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MooMoo.io Improver | starter resources | Anti-AD | Big Store

This is a simple script that improves Moomoo.io! You have starter resources, no ads and some other modifications!


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ MooMoo.io modification == ANTI AD == DarK Mod == BIOM Map == Big Store == Game Music

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MooMoo.io Improver  |  starter resources  |  Anti-AD  |  Big Store
// @namespace    -
// @version      3.1
// @description  This is a simple script that improves Moomoo.io! You have starter resources, no ads and some other modifications!
// @author       W4IT
// @match        *://moomoo.io/*
// @match        *://dev.moomoo.io/*
// @match        *://sandbox.moomoo.io/*
// @match        *://*.moomoo.io/*
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/fontfaceobserver.standalone.min.js
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
setInterval(() => window.follmoo && follmoo(), 10);
window.location.native_resolution = true;
document.querySelector("#pre-content-container").remove(); // anti ad
document.getElementById("storeHolder").style = "height: 1000px; width: 480px;"; // big store
$("#mapDisplay").css({background: `url('http://i.imgur.com/Qllo1mA.png')`}); //better map
document.getElementById("moomooio_728x90_home").style.display = "none";
$("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css({display: "none"});
document.getElementById('gameName').innerHTML = 'MooMoo.IO';
document.getElementById('gameName').style.color = "#fe1414";
document.getElementById('loadingText').innerHTML = ' Your Game is loading... ';
document.getElementById('loadingText').style.color = "#f76f16";
(function() {
let text = "Ping: ";
let text2 = " ms";
let oldPing = 0;
const pingSpan = document.createElement("span");
pingSpan.id = "pingTime";
pingSpan.textContent = text;
pingSpan.style.display = "inline-block";
setInterval(function() {
typeof pingTime !== "undefined" &&
oldPing !== pingTime &&
((oldPing = pingTime),
(pingSpan.textContent = text + oldPing + text2),
(function() {
if (oldPing <= 100) {
pingSpan.style.color = "green";
if (oldPing >= 101 && oldPing <= 250) {
pingSpan.style.color = "Orange";
if (oldPing >= 251) {
pingSpan.style.color = "red";
return pingSpan;
document.getElementById("enterGame").addEventListener('click', autohide);
function autohide(){