Quick 'n dirty little userscript for accessing pictures and videos off of Instagram. Everything is accessed via right-clicking image or video. Note: for videos requires viewing the actual post (not just in the feed).
Quick 'n dirty little userscript for accessing pictures and videos off of Instagram.
Instructions: Right-click on the image or video to see a context menu for opening the media in isolation in a new tab. Minor caveat for videos, see below. (As everything comes from the right-click context menu, ensure nothing on your browser is blocking overriding of the rick-click functionality.)
Downloading videos: You can only get the link to videos if directly viewing the post (if on feed, click the three-dots menu on upper-right of post and then 'Go to post'). On the feed, it will only link to the preview image for the video.
Why? Instagram obfuscates videos pretty hard by using an ephemeral BLOB URL that it immediately revokes, making it pretty difficult to access. To get around this, script sends a request to the post's JSON info to pull the media URL, for which it requires the post ID. Unfortunately, post ID isn't easily obtainable in the feed view without injecting code into ReactJS, which just doesn't seen feasible at the moment, so it grabs the post ID from the URL, which is only updated with post ID when viewing the post directly.
parameter to work.@grant none
to keep in sandbox env.