.2.1.0 添加允许按正则表达式进行屏蔽的功能
// @note         ver.2.0.0 调整了添加与删除关键字的方式,方便操作; 将评论与视频标题的关键词分开作用
// @note         ver.1.2.1 完善部分未被覆盖的页面内容
// @note         ver.1.2.0 添加屏蔽评论的功能
// @note         ver.1.1.2 调整屏蔽按钮的位置到右下角; 尝试处理脚本偶尔会失效的问题
// @note         ver.1.1.1 修复搜索页面以关键字屏蔽无效的问题
// @note         ver.1.1.0 匹配视频播放页面; 优化代码
// ==/UserScript==
(async function () {
'use strict';
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user: null,
text: 'p.manga-title',
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index: '.manga-spread-module',
user: null,
text: 'p.t',
method: 1,
c: 1,
index: '.groom-module',
user: 'p.author',
userReg: /^up主:/,
text: 'p.title',
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user: 'a.v-author',
text: 'a.title',
index: '.video-page-card, .video-page-operator-card',
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text: '.title',
index: '.rank-list li.item',
user: null,
text: '> a',
c: 2,
index: '.storey-box .spread-module',
bv: 'a',
text: 'p.t',
index: '.ebox',
user: '.author',
text: '.etitle',
url: ['www.bilibili.com/video/', 'www.bilibili.com/bangumi/'],
comment: true,
index: '.article-list li',
user: '.nick-name',
text: '.article-title',
url: 'www.bilibili.com/read/ranking',
index: '.rank-video-card, .video-card',
user: '.up-name',
text: '.video-name',
url: ['www.bilibili.com/v/channel', 'www.bilibili.com/v/popular'],
index: '.video-item',
user: 'a.up-name',
text: 'a.title',
url: 'search.bilibili.com',
index: '.live-user-item',
user: '.uname',
text: null,
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'search.bilibili.com',
index: '.live-room-item',
user: '.uname span',
text: '.item-title',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'search.bilibili.com',
index: '.photo-item',
user: '.up-name',
text: '.title',
method: 0,
type: {
pic: true,
url: 'search.bilibili.com',
index: '.rank-item',
user: '.room-anchor',
text: '.room-title',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'live.bilibili.com',
comment: true,
index: '.room-card-wrapper',
user: '.room-anchor > span',
text: '.room-title',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'live.bilibili.com',
index: '.ysly-room-ctnr li',
user: '.uname',
text: '.room-name',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'live.bilibili.com',
index: 'ul.list li',
user: '.room-anchor > span',
text: '.room-title',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
url: 'live.bilibili.com',
index: '.card-items li',
user: '.uname',
text: '.room-name',
method: 0,
type: {
live: true,
index: '.content li',
user: '.user-container a span',
text: '.article-title a',
method: 0,
type: {
pic: true,
url: 'h.bilibili.com',
comment: true,
index: '.rank-list > div',
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text: ['.title', '.work-name'],
method: 0,
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url: 'h.bilibili.com',
index: '.canvas-card',
user: '.user-container a span',
text: '.article-title a',
method: 1,
type: {
pic: true,
url: 'h.bilibili.com',
let bilibiliConfig = {
functionEnable: true,
usernameEnable: true,
keywordEnable: true,
whitelistEnable: false,
commentEnable: false,
commentKeywordEnable: false,
commentFans: false,
convertEmojiEnable: false,
showBlockUserBtnEnable: false,
showBangBtnEnable: false,
liveEnable: false,
picEnable: false,
messageReplyEnable: false,
messageReplyDelEnable: false,
dynamicVideo: false,
dynamicContent: false,
usernameArray: [],
keywordArray: [],
commentArray: [],
whitelistArray: [],
let infoRecord = [];
const tempRecord = Block_Obj.GM.getValue('infoRecord', []);
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if (dayjs().diff(item.time, 'd') <= 3) {
let delNum = 0;
let recordButton = [];
let requestTotal = 0;
let sendStatus = true;
