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FR:Reborn - Agents extension

Upload QCs from your favorite agent to Imgur + QC server


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ FR:Reborn

// ==UserScript==
// @name         FR:Reborn - Agents extension
// @namespace    https://www.reddit.com/user/RobotOilInc
// @version      2.3.4
// @description  Upload QCs from your favorite agent to Imgur + QC server
// @author       RobotOilInc
// @match        https://www.basetao.com/*my_account/order/*
// @match        https://basetao.com/*my_account/order/*
// @match        https://www.cssbuy.com/*name=orderlist*
// @match        https://cssbuy.com/*name=orderlist*
// @match        https://superbuy.com/order*
// @match        https://www.superbuy.com/order*
// @match        https://wegobuy.com/order*
// @match        https://www.wegobuy.com/order*
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @license      MIT
// @homepageURL  https://www.fashionreps.page/
// @supportURL   https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/426977-fr-reborn-agents-extension
// @include      https://www.basetao.com/index/orderphoto/itemimg/*
// @include      https://basetao.com/index/orderphoto/itemimg/*
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/sweetalert2.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/src/logger.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/spark-md5.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/@zip.js/[email protected]/dist/zip-full.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/jquery.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/src/jquery.ajax-retry.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/@sentry/[email protected]/build/bundle.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/@sentry/[email protected]/build/bundle.tracing.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/swagger-client.browser.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/11562-gm-config-8/code/GM_config%208+.js?version=66657
// @resource     sweetalert2 https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/sweetalert2.min.css
// @run-at       document-end
// @icon         https://i.imgur.com/mYBHjAg.png
// ==/UserScript==
// Define default toast
const Toast = Swal.mixin({
showConfirmButton: false,
timerProgressBar: true,
position: 'top-end',
timer: 4000,
toast: true,
didOpen: (toast) => {
toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', Swal.stopTimer);
toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', Swal.r###meTimer);
* @param text {string}
* @param type {null|('success'|'error'|'warning'|'info')}
const Snackbar = function (text, type = null) {
Toast.fire({ title: text, icon: type != null ? type : 'info' });
* @return {Promise<boolean>}
const ConfirmDialog = async function () {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
title: 'Are you sure?',
icon: 'warning',
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes',
}).then((r###lt) => resolve(r###lt.isConfirmed));
class ImgurError extends Error {
* @param message {string}
* @param previous {Error}
constructor(message, previous) {
this.name = 'ImgurError';
this.previous = previous;
class ImgurSlowdownError extends ImgurError {
constructor(message, previous) {
super(`Imgur is telling us to slow down:\n${message}`, previous);
// Possible websites
const WEBSITE_1688 = '1688';
const WEBSITE_TAOBAO = 'taobao';
const WEBSITE_TMALL = 'tmall';
const WEBSITE_YUPOO = 'yupoo';
const WEBSITE_WEIDIAN = 'weidian';
const WEBSITE_XIANYU = 'xianyu';
const WEBSITE_UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
* @internal
* @param url {string}
* @returns {string}
const ensureNonEncodedURL = (url) => {
if (url === decodeURIComponent(url || '')) {
return url;
// Grab the encoded URL
const encodedURL = new URL(url).searchParams.get('url') || '';
if (encodedURL.length === 0) {
return url;
// Decode said encoded URL
const decodedURL = decodeURIComponent(encodedURL);
if (decodedURL.length === 0) {
return url;
return decodedURL;
* @param url {string}
* @returns {boolean}
const isUrl = (url) => { try { return Boolean(new URL(url)); } catch (e) { return false; } };
* @param originalUrl {string}
* @param website {string}
* @returns {string}
const cleanPurchaseUrl = (originalUrl, website) => {
const url = ensureNonEncodedURL(originalUrl);
const idMatches = url.match(/[?&]id=(\d+)|[?&]itemID=(\d+)|\/?[albums]\/(\d+)|offer\/(\d+)/i);
const authorMatches = url.match(/https?:\/\/(.+)\.x\.yupoo\.com/);
if (website === WEBSITE_TAOBAO && idMatches[1].length !== 0) {
return `https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=${idMatches[1]}`;
if (website === WEBSITE_TMALL && idMatches[1].length !== 0) {
return `https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=${idMatches[1]}`;
if (website === WEBSITE_XIANYU && idMatches[1].length !== 0) {
return `https://2.taobao.com/item.htm?id=${idMatches[1]}`;
if (website === WEBSITE_WEIDIAN && idMatches[2].length !== 0) {
return `https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=${idMatches[2]}`;
if (website === WEBSITE_YUPOO && idMatches[3].length !== 0 && authorMatches[1].length !== 0) {
return `https://${authorMatches[1]}.x.yupoo.com/albums/${idMatches[3]}`;
if (website === WEBSITE_1688 && idMatches[4].length !== 0) {
return `https://detail.1688.com/offer/${idMatches[4]}.html`;
// Just return the original URL with some clean up
return originalUrl.replace('http://', 'https://').replace('?uid=1', '').trim();
* @param originalUrl {string}
* @returns {string}
const determineWebsite = (originalUrl) => {
if (originalUrl.indexOf('1688.com') !== -1) {
return WEBSITE_1688;
// Check more specific taobao first
if (originalUrl.indexOf('market.m.taobao.com') !== -1 || originalUrl.indexOf('2.taobao.com') !== -1) {
if (originalUrl.indexOf('taobao.com') !== -1) {
if (originalUrl.indexOf('detail.tmall.com') !== -1) {
if (originalUrl.indexOf('weidian.com') !== -1 || originalUrl.indexOf('koudai.com') !== -1) {
if (originalUrl.indexOf('yupoo.com') !== -1) {
const removeWhitespaces = (item) => item.trim().replace(/\s(?=\s)/g, '');
* @param input {string}
* @param maxLength {number} must be an integer
* @returns {string}
const truncate = function (input, maxLength) {
function isHighSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 0xd800 && codePoint <= 0xdbff;
function isLowSurrogate(codePoint) {
return codePoint >= 0xdc00 && codePoint <= 0xdfff;
function getLength(segment) {
if (typeof segment !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Input must be string');
const charLength = segment.length;
let byteLength = 0;
let codePoint = null;
let prevCodePoint = null;
for (let i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
codePoint = segment.charCodeAt(i);
// handle 4-byte non-BMP chars
// low surrogate
if (isLowSurrogate(codePoint)) {
// when parsing previous hi-surrogate, 3 is added to byteLength
if (prevCodePoint != null && isHighSurrogate(prevCodePoint)) {
byteLength += 1;
} else {
byteLength += 3;
} else if (codePoint <= 0x7f) {
byteLength += 1;
} else if (codePoint >= 0x80 && codePoint <= 0x7ff) {
byteLength += 2;
} else if (codePoint >= 0x800 && codePoint <= 0xffff) {
byteLength += 3;
prevCodePoint = codePoint;
return byteLength;
if (typeof input !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Input must be string');
const charLength = input.length;
let curByteLength = 0;
let codePoint;
let segment;
for (let i = 0; i < charLength; i += 1) {
codePoint = input.charCodeAt(i);
segment = input[i];
if (isHighSurrogate(codePoint) && isLowSurrogate(input.charCodeAt(i + 1))) {
i += 1;
segment += input[i];
curByteLength += getLength(segment);
if (curByteLength === maxLength) {
return input.slice(0, i + 1);
if (curByteLength > maxLength) {
return input.slice(0, i - segment.length + 1);
return input;
* @param url {string}
* @returns {Promise<string>}
const toDataURL = (url) => fetch(url)
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((blob) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.r###lt);
reader.onerror = reject;
* @param base64Data {string}
* @returns {Promise<string>}
const WebpToJpg = function (base64Data) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const image = new Image();
image.src = base64Data;
image.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
* Waits for an element satisfying selector to exist, then resolves promise with the element.
