// ==UserScript== // @name 【tapd】一键查询所有项目中的wiki // @namespace https://github.com/kiccer/tapd-search-wiki // @version 3.7.2 // @description 为了方便在tapd的wiki中查找接口而开发 // @author kiccer<[email protected]> // @copyright 2020, kiccer (https://github.com/kiccer) // @license MIT // @iconURL https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=www.tapd.cn // @include /^https:\/\/www\.tapd\.cn\/\d+\/markdown_wikis\/(show\/|search\?.*)$/ // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/vue/2.6.9/vue.js // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/axios/0.21.0/axios.js // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/tween.js/18.6.4/tween.umd.min.js // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/Sortable/1.9.0/Sortable.min.js // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.6/clipboard.min.js // @noframes 这个千万别删掉!会出现死循环的! // @nocompat Chrome // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* global Vue axios TWEEN takePartInWorkspaces $ Sortable ClipboardJS */ // https://www.tampermonkey.net/documentation.php // https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button (() => { 'use strict' // 当前是否是 show 页面 const IN_SHOW_PAGE = /^https:\/\/www\.tapd\.cn\/\d+\/markdown_wikis\/show\/.*$/.test(location.href) // 当前是否是 search 页面 const IN_SEARCH_PAGE = /^https:\/\/www\.tapd\.cn\/\d+\/markdown_wikis\/search\?.*$/.test(location.href) // 当前项目id const CURR_PROJECT_ID = location.href.match(/(?<=https:\/\/www.tapd.cn\/)\d+(?=\/markdown_wikis\/)/g)[0] || '' // 随机字符串 const GM_ADD_STYLE_HASH = `GM_addStyle_${parseInt(Math.random() * Date.now())}` // 从 session 中获取缓存的搜索词 const SEARCH_WORD = sessionStorage.getItem('tapd-search-wiki/search_word') || '' // 页面 query 参数 const URL_QUERY = (() => { const queryStr = location.href.split('?')[1] if (queryStr) { const res = {} queryStr.split('&').forEach(n => { const [key, val] = n.split('=') res[key] = val }) return res } else { return {} } })() // GM_addStyle 方法 function GM_addStyle (css, dom = document.head, id = GM_ADD_STYLE_HASH) { const style = document.getElementById(id) || (() => { const style = document.createElement('style') style.type = 'text/css' style.id = id dom.appendChild(style) return style })() const sheet = style.sheet // sheet.insertRule(css, (sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules || []).length) css.split('\n\n').forEach(n => sheet.insertRule(n, (sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules || []).length)) } // 自写 Promise.all 方法 function PromiseAll (arr = []) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const resVal = Array(arr.length).fill() arr.forEach((func, index) => { func().then(res => { resVal[index] = res if (resVal.every(n => n)) resolve(resVal) }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }) }) } // 加载 element-ui script function elementScript () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const vueListener = setInterval(() => { // 注册全局 Vue window.Vue || (window.Vue = Vue) if (window.Vue) { clearInterval(vueListener) const elScript = document.createElement('script') elScript.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/element-ui/2.14.1/index.min.js') document.head.appendChild(elScript) elScript.addEventListener('load', resolve) elScript.addEventListener('error', reject) } }, 100) }) } // 加载 element-ui css function elementStyle () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const elStyle = document.createElement('link') elStyle.setAttribute('href', 'https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/element-ui/2.14.1/theme-chalk/index.min.css') elStyle.