Automatically Full HD Video Quality (Paid Member) and Disable Auto Playing when the page is randomly reloaded
// ==UserScript== // @name Enhanced Video Playing Experience for // @version 1.5 // @description Automatically Full HD Video Quality (Paid Member) and Disable Auto Playing when the page is randomly reloaded // @match*/vod/* // @icon // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant window.onurlchange // @namespace // ==/UserScript== (function $$() { 'use strict'; if (!document || !document.documentElement) return window.requestAnimationFrame($$); const uWin = window.unsafeWindow || window; if ([document.hidden, window.requestAnimationFrame, Object.defineProperty, window.performance].some(x => x === undefined)) throw 'Your browser is too outdated.'; var navStart = performance.timeOrigin || performance.timing.navigationStart || null; if (navStart === null) throw 'Your browser is too outdated.'; navStart = Math.ceil(navStart); var lastPlayingStatus = null; var settings = {} var falseReloaded = false; var lastUserClickAt = 0; var lastUserClickStatus = 0; var forceQuality = "1080"; const __jver__ = "20210617b"; const isPassiveOptionEnable = window.queueMicrotask?true:false; //here just a simple trick for checking browser is modern or not function isVideoPlaying(video){ return video.currentTime > 0 && !video.paused && !video.ended && video.readyState > video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA; } function pageInit() { var _userPaused = null; Object.defineProperty(settings, 'userPaused', { get() { return _userPaused; }, set(nv) { _userPaused = nv; console.log('[viu] userPaused: ', _userPaused); } }) function doSomething(obj) { //for viu page auto reload ( it is confirmed that the page could randomly reload) if (!obj) return; let { version, datetime, pageVisible, withVideo, userPaused } = obj; if (version != __jver__) return; const isReload = (t) => (t > 0 && t - 2 < navStart && t + 480 > navStart); // max 155ms => 155*3=465 => 480ms if (isReload(datetime) && withVideo) { console.log('[viu] reloaded page', obj) if (userPaused || !pageVisible) settings.userPaused = true; } console.log('[viu] reload time diff: ' + (navStart - datetime) + ' => ' + isReload(datetime)) } var _saveObj = localStorage.__zvpp_unload1__; if (typeof _saveObj == 'string' && _saveObj.length > 0) { var _jObj = null; try { _jObj = JSON.parse(_saveObj); } catch (e) {} if (_jObj) { doSomething(_jObj); } } delete localStorage.__viu_js_fewunaznqjrx__ delete localStorage.__viu_js_fewunaznqjr2__ delete localStorage.__viu_js_fewunaznqjra__ delete localStorage.__zvpp_unload1__ if (localStorage.__zvpp_ver__ !== __jver__) { for (var k in localStorage) { if (k.indexOf('__zvpp_') === 0) localStorage.removeItem(k) } localStorage.__zvpp_ver__ = __jver__ } } function getVideoFromEvent(evt) { return (evt && && == 'VIDEO') ? : null; } function hasOffsetParent(v) { return v && v.offsetParent !== null && v.offsetParent.nodeType === 1; //is DOM valid on the page } function noAutoStart(evt) { const video = getVideoFromEvent(evt); if (video) { if (lastUserClickStatus===2) { //do nothing for user click } else if (settings.userPaused === true) { video.autoplay = false; video.pause(); } else { if (lastPlayingStatus === true && document.hidden === true) {} else if (document.hidden === true) { video.autoplay = false; video.pause(); } } } } const delayCall = function(p, f, d) { if (delayCall[p] > 0) clearTimeout(delayCall[p]) delayCall[p] = setTimeout(f, d) } function loader(detection) { return function() { let oldHref = document.location.href, bodyDOM = document.querySelector("body"); const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { if (oldHref != document.location.href) { oldHref = document.location.href; detection(); window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { let tmp = document.querySelector("body"); if (tmp != bodyDOM) { bodyDOM = tmp; observer.observe(bodyDOM, config); } }) } }); const config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(bodyDOM, config); } } const anyRecentClick=()=>lastUserClickAt + 5000 > +new Date; function pageEnableAutoQualityAtStart() { //default 1080p var cid = 0; var mDate = 0; const TIMEOUT = 8000; // just in case DOM is not found var gn = function(evt) { const video = getVideoFromEvent(evt); if (!video) return; delayCall('$$video_init', function() { if (video.hasAttribute('_viu_js_hooked')) return; video.setAttribute('_viu_js_hooked', '') video.addEventListener('playing', function(evt) { const video = getVideoFromEvent(evt); if (!video) return; delayCall('$$video_playing_switch', function() { if (video.paused === false && hasOffsetParent(video)) { if (document.hidden !