const INTERVAL_TIME = 100;
if (typeof Block_Obj !== 'function') {
alert('Block_Obj.js was not loaded successfully.');
} else if (typeof Block_Obj.fn.compare !== 'function') {
alert('The version of Block_Obj.js is too low.');
let blockObj = new Block_Obj('bilibili_config', [
key: 'keywordArray',
ori: 'regArray',
key: 'commentArray',
ori: 'commentRegArray',
await document.arrive('body', { fireOnAttributesModification: true, onceOnly: true, existing: true }, async function () {
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id: 'bilibiliConfig',
menu: 'bilibili_屏蔽设置',
field: [
id: 'functionEnable',
label: '启用屏蔽功能',
title: '总开关',
type: 'c',
default: true,
id: 'whitelistEnable',
label: '启用白名单',
title: '白名单用户的视频(或直播间/相薄)以及评论(或回复)不会被屏蔽',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
label: '屏蔽视频(或直播间/相薄):',
type: 's',
id: 'usernameEnable',
label: '按用户名',
title: '屏蔽指定用户发布的视频(或直播间/相薄)',
type: 'c',
default: true,
id: 'keywordEnable',
label: '按关键字或正则',
title: '屏蔽标题中包含指定关键字或匹配正则表达式的视频(或直播间/相薄)',
type: 'c',
default: true,
move_right: true,
id: 'liveEnable',
label: '直播间',
title: '扩展作用范围以同时允许屏蔽直播间',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
id: 'picEnable',
label: '相薄',
title: '扩展作用范围以同时允许屏蔽相薄',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
id: 'dynamicVideo',
label: '动态',
title: '允许屏蔽转发、分享指定用户的动态\n允许屏蔽视频标题匹配关键字或正则的动态',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
label: '屏蔽评论(或回复):',
type: 's',
id: 'commentEnable',
label: '按用户名',
title: '屏蔽指定用户发布的评论(或回复)',
type: 'c',
default: false,
id: 'commentKeywordEnable',
label: '按关键字或正则',
title: '屏蔽内容中包含指定关键字或匹配正则表达式的评论(或回复)',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
id: 'commentFans',
label: '按粉丝勋章',
title: '屏蔽直播间中挂有指定粉丝勋章用户发布的弹幕评论\n屏蔽动态、视频播放等页面中挂有指定粉丝勋章用户发布的评论',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
id: 'dynamicContent',
label: '动态',
title: '允许屏蔽动态内容(包含转发、分享)匹配关键字或正则的动态',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
type: 'br',
id: 'convertEmojiEnable',
label: '表情转成文字',
'判定时将表情包转换成对应的标识文字,例:[鸡腿]、[tv_白眼]等\n注意:使用关键字来匹配表情时,必须包含完整的中括号对;\n如 "鸡腿" 是无法匹配表情 [鸡腿] 的,需使用 "[鸡腿]" 进行匹配',
type: 'c',
default: false,
id: 'showBlockUserBtnEnable',
label: '显示屏蔽用户按钮',
title: '在评论在底部显示一个屏蔽该用户的按钮',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
id: 'showBangBtnEnable',
label: '显示"爆炸"按钮',
title: '在评论底部显示一个可以拆分并选择文本内容的按钮',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
type: 'br',
id: 'messageReplyEnable',
label: '消息中心里的回复',
title: '扩展作用范围以同时允许屏蔽消息中心里的回复',
type: 'c',
default: false,
id: 'messageReplyDelEnable',
label: '自动删除回复通知',
title: '同时将屏蔽的回复通知自动删除\n删除的记录可在控制台中查看\n请谨慎启用该选项,因为删除操作是不可逆的!',
type: 'c',
default: false,
move_right: true,
type: 's',
type: 's',
label: '白名单 (用户名):',
classname: MODULE.WHITELIST.className,
id: 'whitelistInput',
label: '输入:',
placeholder: ' 同时输入多个时以半角逗号分隔 ',
type: 'i',
list_id: 'whitelistArray',
classname: MODULE.WHITELIST.className,
id: 'whitelistArray',
type: 'l',
default: [],
classname: MODULE.WHITELIST.className,
type: 's',
type: 's',
label: '黑名单 (用户名/粉丝勋章名):',
classname: MODULE.USERNAME.className,
id: 'usernameInput',
label: '输入:',
placeholder: ' 同时输入多个时以半角逗号分隔 ',
type: 'i',
list_id: 'usernameArray',
classname: MODULE.USERNAME.className,
id: 'usernameArray',
type: 'l',
default: [],
classname: MODULE.USERNAME.className,
type: 's',
type: 's',
label: '视频(或直播间/相薄)关键字或正则:',
classname: MODULE.VIDEO_KEYWORD.className,
id: 'videoKeywordInput',
label: '输入:',
placeholder: ' 正则表达式格式: /Pattern/Modifier ',
type: 'i',
list_id: 'keywordArray',
classname: MODULE.VIDEO_KEYWORD.className,
id: 'keywordArray',
type: 'l',
default: [],
classname: MODULE.VIDEO_KEYWORD.className,
type: 's',
type: 's',
label: '评论(或回复)关键字或正则:',
classname: MODULE.COMMENT_KEYWORD.className,
id: 'commentKeywordInput',
