removes annoying largely not useful elements from Amazon
// ==UserScript== // @name Amazon - Clean UI // @namespace // @author Zach Hardesty <[email protected]> ( <[email protected]> ( // @description removes annoying largely not useful elements from Amazon // @copyright 2019-2021, Zach Hardesty ( // @license GPL-3.0-only; // @version 1.9.0 // @homepageURL // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @include https://** // @require // ==/UserScript== let STYLES = "" let READY = false const QUEUE = [] /********************** * helper functions * **********************/ /** * read from global `STYLES` and append string to document head as CSS * * @returns {void} */ const attachStyles = () => { const stylesheet = document.createElement("style") const head = document.head || document.querySelectorAll("head")[0] = "hiding" // to edit later stylesheet.type = "text/css" stylesheet.append(document.createTextNode(STYLES)) head.append(stylesheet) } /** * retrieves node from selector or passes through el(s) or false otherwise, * designed to allow repeatedly calling on return value without breaking * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {number} i - position of item to return if selector finds multiple matches * @returns {HTMLElement | object | boolean} targeted DOM el or input object or false otherwise */ const getElX = (target, i = 0) => typeof target === "string" ? document.querySelectorAll(target)[i] : target /** * retrieves nodes from selector or passes through el(s) or false otherwise, * designed to allow repeatedly calling on return value without breaking * * @param {DOMTargetItems} target - selector or els * @returns {HTMLElement[]} targeted DOM el or input object or false otherwise */ const getElAll = (target) => { if (typeof target === "string") return [...document.querySelectorAll(target)] if (target instanceof Element) return [target] return [] } /** * adds an event listener func to a given selector (if it exists) * NOTE: queues event if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or els * @param {string} event - trigger to listen for * @param {Function} func - executed after event trigger * @returns {void} */ const on = (target, event, func) => { const statement = () => { const el = getElX(target) if (el && el.addEventListener) el.addEventListener(event, func) } READY ? statement() : QUEUE.push(statement) } /** * sets property on a given selector (if it exists) * NOTE: queues action if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {string} attr - trigger to listen for * @param {string} val - desired property value * @param {number} i - position of item to assign to if selector finds multiple matches * @returns {void} */ const setAttrX = (target, attr, val, i = 0) => { const statement = () => { const el = getElX(target, i) if (el) el[attr] = val } READY ? statement() : QUEUE.push(statement) } /** * sets style on a given selector (if it exists), extends setAttr * NOTE: queues action if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {string} val - desired style property value * @param {number} i - position of item to assign to if selector finds multiple matches * @returns {void} */ const setStyleX = (target, val, i = 0) => { setAttrX(target, "style", val, i) } /** * sets style on a given selector via a StyleSheet * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or els * @param {string} val - desired style property value * @returns {void} */ const setStyle = (target, val) => { STYLES += ` ${target} { ${val} } ` } /** * sets style to 'display: none' on a given selector (if it exists), extends setStyle * NOTE: queues action if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {number} i - position of item to hide if selector finds multiple matches * @returns {void} */ const hideX = (target, i = 0) => { setStyleX(target, "display: none !important;", i) } /** * sets style to `display: none !important;` on a given selector via a StyleSheet, * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @returns {void} */ const hide = (target) => { setStyle(target, "display: none !important;") } /** * sets style to 'display: none' on a given selector's `X` * parent (if chain exists), extends setStyle * NOTE: queues action if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {number} x - vertical upward depth of item from child to hide * @param {number} i - position of item to assign to if selector finds multiple matches * @returns {void} */ const hideParentX = (target, x = 0, i = 0) => { const statement = () => { let el = getElX(target, i) for (let count = 0; count < x; count += 1) { el = el && el.parentElement } hideX(el) } READY ? statement() : QUEUE.push(statement) } /** * sets style to 'display: none' on each given selector's `X` * parent (if chain exists), extends setStyle * NOTE: queues action if page not loaded * * @param {DOMTargetItem} target - selector or el * @param {number} x - vertical upward depth of item from child to hide * @returns {void} */ const hideAllParentX = (target, x = 0) => { const statement = () => { for (const el of getElAll(target)) { hideParentX(el, x) } } READY ? statement() : QUEUE.push(statement) } /** * create functions to add null checking and prevent script errors * * @typedef {string | NodeListOf<HTMLElement> | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | null} DOMTargetItems * @typedef {string | HTMLElement | null} DOMTargetItem */ function addElementsToHideQueue() { const link = window.location.href // product-based pages if ( /https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/dp\/.*/g.test(link) || /https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/gp\/product\/.*/g.test(link) || /https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/.*\/dp\/.*/g.test(link) ) { // hide nav junk / banner ads hide("#navSwmHoliday") hide("#universal-detail-ilm") hide("#detail-ilm_div") // hideX("#dp div", 0) // TODO: eats whole page sometimes hideX("#dp div", 1) // TODO: dangerous, replace with more precise selector // hide sharing hide("#tellAFriendBox_feature_div") hide("#tellAFriendBylineBox_feature_div") // hide product sales help & options nobody uses (protection plan, etc) hide("#image-canvas-caption") hide("#issuancePriceblockAmabot_feature_div") hide("#alternativeOfferEligibilityMessaging_feature_div") hide("#productSupportAndReturnPolicy_feature_div") hide("#smileEligibility_feature_div") hide("#addServices_feature_div") hide("#edpIngress_feature_div") hide("#hqpWrapper") hide("#HLCXComparisonJumplink_feature_div") hide("#olp_feature_div") hide( "#moreBuyingChoices_feature_div > div > .a-section.a-padding-base:first-child" ) hide("#hqp") hide("#mbb_feature_div") hide("#simpleBundle_feature_div") hide("#buyNow_feature_div") hide("#oneClick_feature_div") hideParentX("#oneClickSignIn", 1) hide("#glowContextualIngressPt_feature_div") hide("#digitalDashLowProminence_feature_div") hide("#digitalDashLowProminenceAccordion_feature_div") hide("#digital-dash-create-high-prominence") hide("#buyNow") hideParentX("#add-to-registry-wedding-button", 2) hideParentX(".oneclick-guide", 1) hideParentX(".oneclick-guide", 2, 1) hide("#tradeInInstantSavings_feature_div") hide("#digital-dash-create") hide("#tradeInButton_feature_div") hide("#add-to-baby-button-group") hide("#productSupportInsideMOBB_feature_div") // tech support included hide("#cpsiaProductSafetyWarning_feature_div") // choking hazard hide("#b2bUpsell_feature_div") // save w business acct // getEl('.a-column.a-span6.a-span-last') = 'display: none' // misc ads -- does not prevent loading or tracking hide("#amsDetailRight_feature_div") hide("#dp-ads-center-promo_feature_div") hide("#ape_Detail_dp-ads-center-promo_Desktop_placement") hide("#ADPlaceholder") hide("#ape_Detail_ad-endcap-1_Glance_placement") hide("#productAlert_feature_div") // amazon hub // clean up empty section dividers setStyle(".bucket", "display: block;") hide(".bucketDivider") hide("#promoGrid") hide("#messages") // hide related products and recommendations hide("#sp_detail_thematic") hide("#skyCitySoftMerge_feature_div") hide("#recommendations_feature_div") hide(".a-section.similarities-widget") hide('[name="goKindleStaticPopDiv"]:first-child') hide("#sims-fbt") hide("#heroQuickPromoBooksAtf_feature_div") // book suggestion under product summary hide("#heroQuickPromo_feature_div") // get alexa for Win10 