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(updated from kuehlschrank & Ramses) Downloads files, copies URLs and queues magnet links *ONLY* for real-debrid users/accounts.
A download helper for Real-Debrid.com users. It was based on the original downloader helper by Kuehlschrank (and then updated by Ramses). I updated this script because neither of the authors were keeping theirs up to date. I only have an account with Real-Debrid so I stripped out everything non-RD related. I'm releasing this to the public so other RD users can benefit from it.
NOTE: Don't forget to set your RD Token using this helper's menu option "Set RealDebrid API token" when on a webpage with valid file download links. If you look for the menu options on a page that doesn't have any download links then the menu options won't appear.
This script is based off:
- Original script by kuehlschrank: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/415-debrid-download-helper
- Updated by Ramses II: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/369062-debrid-download-helper
Huge thanks to kuehlschrank for writing the original version!