สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/426407/1549492/HeiGoBackTopjs.js
/* * HeiGoBackTop.js V1.0.5 * @author hei-jack * @link https://github.com/hei-jack/HeiGoBackTop/ * Probably the most beautiful back to top widget * 可能是最漂亮的返回顶部小插件 * first: GMT2021-07-22 * update: GMT2025-03-08 * */ ; (function (global) { "use strict"; var instance; //构造函数 function HeiGoBackTop(mode, el, speed, distance, smooth) { if (instance) { return instance; } instance = this; this.mode = mode === undefined ? 0 : mode; this.el = el === undefined ? '#__go-back-top' : el; this.realScrollEle = null; this.iframe = null; this.speed = speed === undefined ? 500 : speed; this.distance = distance === undefined ? 100 : distance; this.smooth = smooth === undefined ? true : smooth; this.show_height = 400; this.flag = false; this.show_flag = false; this.first_scroll_flag = false; this.find_scroll_ele_flag = false; this.width = '150px'; this.height = '40px'; this.bottom = '5%'; this.right = '5%'; this.text = '返回顶部'; this.text_color = '#fff'; this.radius = '40px'; this.themes = 0; this.color = 'linear-gradient(to right,#6966ff,#37e2d3,#63e8dd,#ccff66)'; this.shadow = '0 4px 15px 0 rgba(41, 163, 163,0.75)'; this.version = 'V1.0.5'; this.home = 'https://github.com/hei-jack/HeiGoBackTop/'; //页面加载结束才进行初始化 没有必要执行实时载入 this.onLoad(this); }; //拓展方法 HeiGoBackTop.prototype = { constructor: HeiGoBackTop, //钩子回调 hook: function (func) { return func === undefined ? false : this.callBack(func.bind(this)); }, //beforeCreate 初始化之前执行 onBeforeCreate: function (func) { this.beforeCreate = func; }, //初始化结束事件 onAfterCreate: function (func) { this.afterCreate = func; }, onShow: function (func) { this.show = func; }, onHide: function (func) { this.hide = func; }, onClick: function (func) { this.click = func; }, //回调 callBack: function (func) { return func(); }, //初始化方法 init: function () { this.showVersion(); var notHtmlOrBody = !this.isRealScrollHtmlOrBody(); // 先执行一次 获取html,body的可滚动距离 if (notHtmlOrBody) { setTimeout(function () { // 延迟3秒执行 可能为渐进时网站 需要读取api再渲染 // 不是html或body为实际滚动元素 则寻找实际滚动元素 this.realScrollEle = this.findMainScrollingElement(); }.bind(this), 3000); } this.hook(this.beforeCreate); this.unset('onBeforeCreate', null); this.unset('beforeCreate'); //检查参数合法性 if (!this.checkArgs()) throw (new Error('arguments is error!')); this.unset('checkNum', null); this.unset('checkEl', null); this.unset('checkArgs', null); //初始化按钮 this.createBtn(); this.unset('createBtn', null); this.unset('unsetUseless', null); //绑定自定义鼠标滑动事件到全局滑动事件 this.bindOn(window, 'scroll', this.throttle(this.checkBtn.bind(this), 100), notHtmlOrBody); this.bindOn(window, 'scroll', this.scroll, notHtmlOrBody); this.controller(); this.unset('controller', null); this.hook(this.afterCreate); this.unset('onAfterCreate', null); this.unset('afterCreate'); this.unset('bindOn', null); this.unset('addEventListener', null); this.unset('isBrowser', null); this.unset('onLoad', null); }, //检查参数 checkArgs: function () { if (this.checkNum(this.mode)) return false; if (this.mode > 3 || this.mode < 0) return false; if (this.checkNum(this.speed) || this.speed <= 0) return false; if (this.checkNum(this.distance) || this.distance <= 0) return false; if (this.checkEl(this.el)) return false; return true }, //检查参数类型是否为数字 checkNum: function (arg) { return typeof (arg) !== 'number'; }, //检查参数类型是否为不为0 且包含#号的字符串 checkEl: function (arg) { return typeof (arg) !== 'string' || arg.length === 0 || arg.indexOf('#') === -1; }, //创建按钮 createBtn: function () { //如果不是初始元素id 说明用户自定义挂载元素 if (this.el !== '#__go-back-top') { this.el = this.el.replace('#', ''); if (document.getElementById(this.el)) { this.btn = document.getElementById(this.el); this.unsetUseless(); return false } //挂载元素id没有发现 直接抛出错误 throw (new Error('element is error!')); } var iframeW = parseInt(this.width.replace("px", "")) + 20; var iframeH = parseInt(this.height.replace("px", "")) + 40; var style_text = '#__go-back-top{display:none;position:fixed;width:' + iframeW + 'px;height:' + iframeH + 'px;bottom:' + this.bottom + ';right:' + this.right + ';z-index:2147483647;border:0;outline:0;background: transparent;}'; var style_el = document.createElement('style'); var style_node = document.createTextNode(style_text); style_el.appendChild(style_node); document.body.appendChild(style_el); var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('id', this.el.replace('#', '')); iframe.src = 'about:blank'; iframe.frameborder = "0"; iframe.allowtransparency = "true"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); this.iframe = iframe; var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; var style_text_btn = 'html,body{padding:0;margin:0;background:transparent;}#__go-back-top{width:100vw;height:100vh;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;align-content:center;background:transparent;}.__go-back-btn{width:' + this.width + ';height:' + this.height + ';background:' + this.color + ';background-size: 300% 100%;cursor: pointer;border:none;border-radius:' + this.radius + ';box-shadow:' + this.shadow + ';color:' + this.text_color + ';outline:none;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:600;font-family: "YouYuan","Microsoft YaHei","SimHei","SimSun","Arial",sans-serif;transition: all .4s ease-in-out;moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;}.__go-back-btn:hover{background-position: 100% 0%;moz-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition: all .4s ease-in-out;transition: all .4s ease-in-out;}.__go-back-btn:focus{border:none;outline:none;}.go-back-top-themes1{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#25aae1,#40e495,#30dd8a,#2bb673);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(49,196,190,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes2{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#f5ce62,#e43603,#fa7199,#e85a19);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(229,66,10,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes3{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#667eea,#764ba2,#6B8DD6,#8E37D7);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(116,79,168,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes4{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#fc6076,#ff9a44,#ef9d43,#e75516);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(252,104,110,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes5{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#0ba360,#3cba92,#30dd8a,#2bb673);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(23,168,108,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes6{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#009245,#FCEE21,#00A8C5,#D9E021);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(83,176,57,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes7{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#6253e1,#852D91,#A3A1FF,#F24645);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(126,52,161,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes8{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#29323c,#485563,#2b5876,#4e4376);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(45,54,65,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes9{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#25aae1,#4481eb,#04befe,#3f86ed);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(65,132,234,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes10{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#ed6ea0,#ec8c69,#f7186a,#FBB03B);box-shadow:0 4px 15px 0 rgba(236,116,149,0.75);}.go-back-top-themes11{background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#eb3941,#f15e64,#e14e53,#e2373f);box-shadow:0 5px 15px rgba(242,97,103,.4);}'; var style_el_btn = iframeDocument.createElement('style'); var style_node_btn = iframeDocument.createTextNode(style_text_btn); style_el_btn.appendChild(style_node_btn); iframeDocument.body.appendChild(style_el_btn); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', this.el.replace('#', '')); var btn = document.createElement('button'); //设置主题 为0是默认主题 只有默认主题允许更改样式 this.themes === 0 ? btn.setAttribute('class', this.el.replace('#', '').replace('top', 'btn')) : btn.setAttribute('class', this.el.replace('#', '').replace('top', 'btn') + ' go-back-top-themes' + this.themes); var btn_name = document.createTextNode(this.text); btn.appendChild(btn_name); div.appendChild(btn); iframeDocument.body.appendChild(div); this.btn = btn; //创建结束 销毁已经没用的属性 this.unsetUseless(); }, showBtn: function () { if (!this.show_flag) { if (this.iframe) { this.iframe.style.cssText = 'display:block'; } this.btn.style.cssText = 'display:block'; this.hook(this.show); this.show_flag = true; } }, hideBtn: function () { if (this.show_flag) { if (this.iframe) { this.iframe.style.cssText = 'display:none'; } this.btn.style.cssText = 'display:none'; this.hook(this.hide); this.show_flag = false; } }, //载入方法 在页面加载结束后开始执行初始化工作 onLoad: function (self) { if (!this.isBrowser()) throw (new Error('The current environment is not the browser!')); if (this.isIE() && this.getIEVersion() < 9) throw (new Error('HeiGoBackTop does not support ie 9 the following browsers!')); this.bindOn(window, 'load', self.init); }, //当滑动事件发生时 onScroll: function (func) { this.scroll = func; }, //绑定元素事件 bindOn: function (el, event, func, useCapture) { if (func === undefined) return false; this.addEventListener(el, event, func.bind(this), useCapture) }, //获取页面滚动的距离 getScrollTop: function () { if (this.realScrollEle) { return this.realScrollEle.scrollTop; } return document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; }, //检查按钮何时显示和隐藏 checkBtn: function (event) { if (!this.isRealScrollHtmlOrBody()) { if (!this.first_scroll_flag) { // 在用户第一次滚动的时候再来获取一边真实滚动元素 this.realScrollEle = this.findMainScrollingElement(); } if (!this.realScrollEle.isConnected) { // 真实滚动旧元素已经被移除 则重新寻找 this.realScrollEle = this.findMainScrollingElement(); } // 如果用户滚动的元素和旧的真实滚动元素不一致 if (event.target !== this.realScrollEle) { /* // 判断谁的区域更大 var targetRect = event.target.getBoundingClientRect(); var rect = this.realScrollEle.getBoundingClientRect(); // 宽度优先法则 理论上主要滚动区域宽度都会占主体比较多的区域 而侧边栏或者其他区域虽然也可以滚动 但是区域会更小 if (targetRect.width >= rect.width) { //直接记录 this.realScrollEle = event.target; } */ // 滚动优先法则 用户滚动的是哪个区域 则点击按钮返回哪个区域的顶部 this.realScrollEle = event.target; } } this.first_scroll_flag = true; this.getScrollTop() > this.show_height ? this.showBtn() : this.hideBtn(); }, //绑定元素事件兼容处理函数 addEventListener: function (el, type, fn, useCapture) { if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, useCapture ? true : false); } else if (el.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent('on' + type, fn); } else { return false; } }, //展示版本信息 showVersion: function () { this.isIE() ? console.log("HeiGoBackTop " + this.version + ' ' + this.home) : console.log("\n\n %c HeiGoBackTop " + this.version + " %c " + this.home + " \n\n", "color: #fff; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #8080ff, #ff99ff); padding:5px 1px;", "background: linear-gradient(90deg,#ffccff,#80ffd4); padding:5px 0px;") }, //模式分发控制器 controller: function () { switch (this.mode) { case 0: this.bindOn(this.btn, 'click', this.goBackTop); break; case 1: this.bindOn(this.btn, 'click', this.goDown); break; case 2: this.bindOn(this.btn, 'click', this.goBackTopSlow); break; case 3: this.bindOn(this.btn, 'click', this.goDownSlow) } }, //返回顶部 goBackTop: function () { // 如果开启平滑模式 if (this.smooth) { this.scrollToSmooth(0); } else { this.setScrollTop(0); } //滑动结束钩子 this.hook(this.scrollOver); }, //慢滑到顶部 goBackTopSlow: function () { this.scrollSpeed(this.getScrollTop(), 0); }, //跳转底部 goDown: function () { // 如果开启平滑模式 if (this.smooth) { this.scrollToSmooth(this.getScrollHeight()); } else { this.setScrollTop(this.getScrollHeight()); } this.hook(this.scrollOver) }, //慢滑到底部 goDownSlow: function () { this.scrollSpeed(this.getScrollTop(), this.getScrollHeight()); }, /* * 滑动方法 * @param number start 开始滑动位置 * @param number end 结束滑动位置 * */ scrollSpeed: function (start, end) { //防止重复点击导致定时器多次调用 if (this.flag) return false; this.flag = true; var timer = null; if (end === 0) { //如果是滑动到顶部 timer = setInterval(function () { var scroll_top = this.getScrollTop(); if (scroll_top >= this.distance) { start -= this.distance; this.setScrollTop(start); } else { if (scroll_top === 0) { this.flag = false; clearInterval(timer); this.hook(this.scrollOver); } else { this.setScrollTop(0); } } }.bind(this), this.speed); } else { //如果是滑动到底部 timer = setInterval(function () { //getLast方法获取滚动条距离底部还剩多少距离 如果大于0 说明未到达底部 只管继续滑动即可 //向下取整 修复个别浏览器还剩余0.3左右的问题 if (Math.floor(this.getLast()) > 0) { start += this.distance; this.setScrollTop(start); } else { this.flag = false; this.setScrollTop(end); clearInterval(timer); this.hook(this.scrollOver); } }.bind(this), this.speed); } }, // 平滑的滚动 scrollToSmooth: function (target) { // IE和safari不支持 options.behavior:"smooth" // 目标位置 var targetPosition = target; // 开始滚动位置 var startPosition = this.getScrollTop(); try { if (this.realScrollEle) { this.realScrollEle.scrollTo({ top: targetPosition, behavior: 'smooth' }); return; } //如果出现异常 说明不支持behavior: 'smooth' global.scrollTo({ top: targetPosition, behavior: 'smooth' }); } catch (e) { var distance = targetPosition - startPosition; var duration = 500; // 滚动持续时间,单位为毫秒 var startTime = null; function animation(currentTime) { if (startTime === null) startTime = currentTime; var timeElapsed = currentTime - startTime; var run = ease(timeElapsed, startPosition, distance, duration); this.realScrollEle ? realScrollEle.scrollTop(0, run) : global.scrollTo(0, run); if (timeElapsed < duration) global.requestAnimationFrame(animation); } function ease(t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b; t--; return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; } global.requestAnimationFrame(animation); } }, //设置当前滚动所在高度 setScrollTop: function (height) { if (this.realScrollEle) { return this.realScrollEle.scrollTop = height; } //处理兼容性问题 document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop = height : document.body.scrollTop = height; }, //获取滚动条高度 即可滚动的高度 getScrollHeight: function () { if (this.realScrollEle) { return this.realScrollEle.scrollHeight; } //兼容标准模式 strict mode 和 混杂模式 quirks mode return document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' ? document.documentElement.scrollHeight : document.body.scrollHeight; }, /* * 销毁属性和方法 * @param string key 属性或方法名称 * @param set 可选参数 传入除undefined任意值则说明是方法 不传表示属性 */ unset: function (key, set) { if (set === undefined) { delete this[key]; } else { //ie不支持delete方法 this.isIE() && this.getIEVersion() <= 10 ? this[key] = undefined : this.__proto__[key] = undefined; } }, unsetUseless: function () { this.unset('el'); this.unset('width'); this.unset('height'); this.unset('top'); this.unset('right'); this.unset('text'); this.unset('text_color'); this.unset('radius'); this.unset('themes'); this.unset('color'); this.unset('shadow') }, //获取当前滚动条所在位置到页面底部还剩多少距离 getLast: function () { var margin_bot = 0; if (this.realScrollEle) { margin_bot = this.realScrollEle.scrollHeight - this.realScrollEle.scrollTop - this.realScrollEle.clientHeight; return margin_bot; } if (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") { margin_bot = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - (document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop) - document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { margin_bot = document.body.scrollHeight - document.body.scrollTop - document.body.clientHeight; } return margin_bot; }, //滑动结束执行事件 onScrollOver: function (func) { this.scrollOver = func; }, //判断当前浏览器是否为safari isSafari: function () { return (/Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent)); }, //获取当前浏览器是否为ie isIE: function () { if (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) return true; return false; }, //获取当前ie版本号 getIEVersion: function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent; //如果不是ie浏览器 设置初始值0 var ver = 0; if (ua) { if (ua.match(/MSIE\s+([\d]+)\./i)) { //其他ie版本 ver = RegExp.$1; } else if (ua.match(/Trident.*rv\s*:\s*([\d]+)\./i)) { //ie11 ver = RegExp.$1; } } return parseInt(ver); }, //获取当前运行环境是否为浏览器 isBrowser: function () { return typeof (window) === "undefined" ? false : true; }, // 寻找实际滚动的是哪个元素 部分网站 实际滚动的区域是其他元素 例如vue之类可能滚动的是app元素 很多ai聊天网站滚动的下面布局元素 findMainScrollingElement: function () { if (this.find_scroll_ele_flag) { return; } this.find_scroll_ele_flag = true; var bestCandidate = null; var maxArea = 0; var queue = [document.body]; // 从 body 开始层级遍历 while (queue.length > 0) { var node = queue.shift(); // 检查当前节点是否可滚动 if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight && window.getComputedStyle(node).overflowY !== 'hidden') { var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var area = rect.width * rect.height; // 选择可视区域最大的可滚动元素 if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; bestCandidate = node; } } // 将子节点加入队列 var children = node.children; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { queue.push(children[i]); } } this.find_scroll_ele_flag = false; // 如果没有找到可滚动元素,则返回 documentElement return bestCandidate || document.documentElement; }, // 判断真实滚动元素是否为html或body isRealScrollHtmlOrBody: function () { return document.documentElement.clientHeight < document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.clientHeight < document.body.scrollHeight }, // 节流函数 throttle: function (func, wait) { var timer = null; var startTime = Date.now(); return function () { var curTime = Date.now(); var remaining = wait - (curTime - startTime); var context = this; var args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); if (remaining <= 0) { func.apply(context, args); startTime = Date.now(); } else { timer = setTimeout(function () { func.apply(context, args); }, remaining); // 如果小于wait 保证在差值时间后执行 } } } }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = HeiGoBackTop; } else if (typeof define === 'function') { define(function () { return HeiGoBackTop; }) } else { // 避免重复挂载 if (!global.HeiGoBackTop) { global.HeiGoBackTop = HeiGoBackTop; } } })(this);