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Media Source Extensions API Data Dump Tool
// ==UserScript==// @name MSE Dump Tools// @name:zh-CN MSE Dump Tools// @name:zh-TW MSE Dump Tools// @name:ja MSE Dump Tools// @namespace CloudMoeMediaSourceExtensionsAPIDataDumper// @version 1.6.6// @description Media Source Extensions API Data Dump Tool// @description:zh-CN Media Source Extensions API 数据 Dump 工具// @description:zh-TW Media Source Extensions API 資料 Dump 工具// @description:ja Media Source Extensions API データ ダンプ ツール// @author TGSAN// @match *://*/*// @run-at document-start// @noframes// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand// @grant unsafeWindow// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';const DefualtI18N = "zh";const I18NDict = {"en": {"视频": "Video","音频": "Audio","视频 - 最快播放速度": "Video - Fastest playback speed","视频 - 恢复播放速度": "Video - R###me playback speed","音频 - 最快播放速度": "Audio - Fastest playback speed","音频 - 恢复播放速度": "Audio - R###me playback speed","尝试直接下载页面中的视频": "Attempt to directly download the video on the page","尝试直接下载页面中的音频": "Attempt to directly download the audio on the page","结束 Dump": "End Dump","没有找到可以下载的项目。": "No downloadable items found.","没有找到可以直接下载的项目,但是找到了": "No directly downloadable items found, but","个使用 MSE 的项目,需要在想要下载时点击 “结束 Dump” 按钮来停止存储。": "items using MSE were found. Click the \"End Dump\" button when you want to download to stop storing data.","轨道:": "Track:","已结束保存。": "has finished saving.","下载数据:": "Download data:",},"ja": {"视频": "動画","音频": "音声","视频 - 最快播放速度": "動画 - 最速再生速度","视频 - 恢复播放速度": "動画 - 再生速度を元に戻す","音频 - 最快播放速度": "音声 - 最速再生速度","音频 - 恢复播放速度": "音声 - 再生速度を元に戻す","尝试直接下载页面中的视频": "ページ内の動画を直接ダウンロードを試みる","尝试直接下载页面中的音频": "ページ内の音声を直接ダウンロードを試みる","结束 Dump": "ダンプを終了","没有找到可以下载的项目。": "ダウンロード可能な項目が見つかりませんでした。","没有找到可以直接下载的项目,但是找到了": "直接ダウンロード可能な項目は見つかりませんでしたが、","个使用 MSE 的项目,需要在想要下载时点击 “结束 Dump” 按钮来停止存储。": "個のMSEを使用している項目が見つかりました。ダウンロードしたい時に「ダンプ終了」ボタンをクリックして、保存を停止する必要があります。","轨道:": "トラック:","已结束保存。": "保存が完了しました。","下载数据:": "ダウンロードデータ:",}};function GetI18NString(key) {let lang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;lang = lang.substr(0, 2);if (lang !== DefualtI18N) {if (I18NDict[lang] === undefined) {lang = "en";}if (I18NDict[lang] && I18NDict[lang][key]) {return I18NDict[lang][key];}}return key;}GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("视频 - 最快播放速度"), function () { document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate = 16 });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("视频 - 恢复播放速度"), function () { document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate = 1 });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("音频 - 最快播放速度"), function () { document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0].playbackRate = 16 });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("音频 - 恢复播放速度"), function () { document.getElementsByTagName("audio")[0].playbackRate = 1 });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("尝试直接下载页面中的视频"), function () { DirectDownloadPlayingVideo("video") });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("尝试直接下载页面中的音频"), function () { DirectDownloadPlayingVideo("audio") });GM_registerMenuCommand(GetI18NString("结束 Dump"), EndAllDumpTasks);var dumpEndTasks = [];function dateFormat(dataObj, fmt) {var o = {"M+": dataObj.getMonth() + 1, // 月份"d+": dataObj.getDate(), // 日"h+": dataObj.getHours(), // 小时"m+": dataObj.getMinutes(), // 分"s+": dataObj.getSeconds(), // 秒"q+": Math.floor((dataObj.getMonth() + 3) / 3), // 季度"S": dataObj.getMilliseconds() // 毫秒};if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) {fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (dataObj.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));}for (var k in o) {if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) {fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));}}return fmt;}async function DirectDownloadPlayingVideo(tag) {let elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);let downloadCount = 0;let mseCount = 0;for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {let videoLink = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[i].currentSrc;if (videoLink == "") {continue;}if (videoLink.startsWith("blob:")) {mseCount++;continue;}let a = document.createElement('a'); = "direct_" + tag;var res = await fetch(videoLink);var videoBlob = await res.blob();var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(videoBlob);a.href = url;;a.remove();window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url);downloadCount++;}if (downloadCount == 0) {if (mseCount == 0) {alert(GetI18NString("没有找到可以下载的项目。"));} else {alert(GetI18NString("没有找到可以直接下载的项目,但是找到了") + " " + mseCount + " " + GetI18NString("个使用 MSE 的项目,需要在想要下载时点击 “结束 Dump” 按钮来停止存储。"));}}}function EndAllDumpTasks() {while (dumpEndTasks.length > 0) {let endTask = dumpEndTasks.shift();endTask();}}unsafeWindow.SavedDataList = [];unsafeWindow.DownloadData = function (dataKey, fileName) {const link = document.createElement('a');link.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([unsafeWindow.SavedDataList[dataKey]])); = fileName;;window.URL.revokeObjectURL(link.href);}function DownloadDataCmd(key, ext, type, date) {if (ext == "mp4" && type == "audio") {ext = "m4a";}DownloadData(key, "dumped_" + type + "_" + dateFormat(date, "yyyyMMddhhmmss") + "." + ext);}function Uint8ArrayConcat(a, b) {var c = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length);c.set(a);c.set(b, a.length);return c;}function BytesToSize(bytes) {if (bytes === 0) return '0 B';var k = ####;var sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];var i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));return (bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toPrecision(3) + ' ' + sizes[i];}var _addSourceBuffer = unsafeWindow.MediaSource.prototype.addSourceBuffer;unsafeWindow.MediaSource.prototype.addSourceBuffer = function (mime) {console.log("MediaSource addSourceBuffer Type: ", mime);mime = mime.trim();const regex = /^.+\/(.+);\s*codecs=\"{0,1}(.+?)\"{0,1}$/g;let mimeMatches = regex.exec(mime);let format = "bin";let codecs = "";let basicCodecs = "";if (mimeMatches != null && mimeMatches.length == 3) {format = mimeMatches[1];codecs = mimeMatches[2];codecs = codecs.replace("\"", "");let basicCodecsArray = codecs.split(",");for (let i = 0; i < basicCodecsArray.length; i++) {let basicCodec = basicCodecsArray[i];let indexOfBasicCodec = basicCodec.indexOf(".");if (indexOfBasicCodec > 0) {basicCodec = basicCodec.substring(0, indexOfBasicCodec);}if (i == 0) {basicCodecs = basicCodec;} else {basicCodecs = basicCodecs + "," + basicCodec;}}}var sourceBuffer =, mime);var _append = sourceBuffer.appendBuffer;var endToSave = false;var sourceBufferData = new Uint8Array();var isVideo = (mime.startsWith("audio") ? false : true);var type = (isVideo ? "video" : "audio");var key = type + "_" +;var startDate = new Date();dumpEndTasks.push(() => {endToSave = true;console.warn(GetI18NString("轨道:") + " " + mime + " " + GetI18NString("已结束保存。"));unsafeWindow.SavedDataList[key] = sourceBufferData;let downloadCaption = `${GetI18NString("下载数据:")} ${(isVideo ? GetI18NString("视频") : GetI18NString("音频"))} ${basicCodecs != "" ? (basicCodecs) : ""} (${BytesToSize(sourceBufferData.length)}, at ${dateFormat(startDate, "hh:mm:ss")})`;GM_registerMenuCommand(downloadCaption, () => { DownloadDataCmd(key, format, type, startDate); });});sourceBuffer.appendBuffer = function (buffer) {if (!endToSave) {sourceBufferData = Uint8ArrayConcat(sourceBufferData, new Uint8Array(buffer));}, buffer);}return sourceBuffer;}})();