hide("#bundleV2_feature_div") hide("#cerberus_feature_div") hide("#p13n-m-desktop-dp-sims_session-similarities-sims-feature-3") hide("#p13n-m-desktop-dp-sims_purchase-similarities-sims-feature-3") hide("#p13n-m-desktop-dp-sims_purchase-similarities-sims-feature-2") hide("#relatedMaterials_feature_div") hide("#beautyRecommendations_feature_div") hide("#rhf") hide("#sponsoredProducts2_feature_div") hide("#sims-consolidated-2_feature_div") hide("#dpx-btf-hlcx-comparison_feature_div") hide("#HLCXComparisonWidget_feature_div") hide("#featureAwarenessWidget_feature_div") hideParentX("#widget_container .a-carousel-container", 1) hideX(".a-section", getElAll(".a-section").length - 5) hide("#beautyBadging_feature_div") // Luxury Beauty green tag hide("#almMultiOfferEgress_feature_div") // "other ways to buy" hide("#ccxssContent") // post ATC recommendations panel // hide('#attach-accessories') // post ATC recommendations panel FIXME: broken due to lazy load // REVIEW: experimental, hide junk at the bottom of the page without ID or class hide("#dpx-giveaway_feature_div ~ div") hide("#dpx-giveaway_feature_div ~ table") // TEST: sub components already hidden, hiding parent makes weird spacing // hide("#va-related-videos-widget_feature_div") // videos for related products hide("#rvs-vse-related-videos") // videos for this item and related products hide(".threepsl.MultiBrandCreativeDesktop.celwidget") // brands related to category hide(".threepsl.MultiBrandLifestyleCreativeDesktop.celwidget") // brands related to category hide(".thirdPartySponsorLink--twoAds") // brands related to category hide('[cel_widget_id="desktop-dp-sims_amazonlive-percolate-detail-page"]') // live streams hide('[cel_widget_id="desktop-dp-sims_SponsoredProductsSimsDpDesktop"]') // related products hide('[cel_widget_id="desktop-dp-sims_day0-sims-6523"]') // page w related products bottom text hide( '[cel_widget_id="desktop-dp-sims_SponsoredProductsSimsDpDesktopThematic"]' ) // 4 star related prods hide("#valuePick_feature_div") // similar item to consider // hide other junk sections hide("#sp_detail") hide("#quickPromoBucketContent") hideParentX(".celwidget .a-section.askDetailPageSearchWidgetSection", 1) hide("#vse-related-videos") hide("#vseVideoWidget_cardDeck") hide(".a-section.vse-empty-view-container.bucket:first-child") hide("#importantInformation") hide("#giveaway_feature_div") hide("#view_to_purchase-sims-feature") hide("#store-disclaimer_feature_div") hideParentX("#fiona-publisher-signup-link", 2) hideParentX("#hero-quick-promo-grid_feature_div #hero-quick-promo", 1) hide("#extraProductInfoTxtBookFeatureGroup") setStyle("#aplus", "padding: 15px 0; border-top: lightgrey 1px solid;") setStyle("#reviewsMedley", "margin-bottom: 0 !important;") hide("#superleafProductAlert_feature_div") hide("#dpx-legal_feature_div") hide("#cm_cr_skyfall_medley .cr-skyfall-feedback-section") // is feedback helpful? // FIXME: hide("#flipAndSampleAudio") hide("#authorFollow_feature_div") hide(".askQuestionExamples:first-child") hide("#acBadge_feature_div") hide("#hsxShCelDpAmznCertBdg") // works w alexa hide("#dpx-smarthome-hub_feature_div") // add alexa for voice control hide("#pldn-deep-link") // suggestion to use smile hide("#productDetailsTable td.bucket div.content div.bucket") // better price & seller support links hide("#moreBuyingChoices_feature_div") // have one to sell? hide("#trialBox") // report copyright issues // remove unnatural black background of title bar on some pages (video game consoles) setStyle("#ppd-top", "background: none;") setStyle("#titleBar.superleaf", "background: none;") setStyle( ".superleafParent #wayfinding-breadcrumbs_container", "background: none;" ) // fix colors setStyle( ".superleafParent #wayfinding-breadcrumbs_feature_div .a-color-tertiary", "color: #111 !important;" ) setStyle( "a#breadcrumb-back-link.a-link-normal.a-color-tertiary", "color: #111 !important;" ) setStyle( "#superLeafTitleFeatureGroup #titleSection #title", "color: black;" ) setStyle( "#titleBar.superleaf .a-color-secondary:first-child", "color: #555 !important;" ) setStyle("#titleBar-left", "color: black;") setStyle( "#superLeafGameReviews_feature_div .a-icon-popover:first-child", "filter: none;" ) setStyle( "#titleBar a:link, #titleBar.superleaf .a-link-normal", "color: #0066c0 !important;" ) setStyle(".superleaf .ac-for-text:first-child", "color: #888;") setStyle( "#superleafActionPanelWrapper", "box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45) 0px 0px 4px -1px;" ) } // subscribe & save page if (/https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/gp\/subscribe-and-save\/.