Shows lyrics/songtexts from on Youtube music next to music videos
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube Music Genius Lyrics // @description Shows lyrics/songtexts from on Youtube music next to music videos // @description:es Mostra la letra de de las canciones en Youtube Music // @description:de Zeigt den Songtext von auf Youtube Music an // @description:fr Présente les paroles de chansons de sur Youtube Music // @description:pl Pokazuje teksty piosenek z na Youtube Music // @description:pt Mostra letras de no Youtube Music // @description:it Mostra i testi delle canzoni di su Youtube Music // @description:ja YouTube Music(ユーチューブ ミュージック)プレーヤーで、スクリプトが の歌詞を表示する // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @copyright 2020, cuzi ( // @author cuzi // @icon // @supportURL // @version 4.0.31 // @require // @require // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @connect // @match* // @namespace // ==/UserScript== /* Copyright (C) 2020 cuzi ([email protected]) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* global GM, genius, geniusLyrics, GM_addValueChangeListener, HTMLMediaElement, MutationObserver */ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ 'use strict' const SCRIPT_NAME = 'Youtube Music Genius Lyrics' let lyricsDisplayState = 'hidden' let lyricsWidth = '40%' const elmBuild = (tag, ...contents) => { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const elm = typeof tag === 'string' ? document.createElement(tag) : tag for (const content of contents) { if (!content || typeof content !== 'object' || (content instanceof Node)) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef elm.append(content) } else if (content.length > 0) { elm.appendChild(elmBuild(...content)) } else if ( { Object.assign(, } else if (content.classList) { elm.classList.add(...content.classList) } else if (content.attr) { for (const [attr, val] of Object.entries(content.attr)) elm.setAttribute(attr, val) } else { Object.assign(elm, content) } } return elm } function addCss () { // Spotify const style = document.createElement('style') = 'youtube-music-genius-lyrics-style' style.textContent = ` #lyricscontainer { position:fixed; right:0px; margin:0px; padding:0px; background:#000; color:#fff; z-index:101; font-size:1.4rem; border:none; border-radius:none; } .lyricsiframe { opacity:0.1; transition:opacity 2s; margin:0px; padding:0px; } .lyricsnavbar { font-size : 0.7em; text-align:right; padding-right:10px; background:#212121; } .lyricsnavbar span,.lyricsnavbar a:link,.lyricsnavbar a:visited { color:#d5d5d5; text-decoration:none; transition:color 400ms; } .lyricsnavbar a:hover,.lyricsnavbar span:hover { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } .loadingspinner { color:white; font-size:1em; line-height:2.5em; } .loadingspinnerholder { z-index:101; background-color:transparent; position:absolute; top:120px; right:100px; cursor:progress } .lorem {padding:10px 0px 0px 15px; font-size: 1.4rem;line-height: 2.2rem;letter-spacing: 0.3rem;} .lorem .white {background:black;color:black} .lorem .gray {background:#7f7f7f;color:#7f7f7f} #lyricscontainer.geniusSearch { background:#212121; } #lyricscontainer.geniusSearch a:link, #lyricscontainer.geniusSearch a:visited { color:#909090; transition:color 300ms; text-decoration:none; font-size:16px } #lyricscontainer.geniusSearch a:hover{ color:white; } .geniussearchinput { background-color:#212121; color:white; border:1px solid #333; font-size:17px; padding:7px; min-width: 60%; } input.geniussearchinput:focus { outline:0; } ` document.head.appendChild(style) } function calcContainerWidthTop () { const playerBar = document.querySelector('ytmusic-nav-bar') const playerPage = document.querySelector('ytmusic-player-page#player-page') const lyricsBar = document.querySelector('#lyricscontainer .lyricsnavbar') const playerPageDim = playerPage.getBoundingClientRect() const playerBarDim = playerBar.getBoundingClientRect() const left = playerPageDim.left + playerPageDim.width const top = playerBarDim.height - (lyricsBar ? lyricsBar.getBoundingClientRect().height : 11) return [left, top] } function setFrameDimensions (container, iframe) { const bar = container.querySelector('.lyricsnavbar') const ytmusicPlayerBarDim = document.querySelector('ytmusic-player-bar').getBoundingClientRect() const progressContainer = document.getElementById('progressContainer') const width = = container.clientWidth - 1 + 'px' const height = = window.innerHeight - 2 - (bar ? bar.getBoundingClientRect().height : 11) - container.getBoundingClientRect().top - (progressContainer ? progressContainer.getBoundingClientRect().height : 3) - ytmusicPlayerBarDim.height + 'px' if (genius.option.themeKey === 'spotify') { = 'black' } else { = '' } return [width, height] } function onResize () { window.setTimeout(function () { document.body.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('genius-resize-requested')) }, 200) } function resize () { const container = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') const iframe = document.getElementById('lyricsiframe') if (!container) { return } const [left, top] = calcContainerWidthTop() = top + 'px' = left + 'px' if (iframe) { setFrameDimensions(container, iframe) } } function getCleanLyricsContainer () { let container const playerPage = document.querySelector('ytmusic-player-page#player-page') const playerPageDiv = playerPage.querySelector('.ytmusic-player-page') = `calc(100% - ${lyricsWidth})` playerPageDiv.dataset.paddingRight = window.getComputedStyle(playerPageDiv).paddingRight = '0px' const [left, top] = calcContainerWidthTop() if (!document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) { container = document.createElement('div') = 'lyricscontainer' document.body.appendChild(container) } else { container = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') container.textContent = '' } = '' = top + 'px' = left + 'px' container.className = '' return document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') } function getSongInfoNodes () { let playerBars = [...document.querySelectorAll('ytmusic-player-bar.ytmusic-app')].filter(e => !e.closest('[hidden]') && !e.closest('[disabled]')) if (playerBars.length === 0) playerBars = [...document.querySelectorAll('ytmusic-player-bar')].filter(e => !e.closest('[hidden]') && !e.closest('[disabled]')) let titleNode = null let artistNodes = [] if (playerBars.length === 1) { const playerBar = playerBars[0] const key = '__shady_native_querySelector' in playerBar && typeof playerBar.__shady_native_querySelector === 'function' && typeof playerBar.__shady_native_querySelectorAll === 'function' ? '__shady_native_querySelector' : 'querySelector' titleNode = playerBar[key]('.title.ytmusic-player-bar') artistNodes = [...playerBar[`${key}All`]('.ytmusic-player-bar.subtitle a[href*="channel/"]')] } return { titleNode, artistNodes, isSongQueuedOrPlaying: artistNodes.length > 0 && artistNodes[0].textContent.trim() && titleNode && titleNode.textContent.trim() } } function hideLyrics () { document.querySelectorAll('.loadingspinner').forEach((spinner) => spinner.remove()) if (document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) { document.getElementById('lyricscontainer').remove() } const playerPage = document.querySelector('ytmusic-player-page#player-page') const playerPageDiv = playerPage.querySelector('.ytmusic-player-page') = '' = playerPageDiv.dataset.paddingRight addLyricsButton() } function addLyricsButton () { if (document.getElementById('showlyricsbutton')) { return } const b = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) b.setAttribute('id', 'showlyricsbutton') b.setAttribute('style', 'position: absolute; min-width: 22px; top: 1px; right: 0px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 3000; background: transparent; text-align: right;') b.setAttribute('title', 'Load lyrics from') b.addEventListener('click', function onShowLyricsButtonClick () { genius.option.autoShow = true // Temporarily enable showing lyrics automatically on song change window.clearInterval(genius.iv.main) genius.iv.main = window.setInterval(main, 2000) b.remove() addLyrics(true) }) const g = b.appendChild(document.createElement('span')) g.setAttribute('style', 'display:inline; color: #ffff64; background: black; border-radius: 50%; margin: auto; font-size: 15px; line-height: 15px;padding: 0px 2px;') g.appendChild(document.createTextNode('🅖')) if (g.getBoundingClientRect().width < 10) { // in case the font doesn't have "🅖" symbol g.setAttribute('style', 'border: 2px solid #ffff64; border-radius: 100%; padding: 0px 3px; font-size: 11px; background-color: black; color: #ffff64; font-weight: 700;') g.textContent = 'G' } } let lastSong = null function addLyrics (force, beLessSpecific) { const { titleNode, artistNodes, isSongQueuedOrPlaying } = getSongInfoNodes() if (!isSongQueuedOrPlaying) { // No song is playing lastSong = null hideLyrics() return } let songTitle = titleNode.textContent const songArtistsArr = Array.from(artistNodes).map(e => e.textContent) const song = `${songArtistsArr.join(', ')}-${songTitle}#${genius.option.themeKey}@${genius.option.fontSize}@${lyricsWidth}` if (lastSong === song && document.getElementById('lyricscontainer')) { // Same video id and same theme and lyrics are showing -> stop here return } else { lastSong = song } songTitle = songTitle.replace(/[([]\w+\s*\w*\s*video[)\]]/i, '').trim() songTitle = songTitle.replace(/[([]\w*\s*audio[)\]]/i, '').trim() songTitle = genius.f.cleanUpSongTitle(songTitle) const video = getYoutubeMainVideo() console.log('debug: Youtube Music Genius Lyrics - getYoutubeMainVideo()', video) genius.f.loadLyrics(force, beLessSpecific, songTitle, songArtistsArr, true) } function getYoutubeMainVideo () { const activeMedia_ = activeMedia if (activeMedia_) { const moviePlayer = activeMedia_.closest('#movie_player') const mediaList = moviePlayer ? moviePlayer.querySelectorAll('audio, video') : null if (mediaList && mediaList.length === 1 && mediaList[0] === activeMedia_) { return activeMedia_ } if (activeMedia_.classList.contains('html5-main-video')) { return activeMedia_ } } let video = document.querySelector('#movie_player video[src]') if (video !== null) { return video } video = document.querySelector('video[src]') if (video !== null) { return video } return null } let lastPos = null function updateAutoScroll (video, force) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars let pos = null if (!video) { video = getYoutubeMainVideo() } if (video) { pos = video.currentTime / video.duration } if (pos !== null && pos >= 0 && `${lastPos}` !== `${pos}`) { lastPos = pos genius.f.scrollLyrics(pos) } } function showSearchField (query) { const b = getCleanLyricsContainer() = '1px solid black' = '3px' = '5px' b.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Search ')) = '15px' const input = b.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.className = 'geniussearchinput' input.placeholder = 'Search' const span = b.appendChild(document.createElement('span')) = 'cursor:pointer' span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' \uD83D\uDD0D')) // Hide button const hideButton = b.appendChild(document.createElement('span')) = 'cursor:pointer;opacity: 0.8;padding-left: 10px;color: white;font-size: larger;vertical-align: top;' hideButton.title = 'Hide' hideButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\uD83C\uDD87')) hideButton.addEventListener('click', function hideButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() hideLyrics() }) if (query) { input.value = query } else if (genius.current.compoundTitle) { input.value = genius.current.compoundTitle.replace('\t', ' ') } else if (genius.current.artists && genius.current.title) { input.value = genius.current.artists + ' ' + genius.current.title } else if (genius.current.artists) { input.value = genius.current.artists } input.addEventListener('change', function onSearchLyricsButtonClick () { if (input.value) { genius.f.searchByQuery(input.value, b) } }) input.addEventListener('keyup', function onSearchLyricsKeyUp (ev) { if (ev.code === 'Enter' || ev.code === 'NumpadEnter') { ev.preventDefault() if (input.value) { genius.f.searchByQuery(input.value, b) } } }) span.addEventListener('click', function onSearchLyricsKeyUp (ev) { if (input.value) { genius.f.searchByQuery(input.value, b) } }) document.body.appendChild(b) input.focus() } function listSongs (hits, container, query) { if (!container) { container = getCleanLyricsContainer() } container.classList.add('geniusSearch') // Back to search button const backToSearchButton = document.createElement('a') backToSearchButton.href = '#' backToSearchButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Back to search')) backToSearchButton.addEventListener('click', function backToSearchButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() if (query) { showSearchField(query) } else if (genius.current.compoundTitle) { showSearchField(genius.current.compoundTitle.replace('\t', ' ')) } else if (genius.current.artists && genius.current.title) { showSearchField(genius.current.artists + ' ' + genius.current.title) } else if (genius.current.artists) { showSearchField(genius.current.artists) } else { showSearchField() } }) const separator = document.createElement('span') separator.setAttribute('class', 'second-line-separator') separator.setAttribute('style', 'padding:0px 3px') separator.appendChild(document.createTextNode('•')) // Hide button const hideButton = document.createElement('a') hideButton.href = '#' hideButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hide')) hideButton.addEventListener('click', function hideButtonClick (ev) { ev.preventDefault() hideLyrics() }) elmBuild(container, ['ol', { classList: ['tracklist'] }, { style: { width: '99%', fontSize: '1.15em' } }]) = '1px solid black' = '3px' container.insertBefore(hideButton, container.firstChild) container.insertBefore(separator, container.firstChild) container.insertBefore(backToSearchButton, container.firstChild) const ol = container.querySelector('ol.tracklist') = 'none' const searchr###ltsLengths = hits.length const compoundTitle = genius.current.compoundTitle const onclick = function onclick () { genius.f.rememberLyricsSelection(compoundTitle, null, this.dataset.hit) genius.f.showLyrics(JSON.parse(this.dataset.hit), searchr###ltsLengths) } const mouseover = function onmouseover () { this.querySelector('.onhover').style.display = 'block' this.querySelector('.onout').style.display = 'none' = '#666' } const mouseout = function onmouseout () { this.querySelector('.onhover').style.display = 'none' this.querySelector('.onout').style.display = 'block' = '#333' } hits.sort(function compareFn (a, b) { if (genius.current.compoundTitle) { if (genius.current.compoundTitle.toLowerCase() === (a.r###lt.artist_names + '\t' + a.r###lt.title_with_featured).toLowerCase()) { return -1 } if (genius.current.compoundTitle.toLowerCase() === (b.r###lt.artist_names + '\t' + b.r###lt.title_with_featured).toLowerCase()) { return 1 } } else if (genius.current.artists && genius.current.title) { if (genius.current.artists.toLowerCase() === a.r###lt.artist_names.toLowerCase() && genius.current.title.toLowerCase() === a.r###lt.title_with_featured.toLowerCase()) { return -1 } if (genius.current.artists.toLowerCase() === b.r###lt.artist_names.toLowerCase() && genius.current.title.toLowerCase() === b.r###lt.title_with_featured.toLowerCase()) { return 1 } if (genius.current.title.toLowerCase() === a.r###lt.title_with_featured.toLowerCase()) { return -1 } if (genius.current.title.toLowerCase() === b.r###lt.title_with_featured.toLowerCase()) { return 1 } } return 0 }) hits.forEach(function forEachHit (hit) { const li = document.createElement('li') = 'pointer' = 'background-color 350ms' = '3px' = '2px' = '3px' = '#333' elmBuild(li, ['div', { style: { float: 'left' } }, ['div', { classList: ['onhover'] }, { style: { marginTop: '-0.25em', display: 'none' } }, ['span', '🅖', { style: { color: '#222', fontSize: '2.0em' } }]], ['div', { classList: ['onout'] }, ['span', '📄', { style: { fontSize: '1.5em' } }]] ], ['div', { style: { float: 'left', marginLeft: '5px' } }, `${} • ${hit.r###lt.title_with_featured}`, ['br'], ['span', { style: { fontSize: '0.7em' } }, `👁 ${genius.f.metricPrefix(hit.r###lt.stats.pageviews, 1)} ${hit.r###lt.lyrics_state}`] ], ['div', { style: { clear: 'left' } }] ) li.dataset.hit = JSON.stringify(hit) li.addEventListener('click', onclick) li.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseover) li.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseout) ol.appendChild(li) }) } function loremIpsum () { const random = (x) => 1 + parseInt(Math.random() * x) // Create a container for the entire content const container = document.createElement('div') for (let v = 0; v < Math.max(3, random(5)) + 4; v++) { for (let b = 0; b < random(6); b++) { const lineContainer = document.createElement('span') lineContainer.classList.add('gray') for (let l = 0; l < random(9); l++) { for (let w = 0; w < 1 + random(10); w++) { for (let i = 0; i < 1 + random(7); i++) { // Create and append 'x' text node const xTextNode = document.createTextNode('x') lineContainer.appendChild(xTextNode) } // Add the whitespace span const whiteSpaceSpan = document.createElement('span') whiteSpaceSpan.classList.add('white') whiteSpaceSpan.textContent = '\u00A0' // Non-breaking space lineContainer.appendChild(whiteSpaceSpan) } // Add line break (br) after