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Alt+Insert to Render Less

Allows users to use the key combination Alt+Insert to disable less essential rendering.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Alt+Insert to Render Less
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0
// @description  Allows users to use the key combination Alt+Insert to disable less essential rendering.
// @author       MTP3
// @match        *://manyland.com/*
// @icon         http://manyland.com/favicon.ico
// ==/UserScript==
function main() {
entityTypesToMessWith = [
"EntityDecoanim", "EntityDecotch", "EntityFurry", "EntityDecobig", "EntityDecovbig",
"EntityDynathing", "EntityFarback", "EntityDeadPlayer",
"EntityDust", "EntityRemovedust", "EntityFootdust", "EntityJumpdust",
"EntityVignette", "EntityLiquidDrop", "EntitySparkle", "EntitySpot",
"EntityBigDust", "EntityBackgroundBlock", "EntityCrumbleBlock"
renderingStuff = true;
tmpfuncs = {};
ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.ALT, "alt");
document.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
if (ig.input.state("alt") && e.key == "Insert")
if (renderingStuff)
for (let [_, typename] of Object.entries(entityTypesToMessWith))
tmpfuncs[typename] = unsafeWindow[typename].prototype.draw;
unsafeWindow[typename].prototype.draw = () => {};
for (let [_, typename] of Object.entries(entityTypesToMessWith))
unsafeWindow[typename].prototype.draw = tmpfuncs[typename];
renderingStuff = !renderingStuff;
(() => {
interval = setInterval(() => {
if (ig === undefined) return;
if (ig.input === undefined) return;
}, 50);