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Library: Additional DOM Window History-Stack Events (pushstate, replacestate)

Complementing the DOM Window 'popstate' event, this library adds the 'pushstate' and 'replacestate' events and corresponding event handlers ('onpushstate', 'onreplacestate')

สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/425774/1060695/Library%3A%20Additional%20DOM%20Window%20History-Stack%20Events%20%28pushstate%2C%20replacestate%29.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Library: Additional DOM Window History-Stack Events (pushstate, replacestate)
// @namespace       org.sidneys.userscripts
// @homepage        https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sidneys/fb1cdcf6fa7eef8df903cc8c178e4144/raw/
// @version         0.1.5
// @description     Complementing the DOM Window 'popstate' event, this library adds the 'pushstate' and 'replacestate' events and corresponding event handlers ('onpushstate', 'onreplacestate').
// @author          sidneys
// @icon            https://i.imgur.com/nmbtzlX.png
// @match           *://*/*
// ==/UserScript==
* @overview
* @see {@link https://stackoverflow.com/a/4585031/1327892}
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History/pushState}
* @public
* Emits a 'pushstate' event from <window> by Monkey-Patching History.pushState().
* Calls corresponding window#onpushstate event handler.
* @mixin window.onpushstate
const originalPushState = window.history.pushState
window.history.pushState = (state, title = '', url) => {
// Create event
const event = new Event('pushstate', { bubbles: false, composed: false })
event.state = state
// Emit event
// Call 'on'-prefixed event handler method
if (typeof window.onpushstate === 'function') {
// Call original method
originalPushState.call(window.history, state, title, url)
* @public
* Emits a 'replacestate' event from <window> by Monkey-Patching History.replaceState().
* Calls corresponding window#onreplacestate event handler.
* @mixin window.onreplacestate
const originalReplaceState = window.history.replaceState
window.history.replaceState = (state, title = '', url) => {
// Create event
const event = new Event('replacestate', { bubbles: false, composed: false })
event.state = state
// Emit event
// Call 'on'-prefixed event handler method
if (typeof window.onreplacestate === 'function') {
// Call original method
originalReplaceState.call(window.history, state, title, url)