label: '输入:',
placeholder: ' 正则表达式格式: /Pattern/Modifier ',
type: 'i',
list_id: 'commentArray',
classname: MODULE.COMMENT_KEYWORD.className,
id: 'commentArray',
type: 'l',
default: [],
classname: MODULE.COMMENT_KEYWORD.className,
type: 's',
events: {
save: config => {
bilibiliConfig = config;
change: config => {
bilibiliConfig = config;
bilibiliConfig = blockObj.getConfig();
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let observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.querySelector('body'), {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
} catch (e) {
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function displayDel(panelId, num) {
if (document.getElementById(panelId)) {
document.getElementById(panelId).textContent = ' (自动删除了 ' + num + ' 条通知)';
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function decideText(
isComment = false,
isLive = false,
isPic = false,
sourceText = null,
isMessageReply = false,
dynamicVideo = null,
dynamic = null,
repost = null
) {
let isDecide = false;
let isDecideComment = false;
let isDecideDynamic = false;
let isDecideDynamicTitle = false;
let isDecideDynamicContent = false;
let isDecideDynamicRepost = false;
if (bilibiliConfig.functionEnable) {
if (textValue) {
if (isComment) {
if (isMessageReply) {
if (bilibiliConfig.messageReplyEnable) {
isDecideComment = true;
} else {
isDecideComment = true;
} else if (isLive) {
if (bilibiliConfig.liveEnable) {
isDecide = true;
} else if (isPic) {
if (bilibiliConfig.picEnable) {
isDecide = true;
} else {
isDecide = true;
} else {
if (bilibiliConfig.dynamicVideo && dynamicVideo) {
isDecideDynamic = true;
isDecideDynamicTitle = true;
if (bilibiliConfig.dynamicContent && dynamic) {
isDecideDynamic = true;
isDecideDynamicContent = true;
if (bilibiliConfig.dynamicContent && repost) {
isDecideDynamic = true;
isDecideDynamicRepost = true;
if (isDecide) {
if (bilibiliConfig.keywordEnable) {
for (let k of bilibiliConfig.keywordArray) {
if (k) {
if (typeof k === 'string' && textValue.includes(k)) {
return true;
} else {
try {
if (textValue.match(k)) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('存在错误的正则表达式: ', e);
} else if (isDecideComment) {
if (bilibiliConfig.commentKeywordEnable) {
for (let i of bilibiliConfig.commentArray) {
if (i) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
if (textValue.includes(i)) {
if (sourceText) {
if (sourceText.includes(i)) {
return true;
} else if (/\[.*\]/i.test(i)) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else if (sourceText && /\[.*\]/i.test(i)) {
if (sourceText.includes(i)) {
return true;
} else {
try {
if (textValue.match(i)) {
return true;
} else if (sourceText.match(i)) {
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('存在错误的正则表达式: ', e);
} else if (isDecideDynamic) {
let dynamicStatus = false;
if (isDecideDynamicTitle) {
if (bilibiliConfig.keywordEnable) {
for (let o of bilibiliConfig.keywordArray) {
if (o) {
if (typeof o === 'string' && dynamicVideo.includes(o)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else {
try {
if (dynamicVideo.match(o)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('存在错误的正则表达式: ', e);
if (!dynamicStatus && dynamic.content && isDecideDynamicContent) {
if (bilibiliConfig.commentKeywordEnable) {
for (const q of bilibiliConfig.commentArray) {
if (q) {
if (typeof q === 'string') {
if (dynamic.content.includes(q)) {
if (dynamic.sourceContent) {
if (dynamic.sourceContent.includes(q)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (/\[.*\]/i.test(q)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (dynamic.sourceContent && /\[.*\]/i.test(q)) {
if (dynamic.sourceContent.includes(q)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else {
try {
