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Venge.io HACKS 1.0.68 by me....

Venge.io Hacks | Unlimited Ammo, Infinite Jump, Auto Kill, Teleportation, Aimbot, ESP, and Timescale!

สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/422694/907228/Vengeio%20HACKS%201068%20by%20me.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Venge.io HACKS 1.0.68 by me....
// @version      2.3
// @description  Venge.io Hacks | Unlimited Ammo, Infinite Jump, Auto Kill, Teleportation, Aimbot, ESP, and Timescale!
// @author       Drake Brodsky
// @match        https://venge.io/
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/729878
// ==/UserScript==
var Hack = function() {
this.settings = {
infAmmo: false,
infJump: false,
autoKill: true,
speedMlt: 0,
esp: true,
aimbot: false,
timeScale: 0
this.hooks = {
network: null,
movement: null,
anticheat: null
this.setupHooks = function() {
this.waitForProp("Movement").then(this.hookMovement).catch(e => console.log(e));
this.waitForProp("NetworkManager").then(this.hookNetwork).catch(e => console.log(e));
this.waitForProp("VengeGuard").then(this.hookAnticheat).catch(e => console.log(e));
this.waitForProp("Label").then(this.hookLabel).catch(e => console.log(e));
this.setupBinds = function() {
window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 190: // PERIOD
this.settings.autoKill = !this.settings.autoKill;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Kill on Respawn - " + (this.settings.autoKill?"Enabled":"Disabled"), !0)
case 188: // COMMA
this.settings.infAmmo = !this.settings.infAmmo;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Infinite Ammo - " + (this.settings.infAmmo?"Enabled":"Disabled"), !0)
case 186: // SEMI COL
this.settings.aimbot = !this.settings.aimbot;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Aimbot - " + (this.settings.aimbot?"Enabled":"Disabled"), !0)
case 222: // QUOTE
this.settings.infJump = !this.settings.infJump;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Infinite Jump - " + (this.settings.infJump?"Enabled":"Disabled"), !0)
case 191: // SLASH
if (this.settings.speedMlt > 4) this.settings.speedMlt = 0;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Speed Multiplier - " + (this.settings.speedMlt + 1) + "x", !0)
case 219: // [
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Teleporting you to Safety", !0);
this.hooks.movement.app.fire("Player:Respawn", !0);
case 221: // ]
this.settings.esp = !this.settings.esp;
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "ESP - " + (this.settings.esp?"Enabled":"Disabled"), !0)
case 220: // \
if (this.settings.timeScale > 4) this.settings.timeScale = 0;
pc.app.timeScale = (this.settings.timeScale + 1);
this.hooks.network.app.fire("Chat:Message", "Hacks", "Timescale - " + (this.settings.timeScale + 1) + "x", !0)
default: return;
this.waitForProp = async function(val) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
this.hookMovement = function() {
const update = Movement.prototype.update;
var defaultSpeeds = [];
Movement.prototype.update = function (t) {
if (!FakeGuard.hooks.movement) {
FakeGuard.hooks.movement = this;
defaultSpeeds = [this.defaultSpeed, this.strafingSpeed];
update.apply(this, [t]);
if (FakeGuard.settings.infAmmo) {
this.isHitting = false;
if (FakeGuard.settings.infJump) {
this.isLanded = true;
this.bounceJumpTime = 0;
this.isJumping = false;
this.defaultSpeed = defaultSpeeds[0] * (FakeGuard.settings.speedMlt + 1);
this.strafingSpeed = defaultSpeeds[1] * (FakeGuard.settings.speedMlt + 1);
console.log("Movement Hooked");
this.hookNetwork = function() {
var manager = NetworkManager.prototype.initialize;
NetworkManager.prototype.initialize = function() {
if (!FakeGuard.hooks.network) {
FakeGuard.hooks.network = this;
var ogRespawn = NetworkManager.prototype.respawn;
NetworkManager.prototype.respawn = function(e) {
ogRespawn.apply(this, [e]);
if (e && e.length > 0 && FakeGuard.settings.autoKill) {
var t = e[0], i = this.getPlayerById(t);
if (i&& t!=this.playerid) {
var scope = this;
setTimeout(function() {
scope.send(["da", t, 100, 1, i.position.x, i.position.y, i.position.z])
}, 3500);
console.log("Network Hooked");
this.hookAnticheat = function() {
VengeGuard.prototype.onCheck = function() {
this.app.fire("Network:Guard", 1)
console.log("Anticheat Hooked");
this.hookLabel = function() {
Label.prototype.update = function(t) {
if (!pc.isSpectator) {
if (this.player.isDeath)
return this.labelEntity.enabled = !1,
if (Date.now() - this.player.lastDamage > 1800 && !FakeGuard.settings.esp)
return this.labelEntity.enabled = !1,
var e = new pc.Vec3
, i = this.currentCamera
, a = this.app.graphicsDevice.maxPixelRatio
, s = this.screenEntity.screen.scale
, n = this.app.graphicsDevice;
i.worldToScreen(this.headPoint.getPosition(), e),
e.x *= a,
e.y *= a,
e.x > 0 && e.x < this.app.graphicsDevice.width && e.y > 0 && e.y < this.app.graphicsDevice.height && e.z > 0 ? (this.labelEntity.setLocalPosition(e.x / s, (n.height - e.y) / s, 0),
this.labelEntity.enabled = !0) : this.labelEntity.enabled = !1
console.log("Label Hooked");
this.onTick = function() {
if (FakeGuard.settings.aimbot) {
var closest;
var rec;
var players = FakeGuard.hooks.network.players;
for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
var target = players[i];
var t = FakeGuard.hooks.movement.entity.getPosition();
let calcDist = Math.sqrt( (target.position.y-t.y)**2 + (target.position.x-t.x)**2 + (target.position.z-t.z)**2 );
if (calcDist < rec || !rec) {
closest = target;
rec = calcDist;
FakeGuard.closestp = closest;
let rayCastList = pc.app.systems.rigidbody.raycastAll(FakeGuard.hooks.movement.entity.getPosition(), FakeGuard.closestp.getPosition()).map(x=>x.entity.tags._list.toString())
let rayCastCheck = rayCastList.length === 1 && rayCastList[0] === "Player";
if (closest && rayCastCheck) {
t = FakeGuard.hooks.movement.entity.getPosition()
, e = Utils.lookAt(closest.position.x, closest.position.z, t.x, t.z);
FakeGuard.hooks.movement.lookX = e * 57.29577951308232 + Math.random()/10 - Math.random()/10;
FakeGuard.hooks.movement.lookY = -1 * (this.getXDire(closest.position.x, closest.position.y, closest.position.z, t.x, t.y+0.9, t.z)) * 57.29577951308232;
FakeGuard.hooks.movement.leftMouse = true;
} else {
FakeGuard.hooks.movement.leftMouse = false;
this.getD3D = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
let g = a - d, h = b - e, i = c - f;
return Math.sqrt(g * g + h * h + i * i);
this.getXDire = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
let g = Math.abs(b - e), h = this.getD3D(a, b, c, d, e, f);
return Math.asin(g / h) * (b > e ? -1 : 1);
FakeGuard = new(Hack)();