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet') document.head.appendChild(elStyle) elStyle.addEventListener('load', resolve) elStyle.addEventListener('error', reject) }) } // 等待所有依赖项加载完毕后再执行 PromiseAll([ elementScript, elementStyle ]).then(() => { init() }).catch(err => { console.log(222, err) }) // vue 组件 (搜索框) Vue.component('search-input', { name: 'search-input', template: ` <div> <el-input placeholder="在你所有项目的wiki中搜索..." size="medium" v-model="keyword" @keydown.enter.native="search" > <el-button slot="append" icon="el-icon-search" :loading="loading" @click="search" /> </el-input> </div> `, props: { enter: Function, loading: Boolean }, data () { return { keyword: '' } }, created () { if (IN_SEARCH_PAGE) { this.keyword = SEARCH_WORD || decodeURIComponent(URL_QUERY.search) || '' } }, methods: { search () { if (this.loading) return // 去除前后空格 this.keyword = this.keyword.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') // 保存搜索词 sessionStorage.setItem('tapd-search-wiki/search_word', this.keyword) // 如果绑定了 enter 方法,那就支持无刷新更新数据 if (this.enter) { this.enter(this.keyword) } else { location.href = `https://www.tapd.cn/${CURR_PROJECT_ID}/markdown_wikis/search?search=${encodeURIComponent(this.keyword.replace(/\*/g, ' '))}` } } } }) // 初始化 function init () { // 添加 vue 容器 const headerBar = document.getElementById('hd') const app = document.createElement('div') const mainSearchArea = document.querySelector('.main-search-area') headerBar.appendChild(app) mainSearchArea && headerBar.removeChild(mainSearchArea) new Vue({ el: app, name: 'kiccer-tampermonkey-tapd-wiki-search', template: ` <div class="kiccer-tampermonkey-tapd-wiki-search"> <search-input /> </div> ` }) // 如果是 search 页面则添加搜索结果列表容器 if (IN_SEARCH_PAGE) { const searchR###ltContainer = document.querySelector('.search-r###lt') new Vue({ el: searchR###ltContainer, name: 'kiccer-tampermonkey-tapd-wiki-r###lt', template: ` <div class="search-r###lt"> <!-- 左侧搜索结果列表 --> <div class="wiki-list"> <search-input :loading="!allLoaded" :enter="onSearchInputEnter" /> <el-alert title="支持匹配符号:* (任意个数任意字符)" type="info" /> <iframe class="hide-iframe" v-for="(n, i) in projects" :key="n.id" :src="iframeSrc(n)" @load="e => iframeLoaded(e, i)" /> <el-tabs type="card" v-model="activeTab" v-if="projectsInTab.length" > <el-tab-pane v-for="(n, i) in projectsInTab" :key="n.id" :label="n.project_name" :name="n.pretty_name" > <div class="tab-label" slot="label" v-html="tabLabelHtml(n.index)" /> <transition name="fade"> <div v-if="n.pretty_name === activeTab"> <!-- <div v-html="wikiHTMLList[n.index]" /> --> <component :is="wikiHtmlComp(wikiHTMLList[n.index])" @open-preview="openPreview" /> <el-pagination layout="prev, pager, next" :current-page.sync="n.pageInfo.current" :page-count="n.pageInfo.total" v-if="n.pageInfo.total > 1" /> </div> </transition> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> <div v-else>{{ allLoaded ? '啥也没找到' : '正在搜索中' }}...</div> <transition name="fade"> <div class="back-top" v-show="toggle.showBackTop" @click="backTop" > <i class="el-icon-arrow-up" /> </div> </transition> </div> <!