I'm sorry, but I won't update this macro! I'm going to create a cheat and post it on GreasyFork soon!
// ==UserScript== // @name ProutexMacro v6 Return // @namespace - // @version 6.0 // @description I'm sorry, but I won't update this macro! I'm going to create a cheat and post it on GreasyFork soon! // @author Discord: GoblinTime#2714 : Greasy Fork: ♡⚠♡GoblinTime♡⚠♡ // @match *://*.moomoo.io/* // @match *://moomoo.io/* // @grant none // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/msgpack.min.js // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js // @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.min.js // ==/UserScript== var title = document.title; if(title === "Moo Moo") { console.log("You play moomoo.io"); window.location.native_resolution = true; } else { console.log("You not play moomoo.io"); } var pi = Math.PI, date = new Date(), old = Date.now(), cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin, abs = Math.abs, pow = Math.pow, min = Math.min, max = Math.max, atan2 = Math.atan2, sqrt = Math.sqrt, random = Math.random, floor = Math.floor; function rdm(a,b) { return Math.floor(Math.random() *(b - a + 1)) + a; } /* Add new colors for health bars */ var ctxx = CanvasRenderingContext2D; if(ctxx.prototype.roundRect) { ctxx.prototype.roundRect = ((func) => function() { if (this.fillStyle == "#8ecc51"){ //All allys this.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 66, 0, 0.47)"; } else if(this.fillStyle == "#cc5151") { // All enemy this.fillStyle = "rgba(112, 6, 0, 0.47)"; } else if(this.fillStyle == "#3d3f42") { // Background health bar this.fillStyle = "rgba(82, 82, 82, 0.47)"; } return(func.call(this, ...arguments)); }) (ctxx.prototype.roundRect); } // Start Resource function StartRes() { window.follmoo("moofoll", 1); } StartRes(); // Menu $("body").after(` <button onclick="InfoMenu()" class="NameMacro">ProutexMacro v6</button> <div id="infomenu"> <div class="nameblock">Ping and Fps:</div> <hr> <div id="ping" class="text">.</div> <div id="fps" class="text">.</div> <hr> <div class="nameblock">Additionally:</div> <hr> <ul> <li></label><label><div class="text">Pro-Map<input type="checkbox" id="NewMap"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li></label><label><div class="text">Show-Cps<input type="checkbox" id="CPSTOGGLER"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li></label><label><div class="text">AutoHotKeys<input type="checkbox" id="AHK"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li></label><label><div class="text">AutoRespawn<input type="checkbox" id="autospawn"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li></label><label><div class="text">Soldier_Q<input type="checkbox" id="Soldier_Q"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li></label><label><div class="text">LeftAndRightClick<input type="checkbox" id="Clicks"><span class="checkmark"></div></li> <li><div class="text">Clan: <input type="text" class="Input_Text_style" minlength="0" maxlength="7" style ="width:60px;" placeholder="Clan Name" id="MakeClan"><button onclick="CreateClan();" class="Input_Buttob_style">Send</button><button onclick="RemoveClan();" class="Input_Buttob_style">Remove</button></div></li> </ul> <hr> <div class="nameblock">Versions:</div> <hr> <div class="text"> Version-6: <ul> <li>1. Added AutoSpawn<br>You will appear automatically after death! </li> <li>2. To put a Turret or other. Press - (H ) </li> <li>3. In the menu, you can now create a clan! And also delete it! </li> <li>4. After entering the game, you will automatically write Im user ProutexMacro! I'm sorry about this, but I want it to be like this! </li> </ul> <hr> Version-5: <ul> <li>1. Added WebSocket! </li> <li>2. All switch elements are moved to the menu! </li> <li>3. Added AutoHotKey! You can enable it in the menu!<br>Key - ( N ) = x1 Mill<br>Key - ( V ) = x1 Spike<br>Key - ( F ) = x1 Trap<br>Key - ( Q ) = Heal!<br> All buildings have x5 cps! </li> <li>4. Big Map. Key - (Home) its Beta!!! (Click a second time to close!) </li> </ul> <hr> Version-4: <ul> <li>1. Menu.<br> To open the menu, click on the text (ProutexMacro)! To close it, click on any place on your screen except the menu! </li> <li>2. Remove all hats and accessories. Press - ( B ) </li> <li>3. AutoReload.<br> The page will automatically reload when it crashes </li> <li>4. Big Store.<br> The store has become much bigger! </li> <li>5. Pro Map.<br> The map shows all the biomes! </li> <li>6. Show your cps.<br> Shows your CPS when clicked! </li> </ul> <hr> Version-3: <ul> <li>1. I changed the color of the health bars! Now they are semi-transparent! </li> <li>2. Made the soldier-Q switch now you need to click on ( H ) to turn it on! </li> <li>3. Now you can hide the leaderboard on ( K ) . When you press the ( K ) button again, the leaderboard will appear again! </li> <li>4. When you press ( Y ), there will be a BullTick!<br> Bulltick is when a bull helmet hat appears, and when it hits you, your shame counter resets after taking 5 points of damage! </li> </ul> <hr> Version-2: <ul> <li>1. Start Resource. </li> <li>2. Automatically sends a request to the very first clan in the list. Press - ( Up-Arrow ) </li> <li>3. SoldierHelmet+XWings. Press - ( Q ) </li> <li>4. I removed the "LeftAndRightClick: Off" radio button.<br> Now when you disable this feature, nothing will happen.<br> But I left the text when turning on!<br> When enabled, it will be "LeftAndRightClick: On". </li> </ul> <hr> Version-1: <ul> <li>1. Release! </li> <li>2. BullHelmet+BloodWings. Press - ( R ) </li> <li>3. SoldierHelmet+XWings. Press - ( T ) </li> <li>4. ####Gear+BlackWings. Press - ( Z ) </li> <li>5. Booster+Tail. Press - ( Shift ) </li> <li>6. Responsible for the function switch! Press - ( J )<br> When you turn it on, an inscription will appear in the upper-left corner!<br> When you are enabled, you can click the left or right mouse button!<br> And they will wear hats! <=( Left ) responsible for: BullHelmet+SpikeGear+TurretGear+SoldierHelmet=><br> <=( Right ) responsible for: ####Gear+SamuraiArmor+SoldierHelmet=> </li> </ul> <hr> </div> </div> <style> button:active, button:focus { outline: none !important; } button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0 !important; } .nameblock { font-size: 20px; color: #dbdbdb; text-align: center; } li { font-size: 13px; } .text { display: block; font-size: 17px; color: #fff; text-align: left; } .NameMacro{ cursor: pointer; position: absolute; background: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet); background-size: 400% 400%; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-animation: colorR 20s ease infinite; animation: colorR 20s ease infinite; font-family: "Hammersmith One"; display: block !important; top: 5px; left: 720px; font-size: 17px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; height: 3px;} ::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background-color: #000000; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #999;} ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50);} ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { height: 50px; background-color: #666; border-radius: 3px;} ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: #999;}} ::-webkit-resizer { background-color: #666;} #infomenu { overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; padding: 20px; position: absolute; display: none; background: rgba(102, 102, 102, 0.25); width: 310px; height: 450px; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 4px; top: 80px; left: 20px; z-index: 1; } input {outline: 0 !important;} .Input_Text_style, .Input_Buttob_style { background: rgba(102, 102, 102); border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 10px; color: #fff; -o-transition: all 1s ease; -ms-transition: all 1s ease; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; } .Input_Text_style:focus,.Input_Buttob_style:focus { border: 2px solid #fff; } </style> <script> function InfoMenu() { $("#infomenu").css({ "display" : "block" }); } $(document).mouseup(function (e) { var container = $("#infomenu"); if (container.has(e.target).length === 0){ container.hide(); } }); (function() { var UPDATE_DELAY = 700; var lastUpdate = 0; var frames = 0; var values; function updateCounter() { var now = Date.now(); var elapsed = now - lastUpdate; if (elapsed < UPDATE_DELAY) { ++frames; } else { var fps = Math.round(frames / (elapsed / 1000)); document.getElementById("fps").textContent ="Fps: " + fps ; frames = 0; lastUpdate = now; } requestAnimationFrame(updateCounter); } lastUpdate = Date.now(); requestAnimationFrame(updateCounter); })(); setInterval(()=>{ document.getElementById("ping").textContent = "Ping: " + window.pingTime; },0); </script> `); $("body").after(` <div id="ShowMenu"> </span> <div id="addtext">LeftAndRightClick: On</div> <div id="addtext3">AutoHotKey: On</div> <div id="addtext0">Soldier-Q: On</div> <div id="addtext4">AutoSpawn: On</div> <div id="addtext1">Left-Click</div> <div id="addtext2">Right-Click</div> <style> #ShowMenu { position:absolute !important; display:block; top: 5px; left: 5px; width: auto; height: auto; text-align: center; } #addtext,#addtext1,#addtext2,#addtext0,#addtext3,#addtext4{ display: none; color: #fff; background: linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet); background-size: 400% 400%; font-size: 20px; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-animation: colorR 20s ease infinite; animation: colorR 20s ease infinite; } @-webkit-keyframes colorR { 0% { background-position: 0% 50% } 50% { background-position: 100% 50% } 100% { background-position: 0% 50% } } @keyframes colorR { 0% { background-position: 0% 50% } 50% { background-position: 100% 50% } 100% { background-position: 0% 50% } } </style> <script> let tm; let t = "Moo Moo"; function change(icon, text) { document.querySelector('head title').innerHTML = text; document.querySelector('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').setAttribute('href', icon); } window.onblur = () => { tm = setTimeout(() => { change("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/837884067822436382/838321077775237140/w16h161372343790hearts16.png", "😓COMEBACK!😓"); }, 5000); } window.onfocus = () => { change("https://sandbox.moomoo.io/img/favicon.png?v=1", t); } </script> `); var AutoReload = setInterval(() => { if(document.getElementById("loadingText").textContent=="disconnectedreload"){ window.onbeforeunload = null; clearInterval(AutoReload); window.location.reload(); } }); document.querySelector("#MakeClan").oninput = function(){ if (this.value.length === 0) { $(".Input_Text_style").css("border","2px solid red"); } else { $(".Input_Text_style").css("border","2px solid #fff"); } } var Clan = true; var Removec = true; const removeClan = RemoveClan = (() => { if(Removec == true) { emit("9", ); } }); const clanMake = CreateClan = (() => { if(Clan == true) { emit("8", document.getElementById("MakeClan").value); } }) $("#enterGame").click( () => { setTimeout(() => { emit('ch', 'Im user ProutexMacro'); },250); }); let mouseX, mouseY, width,height; let url = new URL(window.location.href); window.sessionStorage.force = url.searchParams.get("fc"); var pr,sec,st,bt,ft,mt,tr; var AHK = false; var autospawn = false; let myPlayer = { id: null, x: null, y: null, dir: null, object: null, weapon: null, clan: null, isLeader: null, hat: null, accessory: null, isSkull: null }; var websocket; var MsgPack = msgpack; document.msgpack = msgpack; WebSocket.prototype.OldSend = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = function(e) { if(!websocket){ Greasy(this); websocket = this; document.websocket = this; } this.OldSend(e); } function Greasy(msg){ msg.addEventListener('message', function(cd){ Handler(cd); }); } function Handler(e) { let tmp = MsgPack.decode(new Uint8Array(e.data)); let data; if(tmp.length >= 1) { data = [tmp[0], ...tmp[1]]; if (data[1] instanceof Array){ data = data; } } else { data = tmp; } let item = data[0]; if(!data) { return; } if (item == "33") { for(let e = 0; e < data[1].length / 13; e++) { let Arr = data[1].slice(13*e, 13*e+13); if(Arr[0] == myPlayer.id) { myPlayer.x = Arr[1]; myPlayer.y = Arr[2]; myPlayer.dir = Arr[3]; myPlayer.object = Arr[4]; myPlayer.weapon = Arr[5]; myPlayer.clan = Arr[7]; myPlayer.isLeader = Arr[8]; myPlayer.hat = Arr[9]; myPlayer.accessory = Arr[10]; myPlayer.isSkull = Arr[11]; } } } if (item == "1" && myPlayer.id == null){ myPlayer.id = data[1]; } if (item == "io-init") { let cvs = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); width = cvs.clientWidth; height = cvs.clientHeight; $(window).resize(function() { width = cvs.clientWidth; height = cvs.clientHeight; }); cvs.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => { mouseX = e.clientX; mouseY = e.clientY; }); } UpdateItems(); if(autospawn == true){ item == "11" && setTimeout(() => { emit('sp', {name:localStorage.getItem("moo_name"), moofoll: "1", skin: rdm(8,1)}); },3000); } } function acc(id) { emit("13c", 1,id, 1); emit("13c", 0,id, 1); } function hat(id) { emit("13c", 1,id, 0); emit("13c", 0,id, 0); } function Sender(e) { websocket.send(new Uint8Array(Array.from(MsgPack.encode(e)))); } function emit(e,a,b,c,m,r) { Sender([e, [a,b,c,m,r]]); } function use(e, a = atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2)) { emit("5", e, null); emit("c", 1, a); emit("c", 0, a); emit("5", myPlayer.weapon, true); } function useQ(e, a = atan2(mouseY - height / 2, mouseX - width / 2)) { emit("5", e, null); emit("c", 1, null); emit("c", 0, null); emit("5", myPlayer.weapon, true); } var rptr = function(key, action, interval) { let _isKeyDown = false; let _intervalId = undefined; return { start(keycode) { if(keycode == key && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox') { _isKeyDown = true; if(_intervalId === undefined) { _intervalId = setInterval(() => { action(); if(!_isKeyDown){ clearInterval(_intervalId); _intervalId = undefined; } }, interval); } } }, stop(keycode) { if(keycode == key && document.activeElement.id.toLowerCase() !== 'chatbox') { _isKeyDown = false; } } };} const KeyHeal_3 = rptr(51, () => { useQ(ft, null) },25); const KeyHeal_Q = rptr(81, () => { useQ(ft, null) },25); const Put_Boost = rptr(70, () => { for(let i=0;i<3;i++)use(bt) },0); const Put_Spike = rptr(86, () => { for(let i=0;i<3;i++)use(st) },0); const Put_Mills = rptr(78, () => { for(let i=0;i<3;i++)use(mt) },0); const Put_Turret = rptr(72, () => { for(let i=0;i<3;i++)use(tr); },0); document.addEventListener('keydown', (e)=>{ if(AHK == true){ KeyHeal_3.start(e.keyCode); KeyHeal_Q.start(e.keyCode); Put_Boost.start(e.keyCode); Put_Spike.start(e.keyCode); Put_Mills.start(e.keyCode); Put_Turret.start(e.keyCode); } }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (e)=>{ if(AHK == true){ KeyHeal_3.stop(e.keyCode); KeyHeal_Q.stop(e.keyCode); Put_Boost.stop(e.keyCode); Put_Spike.stop(e.keyCode); Put_Mills.stop(e.keyCode); Put_Turret.stop(e.keyCode); } }); function Element_Visible(e) { return e.offsetParent !== null; } function UpdateItems() { for (let i=0;i<9;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ pr = i; } } for (let i=9;i<16;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ sec = i; } } for (let i=16;i<19;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ ft = i - 16; } } for (let i=22;i<26;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ st = i - 16; } } for (let i=26;i<29;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ mt = i - 16; } } for (let i=31;i<33;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ bt = i - 16; } } for (let i=33;i<36;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ tr = i - 16; } } for (let i=33;i<36;i++){ if (Element_Visible(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))){ tr = i - 16; } } } var Soldier_Q = false; var Clicks = false; const cvs = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); cvs.addEventListener("mousedown", clicks, false); function clicks(e) { if (e.button == 0) { // Left Click if (Clicks == true) { document.getElementById('addtext1').style .display = "block"; window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeEquip(7); window.storeEquip(18, 1); setTimeout(function() { window.storeEquip(11); window.storeEquip(21, 1); }, 100); setTimeout(function() { window.storeEquip(53); window.storeEquip(21, 1); }, 180); setTimeout(function() { window.storeEquip(6); window.storeEquip(13, 1); }, 260); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('addtext1').style .display = "none"; }, 600); } } if (e.button == 2) { // Right Click if (Clicks == true) { document.getElementById('addtext2').style .display = "block"; window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeEquip(20); window.storeEquip(19, 1); setTimeout(function() { window.storeEquip(40); window.storeEquip(19, 1); }, 120); setTimeout(function() { window.storeEquip(6); window.storeEquip(19, 1); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('addtext2').style .display = "none"; }, 600); } } } var bigMap = false; var leaderBlock = document.getElementById("leaderboard"); document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { // Add event switch (e.keyCode) { case 36: // [Button]- Home if (bigMap == false) { bigMap = true; $("#mapDisplay").css({"background-size": "420px"}); $("#mapDisplay").css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "150px", "left": "585px", "background-color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.65)", "height": "420px", "width": "420px", "box-shadow": "rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0 0 0 1000px", "border": "6px solid black" }); } else { bigMap = false; $("#mapDisplay").css({"background-size": "130px"}); $("#mapDisplay").css({ "position": "absolute", "bottom": "20px", "left": "20px", "top": "638px", "background-color":"rgba(0,0,0,0.25)", "height": "130px", "width": "130px", "box-shadow": "none", "border": "none" }); } break; case 75: // [Button]- K if (leaderBlock.style.display == "block") { $("#killCounter").css({"margin": "0"}); $("#killCounter").css({"top": "0px"}); leaderBlock.style.display = "none"; } else { $("#killCounter").css({"top": "230px"}); leaderBlock.style.display = "block"; } break; case 66: // [Button]- B window.storeEquip(0,1); // [Equip, Acc]- 0 window.storeEquip(0); // [Equip, Hat]- 0 break; // Bull Tick:: case 89: // [Button]- Y console.log("Bull Tick"); window.storeEquip(7); // [Equip, Hat]- BullHelmet setTimeout(() => { window.storeEquip(6); // [Equip, Hat]- SoldierGear },800); break; case 38: // [Button]- Up Arrow window.sendJoin(0); // Send a request to the very first clan break; case 82: // [Button]- R console.log("Bull, Blood[Wings]"); window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeBuy(7); // [Buy, Hat]- BullHelmet window.storeBuy(18, 1); // [Buy, Acc]- Blood Wings window.storeEquip(7); // [Equip, Hat]- BullHelmet window.storeEquip(21, 1); // [Equip, Acc]- Blood Wings break; case 81: // [Button]- Q if(Soldier_Q == true){ console.log("Soldier, X[Wings]"); window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeBuy(6); // [Buy, Hat]- SoldierGear window.storeBuy(21, 1); // [Buy, Acc]- X Wings window.storeEquip(6); // [Equip, Hat]- SoldierGear window.storeEquip(21, 1); // [Equip, Acc]- X Wings } break; case 16: // [Button]- Shift if (myPlayer.y < 2400) { acc(11); hat(15); } else if (myPlayer.y > 6850 && myPlayer.y < 7550) { acc(11); hat(31); } else { acc(11); hat(12); } break; case 84: // [Button]- T console.log("Soldier, X[Wings]"); window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeBuy(6); // [Buy, Hat]- Soldier window.storeBuy(21, 1); // [Buy, Acc]- X Wings window.storeEquip(6); // [Equip, Hat]- Soldier window.storeEquip(21, 1); // [Equip, Acc]- X Wings break; case 90: // [Button]- Z console.log("####, Black[Wings]"); window.storeEquip(0, 1); window.storeBuy(40); // [Buy, Hat]- #### window.storeBuy(19, 1); // [Buy, Acc]- Black Wings window.storeEquip(40); // [Equip, Hat]- #### window.storeEquip(19, 1); // [Equip, Acc]- Black Wings break; } }); // AutoSpawn var AutoSpawn = document.querySelector("#autospawn") AutoSpawn.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { document.getElementById('addtext4').style.display = "block"; autospawn = true; } else { document.getElementById('addtext4').style.display = "none"; autospawn = false; } }) // Toggler Cps var cpsss = document.querySelector("#CPSTOGGLER") cpsss.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { $("#cpss").css("display", "block"); } else { $("#cpss").css("display", "none"); } }); var AHKK = document.querySelector("#AHK") AHKK.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { document.getElementById('addtext3').style.display = "block"; AHK = true; } else { document.getElementById('addtext3').style.display = "none"; AHK = false; } }); var soldierQQ = document.querySelector("#Soldier_Q") soldierQQ.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { Soldier_Q = true; document.getElementById('addtext0').style.display = "block"; } else { Soldier_Q = false; document.getElementById('addtext0').style.display = "none"; } }); var cl = document.querySelector("#Clicks") cl.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { document.getElementById('addtext').style.display = "block"; Clicks = true; } else { document.getElementById('addtext').style.display = "none"; Clicks = false; } }); // Toggler Map var NewMapp = document.querySelector("#NewMap") NewMapp.addEventListener('change', function() { if (this.checked) { $("#mapDisplay").css("background", "url('https://wormax.org/chrome3kafa/moomooio-background.png')"); } else { $("#mapDisplay").css("background", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"); } }) $("killCounter").css({"top": "230px"}); /* Instructions for adding items: You need to put this code in a comment here is how I commented out this text */ // /* document.getElementById("storeHolder").style = "height: 1500px; width: 450px;" document.getElementById('gameName').innerText = 'ProutexMacro'; document.getElementById("moomooio_728x90_home").style.display = "none"; $("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css({display: "none"}); $("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css({"display" : "none"}); document.getElementById("promoImg").remove(); document.getElementById('adCard').remove(); $("#youtuberOf").remove(); $("#followText").remove(); $("#promoImgHolder").remove(); $("#twitterFollow").remove(); $("#joinPartyButton").remove(); $("#linksContainer2").remove(); $("#partyButton").remove(); $("#youtubeFollow").remove(); $("#adCard").remove(); $("#adBlock").remove(); $("#mobileInstructions").remove(); $("#downloadButtonContainer").remove(); $("#mobileDownloadButtonContainer").remove(); $(".downloadBadge").remove(); // */ setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('ot-sdk-btn-floating').remove(); document.getElementById('pre-content-container').remove(); }, 2000); var cps = 0; var click = 1; $("#gameCanvas").mousedown(function(e){ if(e.which == 1 && click == 1){ cps = (cps + 1) setTimeout( () => { cps = (cps - 1) }, 950); } }); $("#gameCanvas").mousedown(function(e){ if(e.which == 3 && click == 1){ cps = (cps + 1) setTimeout( () => { cps = (cps - 1) }, 950); } }); document.addEventListener("mousedown", buttonPress, false); function buttonPress(e) { if(e.button == 1 && click == 1){ cps = (cps + 1) setTimeout( () => { cps = (cps - 1) }, 950); } } var cpsM = document.createElement("div"); cpsM.style.padding = "5px"; cpsM.id = "cpss"; cpsM.style.font = "30px Arial"; cpsM.style.display = "none"; cpsM.style.position = "fixed"; cpsM.style.top = "40%"; cpsM.style.left = "0%"; cpsM.style.color = "#fff"; document.body.appendChild(cpsM); setInterval(()=>{ cpsM.textContent = "Cps: " + cps; }, 0);