Add "Search Goodreads" button to MAM
Adds a search on goodreads button which searches goodreads with "title author" in the following example it would be "Portland Derek Slaton"
Update 0.2: now supports authors like "A B Name". Goodreads expect author to be "AB Name", so I replace it in code. Example: Beast: Werewolves, Serial Killers, and Man-Eaters: The Mystery of the Monsters of the Gévaudan from Gustavo Sanchez Romero and S R Schwalb
Update 0.3: now all links are piped through for added security. Also ' and % get replaced in names since I am being told it breaks things! I couldn't find an example, so it wasn't tested.
Update 0.4: Fixed regex. Some names like William D Arand were shortened to WilliamD Arand.
Update 0.5: is down? Uses now. But old code is only commented out and I provide the possibility to use Just use any of these three lines (currently 29-31 and '//' makes it a comment)
// var dereferedUrl = ""+encodeURIComponent(mamSearchUrl);
// var dereferedUrl = ""+mamSearchUrl;
var dereferedUrl = ""+encodeURIComponent(mamSearchUrl);
Added bonus, uses https!
Update 0.6: Also added and set it as default since it seems to be a popular site. I want something reliable!