-- 右侧预览页面 --> <div class="wiki-preview" v-show="previewFrames.length" > <el-tabs editable type="card" v-sortable="{ list: previewFrames, container: '.el-tabs__nav', draggable: '.el-tabs__item' }" v-model="activePreviewTab" @tab-remove="removeWikiPreviewIframe" @tab-add="addWikiPreviewIframe" > <el-tab-pane v-loading="n.loading" v-for="(n, i) in previewFrames" :key="n.url" :name="n.url" > <el-tooltip slot="label" effect="light" placement="bottom" :open-delay="500" > <div slot="content" style="line-height: 1.5;"> <h3>{{ n.name }}</h3> <p><a :href="n.url" target="_blank">{{ n.url }}</a></p> <template v-if="n.keywordList && n.keywordList.length > 1"> <p>关键词:(点击关键词触发滚动预测)</p> <p v-for="keyword in n.keywordList" :key="keyword" > <el-button type="text" icon="el-icon-close" style="padding: 0px; margin-right: 10px;" @click="removeKeywordItem(n, keyword)" /> <a :class="{ red: keyword === n.wd }" @click="scrollForecastItem(n, keyword)" >{{ keyword }}</a> </p> </template> <p>(注:双击标题可以激活滚动预测功能)</p> </div> <span class="ellipsis" @dblclick="scrollForecast(n)" >{{ n.name || n.url }}</span> </el-tooltip> <transition name="fade"> <iframe class="wiki-preview-iframe" v-show="n.url === activePreviewTab" :src="n.url" @load="e => previewIframeLoaded(e, n)" /> </transition> </el-tab-pane> </el-tabs> </div> <!-- 增加预览页面弹窗 --> <el-dialog title="增加预览页面" width="30%" :visible.sync="toggle.addPreviewPopup" @closed="addPreviewPopupClosed" > <el-input autosize type="textarea" placeholder="请输入网址" v-model="addPreviewPopupData.url" @keydown.enter.native="addPreviewFrame" /> <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="toggle.addPreviewPopup = false" >取 消</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="addPreviewFrame" >确 定</el-button> </span> </el-dialog> </div> `, data () { return { toggle: { showBackTop: window.scrollY >= 200, addPreviewPopup: false }, projects: [], wd: '', wikiHTMLList: [], loaded: [], scroll: { x: 0, y: 0 }, activeTab: '', previewFrames: [], activePreviewTab: sessionStorage.getItem('tapd-search-wiki/active_preview_tab') || '', addPreviewPopupData: { url: '' } } }, computed: { allLoaded () { return !(this.loaded || []).includes(false) }, projectsInTab () { return this.projects.filter((n, i) => this.wikiHTMLList[i]) } }, watch: { allLoaded (val, old) { if (val) { const firstTab = this.projectsInTab[0] this.activeTab = firstTab ? firstTab.pretty_name : '' } }, previewFrames: { handler (val, old) { // console.log(111, val) sessionStorage.setItem('tapd-search-wiki/preview_frames', JSON.stringify(val)) }, deep: true }, activePreviewTab (val, old) { sessionStorage.setItem('tapd-search-wiki/active_preview_tab', val) } }, created () { this.wd = SEARCH_WORD || decodeURIComponent(URL_QUERY.search) || '' this.previewFrames = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('tapd-search-wiki/preview_frames')).map(n => ({ ...n, loading: true })) || [] }, mounted () { // 设置返回顶部按钮 this.setBackTopBtn() // 获取所有项目 id axios({ url: 'https://www.tapd.cn/company/my_take_part_in_projects_list?project_id=' + CURR_PROJECT_ID }).then(res => { // console.log(res.data) this.projects = takePartInWorkspaces.map((n, i) => ({ ...n, index: i, pageInfo: { current: 1, total: 1 }, switches: JSON.parse(n.switches) })) this.wikiHTMLList = Array(this.projects.length).fill().map(_ => '') this.loaded = Array(this.projects.length).fill().map(_ => false) }) }, methods: { iframeLoaded (e, i) { const frameBody = e.path[0].contentDocument.body const list = frameBody.querySelector('.wiki-list') const page = frameBody.querySelector('.simple-pager .current-page') const [current, total] = page ? page.innerText.split('/').map(n => +n) : [1, 1] // console.log([current, total]) this.$set(this.wikiHTMLList, i, list ? list.innerHTML : '') this.$set(this.loaded, i, true) this.$set(this.projects[i].pageInfo, 'current', current) this.$set(this.projects[i].pageInfo, 'total', total) }, onSearchInputEnter (val) { if (val === this.wd) return this.wd = val this.loaded = Array(this.projects.length).fill().map(_ => false) this.projects.forEach((n, i) => { this.$set(this.projects[i].pageInfo, 'current', 1) }) }, setBackTopBtn () { function animate (time) { requestAnimationFrame(animate) TWEEN.update(time) } requestAnimationFrame(animate) window.addEventListener('scroll', e => { // console.log(e) this.toggle.showBackTop = window.scrollY >= 200 }) }, backTop () { this.scroll = { x: window.scrollX, y: window.scrollY } new TWEEN.Tween(this.scroll) // Create a new tween that modifies 'coords'. .to({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 500) // Move to (300, 200) in 1 second. .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out) // Use an easing function to make the animation smooth. .onUpdate(() => { // Called after tween.js updates 'coords'. // Move 'box' to the position described by 'coords' with a CSS translation. window.scrollTo(this.scroll.x, this.scroll.y) }) .start() // Start the tween immediately. }, // 搜索结果列表标签结构 tabLabelHtml (index) { const projectInfo = this.projects[index] const logo = projectInfo.logo_src ? `<img class="project-logo" src="${projectInfo.logo_src}" />` : `<i class="project-logo project-logo-${projectInfo.logoId}">${projectInfo.project_name[0]}</i>` return ` <div class="current-project"> ${logo} <span class="project-name">${projectInfo.project_name}</span> </div> ` }, iframeSrc (n) { return `https://www.tapd.cn/${n.id}/markdown_wikis/search?search=${encodeURIComponent(this.wd.replace(/\*/g, ' '))}&page=${n.pageInfo.current}` }, // wiki搜索结果列表组件 (为了让右侧打开按钮绑定事件) wikiHtmlComp (html) { const urls = html.match(/(?<=<a target="_blank" href=").+?(?=">)/g) const names = html.match(/(?<=<div class="one-wiki-title" title=").+(?=">)/g) let index = -1 html = html.replace(/(?<=<div class="one-wiki-title" title=".+">)[\s\n]+?(?=<a target="_blank" href=")/g, _ => { index++ return ` <el-button type="text" icon="" @click="$emit('open-preview', { url: '${urls[index]}', name: '${names[index]}' })" > 在右侧打开预览 <i class="el-icon-d-arrow-right el-icon--right" /> </el-button> ` }) return { name: 'wiki-html-comp', template: ` <div> ${html} </div> ` } }, // 打开预览页面 openPreview ({ url, name }) { // console.log(url, name) this.activePreviewTab = url if (this.previewFrames.every(n => n.url !== url)) { this.previewFrames.push({ url, name, wd: this.wd, keywordList: [this.wd], loading: true }) } else { const frameInfo = this.previewFrames.find(n => n.url === url) if (frameInfo) { frameInfo.keywordList = [...new Set([ ...(frameInfo.keywordList || []), this.wd ])] this.$set(frameInfo, 'wd', this.wd) // 滚动预测 this.scrollForecast(frameInfo) } } }, // 关闭预览页面 removeWikiPreviewIframe (url) { const lastUrl = (this.previewFrames.slice(-1)[0] || {}).url || '' let prevUrl = '' this.previewFrames = this.previewFrames.filter((n, i) => { const isRemove = n.url === url if (this.activePreviewTab === n.url && isRemove) { this.activePreviewTab = prevUrl || lastUrl || '' } prevUrl = n.url return n.url !== url }) }, // 增加预览页面 addWikiPreviewIframe () { this.toggle.addPreviewPopup = true }, // 当预览页面加载完毕时 previewIframeLoaded (e, frameInfo) { // 保存 document this.$set(frameInfo, 'loading', false) this.$set(frameInfo, 'document', e.path[0].contentDocument) // 如果没有标题就设置标题 if (!frameInfo.name) { const timer = setInterval(() => { const dom = frameInfo.document.querySelector('#wikiName') if (dom) { this.