if (dynamic.content.match(q)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (dynamic.sourceContent.match(q)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('存在错误的正则表达式: ', e);
if (!dynamicStatus && repost.content && isDecideDynamicRepost) {
if (bilibiliConfig.commentKeywordEnable) {
for (const r of bilibiliConfig.commentArray) {
if (r) {
if (typeof r === 'string') {
if (repost.content.includes(r)) {
if (repost.sourceContent) {
if (repost.sourceContent.includes(r)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (/\[.*\]/i.test(r)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (repost.sourceContent && /\[.*\]/i.test(r)) {
if (repost.sourceContent.includes(r)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else {
try {
if (repost.content.match(r)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} else if (repost.sourceContent.match(r)) {
dynamicStatus = true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('存在错误的正则表达式: ', e);
return dynamicStatus;
return false;
function decideUsername(
isComment = false,
isLive = false,
isPic = false,
isMessageReply = false,
trueLove = null,
repostUser = null
) {
let isDecide = false;
if (bilibiliConfig.functionEnable && username) {
if (isComment) {
if (bilibiliConfig.commentEnable) {
if (isMessageReply) {
if (bilibiliConfig.messageReplyEnable) {
isDecide = true;
} else {
isDecide = true;
} else if (isLive) {
if (bilibiliConfig.liveEnable) {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameEnable) {
isDecide = true;
} else if (isPic) {
if (bilibiliConfig.picEnable) {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameEnable) {
isDecide = true;
} else {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameEnable) {
isDecide = true;
if (isDecide) {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameArray.includes(username)) {
return true;
if (bilibiliConfig.functionEnable) {
if (bilibiliConfig.commentFans && trueLove) {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameArray.includes(trueLove)) {
return true;
if (bilibiliConfig.dynamicVideo && repostUser) {
if (bilibiliConfig.usernameArray.includes(repostUser)) {
return true;
return false;
function isWhitelist(username) {
if (username && bilibiliConfig.functionEnable && bilibiliConfig.whitelistEnable) {
if (bilibiliConfig.whitelistArray.includes(username)) {
return true;
return false;
function hideHandler(itemNode, username, textValue, method = 0, type = {}) {
if (username) {
if (typeof username === 'object') {
username = username.textContent;
username = username.trim();
if (textValue) {
if (typeof textValue === 'object') {
textValue = textValue.textContent;
textValue = textValue.trim();
const isComment = type.comment ? true : false;
const isMessageReply = type.messageReply ? true : false;
const delButton = type.delButton ? type.delButton : null;
const isLive = type.live ? true : false;
const isPic = type.pic ? true : false;
const trueLove = type.trueLove ? type.trueLove.trim() : null;
const dynamic = type.dynamic != null && typeof type.dynamic === 'object' ? type.dynamic : null;
const dynamicVideo = type.dynamicVideo ? type.dynamicVideo.trim() : null;
const repost = type.repost != null && typeof type.repost === 'object' ? type.repost : null;
const repostUser = type.repostUser ? type.repostUser.trim() : null;
const sourceText = type.sourceText ? type.sourceText : null;
let hideStatus = false;
if (isWhitelist(username)) {
hideStatus = false;
} else if (decideUsername(username, isComment, isLive, isPic, isMessageReply, trueLove, repostUser)) {
hideStatus = true;
} else if (decideText(textValue, isComment, isLive, isPic, sourceText, isMessageReply, dynamicVideo, dynamic, repost)) {
hideStatus = true;
} else {
hideStatus = false;
if (itemNode.constructor == Array) {
for (let eleNode of itemNode) {
if (eleNode) {
Block_Obj.fn.hideOperation(eleNode, hideStatus, method);
} else {
Block_Obj.fn.hideOperation(itemNode, hideStatus, method);
if (hideStatus) {
if (delButton) {
if (bilibiliConfig.messageReplyDelEnable && !recordButton.includes(delButton)) {
console.info('%c自动删除通知:', 'color: purple;', '\n用户名:', username, '\n评论内容:', textValue);
displayDel('messageDelPanel', delNum);
function extractEle(ele, selector) {
let r###lt = null;
if (selector) {
if (Array.isArray(selector)) {
for (const e of selector) {
if (ele.querySelector(e)) {
r###lt = ele.querySelector(e);
} else {
r###lt = ele.querySelector(selector);
return r###lt;
function hideEvent() {
handler.forEach(item => {
const { c, index, user, text, method, type, userReg, url, comment, bv } = item;
let status = false;
if (url) {
if (Array.isArray(url)) {
for (let u of url) {
if (OLD_URL.indexOf(u) !== -1) {
status = true;
} else {
status = OLD_URL.indexOf(url) !== -1;
} else {
status = OLD_URL.indexOf('www.bilibili.com') !== -1;
if (status) {
const all = document.querySelectorAll(index);
for (const ele of all) {
if (c == 1) {
hideHandler(ele, extractEle(ele, user).textContent.replace(userReg, ''));
} else if (c == 2) {
const bvNum = getBvNumber(ele.querySelector(bv).href);
asyncUsernameHandle(bvNum, ele, extractEle(ele, text));
} else {
hideHandler(ele, extractEle(ele, user), extractEle(ele, text), method, type);
if (comment) {
if (OLD_URL.indexOf('www.bilibili.com') !== -1) {
try {
const carouselModulePanel = document.querySelector('.carousel-module .panel');
if (carouselModulePanel) {
const carouselModulePanelTitle = carouselModulePanel.querySelectorAll('ul.title a');
const carouselModulePanelPic = carouselModulePanel.querySelectorAll('ul.pic li');
const carouselModulePanelTrig = carouselModulePanel.querySelectorAll('ul.trig span');
for (let panelIndex = 0; panelIndex < carouselModulePanelTitle.length; panelIndex++) {
[carouselModulePanelTitle[panelIndex], carouselModulePanelPic[panelIndex], carouselModulePanelTrig[panelIndex]],
} catch (e) {
console.error('bilibili_BLock: Variable carouselModulePanel is error.');
const rankItem = document.getElementsByClassName('rank-item');
for (const rankItemEle of rankItem) {
let textValue = '';
if (rankItemEle.querySelector('p.ri-title')) {
textValue = rankItemEle.querySelector('p.ri-title');
if (rankItemEle.querySelector('a.title')) {
textValue = rankItemEle.querySelector('a.title');
if (rankItemEle.querySelector('.detail > a')) {
hideHandler(rankItemEle, rankItemEle.querySelector('.detail > a'), textValue);
} else if (rankItemEle.querySelector('a')) {
const linkA = rankItemEle.querySelector('a');
const bvNum = getBvNumber(linkA.href);
asyncUsernameHandle(bvNum, rankItemEle, textValue);
const recentHot = document.querySelectorAll('div#recent_hot li');
for (const recentHotItem of recentHot) {
const bvNum = getBvNumber(recentHotItem.querySelector('a').href);
asyncUsernameHandle(bvNum, recentHotItem, recentHotItem.title);
const bilibiliPlayerRecommendVideo = document.getElementsByClassName('bilibili-player-recommend-video');
for (const bilibiliPlayerRecommendVideoItem of bilibiliPlayerRecommendVideo) {
const bvNum = getBvNumber(bilibiliPlayerRecommendVideoItem.href);
const bilibiliPlayerEndingPanelBoxRecommend = document.querySelectorAll('a.bilibili-player-ending-panel-box-recommend');
for (const bilibiliPlayerEndingPanelBoxRecommendItem of bilibiliPlayerEndingPanelBoxRecommend) {
let bvNum = '';
try {
bvNum = /(?:av|bv)(\w+)/i.exec(bilibiliPlayerEndingPanelBoxRecommendItem.getAttribute('data-bvid'))[1];
} catch (e) {
bvNum = null;
if (!bvNum) {
try {
bvNum = getBvNumber(bilibiliPlayerEndingPanelBoxRecommendItem.href);
} catch (e) {
bvNum = null;
} else if (/(t|manga|space)\.bilibili\.com/.test(OLD_URL)) {
