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Youtube 下载自动字幕 (字词级) v6

(下载 .json 文件)字词级字幕仅适用于自动字幕(也就是机器用语音转文字识别出来的字幕)(完整字幕没有字词级的)下载字词级的意义是方便分句。可下载两种格式:原版 (&fmt=json3 从 Youtube 获取的原样返回) 和简化版 {startTime: "开始时间(毫秒)", endTime: "结束时间(毫秒)", text: "文字"}。 json 格式不可配合视频直接播放,需要其他软件进行进一步处理(把词拼成句子,转成 srt 格式)


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Youtube 下载自动字幕 (字词级) v6
// @include        https://*youtube.com/*
// @author         Cheng Zheng
// @require        https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js
// @version        6
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/5711
// @description   (下载 .json 文件)字词级字幕仅适用于自动字幕(也就是机器用语音转文字识别出来的字幕)(完整字幕没有字词级的)下载字词级的意义是方便分句。可下载两种格式:原版 (&fmt=json3 从 Youtube 获取的原样返回) 和简化版 {startTime: "开始时间(毫秒)", endTime: "结束时间(毫秒)", text: "文字"}。 json 格式不可配合视频直接播放,需要其他软件进行进一步处理(把词拼成句子,转成 srt 格式)
// @license  MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// 可配置项
var NO_SUBTITLE = '无自动字幕';
var HAVE_SUBTITLE = '下载自动字幕 (字词级)';
var TEXT_LOADING = '加载中...';
const BUTTON_ID = 'youtube-download-word-level-subtitle-last-update-2021-2-21'
// 可配置项
// 初始化
var first_load = true; // indicate if first load this webpage or not
var youtube_playerResponse_1c7 = null; // for auto subtitle
unsafeWindow.caption_array = []; // store all subtitle
$(document).ready(function () {
async function wait_until_element_exists(element_identifier) {
var retry_count = 0;
var RETRY_LIMIT = 30;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var intervalID = setInterval(function () {
try {
var element = document.querySelector(element_identifier);
if (element != null) {
} else {
retry_count = retry_count + 1;
// console.log(`重试次数 ${retry_count}`);
if (retry_count > RETRY_LIMIT) {
} catch (error) {
}, 330);
async function make_sure_it_load_properly_before_continue() {
var id = new_Youtube_2022_UI_element_identifier();
var r###lt = await wait_until_element_exists(id);
if (r###lt) {
// trigger when loading new page
// (actually this would also trigger when first loading, that's not what we want, that's why we need to use firsr_load === false)
// (new Material design version would trigger this "yt-navigate-finish" event. old version would not.)
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
body.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", function (event) {
if (current_page_is_video_page() === false) {
youtube_playerResponse_1c7 = event.detail.response.playerResponse; // for auto subtitle
unsafeWindow.caption_array = []; // clean up (important, otherwise would have more and more item and cause error)
// if use click to another page, init again to get correct subtitle
if (first_load === false) {
// trigger when loading new page
// (old version would trigger "spfdone" event. new Material design version not sure yet.)
window.addEventListener("spfdone", function (e) {
if (current_page_is_video_page()) {
var checkExist = setInterval(function () {
if ($('#watch7-headline').length) {
}, 330);
// return true / false
// Detect [new version UI(material design)] OR [old version UI]
// I tested this, accurated.
function new_material_design_version() {
var old_title_element = document.getElementById('watch7-headline');
if (old_title_element) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// return true / false
function current_page_is_video_page() {
return get_url_video_id() !== null;
// return string like "RW1ChiWyiZQ",  from "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW1ChiWyiZQ"
// or null
function get_url_video_id() {
return getURLParameter('v');
function getURLParameter(name) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(location.search) || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
function remove_subtitle_download_button() {
// 初始化
function init_UI() {
var html_element = get_main_UI_element();
var old_anchor_element = document.getElementById("watch7-headline");
if (old_anchor_element != null) {
var anchor = document.querySelector('#above-the-fold')
if (anchor) {
first_load = false;
function get_main_UI_element() {
var div = document.createElement('div'),
select = document.createElement('select'),
option = document.createElement('option');
var css_div = `display: table;
border: 1px solid rgb(0, 183, 90);
cursor: pointer; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
border-top-left-radius: 3px;
border-top-right-radius: 3px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
background-color: #00B75A;
div.setAttribute('style', css_div);
div.id = BUTTON_ID;
select.id = 'captions_selector';
select.disabled = true;
let css_select = `display:block;
border: 1px solid rgb(0, 183, 90);
cursor: pointer;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
background-color: #00B75A;
padding: 4px;
select.setAttribute('style', css_select);
option.textContent = TEXT_LOADING;
option.selected = true;
// 下拉菜单里,选择一项后触发下载
select.addEventListener('change', function () {
}, false);
div.appendChild(select); // put <select> into <div>
// <a> element is for download
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.style.cssText = 'display:none;';
a.setAttribute("id", "ForSubtitleDownload");
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
return div;
// trigger when user select <option>
async function download_subtitle(selector) {
// if user select first <option>, we just return, do nothing.
if (selector.selectedIndex == 0) {
var caption = caption_array[selector.selectedIndex - 1];
// because first <option> is for display, so index - 1
var r###lt = null;
var filename = null; // 保存文件名
// if user choose auto subtitle
if (caption.lang_code == 'AUTO-original') {
r###lt = await get_auto_subtitle();
filename = get_file_name(`原版 JSON-${get_auto_subtitle_name()}`);
downloadString(JSON.stringify(r###lt), "text/plain", filename);
if (caption.lang_code == 'AUTO-simplify') {
r###lt = await get_auto_subtitle();
filename = get_file_name(`简化版 JSON-${get_auto_subtitle_name()}`);
let json = parse_youtube_XML_to_JSON(r###lt);
downloadString(JSON.stringify(json), "text/plain", filename);
// After download, select first <option>
selector.options[0].selected = true;
function get_file_name(x) {
var suffix = 'json'
var method_3 = `(${x})${get_title()}_video_id_${get_video_id()}.${suffix}`;
return method_3
// detect if "auto subtitle" and "closed subtitle" exist
// and add <option> into <select>
function load_language_list(select) {
var auto_subtitle_exist = false;
// get auto subtitle
var auto_subtitle_url = get_auto_subtitle_xml_url();
if (auto_subtitle_url != false) {
auto_subtitle_exist = true;
// if no subtitle at all, just say no and stop
if (auto_subtitle_exist == false) {
select.options[0].textContent = NO_SUBTITLE;
return false;
// if at least one type of subtitle exist
select.options[0].textContent = HAVE_SUBTITLE;
select.disabled = false;
var option = null; // for <option>
var caption_info = null; // for our custom object
// if auto subtitle exist
if (auto_subtitle_exist) {
caption_info = {
lang_code: 'AUTO-original',
lang_name: `${get_auto_subtitle_name()} (原版)`,
option = document.createElement('option');
option.textContent = caption_info.lang_name;
caption_info = {
lang_code: 'AUTO-simplify',
lang_name: `${get_auto_subtitle_name()} (简化版)`,
option = document.createElement('option');
option.textContent = caption_info.lang_name;
function disable_download_button() {
.css('border', '#95a5a6')
.css('cursor', 'not-allowed')
.css('background-color', '#95a5a6');
.css('border', '#95a5a6')
.css('cursor', 'not-allowed')
.css('background-color', '#95a5a6');
if (new_material_design_version()) {
$(HASH_BUTTON_ID).css('padding', '6px');
} else {
$(HASH_BUTTON_ID).css('padding', '5px');
// 处理时间. 比如 start="671.33"  start="37.64"  start="12" start="23.029"
// 处理成 srt 时间, 比如 00:00:00,090    00:00:08,460    00:10:29,350
function process_time(s) {
s = s.toFixed(3);
// 超棒的函数, 不论是整数还是小数都给弄成3位小数形式
// 举个柚子:
// 671.33 -> 671.330
// 671 -> 671.000
// 注意函数会四舍五入. 具体读文档
var array = s.split('.');
// 把开始时间根据句号分割
// 671.330 会分割成数组: [671, 330]
var Hour = 0;
var Minute = 0;
var Second = array[0]; // 671
var MilliSecond = array[1]; // 330
// 先声明下变量, 待会把这几个拼好就行了
// 我们来处理秒数.  把"分钟"和"小时"除出来
if (Second >= 60) {
Minute = Math.floor(Second / 60);
Second = Second - Minute * 60;
// 把 秒 拆成 分钟和秒, 比如121秒, 拆成2分钟1秒
Hour = Math.floor(Minute / 60);
Minute = Minute - Hour * 60;
// 把 分钟 拆成 小时和分钟, 比如700分钟, 拆成11小时40分钟
// 分钟,如果位数不够两位就变成两位,下面两个if语句的作用也是一样。
if (Minute < 10) {
Minute = '0' + Minute;
// 小时
if (Hour < 10) {
Hour = '0' + Hour;
// 秒
if (Second < 10) {
Second = '0' + Second;
return Hour + ':' + Minute + ':' + Second + ',' + MilliSecond;
// copy from: https://gist.github.com/danallison/3ec9d5314788b337b682
// Thanks! https://github.com/danallison
// work in Chrome 66
// test passed: 2018-5-19
function downloadString(text, fileType, fileName) {
var blob = new Blob([text], {
type: fileType
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = fileName;
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = [fileType, a.download, a.href].join(':');
a.style.display = "none";
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1500);
// https://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/unescape-html-in-js/
// turn HTML entity back to text, example: &quot; should be "
function htmlDecode(input) {
var e = document.createElement('div');
e.class = 'dummy-element-for-tampermonkey-Youtube-Subtitle-Downloader-script-to-decode-html-entity';
e.innerHTML = input;
return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
// return URL or null;
// later we can send a AJAX and get XML subtitle
function get_auto_subtitle_xml_url() {
try {
var captionTracks = get_captionTracks()
for (var index in captionTracks) {
var caption = captionTracks[index];
if (caption.kind === 'asr') {
return captionTracks[index].baseUrl;
// ASR – A caption track generated using automatic speech recognition.
// https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/captions
return false;
} catch (error) {
return false;
function get_auto_subtitle_json_url() {
return `${get_auto_subtitle_xml_url()}&fmt=json3`
async function get_auto_subtitle() {
var url = get_auto_subtitle_json_url();
if (url == false) {
return false;
var r###lt = await get(url)
return r###lt
function parse_youtube_XML_to_JSON(json) {
var final_r###lt = [];
// var template_example = {
//   startTime: null,
//   endTime: null,
//   text: null
// }
var events = json.events
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
var event = events[i];
// 对于内容(segs)为空的,直接跳过
if (event.segs == undefined) {
// aAppend 就是只有一个 \n
if (event.aAppend != undefined) {
var startTime = null
var endTime = event.tStartMs + event.dDurationMs;
var text = null;
var segs = event.segs
for (var j = 0; j < segs.length; j++) {
var seg = segs[j];
if (seg.tOffsetMs) {
startTime = event.tStartMs + seg.tOffsetMs
} else {
startTime = event.tStartMs
text = seg.utf8;
var one = {
startTime: startTime,
endTime: endTime,
text: text,
return final_r###lt;
// return "English (auto-generated)" or a default name;
function get_auto_subtitle_name() {
try {
var captionTracks = get_captionTracks();
for (var index in captionTracks) {
var caption = captionTracks[index];
if (typeof caption.kind === 'string' && caption.kind == 'asr') {
return captionTracks[index].name.simpleText;
return 'Auto Subtitle';
} catch (error) {
return 'Auto Subtitle';
function get_youtube_data(){
return document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-app")[0].data.playerResponse
function get_captionTracks() {
let data = get_youtube_data();
var captionTracks = data?.captions?.playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer?.captionTracks
return captionTracks
function get_title() {
return ytplayer.config.args.title;
function get_video_id() {
return ytplayer.config.args.video_id;
// Usage: var r###lt = await get(url)
function get(url) {
return $.ajax({
url: url,
type: 'get',
success: function (r) {
return r
fail: function (error) {
return error
// 我们用这个元素判断是不是 2022 年新 UI 。
// return Element;
function new_Youtube_2022_UI_element() {
return document.querySelector(new_Youtube_2022_UI_element_identifier());
function new_Youtube_2022_UI_element_identifier() {
var document_querySelector = "#owner.item.style-scope.ytd-watch-metadata";
return document_querySelector;