* Useful for resolving race conditions.
* @param selector {string}
* @returns {Promise<Element>}
const elementReady = function (selector) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Check if the element already exists
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
if (element) {
// It doesn't so, so let's make a mutation observer and wait
new MutationObserver((mutationRecords, observer) => {
// Query for elements matching the specified selector
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).forEach((foundElement) => {
// Resolve the element that we found
// Once we have resolved we don't need the observer anymore.
}).observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });
class BaseTaoElement {
constructor($element, data) {
this.element = $element;
this.data = data;
// Set the order id
this.orderId = data.oid;
// Item name
this.title = truncate(removeWhitespaces(data.goodsname), 255);
// Item and shipping prices
this.itemPrice = `CNY ${data.goodsprice}`;
this.freightPrice = `CNY ${data.sendprice}`;
// URL related stuff
this.url = data.goodsurl;
this.website = determineWebsite(this.url);
// QC images location
this.qcImag###rl = `https://www.basetao.com/best-taobao-agent-service/purchase/order_img/${data.oid}.html`;
// Item sizing (if any)
let sizing = removeWhitespaces(data.goodssize);
sizing = (sizing !== '-' && sizing.toLowerCase() !== 'no') ? truncate(sizing, 255) : '';
this.sizing = sizing.length !== 0 ? sizing : null;
// Item color (if any)
let color = removeWhitespaces(data.goodscolor);
color = (color !== '-' && color.toLowerCase() !== 'no') ? truncate(color, 255) : '';
this.color = color.length !== 0 ? color : null;
// Item weight
const weight = removeWhitespaces(data.orderweight);
this.weight = weight.length !== 0 ? `${weight} gram` : null;
// Image url storage, for later
this.imageUrls = [];
// Set at a later date, if ever
this.albumId = null;
* @return {string}
get albumUrl() {
return `https://imgur.com/a/${this.albumId}`;
* @param imageUrls {string[]}
set images(imageUrls) {
this.imageUrls = imageUrls;
* @returns {string}
get purchaseUrl() {
return cleanPurchaseUrl(this.url, this.website);
const ImgurIcon = '';
class Imgur {
* @param version {string}
* @param config {GM_config}
* @param agent {string}
* @constructor
constructor(version, config, agent) {
this.version = version;
this.agent = agent;
if (config.get('imgurApi') === 'imgur') {
this.headers = {
authorization: `Client-ID ${config.get('imgurClientId')}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
this.host = config.get('imgurApiHost');
if (config.get('imgurApi') === 'rapidApi') {
this.headers = {
authorization: `Bearer ${config.get('rapidApiBearer')}`,
'x-rapidapi-key': config.get('rapidApiKey'),
'x-rapidapi-host': config.get('rapidApiHost'),
this.host = config.get('rapidApiHost');
throw new Error('Invalid Imgur API has been chosen');
* @param options
* @returns {Promise<*|null>}
async CreateAlbum(options) {
const requestData = {
url: `https://${this.host}/3/album`,
type: 'POST',
headers: this.headers,
data: JSON.stringify({
title: options.title,
category: 'Imgur',
message: 'Creating album',
data: requestData,
Logger.debug('Creating album', requestData);
return $.ajax(requestData).retry({ times: 3 }).catch((err) => {
// Check if Imgur is being a bitch
if (typeof err.responseJSON === 'undefined') {
// Store request so we know what was asked
throw new ImgurError('Could not make an album, because Imgur is returning empty responses. Please try again later...', err);
* @param base64Image {string}
* @param albumDeleteHash {string}
* @param purchaseUrl {string}
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async AddBase64ImageToAlbum(base64Image, albumDeleteHash, purchaseUrl) {
// First step, upload the image
const requestData = {
url: `https://${this.host}/3/image`,
headers: this.headers,
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify({
album: albumDeleteHash,
type: 'base64',
image: base64Image,
description: this._getImageDescription(purchaseUrl),
Logger.debug('Adding image to album', requestData);
category: 'Imgur',
message: 'Adding image to album',
data: requestData,
await $.ajax(requestData).retry({ times: 3 }).catch((err) => {
// Check if Imgur is being a bitch
if (typeof err.responseJSON === 'undefined') {
// Store request so we know what was asked
* @param imageUrl {string}
* @param albumDeleteHash {string}
* @param purchaseUrl {string}
* @returns {Promise<*|null>}
async AddImageToAlbum(imageUrl, albumDeleteHash, purchaseUrl) {
// First step, upload the image
const requestData = {
url: `https://${this.host}/3/image`,
headers: this.headers,
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify({
album: albumDeleteHash,
image: imageUrl,
description: this._getImageDescription(purchaseUrl),
Logger.debug('Adding image to album', requestData);
category: 'Imgur',
message: 'Adding image to album',
data: requestData,
await $.ajax(requestData).retry({ times: 3 }).catch((err) => {
// Check if Imgur is being a bitch
if (typeof err.responseJSON === 'undefined') {
// Store request so we know what was asked
* @param deleteHash {string}
RemoveAlbum(deleteHash) {
const requestData = {
url: `https://${this.host}/3/album/${deleteHash}`,
headers: this.headers,
type: 'DELETE',
category: 'Imgur',
message: 'Removing album',
data: requestData,
$.ajax(requestData).retry({ times: 3 }).catch(() => {});
_getAlbumDescription() {
return `Auto uploaded using FR:Reborn - ${this.agent} ${this.version}`;
* @param purchaseUrl {string}
_getImageDescription(purchaseUrl) {
return purchaseUrl.length === 0 ? this._getAlbumDescription() : `W2C: ${purchaseUrl}`;
* @private
* @param err {Error}
_storeRequestError(err) {
category: 'Imgur',
message: `Imgur returned: '${err.statusText}'`,
data: err,
level: Sentry.Severity.Error,
* @private
* @param err {Error}
_handleImgurError(err) {
// If there is a server error, let the user now
if (err.status === 503 || (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.status === 503)) {
throw new ImgurError('Imgur is either down, over-capacity or you did too many requests. Try again later', err);
// If we uploaded too many files, re-throw as proper error (checking via old response setup, new response setup and a simple fallback)
if (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.data && err.responseJSON.data.error && err.responseJSON.data.error.code === 429) {
throw new ImgurSlowdownError(err.responseJSON.data.error.message, err);
