If you have a script manager and you want to download some script without installing it, this script will help
// ==UserScript== // @name GreasyFork: download script button // @description If you have a script manager and you want to download some script without installing it, this script will help // @author Konf // @version 2.3.1 // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/424058 // @icon https://i.imgur.com/OIGiyQc.png // @match https://greasyfork.org/*/scripts/* // @match https://sleazyfork.org/*/scripts/* // @match https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://greasyfork.org/*/scripts/* // @match https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://sleazyfork.org/*/scripts/* // @compatible Chrome // @compatible Opera // @compatible Firefox // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 8 */ (function() { 'use strict'; const i18n = { download: 'download', downloadWithoutInstalling: 'downloadWithoutInstalling', failedToDownload: 'failedToDownload', }; const translate = (function() { const userLang = location.pathname.split('/')[1]; const strings = { 'en': { [i18n.download]: 'Download ⇩', [i18n.downloadWithoutInstalling]: 'Download without installing', [i18n.failedToDownload]: 'Failed to download the script. There is might be more info in the browser console', }, 'ru': { [i18n.download]: 'Скачать ⇩', [i18n.downloadWithoutInstalling]: 'Скачать не устанавливая', [i18n.failedToDownload]: 'Не удалось скачать скрипт. Больше информации может быть в консоли браузера', }, 'zh-CN': { [i18n.download]: '下载 ⇩', [i18n.downloadWithoutInstalling]: '下载此脚本', [i18n.failedToDownload]: '无法下载此脚本', }, }; return id => (strings[userLang] || strings.en)[id] || strings.en[id]; }()); const installArea = document.querySelector('div#install-area'); const installBtns = installArea?.querySelectorAll(':scope > a.install-link'); const installHelpLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a.install-help-link'); const suggestion = document.querySelector('div#script-feedback-suggestion'); const libraryRequire = document.querySelector('div#script-content > p > code'); const libraryVersion = document.querySelector( '#script-stats > dd.script-show-version > span' ); // if a script/style is detected if ( installArea && (installBtns.length > 0) && (installBtns.length === installHelpLinks.length) ) { for (let i = 0; i < installBtns.length; i++) { mountScriptDownloadButton(installBtns[i], installArea, installHelpLinks[i]); } } // or maybe a library else if (suggestion && libraryRequire) { mountLibraryDownloadButton(suggestion, libraryRequire, libraryVersion); } function mountScriptDownloadButton( installBtn, installArea, installHelpLink, ) { if (!installBtn.href) throw new Error('script href is not found'); // https://img.icons8.com/pastel-glyph/64/ffffff/download.png // array to fold the string in a code editor const downloadIconBase64 = [ '', 'HeAAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAABgUlEQVR4nO3ZTU6DUAAE4HnEk+jWG3TrHV', 'wY3XoEt23cGleamtRtTbyPS3sCV0b###tHRAIEsM/hZ76kCZRHGaZAGwDMzMzMbJ', '6CasMkMwBncXYbQvhSZZEgecEf56ocmWrDAA4L00eqEMoCBsEFqAOouQB1ADUXoA', '6g5gLUAdRcgDqAmgtQB1BzAeoAakkLIHlN8pPkDcnWd59IBpK3cd1VyoxJkfwo3P', 'V5KJZAcllYtiy8H+LY3HvKjKlPgU1h+hLAuulIiMvWcWzVZ4xL/Dbv+Nsjyax8BM', 'Sx96Wxm3jzdLwaSliVCpjezucqzmuSfKuZJkvXi0moORKqTOebL2tRwnR3PtdQwv', 'R3PldRgmznlc8GA4DTOPscQqAqy6x1+X8+6Ke5yfNxIE9z6/TN1+XCM4inuQ165Z', 'vHz04DF6AOoOYC1AHUXIA6gNpBz/UWJK/2muTvFn1W6lvASXyNXpdTYJcsxf69th', '3Y5QjYAiCA485x/tcL###1CDMzMzMbum8+xtkWw6QCvwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==', ].join(''); GM_addStyle([` .GF-DSB__script-download-button { position: relative; padding: 8px 22px; cursor: pointer; border: none; background: #0F750F; transition: box-shadow 0.2s; } .GF-DSB__script-download-button:hover, .GF-DSB__script-download-button:focus { box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0 6px 20px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 19%); } .GF-DSB__script-download-icon { position: absolute; } .GF-DSB__script-download-icon--download { width: 30px; height: 30px; top: 4px; left: 7px; } .GF-DSB__script-download-icon--loading, .GF-DSB__script-download-icon--loading:after { border-radius: 50%; width: 16px; height: 16px; } .GF-DSB__script-download-icon--loading { top: 8px; left: 11px; border-top: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-right: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-bottom: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-left: 3px solid #ffffff; transform: translateZ(0); object-position: -99999px; animation: GF-DSB__script-download-loading-icon 1.1s infinite linear; } @keyframes GF-DSB__script-download-loading-icon { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } `][0]); const b = document.createElement('a'); const bIcon = document.createElement('img'); b.href = '#'; b.title = translate(i18n.downloadWithoutInstalling); b.draggable = false; b.className = 'GF-DSB__script-download-button'; bIcon.src = downloadIconBase64; bIcon.draggable = false; bIcon.className = 'GF-DSB__script-download-icon GF-DSB__script-download-icon--download'; installHelpLink.style.position = 'relative'; // shadows bugfix b.appendChild(bIcon); installArea.insertBefore(b, installHelpLink); // against doubleclicks let isFetchingAllowed = true; async function clicksHandler(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); setTimeout(() => b === document.activeElement && b.blur(), 250); if (isFetchingAllowed === false) return; isFetchingAllowed = false; bIcon.className = 'GF-DSB__script-download-icon GF-DSB__script-download-icon--loading'; try { let scriptName = installBtn.dataset.scriptName; if (installBtn.dataset.scriptVersion) { scriptName += ` ${installBtn.dataset.scriptVersion}`; } await downloadScript({ fileExt: `.user.