Remove text-only tweets on the flow of Twitter home/list. It is currently Beta quality.
// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: // ==UserScript== // @name Media mode for Twitter home // @name:zh-CN Twitter 主页上的媒体模式 // @name:zh-TW Twitter 主頁上的媒體模式 // @name:zh-HK Twitter 主頁上的媒體模式 // @description Remove text-only tweets on the flow of Twitter home/list. It is currently Beta quality. // @description:zh-CN 在 Twitter 的主页和列表时间流上删除纯文本 Tweet。当前是 Beta 质量 // @description:zh-TW 在 Twitter 的主頁和列表時間流上刪除純文字 Tweet。當前是 Beta 質量 // @description:zh-HK 在 Twitter 的主頁和列表時間流上刪除純文本 Tweet。當前是 Beta 質量 // @icon // @namespace // @supportURL // @version 0.7.1 // @author UtopicPanther // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== /* * Copyright (C) 2020 UtopicPanther * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * This script contains an additional exemption. When this script is * injected into the site with the original setting of `@match`, * other user scripts running in the same space are not required to * be compatible with GPL 3. * * 这个脚本包含一个附加豁免。当此脚本被注入到原有设置 `@match` 的 * 站点时,不要求同一空间中运行的其他用户脚本与 GPL 3 兼容。 */ (function() { 'use strict'; let hide = true; const removeTweet = article => { article.classList.add('mmfth_hide'); const div = article.parentElement.parentElement; = "red"; if (hide) = "none"; } const showTweet = article => { console.log("showTweet: %O", article) article.classList.remove('mmfth_hide'); const div = article.parentElement.parentElement; = ""; = ""; } const isTweetOnlyText = i => { if (Array.from(i.querySelectorAll('img')).some(img => { if (!img.src.match(/^[a-z]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/profile_images/) && !img.src.match(/^[a-z]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/emoji/)) { return true; } })) return false; if (i.querySelector('div[data-testid=tweetPhoto]') != null) return false; if (Array.from(i.querySelectorAll('a')).some(a => { if (a.getAttribute('href').match(/^\/[^\/]*\/status\/[0-9]*\/photo\//)) { return true; } })) return false; if (i.querySelector('video') != null) return false; if (i.querySelector('div[role=progressbar]') != null) return false; let emptyMiddle = true; try { const tweet = i.querySelector('div[data-testid=tweet]'); const tmp = tweet.children[1].children[1]; const middle = tmp.children[tmp.length - 2]; if (middle.children.length > 0) emptyMiddle = false; } catch (e) {} return emptyMiddle; } const findTweetsForRemove = () => { if (location.pathname.startsWith('/home') || location.pathname.startsWith('/i/lists/')) { document.querySelectorAll('article:not(.mmfth_hide)').forEach(i => { if (isTweetOnlyText(i)) { removeTweet(i); } }); document.querySelectorAll('.mmfth_hide').forEach(i => { if (!isTweetOnlyText(i)) { showTweet(i); } }); } } const startObserver = () => { //const targetNode = document.querySelector('article').parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; const targetNode = document.documentElement || document.body; findTweetsForRemove(); const config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { findTweetsForRemove(); }); observer.observe(targetNode, config); } GM_registerMenuCommand("Show/Hide text-only tweets", () => { hide = !hide; alert("Text-only tweers will be " + (hide ? "hidden" : "shown (with red background)")); document.querySelectorAll('.mmfth_hide').forEach(i => { = (hide ? "none" : ""); }); }); setTimeout(() => { startObserver(); }, 6000); })();