each set lineContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('br')) } // Append the line container to the main container container.appendChild(lineContainer) // Add a line break after each section container.appendChild(document.createElement('br')) } } return container // Return the main container with all generated elements } function createSpinner (spinnerHolder) { const lyricscontainer = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') const rect = lyricscontainer.getBoundingClientRect() = '' = '0px' = ( ? (parseInt( + 50) + 'px' : 0) || '120px' = || (rect.width - 1 + 'px') = (lyricscontainer.getBoundingClientRect().height - 50) + 'px' = 'hidden' const spinner = spinnerHolder.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) spinner.classList.add('loadingspinner') = (rect.width / 2) + 'px' const lorem = loremIpsum() lorem.classList.add('lorem') spinnerHolder.appendChild(lorem) function resizeSpinner () { const spinnerHolder = document.querySelector('.loadingspinnerholder') const lyricscontainer = document.getElementById('lyricscontainer') if (spinnerHolder && lyricscontainer) { const rect = lyricscontainer.getBoundingClientRect() = ( ? (parseInt( + 50) + 'px' : 0) || '120px' = || (rect.width - 1 + 'px') const loadingSpinner = spinnerHolder.querySelector('.loadingspinner') if (loadingSpinner) { = (rect.width / 2) + 'px' } } else { window.clearInterval(resizeSpinnerIV) } } const resizeSpinnerIV = window.setInterval(resizeSpinner, 1000) return spinner } function configLyricsWidth (div) { // Input: lyrics width const label = div.appendChild(document.createElement('label')) label.setAttribute('for', 'input85654') label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Lyrics width: ')) const input = div.appendChild(document.createElement('input')) input.type = 'text' = 'input85654' input.size = 4 GM.getValue('lyricswidth', '40%').then(function (v) { input.value = v }) const onChange = function onChangeListener () { const m = input.value.match(/\d+%/) if (m && m[0]) { lyricsWidth = m[0] GM.setValue('lyricswidth', lyricsWidth).then(function () { addLyrics(true) }) input.value = lyricsWidth } else { window.alert('Please set a percentage e.g. 40%') } } input.addEventListener('change', onChange) } const getNodeHTML = (e) => { if (e) { return e.__shady_native_innerHTML || e.innerHTML || '' } return '' } let activeMedia = null async function setupMain () { let resizeRequested = false lyricsWidth = await GM.getValue('lyricswidth', '40%') let runid = 0 let lastNodeString = '' const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { const songInfoNodes = getSongInfoNodes() const nodeString = `${(getNodeHTML(songInfoNodes?.titleNode) || '')}|${(songInfoNodes?.artistNodes?.map(e => getNodeHTML(e))?.join(',') || '')}` if (lastNodeString === nodeString) return lastNodeString = nodeString if (nodeString.length > 1 && songInfoNodes.isSongQueuedOrPlaying) { console.log('debug: Youtube Music Genius Lyrics - Song Info', songInfoNodes, nodeString) if (genius.option.autoShow) { addLyrics(true) } else { addLyricsButton() } if (resizeRequested) { resizeRequested = false resize() } } }) const onMediaChanged_ = (runid_) => { if (runid_ !== runid) return const songInfoNodes = getSongInfoNodes() const titleNode = songInfoNodes?.titleNode if (titleNode) { mutationObserver.observe(titleNode, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true, attributeFilter: ['media-changed-at', 'title'] }) titleNode.setAttribute('media-changed-at', } else { activeMedia = null } } const onMediaChanged = (evt) => { const target = evt?.target if (!(target instanceof HTMLMediaElement)) return if (runid > 1e9) runid = 9 const runid_ = ++runid activeMedia = target Promise.resolve(runid_).then(onMediaChanged_).catch(console.warn) } const onResizeRequested = (evt) => { if (runid > 1e9) runid = 9 const runid_ = ++runid lastNodeString = '' resizeRequested = true Promise.resolve(runid_).then(onMediaChanged_).catch(console.warn) } document.addEventListener('durationchange', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('canplay', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('canplaythrough', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('emptied', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('abort', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('error', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('ended', onMediaChanged, true) document.addEventListener('genius-resize-requested', onResizeRequested, true) Promise.resolve(++runid).then(onMediaChanged_) } function main () { // do nothing } function styleIframeContent () { if (genius.option.themeKey === 'genius') { = true = () => { = null // run once; set variables to genius.styleProps if (genius.option.themeKey !