$set(frameInfo, 'name', dom.innerText) clearInterval(timer) } }, 100) } // 滚动预测 this.scrollForecast(frameInfo) // 增加锚点链接复制按钮 this.addAnchorLinkCopyButton(frameInfo) // 样式覆盖 GM_addStyle(` #display_headers, #headers_block, #left-tree, #wiki_tag, #wiki_attachment, #wiki_comment, .wiki-nav, .nav-main-wrap, .main-search-area, .cloud-guide-switch, .toolbar, .wiki-option-warp, .attachment-upload-wrap, .wiki-nav-small { display: none !important; } .project-nav { left: 0; min-width: auto; } .frame-main { min-width: auto !important; } .wiki-main { padding: 20px !important; margin-left: 0 !important; max-width: 100%; } #page-content, #page-wrapper { margin-left: 0 !important; } .tui-skin-lego #page-content { min-width: auto; } .wiki-tag-wrapper { margin-right: 0; } .wiki-wrap { margin-top: 15px !important; } .cherry-markdown .cherry-table-container .cherry-table td { min-width: auto; } `, frameInfo.document.head, 'wiki-preview-iframe-css') }, // 点击 tooltips 中的关键词进行滚动 scrollForecastItem (frameInfo, keyword) { frameInfo.wd = keyword this.scrollForecast(frameInfo) }, // 移除关键字 removeKeywordItem (frameInfo, keyword) { frameInfo.keywordList = frameInfo.keywordList.filter(n => n !== keyword) if (keyword === frameInfo.wd) { frameInfo.wd = frameInfo.keywordList[0] || '' } }, // 滚动预测 scrollForecast (frameInfo) { setTimeout(() => { const { // url, // name, wd = '', document } = frameInfo if (!(wd && document)) return let isFind = false // 只滚动至第一个找到的元素位置 ;[ $(document).find('#searchable > *'), $(document).find('#wiki_right .wiki-body .wiki-info + * > *') ].forEach(queryDoms => { queryDoms.each((i, n) => { if (isFind) return if (new RegExp(wd.split(' ').join('|').replace(/\*/g, '.*?'), 'ig').test($(n).text())) { const wikiRight = document.querySelector('#wiki_right') const tweenData = { x: wikiRight.scrollLeft, y: wikiRight.scrollTop } if (n.offsetTop + 100 !== wikiRight.scrollTop) { new TWEEN.Tween(tweenData) // Create a new tween that modifies 'coords'. .to({ x: 0, y: n.offsetTop + 100 }, 500) // Move to (300, 200) in 1 second. .easing(TWEEN.Easing.Quadratic.Out) // Use an easing function to make the animation smooth. .onUpdate(() => { // Called after tween.js updates 'coords'. // Move 'box' to the position described by 'coords' with a CSS translation. wikiRight.scrollTo(tweenData.x, tweenData.y) }) .start() // Start the tween immediately. } isFind = true } }) }) }) }, // 增加锚点链接复制按钮 addAnchorLinkCopyButton (frameInfo) { setTimeout(() => { const { url, // name, // wd = '', document } = frameInfo ;[ $(document).find('#searchable > *'), $(document).find('#wiki_right .wiki-body .wiki-info + * > *') ].forEach(queryDoms => { queryDoms.each((i, n) => { const anchorDiv = $(n).find('.anchor-div')[0] if (anchorDiv) { // 复制按钮 const copyBtn = $(` <div title="点击复制锚点链接" class="anchor-div font-public font font-copy" style="position: relative; height: 20px; width: 22px;" data-clipboard-text="${url}@${$(anchorDiv).attr('data-head')}" ></div> `).appendTo(n) // 复制代码 const clipboard = new ClipboardJS(copyBtn[0]) clipboard.on('success', e => { this.$message.success('已复制锚点链接到剪贴板 ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ ') }) clipboard.on('error', e => { this.$message.error('复制失败!请重试! (;´д`)ゞ') }) } }) }) }, 1000) }, // 在增加预览页面弹窗关闭之后 addPreviewPopupClosed () { this.addPreviewPopupData.url = '' }, // 增加预览页面(弹窗点击确定) addPreviewFrame () { const url = this.addPreviewPopupData.url if (!url) { this.$message.error('请输入网址') return } if (!/^https:\/\/www\.tapd\.cn\/\d+\/markdown_wikis\/show\/#\d+/.test(url)) { this.