} else if (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.errors && err.responseJSON.errors.length === 1 && err.responseJSON.errors[0] && err.responseJSON.errors[0].code === 429) {
throw new ImgurSlowdownError(err.responseJSON.errors[0].detail, err);
} else if (err.status === 429 || (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.status === 429)) {
throw new ImgurSlowdownError('Too Many Requests', err);
// Store request so we know what was asked
// If we have error data from Imgur, throw it (checking via the old response setup and the new one)
if (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.data && err.responseJSON.data.error) {
throw new ImgurError(`An error happened when uploading the image:\n${err.responseJSON.data.error.message}`, err);
} else if (err.responseJSON && err.responseJSON.errors && err.responseJSON.errors.length !== 0 && err.responseJSON.errors[0].detail) {
throw new ImgurSlowdownError(`An error happened when uploading the image:\n${err.responseJSON.errors[0].detail}`, err);
// If not, just show the full JSON
throw new ImgurError(`An error happened when uploading the image:\n${err.responseJSON}`, err);
const buildSwaggerHTTPError = function (response) {
// Build basic error (and use response as extra)
const error = new Error(`${response.body.detail}: ${response.url}`);
// Add status and status code
error.status = response.body.status;
error.statusCode = response.body.status;
return error;
class QC {
* @param version {string}
* @param client {SwaggerClient}
* @param userHash {string}
* @param identifier {string}
* @param agent {string}
constructor(version, client, userHash, identifier, agent) {
this.version = version;
this.client = client;
this.userHash = userHash;
this.identifier = identifier;
this.agent = agent;
* @param element {BaseTaoElement|CSSBuyElement|WeGoBuyElement}
* @returns {Promise<null|string>}
existingAlbumByOrderId(element) {
const request = { url: element.url, orderId: element.orderId };
return this.client.apis.QualityControl.uploaded(request).then((response) => {
if (typeof response.body === 'undefined') {
return null;
if (!response.body.success) {
return null;
// Force add the album ID to the element
element.albumId = response.body.albumId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return response.body.albumId;
}).catch((reason) => {
Logger.error(`Could not check if the album for order '${element.orderId}' exists on the QC server`, reason);
// For some reason we couldn't fetch information, just return, server probably down or something
if (reason.message.includes('Failed to fetch') || reason.message.includes('NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource')) {
return '-1';
// Add breadcrumb with actual request we did
category: 'Swagger',
message: 'existingAlbumByOrderId',
data: { request },
level: Sentry.Severity.Debug,
// Add breadcrumb with the error
category: 'Swagger - Error',
message: 'existingAlbumByOrderId',
data: { error: reason },
level: Sentry.Severity.Error,
// Swagger HTTP error
if (typeof reason.response !== 'undefined') {
return '-1';
Sentry.captureException(new Error(`Could not check if the album for order '${element.orderId}' exists on the QC server`));
return '-1';
* @param url {string}
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
exists(url) {
const request = { url };
return this.client.apis.QualityControl.exists(request).then((response) => {
if (typeof response.body === 'undefined') {
return null;
if (!response.body.success) {
return null;
return response.body.exists;
}).catch((reason) => {
Logger.error(`Could not check if any album exists on the QC server, URL: '${url}'`, reason);
// For some reason we couldn't fetch information, just return, server probably down or something
if (reason.message.includes('Failed to fetch') || reason.message.includes('NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource') || reason.message.includes('response status is 200')) {
return '-1';
// Add breadcrumb with actual request we did
category: 'Swagger',
message: 'exists',
data: { request },
level: Sentry.Severity.Debug,
// Add breadcrumb with the error
category: 'Swagger - Error',
message: 'exists',
data: { error: reason },
level: Sentry.Severity.Error,
// Swagger HTTP error
if (typeof reason.response !== 'undefined') {
return false;
Sentry.captureException(new Error(`Could not check if any album exists on the QC server, URL: '${url}'`));
return false;
* @param element {BaseTaoElement|CSSBuyElement|WeGoBuyElement}
* @param album {string}
uploadQc(element, album) {
const request = {
method: 'post',
requestContentType: 'application/json',
requestBody: {
usernameHash: this.userHash,
identifier: this.identifier,
albumId: album,
color: element.color,
orderId: element.orderId,
purchaseUrl: element.purchaseUrl,
sizing: element.sizing,
itemPrice: element.itemPrice,
freightPrice: element.freightPrice,
weight: element.weight,
source: `${this.agent} to Imgur ${this.version}`,
website: element.website,
Logger.log('Adding new QC to FR: Reborn', request);
return this.client.apis.QualityControl.postQualityControlCollection({}, request).catch((reason) => {
Logger.error('Could not upload QC to the QC server', reason);
// For some reason we couldn't fetch information, just return, server probably down or something
if (reason.message.includes('Failed to fetch') || reason.message.includes('NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource')) {
// If the order already exists, just ignore the error
if (reason.message.includes('orderId: This value is already used')) {
// Add breadcrumb with actual request we did
category: 'Swagger',
message: 'postQualityControlCollection',
data: { request, element },
level: Sentry.Severity.Debug,
// Add breadcrumb with the error
category: 'Swagger - Error',
message: 'postQualityControlCollection',
data: { error: reason },
level: Sentry.Severity.Error,
// Swagger HTTP error
if (typeof reason.response !== 'undefined') {
Sentry.captureException(new Error('Could not upload QC to the QC server'));
class BaseTao {
constructor() {
this.setup = false;
* @param hostname {string}
* @returns {boolean}
supports(hostname) {
return hostname.includes('basetao.com');
* @returns {string}
name() {
return 'BaseTao';
* @param client {Promise<SwaggerClient>}
* @returns {Promise<BaseTao>}
async build(client) {
// If already build before, just return
if (this.setup) {
return this;
// Get the username
let username = $('[aria-labelledby="profileDropdown"] a:first').text();
if (typeof username === 'undefined' || username == null || username === '') {
Snackbar('You need to be logged in to use this extension.');
throw new Error('You need to be logged in to use this extension.');
// Trim the username
username = username.trim();
// Hash the username (and add an extra space, since this was a bug in the past)
const userHash = SparkMD5.hash(`${username} `);
// Ensure we know who triggered errors
Sentry.setUser({ id: userHash, username });
// Build all the clients
this.imgurClient = new Imgur(GM_info.script.version, GM_config, this.name());
this.qcClient = new QC(GM_info.script.version, await client, userHash, username, this.name());
// Mark that this agent has been set up
this.setup = true;
return this;
* @return {Promise<void>}
async process() {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
// Make copy of the current this, so we can use it later
const agent = this;
// Get the container (unsafe, because we want the actual jQuery table)
const $container = window.unsafeWindow.jQuery('#table').first();
// Start processing once the table has been loaded
elementReady('.details-tr i.bi.bi-image-fill').then(() => {
const rowData = $container.bootstrapTable('getData');
$container.find('i.bi.bi-image-fill').each(function () {
const $element = $(this);
const orderId = $element.parents('td').find('[data-row]').data('row');
agent._buildElement($element, rowData.find(agent._getRowData(orderId)));
$container.on('load-success.bs.table', (event, data) => {
$container.find('i.bi.bi-image-fill').each(function () {
const $element = $(this);
const orderId = $element.parents('td').find('[data-row]').data('row');
agent._buildElement($(this), data.rows.find(agent._getRowData(orderId)));
// Ensure tooltips
$container.tooltip({ selector: '.qc-tooltip' });
* @private
* @param $this
* @param {RowData} data
* @return {Promise<BaseTaoElement>}
async _buildElement($this, data) {
const element = new BaseTaoElement($this, data);
const $imageIcon = element.element.parents('a').first();
// Append download button if enabled
if (GM_config.get('showImagesDownloadButton')) {
const $download = $('<span style="cursor: pointer;padding-left: 5px;" class="bi bi-download text-orange" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Download all photos"></span>');
$download.on('click', () => this._downloadHandler($download, element));
// This plugin only works for certain websites, so check if element is supported
if (element.website === WEBSITE_UNKNOWN) {
const $upload = $(`<div><span style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Create a basic album"></span></div>`);
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:red;font-weight: bold;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Not a supported URL, but you can still create an album. The QC\'s are not stored and you\'ll have to create a new album if you lose the link.">✖</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
return element;
const $loading = $(`<div><span class="qc-tooltip" style="cursor: wait;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Loading..."><img src="${Loading}" alt="Loading..."></span></div>`);
// Define upload object
const $upload = $(`<div><span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor: pointer;" style="cursor: wait;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Upload your QC"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Upload your QC"></span></div>`);
// If we couldn't talk to FR:Reborn, assume everything is dead and use the basic uploader.
const albumId = await this.qcClient.existingAlbumByOrderId(element);
if (albumId === '-1') {
$upload.find('span').first().html($('<span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor:help;color:red;font-weight: bold;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="FR:Reborn returned an error or could not load your album.">⚠️</span>'));
return element;
// Have you ever uploaded a QC? If so, link to that album
const $image = $upload.find('img');
if (albumId !== null && albumId !== '-1') {
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:green;font-weight: bold;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="You have uploaded a QC">✓</span>'));
$image.wrap(`<a href='${element.albumUrl}' target='_blank' data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title='Go to album'></a>`);
return element;
// Has anyone ever uploaded a QC, if not, show a red marker
const exists = await this.qcClient.exists(element.purchaseUrl);
if (!exists) {
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:red;font-weight: bold;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="No QC in database, please upload.">(!)</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
return element;
// A previous QC exists, but you haven't uploaded yours yet, show orange marker
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker qc-tooltip" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:orange;font-weight: bold;" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title="Your QC is not yet in the database, please upload.">(!)</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
return element;
* @private
* @param element {BaseTaoElement}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _uploadToImgur(element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
if (element.imageUrls.length === 0) {
Snackbar(`No pictures found for order ${element.orderId}, skipping,..`);
const $processing = $(`<span style="cursor: wait;"><img src="${Loading}" alt="Processing..."></span>`);
const $base = element.element.parents('td').first().find('div').first();
// Start the process
Snackbar(`Pictures for '${element.orderId}' are being uploaded...`);
// Temp store deleteHash
let deleteHash;
try {
// Create the album
const response = await this.imgurClient.CreateAlbum(element);
if (typeof response === 'undefined' || response == null) {
// Extract and build information needed
deleteHash = response.data.deletehash;
const albumId = response.data.id;
// Upload all QC images
const promises = [];
$.each(element.imageUrls, (key, imageUrl) => {
// Convert to base64, since Imgur cannot access our images
promises.push(toDataURL(imageUrl).then(async (data) => {
// Store our base64 and if the file is WEBP, convert it to JPG
let base64Image = data;
if (base64Image.indexOf('image/webp') !== -1) {
base64Image = await WebpToJpg(base64Image);
// Remove the unnecessary `data:` part
const cleanedData = base64Image.replace(/(data:image\/.*;base64,)/, '');
// Upload the image to the album
return this.imgurClient.AddBase64ImageToAlbum(cleanedData, deleteHash, element.purchaseUrl);
// Wait until everything has been tried to be uploaded
await Promise.all(promises);