${installBtn.dataset.installFormat || 'txt'}`, href: installBtn.href, name: scriptName, }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert(`${translate(i18n.failedToDownload)}: \n${e}`); } finally { setTimeout(() => { isFetchingAllowed = true; bIcon.className = 'GF-DSB__script-download-icon GF-DSB__script-download-icon--download'; }, 300); } } b.addEventListener('click', clicksHandler); b.addEventListener('auxclick', e => e.button === 1 && clicksHandler(e)); } function mountLibraryDownloadButton(suggestion, libraryRequire, libraryVersion) { let [ libraryHref, libraryName, ] = libraryRequire.innerText.match( /\/\/ @require (https:\/\/.+\/scripts\/\d+\/\d+\/(.*)\.js)/ ).slice(1); // this probably is completely useless but whatever if (!libraryHref) throw new Error('library href is not found'); libraryName = decodeURIComponent(libraryName); if (libraryVersion?.innerText) libraryName += ` ${libraryVersion.innerText}`; GM_addStyle([` .GF-DSB__library-download-button { transition: box-shadow 0.2s; } .GF-DSB__library-download-button--loading { animation: GF-DSB__loading-text 1s infinite linear; } @keyframes GF-DSB__loading-text { 50% { opacity: 0.4; } } `][0]); const b = document.createElement('a'); b.href = '#'; b.draggable = false; b.innerText = translate(i18n.download); b.className = 'GF-DSB__library-download-button'; suggestion.appendChild(b); // against doubleclicks let isFetchingAllowed = true; async function clicksHandler(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); setTimeout(() => b === document.activeElement && b.blur(), 250); if (isFetchingAllowed === false) return; isFetchingAllowed = false; b.className = 'GF-DSB__library-download-button GF-DSB__library-download-button--loading'; try { await downloadScript({ fileExt: '.js', href: libraryHref, name: libraryName, }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert(`${translate(i18n.failedToDownload)}: \n${e}`); } finally { setTimeout(() => { isFetchingAllowed = true; b.className = 'GF-DSB__library-download-button'; }, 300); } } b.addEventListener('click', clicksHandler); b.addEventListener('auxclick', e => e.button === 1 && clicksHandler(e)); } // utils -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is needed because you can't fetch a new format script link // due to different domain cors restriction... function convertScriptHrefToAnOldFormat(href) { const regex = /https:\/\/update\.(\w+\.org)\/scripts\/(\d+)\/(\d+\/)?(.+)/; const match = href.match(regex); if (!match) throw new Error("can't convert href to an old format"); const domain = match[1]; const scriptId = match[2]; const version = match[3] ? `?version=${match[3]}` : ''; const scriptName = match[4]; return `https://${domain}/scripts/${scriptId}/code/${scriptName}${version}`; } async function downloadScript({ fileExt = '.txt', href, name = Date.now(), } = {}) { if (!href) throw new Error('Script href is missing'); const fetchErrors = []; let linksToTry = []; let url; // "web.archive" part has been done poorly and unreliable if (location.hostname === 'web.archive.org') { // Get a "web.archive" link prefix. Full link example: // https://web.archive.org/web/20220827221543/https://greasyfork... // Prefix: // https://web.archive.org/web/20220827221543 const webArchivePrefix = location.href.match(/(.+)\/http(s|):\/\/(greas|sleaz)yfork\.org/)[1]; if (!webArchivePrefix) throw new Error('Failed to get script href'); // "id_" part is needed to get a clean file from the webarchive. // By default there are some js metadata that will break the script. // See: https://archive.org/post/1044859 // Possible alternative is to cut off these strings manually // hoping that there are fixed amount of them, or maybe using regex linksToTry.push(webArchivePrefix + 'id_/' + href); } else { // Consider first link as a main attempt. Second one is // needed just for some unknown edge case scenarios. See: // https://greasyfork.org/scripts/420872/discussions/216921 linksToTry = [ convertScriptHrefToAnOldFormat(href), href, ]; } for (const scriptHref of linksToTry) { try { const response = await fetch(scriptHref); if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Bad response: ${response.status}`); } url = window.URL.createObjectURL(await response.blob()); break; } catch (e) { fetchErrors.push(e); } } if (!url) { fetchErrors.forEach(e => console.error(e)); throw new Error('Failed to fetch. See console'); } const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.download = `${name}${fileExt}`; document.body.appendChild(a); // is needed due to firefox bug a.click(); a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } }());