Greasy Fork is available in English.
All install links are replaced with direct download APK links
- // ==UserScript==// @name Wandoujia Download APK Directly// @name:zh-CN 豌豆荚直接下载APK// @namespace @null// @version 0.2// @description All install links are replaced with direct download APK links// @description:zh-CN 页面内所有安装按钮链接修改为直接下载APK链接// @author test01wrk// @match http*://*// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';var btns = document.getElementsByClassName('i-source');[], function(e) {var url = e.getAttribute('href');if (!url.startsWith('http')) {url = window.location.origin + url;}var success = true;var dataType = e.getAttribute('data-type');var dataFeat = e.getAttribute('data-feat');//console.log('dataType=' + dataType + ', dataFeat=' + dataFeat + ', url=' + url);if (dataType == 'bind' && dataFeat == 'binded') {url = url.replace(/(^https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/apps\/[^\/]+)\/.*$/, '$1/download');} else if (dataType == 'history' && dataFeat == 'binded_history') {url = decodeURIComponent(url);url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\/.*\?downloadUrl=(https?:\/\/.*\.apk)\?.*$/, '$1');} else {success = false;}//console.log('direct.url=' + url);if (success) {e.setAttribute('href', url);if (e.innerHTML.trim().length >= 4) {e.innerHTML = '下载APK';}}});})();