// Set albumId in element, so we don't upload it again (when doing a pending haul upload)
element.albumId = albumId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
// Tell the user it was uploaded and open the album in the background
Snackbar('Pictures have been uploaded!', 'success');
GM_openInTab(element.albumUrl, true);
// Tell QC Suite about our uploaded QC's (if it's supported)
if (element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN) {
this.qcClient.uploadQc(element, albumId);
// Wrap the logo in a href to the new album
const $image = $base.find('img');
$image.wrap(`<a href='${element.albumUrl}' target='_blank' data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-placement="bottom" title='Go to album'></a>`);
// Remove processing
// Update the marker
const checkMarkMessage = element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN ? 'You have uploaded a QC' : 'Album has been created';
const $qcMarker = $base.find('.qc-marker:not(:first-child)').first();
$qcMarker.attr('title', checkMarkMessage)
.css('cursor', 'help')
.css('color', 'green')
// Remove the click handler
// Show it again
} catch (err) {
// Remove the created album
// Reset the button
// Show the error
Snackbar(err.message, 'error');
// If it's the slow down error, don't log it
if (err instanceof ImgurSlowdownError) {
// Log the error
* @private
* @param $download
* @param element {BaseTaoElement}
async _downloadHandler($download, element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
if (!await ConfirmDialog()) {
// Remove button so people don't do dumb shit
// Go to the QC pictures URL, grab all image sources and upload the element
await $.get(element.qcImag###rl).then(async (data) => {
if (data.indexOf('long time no operation ,please sign in again') !== -1) {
Snackbar('You are no longer logged in, reloading page....', 'warning');
Logger.info('No longer logged in, reloading page for user...');
return null;
Snackbar('Zipping images, this might take a while....', 'info');
// Create a zip file writer
const zipWriter = new zip.ZipWriter(new zip.Data64URIWriter('application/zip'));
// Download all the images and add to the zip
const promises = [];
$('<div/>').html(data).find('.card > img').each(function () {
const src = $(this).attr('src');
promises.push(new Promise((resolve) => toDataURL(src)
.then((dataURI) => zipWriter.add(src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), new zip.Data64URIReader(dataURI)))
.then(() => resolve())));
// Wait for all images to be added to the ZIP
await Promise.all(promises);
// Close the ZipWriter object and download to computer
saveAs(await zipWriter.close(), `${element.orderId}.zip`);
Snackbar(`Downloading ${element.orderId}.zip`, 'success');
return null;
}).catch((err) => {
Snackbar(`Could not get all images for order ${element.orderId}`);
Logger.error(`Could not get all images for order ${element.orderId}`, err);
* @private
* @param element {BaseTaoElement}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _uploadHandler(element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
// Go to the QC pictures URL, grab all image sources and upload the element
await $.get(element.qcImag###rl).then(async (data) => {
if (data.indexOf('long time no operation ,please sign in again') !== -1) {
Snackbar('You are no longer logged in, reloading page....', 'warning');
Logger.info('No longer logged in, reloading page for user...');
return null;
// Add all image urls to the element
$('<div/>').html(data).find('main div.container.container img').each(function () {
// Finally go and upload the order
return this._uploadToImgur(element);
}).catch((err) => {
Snackbar(`Could not get all images for order ${element.orderId}`);
Logger.error(`Could not get all images for order ${element.orderId}`, err);
* @private
* @param orderId
_getRowData(orderId) {
return (item) => Number(item.oid) === Number(orderId);
class CSSBuyElement {
constructor($element) {
this.element = $element;
// Create empty array for images
this.imageUrls = [];
// Temporary items
const parentTableEntry = $element.parentsUntil('tbody');
const itemLink = parentTableEntry.find('td.tabletd3 > a');
const splitText = parentTableEntry.find('td.tabletd3 > span:nth-child(3)').html().split('<br>');
// Order details
this.orderId = this.element.parent().attr('data-id');
// Item name
this.title = truncate(removeWhitespaces(itemLink.text()), 255);
// Purchase details
this.website = determineWebsite(itemLink.attr('href'));
this.purchaseUrl = cleanPurchaseUrl(itemLink.attr('href'), this.website);
// Item price
this.itemPrice = `CNY ${removeWhitespaces(parentTableEntry.find('td:nth-child(4) > span:nth-child(1)').text())}`;
// Freight price
this.freightPrice = `CNY ${removeWhitespaces(parentTableEntry.find('td:nth-child(5) span').text())}`;
// Item weight
const weight = removeWhitespaces(parentTableEntry.find('td:nth-child(7) span').text());
this.weight = weight.length !== 0 ? `${weight} gram` : null;
// Item sizing and color (if any)
this.color = null;
this.sizing = null;
try {
if (splitText.length === 1) {
let color = splitText[0].split(' : ')[1];
color = (typeof color !== 'undefined' && color !== '-' && color.toLowerCase() !== 'no') ? truncate(color, 255) : '';
this.color = color.length !== 0 ? color : null;
} else if (splitText.length === 2) {
let sizing = (splitText[0].split(' : ')[1]);
sizing = (typeof sizing !== 'undefined' && sizing !== '-' && sizing.toLowerCase() !== 'no') ? truncate(sizing, 255) : '';
this.sizing = sizing.length !== 0 ? sizing : null;
let color = (splitText[1].split(' : ')[1]);
color = (typeof color !== 'undefined' && color !== '-' && color.toLowerCase() !== 'no') ? truncate(color, 255) : '';
this.color = color.length !== 0 ? color : null;
} else if (splitText.length !== 0) {
this.sizing = splitText.join('\n');
} catch (e) {
Logger.info('Could not figure out sizing/color', e);
// Set at a later date, if ever
this.albumId = null;
* @return {string}
get albumUrl() {
return `https://imgur.com/a/${this.albumId}`;
/* eslint-disable no-return-await */
class OSS {
constructor() {
this.setup = false;
this.window = window.unsafeWindow;
async build() {
if (this.setup) {
return this;
// Try and build the OSS client
try {
// Grab the OSS client
const WindowOSS = await this._waitForValue('OSS');
// Build the config for the bucket
const config = {
region: await this._waitForValue('c_region'),
accessKeyId: await this._waitForValue('c_accessid'),
accessKeySecret: await this._waitForValue('c_accesskey'),
bucket: await this._waitForValue('c_bucket'),
endpoint: `https://${await this._waitForValue('c_region')}.aliyuncs.com/`,
// Log the config, for ease of use
Logger.info('OSS config build', config);
// Set up the bucket for easy use
this.window.client = new WindowOSS.Wrapper(config);
// Mark as ready
this.setup = true;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e);
return this;
* @param {string} orderId
* @return Promise<object>
async list(orderId) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('OSS is not setup, so cannot be used');
return await this.window.client.list({
'max-keys': 100,
prefix: `o/${orderId}/`,
_waitForValue(value) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Check if the element already exists
if (this.window[value]) {
const _waitForGlobal = () => {
if (this.window[value]) {
// Wait until we have it
setTimeout(() => { _waitForGlobal(value, resolve); }, 100);
// It doesn't so, so let's start waiting for it
_waitForGlobal(value, resolve);
class CSSBuy {
constructor() {
this.setup = false;
* @param hostname {string}
* @returns {boolean}
supports(hostname) {
return hostname.includes('cssbuy.com');
* @returns {string}
name() {
return 'CSSBuy';
* @param client {Promise<SwaggerClient>}
* @returns {Promise<CSSBuy>}
async build(client) {
// If already build before, just return
if (this.setup) {
return this;
// Get the username
const username = removeWhitespaces($(await $.get('/?go=m')).find('.userxinix > div:nth-child(1) > p').text());
if (typeof username === 'undefined' || username == null || username === '') {
Snackbar('You need to be logged in to use this extension.');
return this;
// Ensure we know who triggered the error
const userHash = SparkMD5.hash(username);
Sentry.setUser({ id: userHash, username });
// Build all the clients
this.imgurClient = new Imgur(GM_info.script.version, GM_config, this.name());
this.qcClient = new QC(GM_info.script.version, await client, userHash, username, this.name());
// Mark that this agent has been set up
this.setup = true;
return this;
async process() {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
// Make copy of the current this, so we can use it later
const agent = this;
// If there is nothing to process, just return here (so we don't try to build the OSS client and die)
const $elements = $(".oss-photo-view-button > a:contains('QC PIC')");
if ($elements.length === 0) {
// Build OSS client
this.ossClient = new OSS();
await this.ossClient.build();
if (this.ossClient.setup === false) {
Snackbar('Could not build the OSS client, check the console for errors.');
// Add icons to all elements
$elements.each(function () { agent._buildElement($(this)); });
* @private
* @param $this
* @return {Promise<void>}
async _buildElement($this) {
const element = new CSSBuyElement($this);
// Check if it has any images to begin with
const r###lt = await this.ossClient.list(element.orderId);
if (typeof r###lt.objects === 'undefined') {
// This plugin only works for certain websites, so check if element is supported
if (element.website === WEBSITE_UNKNOWN) {
const $upload = $(`<ul class="badge-lists"><li style="cursor: pointer"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Create a basic album" style="width: 100%"></li></ul>`);
$upload.find('li').first().after($('<li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor:help;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="Not a supported URL, but you can still create an album. The QC\'s are not stored and you\'ll have to create a new album if you lose the link.">✖</li>'));
$upload.on('click', () => { this._uploadToImgur(element); });
// Define column in which to show buttons
const $other = $this.parents('ul').first();
// Show simple loading animation
const $loading = $(`<ul class="badge-lists"><li style="cursor: wait"><img src="${Loading}" alt="Loading..." style="width: 100%"></li></ul>`);
// Define upload object
const $upload = $(`<ul class="badge-lists"><li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor: pointer"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Upload your QC"  style="width: 100%"></li></ul>`);
// If we couldn't talk to FR:Reborn, assume everything is dead and use the basic uploader.
const albumId = await this.qcClient.existingAlbumByOrderId(element);
if (albumId === '-1') {
$upload.find('li').first().after($('<li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor:help;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="FR:Reborn returned an error, but you can still create an album. The QC\'s are not stored and you\'ll have to create a new album if you lose the link.">⚠️</li>'));
$upload.on('click', () => { this._uploadToImgur(element); });
// Have you ever uploaded a QC? If so, link to that album
const $image = $upload.find('img');
if (albumId !== null && albumId !== '-1') {
$upload.find('li').first().after($('<li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor:help;color:green;font-weight: bold;" title="You have uploaded a QC">✓</li>'));
$image.wrap(`<a href='https://imgur.com/a/${albumId}' target='_blank' title='Go to album'></a>`);
// Has anyone ever uploaded a QC, if not, show a red marker
const exists = await this.qcClient.exists(element.purchaseUrl);
if (!exists) {
$upload.find('li').first().after($('<li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor:help;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="No QC in database, please upload.">(!)</li>'));
$upload.on('click', () => { this._uploadToImgur(element); });
// A previous QC exists, but you haven't uploaded yours yet, show orange marker
$upload.find('li').first().after($('<li class="btn btn-xs qc-marker" style="cursor:help;color:orange;font-weight: bold;" title="Your QC is not yet in the database, please upload.">(!)</li>'));
$upload.on('click', () => { this._uploadToImgur(element); });
* @param element {CSSBuyElement}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _uploadToImgur(element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
const $processing = $(`<ul class="badge-lists"><li style="cursor: wait"><img src="${Loading}" alt="Processing..." style="width: 100%"></li></ul>`);
const $base = element.element.parents('td').first().find('.badge-lists');
const r###lt = await this.ossClient.list(element.orderId);
if (typeof r###lt.objects === 'undefined') {
Snackbar(`No pictures found for order ${element.orderId}, skipping,..`);
r###lt.objects.forEach((item) => {
if (element.imageUrls.length === 0) {
Snackbar(`No pictures found for order ${element.orderId}, skipping,..`);
// Start the process
Snackbar(`Pictures for '${element.orderId}' are being uploaded...`);
// Temp store deleteHash
let deleteHash;
try {
// Create the album
const response = await this.imgurClient.CreateAlbum(element);
if (typeof response === 'undefined' || response == null) {
// Extract and build information needed
deleteHash = response.data.deletehash;
const albumId = response.data.id;
// Upload all QC images
const promises = [];
$.each(element.imageUrls, (key, imageUrl) => {
promises.push(this.imgurClient.AddImageToAlbum(imageUrl, deleteHash, element.purchaseUrl));
// Wait until everything has been tried to be uploaded
await Promise.all(promises);
// Set albumId in element, so we don't upload it again (when doing a pending haul upload)
element.albumId = albumId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
// Tell the user it was uploaded and open the album in the background
Snackbar('Pictures have been uploaded!', 'success');
GM_openInTab(element.albumUrl, true);
// Tell QC Suite about our uploaded QC's (if it's supported)
if (element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN) {
this.qcClient.uploadQc(element, albumId);
// Wrap the logo in a href to the new album
const $image = $base.find('img');
$image.wrap(`<a href='${element.albumUrl}' target='_blank' title='Go to album'></a>`);
// Remove processing
// Update the marker
const checkMarkMessage = element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN ? 'You have uploaded a QC' : 'Album has been created';
const $qcMarker = $base.find('.qc-marker:not(:first-child)').first();
$qcMarker.attr('title', checkMarkMessage)
.css('cursor', 'help')
.css('color', 'green')
// Remove the click handler
// Show it again
} catch (err) {
// Remove the created album
// Reset the button
// Show the error
Snackbar(err.message, 'error');
// If it's the slow down error, don't log it
if (err instanceof ImgurSlowdownError) {
// Log the error
class WeGoBuyElement {
constructor($element) {
this.element = $element;
// Order details
this.orderId = removeWhitespaces($element.find('td:nth-child(1) > p').text());
this.imageUrls = $element.find('.lookPic').map((key, value) => $(value).attr('href')).get();
// Item name
this.title = truncate(removeWhitespaces($element.find('.js-item-title').text()), 255);
// Item sizing (if any)
const sizing = removeWhitespaces($element.find('.user_orderlist_txt').text());
this.sizing = sizing.length !== 0 ? truncate(sizing, 255) : null;
// Item color (WeGoBuy doesn't support separation of color, so just null)
this.color = null;
// Item price
const itemPriceMatches = truncate(removeWhitespaces($element.parents('tbody').find('tr > td:nth-child(2)').text()), 255).match(/([A-Z]{2})\W+([.,0-9]+)/);
this.itemPrice = `${itemPriceMatches[1]} ${itemPriceMatches[2]}`;
// Freight price
const freightPriceMatches = truncate(removeWhitespaces($element.parents('tbody').find('tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(8) > p:nth-child(2)').text()), 255).match(/([A-Z]{2})\W+([.,0-9]+)/);
this.freightPrice = `${freightPriceMatches[1]} ${freightPriceMatches[2]}`;
// Item weight
this.weight = null;
// Purchase details
const possibleUrl = removeWhitespaces($element.find('.js-item-title').attr('href')).trim();
this.url = isUrl(possibleUrl) ? possibleUrl : '';
this.website = determineWebsite(this.url);
// Set at a later date, if ever
this.albumId = null;
* @return {string}
get albumUrl() {
return `https://imgur.com/a/${this.albumId}`;
* @param imageUrls {string[]}
set images(imageUrls) {
this.imageUrls = imageUrls;
* @returns {string}
get purchaseUrl() {
return cleanPurchaseUrl(this.url, this.website);
class WeGoBuy {
constructor() {
this.setup = false;
* @param hostname {string}
* @returns {boolean}
supports(hostname) {
return hostname.includes('wegobuy.com')
|| hostname.includes('superbuy.com');
* @returns {string}
name() {
return 'WeGoBuy';
* @param client {Promise<SwaggerClient>}
* @returns {Promise<WeGoBuy>}
async build(client) {
// If already build before, just return
if (this.setup) {
return this;
// Ensure the toast looks decent on SB/WGB
GM_addStyle('.swal2-popup.swal2-toast .swal2-title {font-size: 1em; font-weight: bolder}');
// Get the username
const username = (await $.get('/ajax/user-info')).data.user_name;
if (typeof username === 'undefined' || username == null || username === '') {
Snackbar('You need to be logged in to use this extension.');
return this;
// Ensure we know who triggered the error
const userHash = SparkMD5.hash(username);
Sentry.setUser({ id: userHash, username });
// Build all the clients
this.imgurClient = new Imgur(GM_info.script.version, GM_config, this.name());
this.qcClient = new QC(GM_info.script.version, await client, userHash, username, this.name());
// Mark that this agent has been setup
this.setup = true;
return this;
async process() {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
// Make copy of the current this, so we can use it later
const agent = this;
// Add icons to all elements
$('.pic-list.j_picList').each(function () {
* @private
* @param $this
* @return {Promise<void>}
async _buildElement($this) {
const element = new WeGoBuyElement($this);
// No pictures (like rehearsal orders), no QC options
if (element.imageUrls.length === 0) {
// Define column in which to download button
const $inspection = $this.find('td:nth-child(6)').first();
// Append download button if enabled
if (GM_config.get('showImagesDownloadButton')) {
const $download = $('<div style="padding:5px;"><p><span style="color: rgb(255, 140, 60);cursor: pointer;margin-top: 5px;">Download</span></p></div>');
$download.on('click', () => this._downloadHandler($download, element));
// This plugin only works for certain websites, so check if element is supported
if (element.website === WEBSITE_UNKNOWN || element.url.length === 0) {
const $upload = $(`<div style="padding:5px;"><span style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Create a basic album"></span></div>`);
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="Not a supported URL, but you can still create an album. The QC\'s are not stored and you\'ll have to create a new album if you lose the link.">✖</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
// Show simple loading animation
const $loading = $(`<div style="padding:5px;"><span style="cursor: wait;"><img src="${Loading}" alt="Loading..."></span></div>`);
// Define upload object
const $upload = $(`<div style="padding:5px;"><span class="qc-marker" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Upload your QC"></span></div>`);
// If we couldn't talk to FR:Reborn, assume everything is dead and use the basic uploader.
const albumId = await this.qcClient.existingAlbumByOrderId(element);
if (albumId === '-1') {
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="FR:Reborn returned an error, but you can still create an album. The QC\'s are not stored and you\'ll have to create a new album if you lose the link.">⚠️</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
// Have you ever uploaded a QC? If so, link to that album
const $image = $upload.find('img');
if (albumId !== null && albumId !== '-1') {
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:green;font-weight: bold;" title="You have uploaded a QC">✓</span>'));
$image.wrap(`<a href='https://imgur.com/a/${albumId}' target='_blank' title='Go to album' style="display: initial;"></a>`);
// Has anyone ever uploaded a QC, if not, show a red marker
const exists = await this.qcClient.exists(element.purchaseUrl);
if (!exists) {
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:red;font-weight: bold;" title="No QC in database, please upload.">(!)</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
// A previous QC exists, but you haven't uploaded yours yet, show orange marker
$upload.find('span').first().after($('<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:orange;font-weight: bold;" title="Your QC is not yet in the database, please upload.">(!)</span>'));
$upload.on('click', () => {
* @private
* @param $download
* @param element {WeGoBuyElement}
async _downloadHandler($download, element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
if (!await ConfirmDialog()) {
// Remove button so people don't do dumb shit
Snackbar('Zipping images, this might take a while....', 'info');
// Create a zip file writer
const zipWriter = new zip.ZipWriter(new zip.BlobWriter('application/zip'));
// Download all the images and add to the zip
const promises = [];
$.each(element.imageUrls, (key, imageUrl) => {
promises.push(toDataURL(imageUrl.replace('http://', 'https://'))
.then((dataURI) => zipWriter.add(imageUrl.substring(imageUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), new zip.Data64URIReader(dataURI))));
// Wait for all images to be added to the ZIP
await Promise.all(promises);
// Close the ZipWriter object and download to computer
saveAs(await zipWriter.close(), `${element.orderId}.zip`);
Snackbar(`Downloading ${element.orderId}.zip`, 'success');
* @param element {WeGoBuyElement}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _uploadToImgur(element) {
if (this.setup === false) {
throw new Error('Agent is not setup, so cannot be used');
const $processing = $(`<div style="padding:5px;"><span style="cursor: wait;"><img src="${Loading}" alt="Processing..."></span></div>`);
const $options = element.element.find('td:nth-child(6)').first();
const $base = $options.find('div').last();
// Start the process
Snackbar(`Pictures for '${element.orderId}' are being uploaded...`);
// Temp store deleteHash
let deleteHash;
try {
// Create the album
const response = await this.imgurClient.CreateAlbum(element);
if (typeof response === 'undefined' || response == null) {
// Extract and build information needed
deleteHash = response.data.deletehash;
const albumId = response.data.id;
// Upload all QC images
const promises = [];
$.each(element.imageUrls, (key, imageUrl) => {
promises.push(this.imgurClient.AddImageToAlbum(imageUrl, deleteHash, element.purchaseUrl));
// Wait until everything has been tried to be uploaded
await Promise.all(promises);
// Set albumId in element, so we don't upload it again (when doing a pending haul upload)
element.albumId = albumId; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
// Tell the user it was uploaded and open the album in the background
Snackbar('Pictures have been uploaded!', 'success');
GM_openInTab(element.albumUrl, true);
// Tell QC Suite about our uploaded QC's (if it's supported)
if (element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN) {
this.qcClient.uploadQc(element, albumId);
// Remove processing
// Add new buttons
const checkMarkMessage = element.website !== WEBSITE_UNKNOWN ? 'You have uploaded a QC' : 'Album has been created';
$options.append($('<div style="padding:5px;">'
+ `<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:pointer;"><a href='${element.albumUrl}' target='_blank' title='Go to album' style="display: initial;"><img src="${ImgurIcon}" alt="Go to album"></a></span>`
+ `<span class="qc-marker" style="cursor:help;margin-left:5px;color:green;font-weight: bold;" title="${checkMarkMessage}">✓</span>`
+ '</div>'));
// Remove the click handler
// Show it again
} catch (err) {
// Remove the created album
// Reset the button
// Show the error
Snackbar(err.message, 'error');
// If it's the slow down error, don't log it
if (err instanceof ImgurSlowdownError) {
// Log the error
* @param hostname {string}
* @returns {BaseTao|CSSBuy|WeGoBuy|null}
function getAgent(hostname) {
const agents = [new BaseTao(), new CSSBuy(), new WeGoBuy()];
let agent = null;
Object.values(agents).forEach((value) => {
if (agent == null && value.supports(hostname)) {
agent = value;
return agent;
// Inject snackbar css style
// Setup proper settings menu
GM_config.init('Settings', {
serverSection: {
label: 'QC Server settings',
type: 'section',
swaggerDocUrl: {
label: 'Swagger documentation URL',
type: 'text',
default: 'https://www.fashionreps.page/api/doc.json',
generalSection: {
label: 'General options',
type: 'section',
showImagesDownloadButton: {
label: 'Show the images download button/text',
type: 'checkbox',
default: 'true',
uploadSection: {
label: 'Upload API Options',
type: 'section',
imgurApi: {
label: 'Select your Imgur API',
type: 'radio',
default: 'imgur',
options: {
imgur: 'Imgur API (Free)',
rapidApi: 'RapidAPI (Freemium)',
imgurSection: {
label: 'Imgur Options',
type: 'section',
imgurApiHost: {
label: 'Imgur host',
type: 'text',
default: 'api.imgur.com',
imgurClientId: {
label: 'Imgur Client-ID',
type: 'text',
default: 'e4e18b5ab582b4c',
rapidApiSection: {
label: 'RadidAPI Options',
type: 'section',
rapidApiHost: {
label: 'RapidAPI host',
type: 'text',
default: 'imgur-apiv3.p.rapidapi.com',
rapidApiKey: {
label: 'RapidAPI key (only needed if RapidApi select above)',
type: 'text',
default: '',
rapidApiBearer: {
label: 'RapidAPI access token (only needed if RapidApi select above)',
type: 'text',
default: '',
// Reload page if config changed
GM_config.onclose = (saveFlag) => {
if (saveFlag) {
// Register menu within GM
GM_registerMenuCommand('Settings', GM_config.open);
// Setup Sentry for proper error logging, which will make my lives 20x easier, use XHR since fetch dies.
dsn: 'https://[email protected]/5802425',
tunnel: 'https://www.fashionreps.page/sentry/tunnel',
transport: Sentry.Transports.XHRTransport,
release: GM_info.script.version,
defaultIntegrations: false,
integrations: [
new Sentry.Integrations.InboundFilters(),
new Sentry.Integrations.FunctionToString(),
new Sentry.Integrations.LinkedErrors(),
new Sentry.Integrations.UserAgent(),
environment: 'production',
normalizeDepth: 5,
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
(async function () {
// Setup the logger.
// Log the start of the script.
Logger.info(`Starting extension '${GM_info.script.name}', version ${GM_info.script.version}`);
// Get the proper agent, if any
const agent = getAgent(window.location.hostname);
if (agent === null) {
Sentry.captureMessage(`Unsupported website ${window.location.hostname}`);
Logger.error('Unsupported website');
Logger.info(`Agent '${agent.name()}' detected`);
// Finally, try to build the proper agent and process the page
try {
await agent.build(new SwaggerClient({ url: GM_config.get('swaggerDocUrl') }));
await agent.process();
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.includes('Failed to fetch') || error.message.includes('attempting to fetch resource')) {
Snackbar('We are unable to connect to FR:Reborn, features will be disabled.');
Logger.error(`We are unable to connect to FR:Reborn: ${GM_config.get('swaggerDocUrl')}`, error);
Snackbar(`An unknown issue has occurred when trying to setup the agent extension: ${error.message}`);
Logger.error('An unknown issue has occurred', error);