*/g.test(link)) { // onElementReady('#recommendations', false, e => hide(e)) // setStyle('.a-section.deliveries', 'margin-bottom: 0px;') // console.log('test') hide("#recommendations") // all main sections // hideParentX('.a-section.deliveries > div.a-fixed-right-grid') // history related } // search page if (/https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/s.*/g.test(link)) { hide(".AdHolder") hide("#centerBelowExtra") // search feedback hide('div[data-component-type="sp-sponsored-r###lt"]') // sponsored res hide( '#rhf[aria-label="Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations"]' ) // footer full of junk hideAllParentX(".a-section #pdagEncapsulated .slot__ad", 2) hideAllParentX( ".s-r###lt-item .sg-col-inner .celwidget div .s-shopping-adviser", 4 ) // editorial recs hideAllParentX(".s-r###lt-item .sg-col-inner div .s-shopping-adviser", 3) // similar connectors hideAllParentX( '.s-r###lt-item .sg-col-inner div .sg-row .sg-col .sg-col-inner .a-section .s-visual-card-navigation-carousel-title-wrapper div[aria-label*="Search for"]', 8 ) // search in a category hideAllParentX( 'span[data-component-type="s-bottom-slot"] .a-section span[data-component-type="s-searchgrid-carousel"]', 2 ) // inspired by your views hideAllParentX( 'span[data-component-type="s-brand-footer-slot"] .a-section #thirdPartySponsorLinkOuter', 2 ) // related brands hide('span[data-component-type="s-feedback-slot"]') // feedback hideAllParentX('span[data-component-type="s-ads-metrics"]', 1) // sponsored product search brand (little giant) hideAllParentX("div[data-ad-feedback]", 1) // sponsored product search brand (little giant) // div.a-section.a-spacing-none.s-r###lt-item.s-flex-full-width.s-widget.s-widget-spacing-large:nth-of-type(1) // #ad-feedback-text-auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris hideAllParentX('[cel_widget_id="MAIN-VIDEO_SINGLE_PRODUCT"]', 1) // sponsored product search brand (little giant) // .a-section.sbv-product .sbv-ad-feedback hideAllParentX('[cel_widget_id="MAIN-FEEDBACK"]', 1) // sponsored product search brand (little giant) } // wishlist page if (/https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/hz\/wishlist\/ls.*/g.test(link)) { // hide recommendations hide("#rhf") hide("#loaded-items") // increase spacing of filter icon setStyle("#filter-and-sort span:first-child", "padding-right: 5px;") } // ideas page if (/https*:\/\/.*?amazon\.com\/ideas\/.*/g.test(link)) { hide("#rhf") // hide recommendations } /* site-wide modifications */ // hide nav ads hide("#nav-upnav") hide("#nav-subnav") hide("#nav-main") // delivery location & useless links // hide("#nav-main .nav-right") // hide recent items hide("#raw-sitewide-rhf") // minimize size and hide useless giant footer section setStyle("#navFooter", "margin-top: 0px;") hideX(".navFooterLine.navFooterLinkLine.navFooterPadItemLine") hideX(".navFooterLine.navFooterLinkLine.navFooterDescLine") setStyle( "#navFooter.navLeftFooter .navFooterCopyright", "padding-bottom: 10px !important;" ) // hide generally useless last remaining part of footer section hideX("#navFooter .navFooterVerticalColumn.navAccessibility") hideX("#navFooter .navFooterCopyright") setStyleX(".nav-footer-line", "margin-top: 0px;") setStyleX("#navBackToTop div", "margin-bottom: 0px;") // add button to allow footer display restore setAttrX( "#navFooter .nav-footer-line", "innerHTML", ` <a id='view-footer' style='color: #fff; padding: 15px 0; display: block; text-align: center;' > View Footer Site Links </a> ` ) // activate button to restore footer display QUEUE.push(() => on(getElX("#view-footer"), "click", () => { hideX("#view-footer") setStyleX(".nav-footer-line", "margin-top: 30px;") setStyleX("#navBackToTop div", "margin-bottom: 30px !important;") setStyleX( "#navFooter .navFooterVerticalColumn.navAccessibility", "display: table;" ) }) ) if (STYLES) attachStyles() } window.addEventListener("load", executeHideElementsJS) addElementsToHideQueue() function executeHideElementsJS() { READY = true for (const statement of QUEUE) { statement() } }