== 'genius') { = false return false } const ytdApp = document.querySelector('ytmusic-app') || document.body if (!ytdApp) return const cStyle = window.getComputedStyle(ytdApp) let background = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--ytmusic-general-background-c') let color = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--ytmusic-text-primary') let slbc = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color') const linkColor = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-call-to-action') || cStyle.getPropertyValue('--ytmusic-text-primary') const annotatedSpanBgColor = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-static-overlay-icon-inactive') || cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-static-overlay-text-secondary') || '' const annotatedSpanBgColorActive = cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-static-overlay-button-hover') || cStyle.getPropertyValue('--yt-spec-static-overlay-button-primary') || '' if (typeof background === 'string' && typeof color === 'string' && background.length > 3 && color.length > 3) { // do nothing } else { background = null color = null } if (typeof slbc === 'string') { // do nothing } else { slbc = null } Object.assign(genius.styleProps, { '--egl-background': (background === null ? '' : `${background}`), '--egl-color': (color === null ? '' : `${color}`), '--egl-infobox-background': (slbc === null ? '' : `${slbc}`), '--egl-link-color': (`${linkColor}`), '--egl-annotated-span-bgcolor': (`${annotatedSpanBgColor}`), '--egl-annotated-span-bgcolor-active': (`${annotatedSpanBgColorActive}`) }) return true } } else { = false = null } } const isRobotsTxt = document.location.href.indexOf('robots.txt') >= 0 const defaultOptions = { enableStyl###bstitution: true, normalizeClassV2: true, cacheHTMLRequest: true } const genius = geniusLyrics({ GM, scriptName: SCRIPT_NAME, scriptIssu###RL: '', scriptIssuesTitle: 'Report problem:', domain: '', emptyURL: '', config: [configLyricsWidth], main, setupMain, addCss, listSongs, showSearchField, addLyrics, hideLyrics, getCleanLyricsContainer, setFrameDimensions, onResize, createSpinner, defaultOptions }) genius.onThemeChanged.push(styleIframeContent) if (isRobotsTxt === false) { GM.registerMenuCommand(SCRIPT_NAME + ' - Show lyrics', () => addLyrics(true)) GM.registerMenuCommand(SCRIPT_NAME + ' - Options', () => genius.f.config()) function videoTimeUpdate (ev) { if (genius.f.isScrollLyricsEnabled()) { if ((ev || 0).target.nodeName === 'VIDEO') updateAutoScroll() } } window.addEventListener('message', function (e) { const data = ((e || 0).data || 0) if (data.iAm === SCRIPT_NAME && data.type === 'lyricsDisplayState') { let isScrollLyricsEnabled = false if (data.visibility === 'loaded' && data.lyricsSuccess === true) { isScrollLyricsEnabled = genius.f.isScrollLyricsEnabled() } lyricsDisplayState = data.visibility if (isScrollLyricsEnabled === true) { document.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true) } else { document.removeEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true) } } }) function autoscrollenabledChanged () { // when value is configurated in any tab, this function will be triggered in all tabs by Userscript Manager if (typeof genius.f.updateAutoScrollEnabled !== 'function') return window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // not execute for all foreground and background tabs, only execute when the tab is visibile / when the tab shows genius.f.updateAutoScrollEnabled().then(() => { let isScrollLyricsEnabled = false if (lyricsDisplayState === 'loaded') { isScrollLyricsEnabled = genius.f.isScrollLyricsEnabled() } if (isScrollLyricsEnabled === true) { document.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true) } else { document.removeEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, true) } }) }) } if (typeof GM_addValueChangeListener === 'function') { GM_addValueChangeListener('autoscrollenabled', autoscrollenabledChanged) } }