const card = document.querySelectorAll('div.card');
for (const cardItem of card) {
const contentFull = cardItem.querySelector('.content-full');
let sourceContent = null;
let convertText = null;
if (contentFull && !contentFull.closest('.repost')) {
sourceContent = contentFull.textContent;
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
convertText = getConvertText(contentFull.innerHTML);
const title = cardItem.querySelector('.title');
let titleText = null;
if (title) {
titleText = title.textContent;
let repostUser = cardItem.querySelector('.repost .username');
repostUser = repostUser ? repostUser.textContent : null;
let repostSourceText = null;
let repostConvertText = null;
const repostContent = cardItem.querySelector('.repost .content-full');
if (repostContent) {
repostSourceText = repostContent.textContent;
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
repostConvertText = getConvertText(repostContent.innerHTML);
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
hideHandler(cardItem, null, null, 0, {
dynamicVideo: titleText,
dynamic: {
content: convertText,
sourceContent: sourceContent,
repost: {
content: repostConvertText,
sourceContent: repostSourceText,
} else {
hideHandler(cardItem, null, null, 0, {
dynamicVideo: titleText,
dynamic: {
content: sourceContent,
repost: {
content: repostSourceText,
} else if (/message\.bilibili\.com\/#\/reply/.test(OLD_URL)) {
const replyItem = document.getElementsByClassName('reply-item');
for (const replyItemEle of replyItem) {
let nextNode = null;
if (replyItemEle.nextElementSibling) {
if (replyItemEle.nextElementSibling.classList.contains('divider')) {
nextNode = replyItemEle.nextElementSibling;
const sourceText = replyItemEle.querySelector('.text').textContent;
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
const convertText = replyItemEle.querySelector('.text span').innerHTML.replace(/<img.*alt="(.*)".*>/g, '$1');
hideHandler([replyItemEle, nextNode], replyItemEle.querySelector('.name-field a'), convertText, 0, {
comment: true,
messageReply: true,
sourceText: sourceText,
delButton: replyItemEle.querySelector('.bl-button--primary'),
} else {
hideHandler([replyItemEle, nextNode], replyItemEle.querySelector('.name-field a'), sourceText, 0, {
comment: true,
messageReply: true,
delButton: replyItemEle.querySelector('.bl-button--primary'),
} else if (/live\.bilibili\.com\/\d+/.test(OLD_URL)) {
const chatItems = document.querySelectorAll('#chat-items .chat-item');
chatItems.forEach(item => {
const fansMedalContent = item.querySelector('.fans-medal-content');
hideHandler(item, null, null, 0, {
trueLove: fansMedalContent ? fansMedalContent.textContent : null,
function hideComment() {
const commentList = document.querySelectorAll('.comment-list .list-item');
for (const commentListItem of commentList) {
const sourceText = commentListItem.querySelector('.con > p.text').textContent;
let trueLove = commentListItem.querySelector('.true-love');
trueLove = trueLove ? trueLove.firstChild.textContent : null;
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
const convertText = getConvertText(commentListItem.querySelector('.con > p.text').innerHTML);
hideHandler(commentListItem, commentListItem.querySelector('.con > .user a.name'), convertText, 0, {
comment: true,
sourceText: sourceText,
} else {
hideHandler(commentListItem, commentListItem.querySelector('.con > .user a.name'), sourceText, 0, {
comment: true,
const commentReplyBtn = commentListItem.querySelector('.reply.btn-hover');
if (bilibiliConfig.showBlockUserBtnEnable) {
commentReplyBtn &&
!commentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_comment_user_block_button') &&
commentListItem.querySelector('.con > .user a.name').textContent,