== true && settings.userPaused === true) settings.userPaused = false; } }, 300); }, true) video.addEventListener('pause', function(evt) { const video = getVideoFromEvent(evt); if (!video) return; delayCall('$$video_playing_switch', function() { if (video.paused === true && hasOffsetParent(video)) { if (document.hidden !== true && (settings.userPaused === null || settings.userPaused === false)) settings.userPaused = true; } }, 300); }, true) }, 800); //call when the first video event fires if(lastUserClickStatus===1 && lastUserClickAt+5000 > +new Date){ //url change: 2598 1443 1542 1975 //without url change : 561 console.log(`[viu] click and video status change ${+new Date -lastUserClickAt}`) //user perform action and video status changed lastUserClickStatus=2; } if(lastUserClickStatus!=2){ // clear lastUserClickStatus delayCall('$$user_click_action_w38',function(){ if(lastUserClickStatus!==2) lastUserClickStatus=0; },300) }else{ // extend duration of status 2 for 800ms delayCall('$$user_click_action_w38',function(){ if(lastUserClickStatus===2) lastUserClickStatus=0; },800) } //disable autostart noAutoStart(evt); mDate = +new Date + TIMEOUT; var jn = function(btn1080) { //button is found const bool = btn1080.matches(':not([aria-disabled=""]):not([aria-disabled="true"]):not([aria-checked="true"]):not([aria-checked=""])'); console.log('resolution button found'); if (bool) { Promise.resolve() .then(()=>new Promise(r=>{ const tf = function(){ let bool = document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="resolution_"]').length>=2 && document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="resolution_"].vjs-selected').length===1 if(!bool)return setTimeout(tf,30); let video = document.querySelector('video[id*="-video-viu-player"][src]') if(!video)return setTimeout(tf,30); const bReady = video.currentTime>0 && !video.ended && video.readyState>video.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA; if(!bReady)return setTimeout(tf,30); console.log('video ready'); r(); } tf(); })) .then(()=>{ let btn=document.querySelector('button#resolution_list.bmpui-ui-qualitysettingstogglebutton[aria-pressed]'); if(btn){ btn.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseenter')) btn.className.replace(/\b(bmpui-off)\b/,'bmpui-on'); btn.setAttribute('aria-pressed','true'); } btn1080.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseenter')) }) .then(()=>new Promise((resolve)=>setTimeout(resolve,8))) .then(()=> .then(()=>new Promise((resolve)=>setTimeout(resolve,20))) .then(()=>{ btn1080.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseleave')) let btn=document.querySelector('button#resolution_list.bmpui-ui-qualitysettingstogglebutton[aria-pressed]'); if(btn){ btn.dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseleave')) btn.className.replace(/\b(bmpui-on)\b/,'bmpui-off'); btn.setAttribute('aria-pressed','false'); } }) .then(()=>new Promise((resolve)=>setTimeout(resolve,8))) .then(()=>{ let pElm=btn1080; let menuUI=null; while(pElm && pElm.parentNode){ let checkClsName=pElm.className.replace(/\b(bmpui-ui-settings-panel|customize-video-option-panel)\b/gi,'@@'); checkClsName=checkClsName.replace(/\b[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\b/gi,'').replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim(); if(checkClsName=='@@ @@'){ menuUI=pElm; break; } pElm=pElm.parentNode; } if(menuUI){ if(!