$message.error('只能输入wiki结果页地址 ') return } const item = this.previewFrames.find(n => n.url === url) this.activePreviewTab = url if (!item) { this.previewFrames.push({ url }) } this.toggle.addPreviewPopup = false } }, directives: { sortable (el, binding, vnode, oldVnode) { // console.log({ el, binding, vnode, oldVnode }) const { container, draggable, list = [] } = (binding.value || {}) el.sortable = new Sortable(el.querySelector(container), { draggable, animation: 150, easing: 'cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)', onEnd: (evt) => { // console.log(evt) const { newIndex, oldIndex } = evt const _list = list.map(n => n.url) const item = _list.splice(oldIndex)[0] _list.splice(newIndex, 0, item) list.sort((n, m) => _list.indexOf(n.url) - _list.indexOf(m.url)) } }) } } }) } } // 公共样式 GM_addStyle(` * { outline: none; } .kiccer-tampermonkey-tapd-wiki-search { float: right; height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; margin-right: 15px; } .kiccer-tampermonkey-tapd-wiki-search .el-input input { width: 200px; } .fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active { transition: opacity .5s; } .fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */ { opacity: 0; } `) // 搜索页样式 if (IN_SEARCH_PAGE) { GM_addStyle(` .search-r###lt { min-height: calc(100vh - 184px) !important; } .el-tabs__item { padding: 0 10px !important; user-select: none; } .wiki-list-wrapper { padding: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; border-radius: 4px; // box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(128,145,165,0.2); border: 1px solid #dcdfe6; } .wiki-list .el-alert { margin-bottom: 20px; } .wiki-list .el-tabs__item { padding: 0 10px !important; } .wiki-list .el-tabs__item.is-active .project-name { font-weight: bold; } .wiki-list .el-tabs__header { margin-bottom: 0; } .wiki-list .el-tabs__content { border: 1px solid #e4e7ed; border-top: none; border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; padding: 15px; } .wiki-list .el-pagination { text-align: right; } .wiki-list .tab-label { display: inline-flex; align-items: center; width: auto; height: 100%; } .wiki-list .current-project { display: inline-block; width: auto; min-width: auto; margin: 0 !important; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; } .wiki-list .el-input { margin-bottom: 20px; } .wiki-list .el-input input { width: 100%; } .wiki-list .back-top { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: #f5f7fa; position: fixed; left: 790px; bottom: 61px; border: 1px solid rgb(220, 223, 230); font-size: 20px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } .wiki-list .one-wiki-title .el-button { padding: 0; float: right; line-height: 21px; } .hide-iframe { display: none; } .wiki-preview { position: fixed; top: 124px; right: 60px; bottom: 60px; left: 860px; } .wiki-preview .wiki-preview-iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 4px; border: none; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs { height: 100%; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs .el-tabs__header { margin-bottom: 0; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs .el-tabs__content { height: calc(100% - 41px); border: 1px solid #e4e7ed; border-top: none; border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs .el-tabs__content .el-tab-pane { height: 100%; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs__new-tab:focus { outline: none; } .wiki-preview .el-tabs__item .ellipsis { display: inline-block; line-height: 1; max-width: 150px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; margin-bottom: -2px; } a.red:hover { color: red; } `) } // 展示页样式 if (IN_SHOW_PAGE) { // GM_addStyle(``) } })()