} else {
commentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_comment_user_block_button') &&
if (bilibiliConfig.showBangBtnEnable) {
const commentBtn = commentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_comment_user_block_button') || commentReplyBtn;
commentBtn &&
!commentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_comment_bang_button') &&
} else {
commentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_comment_bang_button') &&
const replyCommentList = document.querySelectorAll('.comment-list .reply-item');
for (const replyCommentListItem of replyCommentList) {
const replySourceText = replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply-con .text-con').textContent;
if (bilibiliConfig.convertEmojiEnable) {
const replyConvertText = getConvertText(replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply-con .text-con').innerHTML);
hideHandler(replyCommentListItem, replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply-con .user a.name'), replyConvertText, 0, {
comment: true,
sourceText: replySourceText,
} else {
hideHandler(replyCommentListItem, replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply-con .user a.name'), replySourceText, 0, {
comment: true,
const replyBtn = replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply.btn-hover');
if (bilibiliConfig.showBlockUserBtnEnable) {
replyBtn &&
!replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_reply_user_block_button') &&
replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.reply-con .user a.name').textContent,
} else {
replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_reply_user_block_button') &&
if (bilibiliConfig.showBangBtnEnable) {
const pBtn = replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_reply_user_block_button') || replyBtn;
pBtn &&
!replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_reply_bang_button') &&
} else {
replyCommentListItem.querySelector('.bilibili_reply_bang_button') &&
function getConvertText(text) {
return text
.replace(/<img.*?alt="(.*?)".*?>/g, '$1')
.replace(/<a.*?>(.*?)<\/\s*a>/g, '$1')
.replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
function asyncUsernameHandle(bvNum, mainEle, textValue, hideMethod = 0, typeInfo = {}) {
let userName = '';
if (bvNum) {
let recordUser = false;
infoRecord.forEach(item => {
if (item.bv == bvNum) {
userName = item.user;
recordUser = true;
if (recordUser) {
hideHandler(mainEle, userName, textValue, hideMethod, typeInfo);
} else {
bv: bvNum,
user: userName,
time: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
const apiUrl = bvNum.match(/^\d+$/)
? 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?aid='
: 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/view?bvid=';
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', apiUrl + bvNum, true);
xhr.responseType = 'json';
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
if (xhr.response.data && xhr.response.data.owner && xhr.response.data.owner['name']) {
userName = xhr.response.data.owner['name'];
} else {
sendStatus = false;
console.info(apiUrl + bvNum + '\nresponse status: ' + xhr.status);
hideHandler(mainEle, userName, textValue, hideMethod, typeInfo);
infoRecord.forEach(item => {
if (item.bv == bvNum) {
item.user = userName;
Block_Obj.GM.setValue('infoRecord', infoRecord);
xhr.onerror = () => {
console.info(apiUrl + bvNum + '\nerror.');
hideHandler(mainEle, userName, textValue, hideMethod, typeInfo);
setTimeout(() => {
sendStatus && xhr.send();
}, INTERVAL_TIME * requestTotal);
} else {
hideHandler(mainEle, userName, textValue, hideMethod, typeInfo);
function getBvNumber(video_link) {
let bvNum = '';
try {
bvNum = /\/video\/(?:av|bv)(\w+)/i.exec(video_link)[1];
} catch (e) {
bvNum = null;
return bvNum;