/\b(bmpui-hidden)\b/.test(menuUI.className)) menuUI.className=menuUI.className.trim()+' bmpui-hidden'; } }) .catch((e)=>0) } } var zn = function() { //query when the video is loading/loaded/ready... if (cid > 0 && mDate < +new Date) { cid = clearInterval(cid); return; } var btn1080 = document.querySelector(`button[id^="resolution_${forceQuality}"]`) //var btn1080 = document.querySelector(`.vjs-menu-item[data-r="${forceQuality}"]`); if (!btn1080) return; if (cid > 0) cid = clearInterval(cid); if (btn1080.matches('[__userscript_viu_loaded]')) return true; btn1080.setAttribute('__userscript_viu_loaded', 'true'); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => jn(btn1080)); // prevent too fast } if (cid > 0) cid = clearInterval(cid); if (!zn()) cid = setInterval(zn, 33); } document.addEventListener('loadstart', gn, true) document.addEventListener('durationchange', gn, true) document.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', gn, true) document.addEventListener('loadeddata', gn, true) //document.addEventListener('progress', gn, true) document.addEventListener('canplay', gn, true) //document.addEventListener('canplaythrough', gn, true) document.addEventListener('playing',function(evt){ if(!evt||!||!="VIDEO")return; let video =; requestAnimationFrame(()=>{ if(!isVideoPlaying(video)) return; let unmuteBtn = document.querySelector('button.bmpui-unmute-button.unmute-button.bmpui-muted'); if(video.muted && unmuteBtn); }) },true) } const detection1 = function() { console.log('[viu] reloaded url - detection #1') } const detection2 = function() { console.log('[viu] reloaded url - detection #2') } const detection3 = function(info) { console.log('[viu] reloaded url - detection #3', info) } function handleBeforeUnload(event) { //core event handler for detection of false reloading console.log('[viu] reloaded url - detection #4') const video = document.querySelector('video#viu-player_html5_api') || document.querySelector('video'); var saveObj = {}; saveObj.version = __jver__; saveObj.datetime = +new Date(); saveObj.pageVisible = !(document.hidden === true); saveObj.withVideo = (video && video.nodeName == "VIDEO") saveObj.userPaused = (settings.userPaused === true); localStorage.__zvpp_unload1__ = JSON.stringify(saveObj); navStart = (+new Date) - 1; // Cancel the event //event.preventDefault(); //return (event.returnValue = ""); // Legacy method for cross browser support } function handleVisibilityChange() { //enable if document.hidden exists const video = document.querySelector('video#viu-player_html5_api') || document.querySelector('video'); // just in case if (!video) lastPlayingStatus = null; if (document.hidden === false) { console.log('[viu] page show') } else if (document.hidden === true) { console.log('[viu] page hide') if (video) lastPlayingStatus = !video.paused } else { lastPlayingStatus = null; } } function isMenuBtn(evt) { return evt && && === 1 && ( || "").indexOf('vjs-menu-item') === 0; } function setQualityAfterClick() { delayCall('$$change_video_quality', function() { let selectedQuality=-1 let elm = document.querySelector('button[id^="resolution_"].vjs-selected'); if(!elm)return; let regexp=/\d+/.exec(; if(regexp){ selectedQuality = regexp[0]; } //let attr = document.querySelector('.vjs-menu-item.vjs-selected[data-r]').getAttribute('data-r'); if (+selectedQuality > 0) { forceQuality = (+selectedQuality).toString(); console.log(`[viu] video quality set at ${selectedQuality}`) } }, 300) } pageInit(); pageEnableAutoQualityAtStart(); if (window.onurlchange === null) window.addEventListener('urlchange', detection3, true); // feature is supported window.addEventListener("load", loader(detection1), true); uWin.addEventListener("load", loader(detection2), true); uWin.addEventListener("beforeunload", handleBeforeUnload, true); if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", handleVisibilityChange, true); function handleMouseDown(evt) { lastUserClickAt = +new Date; lastUserClickStatus =1; delayCall('$$user_click_action_w38',function(){ if(lastUserClickStatus===1) lastUserClickStatus=0; },5000) if (isMenuBtn(evt)) setQualityAfterClick(); } document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown, isPassiveOptionEnable?{ passive: true, capture: true }:true) function onReady(){ setTimeout(function(){ for(const s of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"][href*=".css"]')){ if(!s.hasAttribute('type')) s.setAttribute('type','text/css'); if(!s.hasAttribute('charset')) s.setAttribute('charset','utf-8'); } },40); } if (document.readyState != 'loading') { onReady(); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onReady, false); } // Your code here... })(unsafeWindow || window);