open all links in new tab
// ==UserScript== // @name all links in new tab // @namespace // @version 0.04 // @description open all links in new tab // @author x94fujo6 // @match *://*/* // @grant GM_openInTab // @run-at document-body // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 9 */ (function () { 'use strict'; const /** * active: decides whether the new tab should be focused, (是否在新分頁打開後跳到該分頁) * insert: that inserts the new tab after the current one, (是否將新分頁排在目前分頁後面) * setParent: makes the browser re-focus the current tab on close (是否在該分頁關閉時回到目前分頁) * incognito: makes the tab being opened inside a incognito mode/private mode window. (是否在隱密模式下打開分頁) */ newTabConfig = { active: false, insert: false, setParent: false, incognito: false, }, linkReg = /^(https|http):\/\/.+/, log = (...any) => console.log(`%c[open all link in new tab]%c`, "color:OrangeRed;", "", ...any), asyncTimeout = (fun, time) => { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { fun(); resolve(); }, time); }); }, setOnclick = () => { let links = document.querySelectorAll("[href]"); if (links) { links.forEach(link => { if (!link.href.match(linkReg)) { log(`this is not a http/https link, skip`, link); return; } if (link.getAttribute("setNewTab") == "true") { log(`this link has been set, skip`, link); return; } link.onclick = function (event) { GM_openInTab(link.href, newTabConfig); event.preventDefault(); }; link.setAttribute("setNewTab", true); }); return true; } else { setTimeout(setOnclick, 500); return false; } }, setQueue = async (max = 3) => { let done = false; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { await asyncTimeout(() => done = setOnclick(), 1000 * i); if (!done) continue; log("all links are set"); break; } }, ob = new MutationObserver(setQueue); //-------------------------------- log("script start"); setQueue(); ob.observe(document.body, { childList: true, }); })();